19 February 2009 |
1. Opening of the session |
A. Sissakian |
2. Implementation of the recommendations of the Scientific Council’s 104th session, plans for the year 2009, and on the JINR mid-term development strategy in line with the road map |
À. Sissakian (PPT 66,4 Mb) |
3. Appointment of the Editing Board for drafting the Council Resolution |
4. Appointment of the Expert Committee for the elections of Deputy Directors of DLNP, LIT, and FLNP |
5. Directorate’s proposal for the award of the title
“Honorary Doctor of JINR” |
A. Sissakian |
6. Preparation of the seven-year plan for the development of JINR
for 2010–2016:
- in the field of particle physics
- in the field of nuclear physics and condensed matter physics
- in the field of the development of the engineering infrastructure
 (PPT 20,5 Mb)
M. Itkis (PPT 9,52 Mb)
G. Shirkov (PPT 494 kb)
7. Election of the executive co-chairman of the JINR Scientific Council |
8. Elections of Deputy Directors of DLNP, LIT, and FLNP |
9. 9. Awarding of the 2008 B. Pontecorvo Prize.
Scientific presentation by the laureate of the Prize |
A. Sissakian
V. Rubakov (PDF 1,71 Mb)
10. Progress report on the preparation of the NICA/MPD project |
V. Kekelidze (PPT 27,2 Mb)
11. Discussion of the agenda items 2, 6, 10 and of the written reports presented by Directors of the JINR Laboratories |
20 February 2009 |
12. Recommendations of the Programme Advisory Committees:
- PAC for Particle Physics
- PAC for Nuclear Physics
- PAC for Condensed Matter Physics |
J. Nassalski (PPT 574 kb)
W. Greiner (PPT 8,12 Mb)
V. Kantser (PPT 27,2 Mb)
13. Scientific report “Broken Symmetries in Quantum Physics”
(to the centenary of the birth of N. Bogoliubov)
D. Shirkov (PDF 557 kb) |
14. Jury’s recommendations on the JINR prizes for 2008 |
 (PPT 59 kb) |
15. General discussion (restricted session) |
16. Visit to the IREN facility and LIT |
M. Itkis |
17 Adoption of the Council Resolution |