Title of program:
Catalogue identifier:
Ref. in CPC:
Distribution format: tar gzip file
Operating system: UNIX
Number of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc:
Glauber model, One-nucleon halo, Reaction cross section,
Nucleon-removal cross section, Momentum distribution,
Elastic differential cross section, Nuclear physics,
Nuclear reaction.
Programming language used: Fortran
Nature of physical problem:
This computer code calculates the cross sections of various reactions
for a core plus one valence-nucleon system in the framework of the
Glauber model. The examples of calculation include the reaction cross
sections for 13,19C+12C, the elastic differential cross section for
11Be+12C and the momentum distribution of the core nucleus for 11Be+9Be
and 8B+12C systems.
Method of solution:
The scattering amplitude is formulated in the Glauber theory. The
phase-shift functions between the core and the target and between the
valence nucleon and the target are calculated in the optical-limit
approximation. The integration over the valence-nucleon coordinates is
performed by Monte Carlo integration, while the integration over the
impact parameter is done with a trapezoidal rule.
The projectile nucleus is assumed to be a core plus one valence-nucleon
system, in which the valence nucleon is described with a pure
configuration. The projectile is assumed to have no particle-bound
states except for its ground state. The nucleon-nucleon profile
function is assumed to have one-range Gaussian form or zero-range delta
function. The core and target densities have to be fit in terms of a
combination of Gaussians. The breakup due to the Coulomb interaction is
Typical running time:
For the sample calculations shown in text, the computer time is as
follows: 5 min for the total reaction cross section, 5 min/point for the
elastic differential cross section, and 10 min/point for the momentum