Title of program:
Catalogue identifier:
Ref. in CPC:
Distribution format: tar gzip file
Operating system: Unix
High speed store required:
100MK words
Number of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc:
Solid state physics, Band structure, Electronic structure
calculations, Density functional calculation, Local density
approximation, Projector augmented wave method, PAW,
Calculational methods.
Programming language used: Fortran
DEC Alpha ,
Nature of physical problem:
The projector augmented wave (PAW) method, developed by Blochl, is a
very powerful tool for performing electronic structure calculations
in the framework of density functional theory, combining some of the
best features of pseudopotential and all-electron approaches. The pwpaw
program finds the one-electron eigenfunctions and eigenvalues for a
periodic system, and optionally optimizes or performs molecular dynamics
on the atomic positions within the unit cell.
Method of solution:
The program initializes the wavefunctions with a linear combination of
atomic orbitals (LCAO) or with a random number generator and determines
the eigenstates of the generalized eigenvalue problem by iterative
diagonalization. The atomic forces are calculated, using a modified
Feynman-Hellmann approach, from a knowledge of the converged
In this version of the code, only serial processing has been
implemented. In addition, of the many exchange-correlation functionals,
only the local density approximation (LDA) is currently available.
Also, relativistic and magnetic effects are not yet coded.
Typical running time:
Roughly 3-15 minutes/atom for each geometry on an SP2 computer.
Unusual features:
The program sequence is controlled by a keyword input file. A memory
management scheme is implemented which enables the user to tune the
program to make optimal use of available computer resources.
The library packages BLAS, LAPACK (available from, and FFTW (available from
are needed.