Optimization and parallelization of a force field for silicon using OpenMP. S. Goedecker.

Title of program: siliconiap
Catalogue identifier: ADQI
Ref. in CPC: 148(2002)124
Distribution format: gzip file
Operating system: Unix, Linux
Number of bits in a word: 64
Number of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc: 1511
Keywords: Silicon, Interatomic potential, Force field, Molecular dynamics, Solid state physics, Other.
Programming language used: Fortran
Computer: Compaq DEC Alpha .

Nature of physical problem:
Condensed matter physics.

Method of solution:
Interatomic potential.


Typical running time:
30 musec per step and per atom on a Compaq DEC Alpha.

Unusual features:
The code has been parallelized with OpenMP. The memory requirements are roughly 150 words per atom.