27 September 2007 |
1. Opening of the 102nd session |
A. Sissakian |
2. Implementation of the recommendations of the Scientific Council's 101st session. Main directions of JINR's strategic development |
A. Sissakian (PPT 50,4 Mb) |
3. Appointment of the Editing Board for drafting
the Council Resolution
I. Wilhelm |
4. Appointment of the Expert Committee for elections of Deputy Directors of JINR Laboratories |
5. Awarding of the title "Honorary Doctor of JINR" |
A. Sissakian |
6. Plans for execution of the primary tasks of JINR in accordance
with its road map:
- Plan for the JINR future activities in particle physics and relativistic nuclear physics, including at the LHC, FAIR,
the Nuclotron and NICA
 (PPT 9,1 Mb) |
- Plan for the JINR future activities in nuclear physics
and condensed matter physics
M. Itkis (PPT 2,1 Mb) |
7. Progress reports on current activities:
- Modernization of the IBR reactor
À. Belushkin (PPT 43,4 Mb) |
- Construction of Phase I of the IREN facility
V. Shvetsov (PPT 3,5 Mb) |
- Activity for the DRIBs project
S. Dmitriev (PPT 5,6 Mb) |
- Preparation of the JINR computing infrastructure by the time
of LHC start-up
V. Ivanov (PPT 20,5 Mb) |
- Ongoing developments at JINR related to the ILC
G. Shirkov (PPT 7,3 Mb) |
- Preparation of the Technical Design Report for the modernization of the Nuclotron and planned activities for the NICA project
V. Êeêålidze, A. Sorin
(PPT 5,7 Mb)
- Activity of the JINR University Centre
D. Fursaev (PPT 17,5 Mb) |
8. Recommendations of the Programme Advisory Committees:
- PAC for Particle Physics
Ò. Hallman (PPT 17,5 Mb) |
- PAC for Nuclear Physics
W. Greiner (PPT 134 kb) |
- PAC for Condensed Matter Physics
W. Nawrocik (PPT 61 kb) |
28 September 2007 |
9. Presentation of the Diploma "Honorary Doctor of JINR" to Professor M. Gell-Mann
A. Sissakian |
10. Elections of Deputy Directors of BLTP, FLNP, and FLNR:
- Recommendations of the Expert Committee
- Presentations by the Directors of the Laboratories
- Elections
11. Scientific report "Physics programme of the JINR group in the BES-III experiment"
A. Zhemchugov (PDF 1,2 Mb) |
Scientific report "Latest experimental results at the Tevatron, and the FNAL-JINR cooperation"
E. Kajfasz (PPT 22,0 Mb) |
13. General discussion
14. Scientific report "Commissioning of VEPP-2000 collider at the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics and the research programme"
Yu. Shatunov (PPT 26,3 Mb) |
15. Presentation of diplomas to the winners of JINR prizes for 2006
M. Itkis
N. Russakovich |
16. Adoption of the Council Resolution