I N F O R M A T I O N A B O U T C O N F E R E N C E S , W O R K S H O P S A N D S E M I N A R S
Schedule of JINR Meetings for 2013 (full list): Eng / Rus
2013 Conferences, Workshops and Seminars (with links to sites)
International Workshop
- "40 years IN2P3-JINR collaboration anniversary"
- Dubna, Russia, January 14 - 15
The XXth
International Conference
- "Mathematics. Computer. Education" (MCE-2013)
- Pushchino, Russia, January 28 - February 2
Winter School on Theoretical Physics / DIAS-TH.
- Nanostructures and Nano-scale Phenomena
- Dubna, Russia, January 28 - February 3
17th Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists (AYSS'13)
- Devoted to the centenary of Venedict Dzhelepov
- Dubna, Russia, April 08 - 12
XVIIth Research Workshop
- "Nucleation Theory and Applications"
- Dubna, Russia, April 1 - 30
9th Iternational Workshop
- "Application of Lasers and Storage Devices in Atomic Nuclei Research" (LASER 2013)
- Poznań, Poland, May 13 - 16
3rd Research Coordinated Meeting (RCM-3) Related to the IAEA CRP
- "Development, Characterization and Testing of Materials of Relevance to Nuclear
Energy Sector Using Neutron Beams"
- Dubna, Russia, May 13 - 17
21st International Seminar on Interaction of Neutrons with Nuclei
- "Fundamental Interactions & Neutrons, Nuclear Structure, Ultracold Neutrons, Related Topics"
- Alushta, Ukraine, May 20 - 25
- The 16th International Workshop on Computer Algebra
- Dubna, Russia, May 22 - 23
European School of High-Energy Physics
- Paradfurdo, Hungary, June 5 - 18
The XXIth International Colloquium
- "Integrable Systems and Quantum symmetries" (ISQS-21)
- Prague, Czech Republic, June 12 - 16
Advanced Study Institute
- "Symmetries and Spin"
- Prague, Czech Republic, July 7 - 13
The International Conference
- "Mathematical Modeling and Computational Physics" (MMCP 2013)
- Dubna, Russia, July 8 - 12
The 7th APCTP-BLTP JINR Joint Workshop
- "Modern problems in nuclear and elementary particle physics"
- Bolshye Koty, Irkutsk region, Russia, July 14 - 20
Helmholtz International Summer School
- "Physics of Heavy Quarks and Hadrons"
- Dubna, Russia, July 15 - 28
International Workshop
- "Supersymmetries and Quantum Symmetries" (SQS'2013)
- Dubna, Russia, July 29 - August 3
Helmholtz International Summer School
- "Cosmology, Strings and New Physics"
- Dubna, Russia, September 2 - 14
XXIV International Symposium
- "Nuclear Electronics & Computing" (NEC-2013)
- Varna, Bulgaria, September 9 - 16
XVth International Workshop on
- "High Energy Spin Physics" (DSPIN2013)
- Dubna, Russia, October 8 - 12, 2013
XVth All-Russian Scientific Conferences
- "Digital Libraries: Advanced Methods and Technologies, Digital Collections" (RCDL'2013)
- Yaroslavl, October 14 - 17, 2013
The 1st African Symposium on Exotic Nuclei (IASEN-2013)
- Cape Town, RSA, December 2 - 6, 2013
Archive of JINR Conferences (2012)
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