A package for the ab-initio calculation of one- and two-photon cross sections of two-electron atoms, using a CI B-splines method. L.A.A. Nikolopoulos.

Title of program: BSPCI2E
Catalogue identifier: ADQV
Ref. in CPC: 150(2003)140
Distribution format: tar gzip file
Number of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc: 8808
Keywords: Multiphoton ionization, Two-electron atoms, LOPT, Configuration interaction, B-splines, Atomic physics, Scattering, Photon.
Programming language used: Fortran, C++
Computer: IBM , SUN , PC .

Nature of physical problem:
Ab-initio calculation of one- and two-photon ionization cross sections for two-electron atoms under strong laser fields, within lowest-order perturbation theory and in dipole approximation.

Method of solution:
LOPT with the atomic structure obtained through configuration interaction of antisymmetrized two-electron states.

Typical running time:
It mainly depends on the number of B splines and the number of the included two-electron configurations for each total angular momentum. For the present examples (300 B-splines) and ~1000 configurations for L = S,P,D, on a AMD K-6 1000MHZ processor, typical running time is about 24 minutes of CPU time.

Unusual features:
The package uses the publicly available SLATEC, LAPACK, BLAS libraries.