A photo exhibition "Atom for Peace", organized on the occasion of the
40th anniversary of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna,
Russian Federation), opened on 21 October 1996 at the Palais des Nations
of the European Office of the United Nations Organization in Geneva.
In the morning of that date, a press conference was held for the
journalists accredited at the UN. Speaking and answering questions at the
press conference were JINR Director V.G.Kadyshevsky, Vice-Director
A.N.Sissakian, and Adviser to the Russian Mission at the UN Office
The presentation of the exhibition took place in the evening with
numerous guests present in the Pas Perdus Hall. Speaking at the opening of
the exhibition were Deputy Director General of the UNO Geneva Office
(UNOG) S.Lodgaard, CERN Director General C.Llewellyn Smith, and JINR
Director V.G.Kadyshevsky. The speakers emphasized Dubna's important
contributions to science and international scientific cooperation, a
bright example of which is the collaboration of long standing between JINR
and CERN.
Among those present at the opening were large groups of CERN and JINR
scientists, Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the UNO Geneva Office
A.I.Kolosovsky, mission and consulate leaders in Geneva of a number of
Member States of JINR and CERN, officials of the UNOG, representatives of
mass media and companies.
The exhibition lasted till 31 October and attracted many guests who
expressed in the visitors' book their warm words of appreciation and best
wishes for a very successful future of JINR.
© Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. Dubna, 1996