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Manuscript Title: Slavnov-Taylor1.0: A Mathematica package for computation in BRST formalism.
Authors: M. Picariello, E. Torrente-Lujan
Program title: Slavnov-Taylor
Catalogue identifier: ADSS
Journal reference: Comput. Phys. Commun. 156(2004)171
Programming language: Mathematica 4.0.
Computer: Pentium PC.
Operating system: Linux.
Keywords: Slavnov-Taylor, BRST, Mathematica, Elementary, Particle physics, Phenomenological model.
Classification: 11.6.

Nature of problem:
Symbolic computation in the Slavnov-Taylor formalism for gauge theories in 4-Dimensional space-time based on a semi-simple compact Lie group for general BRS transformations.

Only matter in the adjoint is allowed.

Running time:
Less than 1 second.