PTP-2005 PTP-2006 PTP-2007 PTP-2008 PTP-2010 Plan 07-09 |
win |
01-3-1070-2009/2013 | Theory of Elementary Particles | D.I. Kazakov O.V. Teryaev |
01-3-1071-2009/2013 | Nuclear Structure and Dynamics | V.V. Voronov A.I. Vdovin |
01-3-1072-2009/2013 | Theory of Condensed Matter and New Materials | V.B. Priezzhev V.A. Osipov |
01-3-1073-2009/2013 | Modern Mathematical Physics: Gravity, Supersymmetry, Integrability | A.S. Sorin A.P. Isaev |
01-3-1074-2009/2013 | Research and Education Project "Dubna International Advanced School of Theoretical Physics (DIAS-TH)" | A.S. Sorin V.V. Voronov |
04-4-1069-2009/2011 | Investigations of Nanosystems and Novel Materials by Neutron Scattering Methods | V.L. Aksenov A.M. Balagurov D.P. Kozlenko |
04-4-0851-87/2010 | Upgrade of the IBR-2 Complex | A.V. Belushkin A.V. Vinogradov |
04-4-1075-2009/2011 | Novel Development and Creation of Equipment for IBR-2M Spectrometers Complex | S.A. Kulikov V.I. Prikhodko |
04-5-1076-2009/2011 | Radiation Effects and Physical Bases of Nanotechnology, Radioanalytical and Radioisotope Investigations on FLNR Accelerators | S.N. Dmitriev P.Yu. Apel |
04-9-1077-2009/2011 | Research of Biological Action of Heavy Charged Particles with Different Energy | E.A. Krasavin G.N. Timoshenko |
04-2-1035-2001/2009 | Further Development of Methods and Instrumentation for Radiotherapy and Associated Diagnostics with JINR Hadron Beams | G.V. Mitsyn |
05-6-1048-2003/2010 | Information, Computer and Network Support of JINR's Activity | V.V. Ivanov V.V. Korenkov P.V. Zrelov |
05-6-1060-2005/2010 | Mathematical Support of Experimental and Theoretical Studies Conducted by JINR | V.V. Ivanov Gh. Adam P.V. Zrelov |
05-8-1037-2001/2009 | Analytical and Methodological Work to Assess the Prospects of Scientific Research and Cooperation in the Main Directions of JINR's Development | N.A. Russakovich |
06-0-1078-2009/2013 | Organization, Support and Development of the Education Process at JINR | A.N. Sissakian D.V. Fursaev |
the first number* | - | the field of research; |
the second number ** | - | the conventional number of JINR Laboratory or Division; |
the third number | - | the theme's ordinal number at JINR; |
the fourth and the fifth numbers | - | the years of the activity's beginning
and completion. |
Prepared by
N.A. Boklagova
L.K. Ivanova
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