KtJet: a C++ implementation of the Kt clustering algorithm. J.M. Butterworth, J.P. Couchman, B.E. Cox, B.M. Waugh.

Title of program: KT++ 1.0
Catalogue identifier: ADRR
Ref. in CPC: 153(2003)85
Distribution format: tar gzip file
Operating system: Linux (Red Hat 7, SuSE 6)
High speed store required: 1.2MK words
Number of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc: 3036
Keywords: Jet algorithms, Quantum chromodynamics, Elementary particle physics, Event reconstruction.
Programming language used: C++

Nature of physical problem:
Cluster of hadrons in the final state of high energy particle collisions.

Method of solution:
Pairwise recombination according to Kt related distance parameters.


Typical running time:
Depends heavily on input data and choice of parameters. Increases as N^3 where N is the number of input objects.

Unusual features:

Additional comments:
KtJet uses the HepLorentzVector class of the CLHEP package [1].


 [1] L. Lonnblad, Comp. Phys. Comm. 84 (1994) 307.                       