21 February 2008 |
1. Opening of the 103rd session |
A. Sissakian |
2. Implementation of the recommendations
of the Scientific Council's 102nd session. Major results of JINR's activity in 2007
A. Sissakian (PPT 122,8 Mb) |
3. Appointment of the Editing Board for drafting the Council Resolution |
I. Wilhelm |
4. Appointment of the Expert Committee
for the elections of the Director of LIT and of a Deputy Director of BLTP
5. Operation and development of the JINR basic facilities:
- Operation of the facilities in 2007
- Status of modernization of the IBR-2 reactor
- Development of the neutron spectrometer complex
for the IBR-2M reactor
- Development of the FLNR cyclotron complex
- IREN: status and schedule
- Nuclotron-M project
- Activity for the NICA/MPD project
- Discussion of Item 5 issues
G. Shirkov (PPT 6,2 Mb)
A. Vinogradov (PPT 182 Mb)
A. Balagurov (PPT 6,3 Mb)
G. Gulbekian (PPT 3,3 Mb)
V. Shvetsov (PPT 5,3 Mb)
G. Trubnikov (PPT 6,5 Mb)
V. Êeêålidze (PPT 8,4 Mb)
6. Preparation of the JINR-CERN partnership programme for the next five years |
N. Russakovich (PPT 94 kb) |
22 February 2008 |
7. Plans for JINR's participation in the FAIR project
- Accelerator technology
- Spectrometers and physics issues |
A. Kovalenko (PPT 3,4 Mb)
A. Olchevski (PPT 6,3 Mb) |
8. Recommendations of the Programme Advisory Committees:
- PAC for Particle Physics
- PAC for Nuclear Physics
- PAC for Condensed Matter Physics |
J. Nassalski (PPT 48 kb)
W. Greiner (PPT 3,4 Mb)
W. Nawrocik (PPT 122 kb) |
9. Memberships of the PACs |
Ì. Itkis (PPT 49 kb) |
10. Reports by Directors of JINR Laboratories and University Centre on the results of activity in 2007
(in written form)
11. General discussion
12. Jury's recommendations on the JINR prizes for 2007 |
 (PDF 91,45 kb) |
13. Proposal for awarding the title "Honorary Doctor of JINR".
Announcement of the laureate of the 2007 B. Pontecorvo Prize. |
À. Sissakian
14. Elections of the Director of LIT and of a Deputy Director of BLTP:
- Information by the JINR Directorate
- Recommendations of the Expert Committee
- Presentation by the Director of BLTP
- Presentations by the candidates
- Elections |
15. Announcement of the vacancy of the position
of the Director of DLNP
A. Sissakian |
16. Adoption of the Council Resolution |