A program for computing weak and intermediate field Zeeman splittings from MCHF wave functions. P. Jonsson, S. Gustafsson.

Title of program: ZEEMAN
Catalogue identifier: ADPN
Ref. in CPC: 144(2002)188
Distribution format: gzip file
Peripherals Required: disc
Number of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc: 940
Keywords: Lande g factor, Zeeman effect, Magnetic field, Multiconfiguration Hartree-Fock+Breit-Pauli, Intermediate coupling, Atomic physics, Structure.
Programming language used: Fortran, Matlab
Computer: IBM-compatible PC .

Nature of physical problem:
Prediction of Zeeman splittings using Breit-Pauli wave functions.

Method of solution:
The electronic wave function for a state labeled gammaJM can be expanded in terms of LSJ coupled configuration state functions Psi(gammaJM) = Sigmai(ci Phi(gammaiLiSiJM)). The Lande g factor can then generally be calculated by summing the g factors between configuration state functions weighted by the product of the expansion coefficients. Using the Lande g factors the total interaction matrix is constructed. By diagonalizing the interaction matrix for different values of the magnetic field the positions of the magnetic sublevels are obtained.

The complexity of the cases that can be handled is entirely determined by the MCHF atomic structure package [1] used for the generation of the electronic wave functions.


 [1] C. Froese Fischer, Computer Phys. Commun. 64 (1991), 369.