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Manuscript Title: An improved version of ISICS: a program for calculating K-, L- and M-shell cross sections from PWBA and ECPSSR theory using a personal computer
Authors: Sam J. Cipolla
Program title: ISICS
Catalogue identifier: ADDS_v2_0
Distribution format: tar.gz
Journal reference: Comput. Phys. Commun. 176(2007)157
Programming language: C++.
Computer: 80486 or higher-level PCs.
Operating system: WINDOWS XP.
Keywords: Atomic K-, L-, M-Shell ionization, PWBA and ECPSSR cross sections, Ion-Atom collisions, C++ package, Gauss-Legendre quadrature integration techniques.
PACS: 34.50.Fa, 31.15.-p.
Classification: 16.7.

Does the new version supersede the previous version?: yes

Nature of problem:
Ionization and x-ray production cross section calculations for ion-atom collisions

Solution method:
Numerical integration of form factor using a logarithmic transform and Gaussian quadrature, plus exact integration limits.

Reasons for new version:
Increased functionality and new options

Summary of revisions:
Option for the united-atom approximation for binding-energy correction.; easier inputting of updated atomic parameters; extension of projectile energy down to eV range; accounting for DHS wave function in K-shell ionization; other miscellaneous changes.

The consumed CPU time increases with the atomic shell (K,L,M), but execution is still very fast

Running time:
No change from previous version