V i c t o r M a t v e e v

At its session held on 25 March 2011, the Committee of Plenipotentiaries of the Governments of the JINR Members States elected Professor Victor Matveev as next Director of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research for a term of five years, taking office on 1 January 2012
Victor Matveev –– Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
- Curriculum Vitae
- Research of interests:
Elementary particle physics, theoretical and mathematical physics. Methods of quantum field theory in the development of relativistic quark models of hadrons, searches for dynamical symmetries in high energy physics and detection on their basis of general regularities which are manifested in particle interactions
- Publications:
Author of more than 300 scientific papers, co-author of the discovery “Regularities of large-angle elastic hadron scattering at high energies –– Matveev–Muradyan–Tavkhelidze quark counting rules”
Contact information: |
E-mail |
: |
(7-49621) 62-268,
(7-49621) 65-989
(7-49621) 65-916
director@jinr.ru matveev@inr.ac.ru
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research,
141980 Dubna, Russia. |