UTILITIES for the RATIP package. S. Fritzsche.

Title of program: UTILITIES
Catalogue identifier: ADPD
Ref. in CPC: 141(2001)163
Distribution format: tar gzip file
Operating system: IBM AIX, Linux
High speed store required: 300K words
Number of bits in a word: 64
Number of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc: 189699
Keywords: Atomic data and properties, Auger rate, Branching ratio, Configuration symmetry list, Einstein coefficient, File handling, Lifetime, Open-shell atom, RATIP utilities, Relativistic, Atomic physics, Structure.
Programming language used: Fortran
Computer: IBM RS 6000 , PC Pentium II .

Nature of physical problem:
In the framework of the RATIP package, a toolbox supports a variety of (smaller) tasks. It facilitates, for example, the file and data handling in large-scale applications or the interpretation of complex spectra.

Method of solution:
The main menu of the UTILITIES lists 16 tasks which can be selected interactively. Information, which is printed during the execution of the program, as well as an interactive dialog about the required input and (selected) output guides the user through the individual tasks.

Typical running time:
The program responds promptly for most of the tasks below. The responding time for other tasks, such as the generation of a relativistic pair-correlation basis, strongly depend on the size of the corresponding data files.

Unusual features:
A total of 16 different tasks are supported in the present version. Each of these tasks displays a short summary about its function and prompts for the required input and output data interactively. Number of bits in a word: All real variables are parametrized by a selected kind parameter and, thus, can be adapted to any required precision if supported by the compiler. Currently, the kind parameter is set to double precision (two 32-bit words) as used also for other components of the RATIP package [1-3].


 [1] S. Fritzsche, C.F. Fischer, and C.Z. Dong, Comput. Phys. Commun.    
     124 (2000) 341.                                                     
 [2] G. Gaigalas and S. Fritzsche, Comput. Phys. Commun. 134 (2001) 86.  
 [3] S. Fritzsche, J. Elec. Spec. Rel. Phen. 114-116 (2001) 1155.