25 September 2008 |
1. Opening of the session |
A. Sissakian |
2. Implementation of the recommendations of the Scientific Council’s 103rd session. Preparation of a Seven-Year Plan for the Development of JINR (2010–2016) |
A. Sissakian (PPT 93,7 Mb) |
3. Appointment of the Editing Board for drafting the Council Resolution |
I. Wilhelm |
4. Appointment of the Expert Committee for the election of the Director of the Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems (DLNP) |
5. Presentation of the diploma “Honorary Doctor of JINR”
to Professor N. Kroo. Directorate’s proposal for the award of the title “Honorary Doctor of JINR” |
A. Sissakian |
6. Progress towards realization of the primary tasks of JINR
in accordance with its road map:
- in the field of particle physics and relativistic nuclear physics; readiness of the JINR teams for LHC experiments
- in the field of nuclear physics and condensed matter physics
 (PPT 8,8 Mb)
M. Itkis (PPT 23,4 Mb)
7. Election of the DLNP Director |
8. Announcement of the vacancies in the directorates
of JINR Laboratories |
A. Sissakian |
9. Progress reports on current activities:
- Status of modernization of the IBR-2 reactor
- Construction of Phase I of the IREN facility
- Activity for the DRIBs project
- Progress towards realization of the Nuclotron-M project
- Activity for the NICA/MPD project
A. Belushkin (PPT 38,9 Mb)
V. Shvetsov (PPT 70,3 Mb)
S. Dmitriev (PPT 1,49 Mb)
G. Trubnikov (PPT 4,0 Mb)
V. Kekelidze (PPT 5,7 Mb)
26 September 2008 |
10. Progress reports on current activities (continued):
- Educational Programme of JINR |
D. Fursaev (PPT 3,4 Mb) |
11. Recommendations of the Programme Advisory Committees:
- PAC for Particle Physics
- PAC for Nuclear Physics
- PAC for Condensed Matter Physics |
J. Nassalski
(PPT 2,8 Mb)
W. Greiner (PPT 4,3 Mb)
W. Nawrocik
(PPT 55,0 kb) |
12. Memberships of the PACs and rotation of members in the PACs |
Ì. Itkis (PPT 55 kb) |
13. Scientific report “Precise UCN Spectroscopy with Fabry – Perot Interferometers” |
A. Frank (PPT 18,1Mb) |
14. General discussion
15. Presentation of diplomas to the winners of JINR prizes for 2007 |
M. Itkis |
16. Adoption of the Council Resolution |