I N F O R M A T I O N A B O U T C O N F E R E N C E S , W O R K S H O P S A N D S E M I N A R S
Schedule of JINR Meetings for 2019 (full list): Eng / Rus
2019 Conferences, Workshops and Seminars (with links to sites)
- XVth Winter School on Theoretical Physics
- “Complex Systems and Advanced Materials ”
- Dubna, Russia, January 28 - February 1, 2019
- XXVIth International Conference
- “Mathematics. Computing. Education” (MCE-2019)
- Pushchino, Russia, January 28 - February 2, 2019
- 125th session of the JINR Scientific Council
- ICH, Dubna, February 21 - 22, 2019
- International Workshops
- “Infinite and finite nuclear matter” (INFINUM)
- Dubna, Russia, March 20 - 22, 2019
16th Baksan School on Astroparticle Physics
- Baksan Valley, Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia, April 10 - 18, 2019
- The XXIII International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists (AYSS-2019)
- Dubna, Russia, April 15-19, 2019
- 21st International Workshop on Computer Algebra
- Dubna, Russia, May 23 - 24, 2019
- XIV International Workshop on Particle Correlations and Femtoscopy (WPCF2019),
- dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the M.I. Podgoretsky's birth
- Dubna, Russia, June 2 - 8, 2019
- 27th International Seminar on Interaction of Neutrons with Nuclei:
- “Fundamental Interactions & Neutrons, Nuclear Structure, Ultracold Neutrons, Related Topics” (ISINN-27)
- Dubna, Russia, June 10 - 14, 2019
- LXIX International Conference on Nuclear
Spectroscopy and Nuclear Structure.
- “Fundamental Problems of Nuclear
Physics, Nuclei at Borders of Nucleon Stability,
High Technologies” (Nucleus-2019)
- Dubna, Russia, July 1 - 5, 2019
- International Conferences
- “Mathematical Modeling and Computational Physics” (MMCP 2019)
- High Tatra Mountains, Slovakia, July 1 - 5, 2019
- The XXVIth International Conference on
- Integrable Systems and Quantum Symmetries (ISQS-26)
- Prague, Czech Republic, July 8 - 12, 2019
- 19th JINR-ISU Baikal Summer School on Physics of Elementary Particles and Astrophysics
- "Bol'shie Koty", Irkutsk Region, July 12 - 19, 2019
- 13th APCTP - BLTP JINR Joint Workshop
- “Modern problems in nuclear and elementary particle physics”
- Dubna, Russia, July 14 - 20, 2019
- Helmholtz International Summer School
- “Quantum Field Theory at the Limits: from Strong Fields to Heavy Quarks”
- Dubna, Russia, July 22 - August 2, 2019
- International School
- “Advanced Methods of Modern Theoretical Physics: Integrable and Stochatic Systems”
- Dubna, Russia, July 28 - August 2, 2019
- Helmholtz International Summer School
- “Cosmology, Strings, New Physics”
- Dubna, Russia, August 4 - 17, 2019
- International Workshop
- “Supersymmetries and Quantum Symmetries” (SQS’19)
- Yerevan, Armenia, August 26 - 31, 2019
- VIIIth International Pontecorvo Neutrino Physics School
- Sinaia, Romania, September 1 - 10, 2019
- XVIIIth International Workshop
- “High Energy Spin Physics” (DSPIN-19)
- Dubna, Russia, September 2 - 6, 2019
- 13th International Scientific Workshop in Memory of Professor V.P. Sarantsev
- "Problems of Colliders and Charged Particle Accelerators. Applied Researches on Accelerators"
- RH "Dubna", Alushta, Crimea, September 3 - 8, 2019
- European School of High-Energy Physics (ESHEP)
- Saint Petersburg, Russia, September 4 - 17, 2019
- JINR Training Programme
- "JINR Expertise for Member States and Partner Countries" (JEMS-13)
- Dubna, Visit Centre, JINR, September 9 - 13, 2019
- International Student Practice, Stage 3
- Dubna, UC JINR, September 9 - 27, 2019
- International Bogolyubov Conference
- “Problems of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics”,
dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the N.N. Bogolyubov's birth
- BLTP JINR, Dubna, September 9 - 13, 2019
- II International Workshop
- “Theory of Hadronic Matter under Extreme Conditions”
- Dubna, Russia, September 16 - 19, 2019
- The International Seminar
- "The Problems of SRF Technology for Ion Linear Accelerators"
- VBLHEP JINR, Dubna, September 16 - 30, 2019. The date will be announced shortly
- 126th session of the JINR Scientific Council
- ICH, Dubna, September 19 - 20, 2019
- Workshop “CREDO 2019”
- Venue will be announced soon, September 19 - 22, 2019
- 9th Report Seminar of the National Group of Ukraine at JINR
- ICH Green Hall, Dubna, September 20, 2019
- International Conference on Electrical and Power Electronics
- Resort Hotel "Dubna", Alushta, Crimea, 20 - 28 September, 2019.
The date will be announced shortly
- Kamchatka School on Physics Elementary Particles and Related Topics
- Paratunka, Kamchatka, Russia, September 22 - 28, 2019
- 23rd International School on Nuclear Physics, Neutron Physics and Applications
- Varna, Bulgaria, September 22 - 28, 2019
- International students school
- "Big Data mining and distributed systems"
- Montenegro, Budva, Becici, September 29 - 03 October
- XXVII International Symposium
- “Nuclear Electronics & Computing” (NEC'2019)
- Montenegro, Budva, Becici, 30 September - 04 October
Archive of JINR Conferences (2018)
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