99th Session of the JINR Scientific Council |
19 - 20 January, Dubna |
International Workshop "Classical and Quantum Integrable Systems" |
23 - 26 January, Protvino |
XIII International Conference "Mathematics. Computer. Education" |
23 - 28 January,
Dubna |
Workshop "Нейтринная физика на ускорителях" |
25 - 27 January,
Dubna |
4th Winter School on Theoretical Physics |
29 January - 7 February,
Dubna ( BLTP) |
Meeting of the JINR Finance Committee |
16 - 17 February, Dubna (ICH) |
JINR seminar in memory of V.Sviridov |
28 February, Dubna |
Workshop of European Research Group on Ultra relativistic Heavy Ion Physics |
9 - 15 March, Dubna |
Meeting of the Committee of Plenipotentiaries of the JINR Member States |
24 - 25 March, Dubna (ICH) |
Ceremonial meeting dedicated to the 50th anniversary of JINR |
26 March, Dubna (CC "Mir") |
The 100th session of the JINR Scientific Council |
27 March, Dubna (ICH)
Xth Research Workshop "Nucleation Theory and Applications" |
1 - 30 April, Dubna (BLTP)
Session of the Programme Advisory Committee for Condensed Matter Physics |
3 - 4 April, Dubna |
Session of the Programme Advisory Committee for Nuclear Physics |
6 - 7 April, Dubna
XI Conference of Operators and Users of the RF Satellite and Broadcasting Communication Net |
10 - 12 April,
Dubna (ICH) |
I International meeting of the TUS collaboration |
17 - 19 April,
Dubna |
Session of the Programme Advisory Committee for Particle Physics |
20 - 21 April, Dubna |
Workshop "Relativistic Nuclear Physics from Hundreds Mev to Tev" |
22 - 27 May,
Slovakia |
XIV Conferentcija ISINN |
24 - 27 May,
Dubna (ICH) |
VII International Workshop "Application of Lasers in Atomic Nuclei Research" |
29 May - 2 June, Poznan, Poland |
International Conference "Nuclear Structure and Related Topics" |
12 - 18 June, Dubna (BLTP) |
V workshop on investigations at IBR-2 reactor |
15 - 17 June, Dubna |
XVth International Colloquium "Integrable Systems and Quantum Symmetries" |
15 - 17 June, Prague, Czech Republic |
XIV European School on High-Energy Physics |
18 June - 1 July, Aronsborg, Sweden |
II International Conference "Distributed computing and Grid technologies in science and education" |
25 - 29 June, Dubna |
Workshop on DVIN project |
29 - 30 June, Dubna (LPP) |
XII-th International Conference "Symmetry Methods in Physics" |
3 - 8 July, Yerevan, Armenia |
Advanced Studies Institute "Symmetries and Spin" |
July Prague, Czechia |
International School on Modern and Future Colliders |
15 - 25 July, Dubna (BLTP) |
International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei "EXON - 2006" |
17 - 22 July, Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia |
XXXIIIrd International Conference on High Energy Physics "ICHEP'06" |
26 July - 2 August, Moscow |
International School on Few-Body Problems in Physics |
7 - 17 August, Dubna (BLTP) |
International School on Hot Points in Astrophysics and Cosmology |
21 - 30 August, Dubna (BLTP) |
International conference "Mathematical Modeling and Computational Physics" |
28 August - 1 September,
NA48 Collaboration meeting |
3 - 10 September, Dubna (ICH) |
International Advanced School on Modern Mathematical Physics |
3 - 12 September, Dubna ( BLTP) |
International meeting on Dynamic Aspects for Physics of Division - "DANF-06" |
4 - 8 September, Smolenice, Slovakia |
International Conference "XI annual conference on RDMS CMS collaboration of Russia and JINR member states" |
10 - 16 September, Varna, Bulgaria |
XVIII Baldin International Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems "Relativistic Nuclear Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics" |
25 - 30 September, Dubna ( BLTP) |
International Workshop "Crystallography at High Pressures" |
28 September - 1 October, Dubna |
International Workshop on small-angle scattering to the 70-th anniversary of Yu.M.Ostanevich |
5 - 7 October, Dubna |
V All-Russian conference on Radiochemistry |
22 - 28 October, Dubna (ICH) |
Conference "Perspectives of the Satellite Communication and Broadcasting Development in Russia and CIS" |
October, Dubna (ICH) |
Workshop on NIS experiment |
2 - 3 November, Dubna (LPP) |
Session of the Programme Advisory Committee for Nuclear Physics |
13 - 14 November, Dubna |
Session of the Programme Advisory Committee for Particle Physics |
23 - 24 November, Dubna |
Session of the Programme Advisory Committee for Condensed Matter Physics |
16 - 17 November, Dubna |