Symbolic expansion of transcendental functions. S. Weinzierl.

Title of program: nestedsums v 1.0
Catalogue identifier: ADPX
Ref. in CPC: 145(2002)357
Distribution format: tar gzip file
High speed store required: 64MK words
Number of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc: 42352
Keywords: Multiple polylogarithms, Feynman integrals, General purpose, Function.
Programming language used: C++

Nature of physical problem:
Systematic expansion of higher transcendental functions in a small parameter. These expansions occur, for example, in the calculation of loop integrals in quantum field theory within dimensional regularization.

Method of solution:
Algebraic manipulations of nested sums.

Usually limited only by the available memory.

Typical running time:
Depending on the complexity of the problem, see also Sections 5 and 6.

Additional comments:
Library required GiNaC 0.8.3, a library for symbolic calculations in C++, is required. It is available from Optionally, the program can also be used interactively. In this case the program gTybalt, available from is needed.