A library for computing the filtered and non-filtered 3D Green's tensor associated with infinite homogeneous space and surfaces. P. Gay-Balmaz, O.J.F. Martin.

Title of program: LIBG3D
Catalogue identifier: ADPS
Ref. in CPC: 144(2002)111
Distribution format: tar gzip file
Operating system: Solaris 2.7
High speed store required: 208K words
Number of bits in a word: 64
Number of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc: 3827
Keywords: Quasi-static approximation, Green's tensor technique, Filtered Green's tensor, High permittivity particules, Two-layers medium, Electromagnetic.
Programming language used: Fortran
Computer: SUN ULTRA 60 (256MB RAM).

Nature of physical problem:
Computation of the Green's tensor G(r,r'), i.e. of the field radiated at the observation point r by three orthogonal source dipoles located at r'. This dyadic is computed both for free space and for a surface in the quasi-static limit. Further, the so-called filtered Green's tensor, which increases the application range of the coupled-dipole approximation to higher permittivity scatterers can also be computed [1].

Method of solution:
Analytical expressions from the free space Green's tensor are combined to obtain the electrostatic Green's tensor associated with a surface. For the filtered Green's tensor, a spectral approach, with integration in complex space is used [2,3].


Typical running time:
0.62 sec to compute the filtered Green's tensor associated with a surface, for 500 source-observation pairs.

Unusual features:


 [1] N.B. Piller, O.J.F. Martin, Increasing the performances of the      
     coupled-dipole approximation: A spectral approach, IEEE Trans.      
     Antennas Propag. 46 (1998) 1126-1137.                               
 [2] P. Gay-Balmaz, O.J.F. Martin, Validity domain and limitation of     
     non-retarded Green's tensor for electromagnetic scattering at       
     surfaces, Opt. Comm. 184 (2000) 37-47.                              
 [3] P. Gay-Balmaz, O.J.F. Martin, Electromagnetic scattering of high    
     permittivity particles on a substrate, Appl. Optics (2001) (in      