W H A T's N E W ?
JINR Seminars / Newspaper "DUBNA" / "JINR News" Bulletin / NOC News / JINR Announcement board
- 18.12.06
CERN press release: CERN Confident of LHC start-up in 2007 (December 15, 2006)
- 7.12.06
Results of the contest dedicated to JINR's 50th anniversary ( PDF / HTML ) - Russian version
- 4.12.06
Information about JINR Dissertation Council ( Rus )
- 30.11.06
Schedule of JINR meetings for 2007 ( Eng / Rus )
- 22.11.06
Announcements about Ph.D. / D.Sc. Thesis Defense ( Rus ) you can find in the "JINR Announcement board" section
- 20.11.06
JINR Seminar dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Abdus Salam will be held in BLTP conference hall on November 24, 2006 at 15:00 ( Rus - PDF format )
- 24.10.06
Fermilab press release: Experimenters discover exotic particles (October 23, 2006)
- 2.10.06
Jubilee Seminar dedicated to the 50th anniversary of Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics will be held in Conference Hall of BLTP on October 3, 2006 at 11:00
- 28.09.06
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory: Press Release from CDF collaboration (September 25, 2006)
- 25.09.06
Student Scientific Conference "Physics and Progress" is to be held for three days from the 25th of October 2006 to the 27th of October 2006 in the buildings of Physical Faculty of Saint-Petersburg State University (SPSU)
- 22.09.06
Information about Second International Laser Graduate School dedicated to the 80th anniversary of
academician R.V. Khokhlov "Modern Problems of Laser Physics" which will be held in Educational Center "Vyatichi", Moscow Region on October 10-13, 2006
( Eng / Rus )
- 15.09.06
Round Table Discussion II
"Searching for the mixed phase of strongly interacting matter at the JINR Nuclotron: Nuclotron facility development" will be held in BLTP on October 6-7, 2006
- 24.08.06
JINR Seminar will be held in BLTP conference hall on August 31, 2006 at 16:00 ( Rus - PDF format )
- 14.08.06
The Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna announces a quotation for the production of a video film "Heritage" (30 minutes in time-keeping, Russian and English versions).
- 26.07.06
ICHEP'06 Online Internet translation (main hall): July 26 - August 2, 2006
- 25.07.06
Information about "XXXIII International Conference on High Energy Physics":
- 14.07.06
JINR Seminar will be held in BLTP conference hall on July 28, 2006 at 15:00 ( Eng - PDF format )
- 14.06.06
JINR Seminar will be held in BLTP conference hall on June 21, 2006 at 15:00 ( Rus - PDF format )
- 25.05.06
JINR Seminar will be held in BLTP conference hall on May 31, 2006 at 15:00 ( Rus - PDF format )
- 15.05.06
Conference "Scientific Service at INTERNET" will be held in Abrau-Dyurso on September 18-23, 2006
- 13.05.06
XI-th International Conference "The distributed information-computational resources" DICR-2006 will be held in Pavlodar (Kazakhstan), on September 20 - 22, 2006
- 28.04.06
Report by JINR Director A. Sissakian dedicated to the 50th anniversary of JINR ( Eng / Rus )
- 27.04.06
MSSMBS 2006 International Workshop "Molecular Simulation Studies in Material and Biological Sciences" will be held in Dubna, Russia, on September 19 - 20, 2006
- 26.04.06
Resolution of 100th session of the JINR Scientific Council ( Eng / Rus ) - PDF format
- 17.04.06
The First International TUS Workshop will be held in Dubna, Russia, on April 24 - 25, 2006
- 15.03.06
Information about "Contest dedicated to the 50th anniversary of JINR" ( PDF / HTML )
- 17.02.06
Information about 99th session of the JINR Scientific Council which was held in Dubna on January 19 - 20, 2006 ( Eng / Rus )
- 10.02.06
Resolution of 99th Session of the JINR Scientific Council ( Rus ) - PDF format
- 3.02.06
Agenda of the festive events dedicated to the 50th anniversary of JINR
( Eng / Rus )
- 2.02.06
Book about JINR's history - "Dubna - island of stability"
- 31.01.06
Eighth Scientific Conference RCDL'2006 "Digital Libraries: Advanced Methods And Technologies, Digital Collections" will be held in Vladimir (Russia), on October 17 - 19, 2006
- 30.01.06
Resolution of 99th Session of the JINR Scientific Council ( Eng ) - PDF format
- 25.01.06
II International Conference "Distributed computing and Grid technologies in science and education" will be held in Dubna (Russia), on June 26 - 30, 2006
- 24.01.06
International Conference "Mathematical Modeling and Computational Physics 2006" will be held in High Tatra Moutains, Slovakia, on August 28 - September 1, 2006
- 17.01.06
Topical Plan for JINR Research and International Cooperation in 2006 ( Eng / Rus )
- 13.01.06
Information about JINR Directorate and JINR Structure (since 1.01.06)
- 12.01.06
X Conference for Young Scientists and Specialists will be held in Dubna (Russia), on February 6 - 11, 2006
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