18 January 2007 |
1. Opening of the 101st session |
A. Sissakian |
2. Implementation of the recommendations of the Scientific Council's 99th and 100th sessions. Main directions of JINR's strategic development |
A. Sissakian (PPT 132,9 Mb) |
3. Appointment of the Editing Board for drafting the Council Resolution |
4. Appointment of the Expert Committee for elections of Directors of JINR Laboratories |
5. Reports by Directors of JINR Laboratories and UC on the results of activity in 2006:
- Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics
- Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems
- Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions
- Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics
- Laboratory of Information Technologies
- Veksler and Baldin Laboratory of High Energies
- Laboratory of Particle Physics
- Laboratory of Radiation Biology
- University Centre
V. Voronov (PPT 14,5 Mb)
À. Îlchevski (PPT 18,5 Mb)
Ì. Itkis (PPT 21,1 Mb)
À. Belushkin (PPT 19,8 Mb)
V. Ivanov (PPT 48,1 Mb)
À. Ìalakhov (PPT 85.5 Mb)
V. Êeêålidze (PPT 18,5 Mb)
Å. Êrasavin (PPT 23,5 Mb)
D. Fursaev (PPT 2,6 Mb)
19 January 2007 |
6. "JINR Topical Plan for 2007" in line with the provisions of the road map |
Ì. Itkis, (PPT 22 Mb)
 (PPT 8,1 Mb)
7. Recommendations of the Programme Advisory Committees:
- PAC for Particle Physics
- PAC for Nuclear Physics
- PAC for Condensed Matter Physics
Ò. Hallman (PPT 9,6 Mb)
N. Janeva (PPT 3,4 Mb)
W. Nawrocik (PPT 872 kb) |
8. Memberships of the PACs |
Ì. Itkis |
9. General discussion |
10. Jury's recommendations on the JINR prizes for 2006 |
 (PPT 34,3 kb) |
11. Awarding of the B. Pontecorvo Prize.
Scientific presentation by the laureate of the Prize |
À. Sissakian
A. Suzuki (PPT 12,3 Mb) |
12. Elections of Directors of JINR Laboratories:
- Information of the JINR Directorate
- Recommendations of the Expert Committee
- Presentations by the candidates for the positions of Directors
- Elections
13. Adoption of the Council Resolution |