P R O G R A M I N D E X (main)
The index is divided into the following sections:
1. Astronomy and Astrophysics
1.1 Cosmic Rays
1.2 Nuclear Processes
1.3 Radiative Transfer
1.4 Radio Astronomy
1.5 Relativity and Gravitation
1.6 Solar Physics
1.7 Stars and Stellar Systems
1.8 Interstellar Medium
2. Atomic Physics
2.1 Structure and Properties
2.2 Spectra
2.3 Experimental Analysis
2.4 Electron Scattering
2.5 Photon Interactions
2.6 Other Collision Processes
2.7 Wave Functions and Integrals
2.8 Exotic Atoms
2.9 Theoretical Methods (see also Angular Momentum, Sec 4.1)
3. Biology and Molecular Biology
4. Computational Methods
4.1 Angular Momentum Coupling Coefficients
4.2 Other Algebras and Groups (see also SU(3), Sec 17.18)
4.3 Differential Equations
4.4 Feynman Diagrams
4.5 Coulomb Functions
4.6 Fourier Transforms
4.7 Other Functions
4.8 Linear Equations and Matrices
4.9 Minimization and Fitting (see also Interpolation, Sec 4.10)
4.10 Interpolation
4.11 Quadratures
4.12 Other Numerical Methods
4.13 Statistical Methods
4.14 Utility
5. Computer Algebra
6. Computer Languages, Hardware and Software
6.1 Hardware
6.2 Languages
6.3 Networks
6.4 Neural Networks
6.5 Software including Parallel Algorithms
7. Condensed Matter and Surface Science
7.1 Defects
7.2 Electron Spectroscopies
7.3 Electronic Structure
7.4 Experimental Analysis
7.5 Mossbauer Spectra
See Nuclear Physics, Mossbauer Spectra
7.6 Neutron Scattering
7.7 Other Condensed Matter inc. Simulation of Liquids and Solids
7.8 Structure and Lattice Dynamics
7.9 Transport Properties
7.10 Collisions in Solids
8. Crystallography
9. Data Bases, Data Compilation & Information Retrieval
10. Electrostatics and Electromagnetics
11. Elementary Particle Physics
11.1 General, High Energy Physics and Computing
11.2 Phase Space and Event Simulation
11.3 Cascade and Shower Simulation
11.4 Quantum Electrodynamics (see also Feynman Diagrams, Sec 4.4)
11.5 Quantum Chromodynamics, Lattice Gauge Theory
11.6 Phenomenological and Empirical Models and Theories
11.7 Detector Design and Simulation
11.8 Detector Control and Data Acquisition
11.9 Event Reconstruction and Data Analysis
(except data bases)
11.10 Accelerators and Particle Beams
11.11 Data Structures and Data Base Systems
12. Gases and Fluids
13. Geophysics
14. Graphics
15. Laser Physics
16. Molecular Physics and Physical Chemistry
16.1 Structure and Properties
16.2 Spectra
16.3 Molecular Vibrations
16.4 Experimental Analysis
16.5 Electron Scattering
16.6 Photon Interactions
16.7 Elastic Scattering and Energy Transfer
16.8 Rearrangement Collisions, Charge Transfer and Chemical Reactions
16.9 Classical Methods
16.10 Wave Functions and Integrals
16.11 Polymers
16.12 Chemical Kinetics
16.13 Condensed-phase Simulations
See Condensed Matter, Other Condensed Matter
17. Nuclear Physics
17.1 Apparatus Design
17.2 Energy Loss
17.3 Mossbauer Spectra
17.4 Experimental Analysis - General
17.5 Experimental Analysis - Particle Detection
17.6 Experimental Analysis - Activity Detection
17.7 Experimental Analysis - Fission, Fusion, Heavy-ion
17.8 Nuclear Reaction - General
17.9 Optical Models
17.10 Compound Nucleus
17.11 Direct Reactions
17.12 Pre-equilibrium Decay
17.13 Coulomb Excitation, Electron Scattering
17.14 Medium Energy Reactions
17.15 Spectroscopy - Level Scheme
17.16 Theoretical Methods - General
17.17 Oscillator Brackets
17.18 Coefficients of Fractional Parentage - SU(3)
17.19 Shell Model - One-body Problem, Spectra
17.20 Collective Model
17.21 Cluster Model
17.22 Hartree-Fock Calculations
18. Optics
19. Plasma Physics
19.1 Atomic and Molecular Processes
19.2 Beams
19.3 Collisionless Plasmas
19.4 Data Interpretation
19.5 Discharges
19.6 Equilibrium and Stability
19.7 Inertial Confinement
19.8 Kinetic Models
19.9 Magnetic Confinement
19.10 Magnetohydrodynamics
19.11 Transport
19.12 Space and Astrophysical Plasmas
19.13 Wave-Plasma Interactions
19.14 General Plasma Physics
20. Programming and Publication Practice
21. Radiation
21.1 Radiation Physics
21.2 Radiative Transfer
22. Reactor Systems
23. Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics
Entries marked ** are recent additions to the Library
August 1995
Ref in CPC Cat. Program Title
1. Astronomy and Astrophysics
1.1 Cosmic Rays
7(1974)344 AAYF CASCADE (Fortran, 946 Lines, Tape Issue 18). A program
for the analytic simulation of extensive air showers.
L. Goorevich.
--- AAUV 000ACORRECTION 08/05/79 (Fortran, Tape Issue 42).
Unpublished correction to a set of subroutines for
simulation of electron-photon cascades. T. Stanev,
Ch. Vankov.
16(1979)363 AAUV EMCASR (Fortran, 730 Lines, Tape Issue 36). A set of
subroutines for simulation of electron-photon cascades.
T. Stanev, Ch. Vankov.
1.2 Nuclear Processes
No programs classified under this heading yet.
1.3 Radiative Transfer
5(1973)294 ABUE ABELA (Fortran, 413 Lines, Tape Issue 14). Calculation
of the radial distribution of emitters in a cylindrical
source. R. Piessens.
6(1973)38 AAAB TRANSPHERE (Fortran, 1808 Lines, Tape Issue 15).
Numerical evaluation of the formal solution of radiative
transfer problems in spherical geometries. D.G. Hummer,
C.V. Kunasz, P.B. Kunasz.
--- AARK 000ACORRECTION 09/01/91 (Fortran, Tape Issue 79).
Unpublished correction to PROFILE: a code for evaluating
line profile shapes for optically thick expanding plasmas.
G.J. Tallents.
25(1982)141 AARK PROFILE (Fortran, 1149 Lines, Tape Issue 50). PROFILE: a
code for evaluating line profile shapes for optically
thick expanding plasmas. G.J. Tallents.
28(1983)337 AAEJ DUSTCD (Fortran, 2834 Lines, Tape Issue 54). DUSTCD: a
radiative transport code for spherically symmetric dust
clouds. G.F. Spagna Jr., C.M. Leung. Other version: ABBQ
(Section 1.3).
34(1984)223 AAEJ 000A CORRECTION 31/7/84 (Fortran, Tape Issue 58).
DUSTCD: a radiative transport code for spherically
symmetric dust clouds. (C.P.C. 28(1983)337).
G.F. Spagna Jr, C.M. Leung.
32(1984)309 ACCF MAXWEL (Fortran, 914 Lines, Tape Issue 58). MAXWEL:
exact photon cross section processor for relativistic
Maxwellian electrons. B.L. Lathrop, B.R. Wienke.
48(1988)271 ABBQ CSDUST3 (Fortran, 3943 Lines, Tape Issue 68). CSDUST3: a
radiation transport code for a dusty medium with 1-D
planar, spherical or cylindrical geometry. M.P. Egan,
C.M. Leung, G.F. Spagna Jr. Other version: AAEJ (Section
66(1991)129 ABZS RADZ1 (Fortran, 670 Lines, Tape Issue 80). Fast computer
evaluation of radiative properties of hydrogenic systems.
P.J. Storey, D.G. Hummer.
1.4 Radio Astronomy
1(1969)31 ACQD HYDROGENIC RECOMBINATION COEFFS (Fortran, 306 Lines, Tape
Issue 1). A program to calculate radiative recombination
coefficients of hydrogenic ions. D.R. Flower,
M.J. Seaton.
9(1975)247 AAEF ILTHII (Fortran, 4016 Lines, Tape Issue 24). ILTHII -
analysis of the spectrum of a thermal radioastronomical
source. M. Salem.
9(1975)258 AAEG RCMBLN (Fortran, 1239 Lines, Tape Issue 24).
Computation of line and continuum radiation from thermal
radioastronomical sources. M. Brocklehurst, M. Salem.
Subroutine required: (for data) AAEH (Section 1.4).
9(1975)259 AAEH SELECT BN,CN VALUES (Fortran, 3864 Lines, Tape Issue 24).
Computation of line and continuum radiation from thermal
radioastronomical sources. M. Brocklehurst, M. Salem.
13(1977)39 ACXI GENERAL BN PROGRAM (Fortran, 1297 Lines, Tape Issue 29).
Radio recombination lines from H+ regions and cold
interstellar clouds: computation of the bn factors.
M. Brocklehurst, M. Salem.
1.5 Relativity and Gravitation
8(1974)307 ACRU WATER BAG MODEL (Fortran, 1056 Lines, Tape Issue 22). A
numerical code for multiple water bag gravitational
systems. S. Cuperman, A. Harten.
38(1985)441 AADJ TAVI (Reduce, 170 Lines, Tape Issue 64). A REDUCE
program for the calculation of geometrical
characteristics of compactified multidimensional
Riemannian space. A.P. Demichev, A.Ya. Rodionov.
54(1989)167 ABHM GLE2000 (Fortran, 1764 Lines, Tape Issue 73). The
ephemeris program GLE2000. J. Schastok, H. Gleixner,
M. Soffel, H. Ruder, M. Schneider.
79(1994)309 ACTG EVOL, BOLTZ (Mathematica, 475 Lines, Tape Issue 90). 3+1
General relativity by computer. M. Salgado.
85(1995)278 ACVO GRAVZ2, AUTOTUNE (Fortran, 6958 Lines, Tape Issue 94).
Simplicial quantum gravity on a computer. S. Bilke,
Z. Burda, J. Jurkiewicz.
1.6 Solar Physics
13(1977)25 ACXE AATWAB (Fortran, 2046 Lines, Tape Issue 28). A program
to calculate coronal emission line strengths.
P.L. Dufton.
16(1979)243 ABUX ALFVEN (Fortran, 2463 Lines, Tape Issue 36). ALFVEN: a
two-dimensional code based on SHASTA, solving the
radiative, diffusive MHD equations. W.J. Weber,
J.P. Boris, J.H. Gardner.
21(1981)437 ABUX 000A CORRECTION 26/09/80 (Fortran, Tape Issue 44).
ALFVEN: a two-dimensional code based on SHASTA, solving
the radiative, diffusive MHD equations. (C.P.C.
16(1979)243). W.J. Weber, J.P. Boris, J.H. Gardner.
1.7 Stars and Stellar Systems
2(1971)59 AACD BIN DYN (Algol, Usercode, 1046 Lines, Tape Issue 10).
Derivation of the orbit of a double star from
observations made with an intensity interferometer.
D. Herbison-Evans.
2(1971)368 AACE BISPEC (Algol, 652 Lines, Tape Issue 10). Analysis of a
variable spectroscopic double star. D. Herbison-Evans,
N.R. Lomb.
5(1973)315 AACG MAGBIN (Algol, 796 Lines, Tape Issue 15). The light
curve of a variable star subject to orbital tidal
distortion. D. Herbison-Evans.
7(1974)410 AAAE TOROID (Fortran, 1652 Lines, Tape Issue 21).
Calculation of the equilibrium structure and oscillations
of polytropic stars pervaded by toroidal magnetic fields.
M.J. Miketinac. Other version: AAAI (Section 1.7).
11(1976)385 AAAI POLOID (Fortran, 2350 Lines, Tape Issue 27).
Calculation of the form of an equilibrium poloidal
magnetic field contained in a polytropic star.
G.B. Brundrit, M.J. Miketinac. Other version: AAAE
(Section 1.7).
16(1979)331 ACYO COSTANTI DEL MOTO (Fortran, 785 Lines, Tape Issue 37). A
computer program for integrals of motion. A. Giorgilli.
27(1982)285 AAEI BINARY (Fortran, 1907 Lines, Tape Issue 52). Shape of a
polytropic primary. M.J. Miketinac, J. Miketinac.
29(1983)269 AACI CELESTE AND STELLA (Fortran, 3912 Lines, Tape Issue 55).
Programs "CELESTE" and "STELLA" for computations in
special relativity: evaluation of the celestial view from
an interstellar spacecraft. E. Sheldon, R.H. Giles.
52(1988)103 ABFK TLUSTY (Fortran, 9834 Lines, Tape Issue 71). A computer
program for calculating non-LTE model stellar atmospheres.
I. Hubeny.
75(1993)135 ACLT VOIGTL (Fortran, 483 Lines, Tape Issue 87). VOIGTL: a
fast subroutine for Voigt function evaluation on vector
processors. A.E. Lynas-Gray.
1.8 Interstellar Medium
13(1977)39 ACXI GENERAL BN PROGRAM (Fortran, 1297 Lines, Tape Issue 29).
Radio recombination lines from H+ regions and cold
interstellar clouds: computation of the bn factors.
M. Brocklehurst, M. Salem.
58(1990)169 ABLS MHD (Fortran, 4584 Lines, Tape Issue 76). A computer
program for calculating the structure of
magnetohydrodynamical shocks in interstellar clouds.
L. Heck, D.R. Flower, G. Pineau Des Forets.
2. Atomic Physics
2.1 Structure and Properties
1(1969)113 AAKA SOCKITTOME 1 (Fortran, 3243 Lines, Tape Issue 1).
Relativistic and non-relativistic configuration
interaction calculations for atoms having a closed core
and two valence spin-orbitals. D.R. Beck, R.N. Zare.
1(1969)151 ACQJ MULTI-CONFIGURATION HARTREE-FOCK (Fortran, 1972 Lines, Tape
Issue 2). A multi-configuration Hartree-Fock program.
C.F. Fischer. Other versions: ACRF (Section 2.1), ACYA
(Section 2.1), AATK (Section 2.1).
1(1970)216 ACQI H.F.S. SELF CONSISTENT FIELD (Fortran, 635 Lines, Tape
Issue 2). Hartree Fock Slater self consistent field
calculations. J.P. Desclaux.
25(1982)29 ACQI 0001 ADAPT HFS FOR MSXALPHA (Fortran, 254 Lines, Tape Issue
50). An adaptation of ACQI to calculate the data for
MSXALPHA program. M. Klobukowski.
1(1970)265 AACC SPSS-ATOMIC Z-EXPANSION E2 PRIME (Fortran, 1911 Lines, Tape
Issue 2). Single-particle substitution sums in the
second-order Z-expansion theory of atomic energies.
M.N. Lewis.
1(1970)469 AACC 000A CORRECTION 27/07/70 (Fortran, Tape Issue 3).
Single-particle substitution sums in the second-order Z-
expansion theory of atomic energies. (C.P.C. 1(1970)265).
M.N. Lewis.
2(1971)107 AAKB HEX (Fortran, 1333 Lines, Tape Issue 6). Relativistic
self-consistent field program for atoms and ions.
D.A. Liberman, D.T. Cromer, J.T. Waber.
2(1971)471 AAKB 000A CORRECTION 11/08/71 (Fortran, Tape Issue 7).
Relativistic self-consistent field program for atoms and
ions. (C.P.C. 2(1971)107). D.A. Liberman, D.T. Cromer,
J.T. Waber.
2(1971)471 AAKB 000B CORRECTION 02/09/71 (Fortran, Tape Issue 8).
Relativistic self-consistent field program for atoms and
ions. (C.P.C. 2(1971)107). D.A. Liberman, D.T. Cromer,
J.T. Waber.
9(1975)129 AAKB 000CCORRECTION 18/11/74 (Fortran, Tape Issue 21).
Relativistic self-consistent field program for atoms and
ions. (C.P.C. 2(1971)107). D.A. Liberman, D.T. Cromer,
J.T. Waber.
3(1972)9 AAKD LEVEL (Fortran, 2521 Lines, Tape Issue 9). Calculation
of atomic energy level values. L.J. Radziemski Jr.,
K.J. Fisher, D.W. Steinhaus, A.S. Goldman.
3(1972)19 AAKE CALOR (Fortran, 309 Lines, Tape Issue 9). Wave number
calculation from least-squares level values.
L.J. Radziemski Jr., K.J. Fisher, D.W. Steinhaus,
A.S. Goldman. Subroutine required: (for data) AAKD
(Section 2.1).
4(1972)107 ACRF MCHF72 (Fortran, 2780 Lines, Tape Issue 12). A multi-
configuration Hartree-Fock program with improved
stability. C.F. Fischer. Other versions: ACQJ (Section
2.1), ACYA (Section 2.1), AATK (Section 2.1).
7(1974)236 ACRF 000ACORRECTION 2/01/74 (Fortran, Tape Issue 17). A multi-
configuration Hartree-Fock program with improved
stability. (C.P.C. 4(1972)107). C.F. Fischer.
4(1972)128 ACRD BACK-GOUDSMIT (Fortran, 400 Lines, Tape Issue 10). A
program for computing level crossings and the Back-
Goudsmit effect. P. Violino.
13(1977)137 ACRD 000A CORRECTION 27/1/77 (Fortran, Tape Issue 28). A
program for computing level-crossings and the Back-
Goudsmit effect. (C.P.C. 4(1972)128). P. Violino.
7(1974)73 AAKG HERSKLZARE (Fortran, 3445 Lines, Tape Issue 18). A non-
relativistic SCF atomic program to compute one-electron
energies, total energies, and Slater integrals.
J.H. Wood, M. Boring.
10(1976)434 AAKG 000A CORRECTION 5/09/75 (Fortran, Tape Issue 25). A non-
relativistic SCF atomic program to compute one-electron
energies, total energies and Slater integrals. (C.P.C.
7(1974)73). J.H. Wood, M. Boring.
8(1974)220 ACRX FIXED CORE HARTREE-FOCK (Fortran, 2140 Lines, Tape Issue
22). A fixed core Hartree-Fock program for calculating
bound and continuum orbitals. G.N. Bates.
--- ACRV 000A CORRECTION 4/01/75 (Fortran, Tape Issue 21).
Unpublished correction to a multiconfiguration
relativistic DIRAC-FOCK program. J.P. Desclaux.
9(1975)31 ACRV MULTICONFIGURATION DIRAC-FOCK (Fortran, 4434 Lines, Tape
Issue 20). A multiconfiguration relativistic Dirac-Fock
program. J.P. Desclaux. Subroutines required: (for data)
ACRI (Section 4.1), ACWE (Section 2.9), AAHD (Section 4.1).
13(1977)71 ACRV 000B CORRECTION 7/12/76 (Fortran, Tape Issue 28). A
multiconfiguration relativistic Dirac-Fock program.(C.P.C.
9(1975)31). J.P. Desclaux.
9(1975)141 AAKM CIV3 A GENERAL C.I. PROGRAM (Fortran, 5583 Lines, Tape
Issue 23). CIV3 - a general program to calculate
configuration interaction wave functions and electric-
dipole oscillator strengths. A. Hibbert. Subroutines
required: ACQB (Section 4.1), ACRN (Section 4.1), AAHD
(Section 4.1), ACQV (Section 2.9), ACQV0001 (Section 2.9),
ACQV0002 (Section 2.9), AAKF (Section 4.1).
10(1976)436 AAKM 000A CORRECTION 26/1/76 (Fortran, Tape Issue 25). CIV3 -
a general program to calculate configuration interaction
wave functions and electric-dipole oscillator strengths.
(C.P.C. 9(1975)141). A. Hibbert.
11(1976)125 AAKM 0001 ADAPT CIV3 FOR HFS (Fortran, 880 Lines, Tape Issue
26). Adaptation of CIV3 to evaluate hyperfine structure.
R. Glass, A. Hibbert. Subroutines required: ACQB (Section
4.1), ACRN (Section 4.1), AAHD (Section 4.1), ACQV (Section
2.9), ACQV0001 (Section 2.9), ACQV0002 (Section 2.9), AAKF
(Section 4.1), AAKF0001 (Section 4.1).
9(1975)381 ACRZ GF VALUES (Fortran, 903 Lines, Tape Issue 24).
Oscillator strengths from numerical MCHF radial functions.
C.F. Fischer, K.M.S. Saxena. Subroutines required: (for
data) ACRF (Section 2.1), AAKP (Section 4.1), ACQB (Section
4.1), ACRN (Section 4.1), AAHD (Section 4.1).
15(1978)275 ACRZ 0001 QUADRUPOLE TRANSITIONS (Fortran, 478 Lines, Tape Issue
34). An adaptation of ACRZ to calculate electric
quadrupole oscillator strengths. M. Godefroid.
Subroutines required: ACRF (Section 2.1) or AAKP (Section
4.1), (for data) ACQB (Section 4.1), ACRN (Section 4.1),
AAHD (Section 4.1).
17(1979)426 ACRZ A00ACORRECTION TO 0001 01/03/79 (Fortran, Tape Issue 39).
An adaptation of ACRZ to calculate electric quadrupole
oscillator strengths. (C.P.C. 15(1978)275).
M. Godefroid.
41(1986)195 ACRZ A00BCORRECTION TO 0001 26/02/86 (Fortran, Tape Issue 63).
An adaptation of ACRZ to calculate electric quadrupole
oscillator strengths. (C.P.C. 15(1978)275).
M. Godefroid.
11(1976)57 AAKQ ATOMIC SCF HARTREE-FOCK (Algol, 428 Lines, Tape Issue 26).
Self-consistent field Hartree-Fock program for atoms.
L.V. Chernysheva, N.A. Cherepkov, V. Radojevic.
14(1978)71 ACXF MBPT ORGANIZATION (Fortran, 1454 Lines, Tape Issue 30).
Diagrammatic many-body perturbation expansion for atoms
and molecules: I. General organization. D.M. Silver.
Subroutines required: ACXG (Section 2.1), ACXH (Section
14(1978)81 ACXG MBPT LADDER DIAGRAMS (Fortran, 794 Lines, Tape Issue 30).
Diagrammatic many-body perturbation expansion for atoms
and molecules: II. Second-order and third-order ladder
energies. D.M. Silver. Subroutines required: ACXF
(Section 2.1), ACXH (Section 2.1).
14(1978)91 ACXH MBPT RING DIAGRAMS (Fortran, 739 Lines, Tape Issue 30).
Diagrammatic many-body perturbation expansion for atoms
and molecules: III. Third-order ring energies.
S. Wilson. Subroutines required: ACXF (Section 2.1), ACXG
(Section 2.1).
14(1978)145 ACYA MCHF77 (Fortran, 4414 Lines, Tape Issue 32). A general
multi-configuration Hartree-Fock program. C.F. Fischer.
Other versions: ACQJ (Section 2.1), ACRF (Section 2.1),
AATK (Section 2.1).
16(1979)285 AAKU TERM (Fortran, 7994 Lines, Tape Issue 36). I.
Generator of determinantal non-relativistic atomic states
from spectroscopic notation. Computation of matrix
elements. J.J. Labarthe.
16(1979)301 AAKV EXCGH (Fortran, 4048 Lines, Tape Issue 36). II.
Generator of atomic excited terms from angular
considerations. J.J. Labarthe. Subroutine required: (for
data) AAKU (Section 2.1).
16(1979)311 AAKW EDD (Fortran, 7087 Lines, Tape Issue 36). III.
Analytic approximations of radial orbitals for
multiconfigurational Hartree-Fock computations.
J.J. Labarthe. Subroutines required: (for data) AAKV
(Section 2.1), AAKU (Section 2.1).
16(1979)325 AAKW 0001 QFO (Fortran, 1071 Lines, Tape Issue 36). IV.
Approximation of numerical orbitals by Slater functions.
J.J. Labarthe.
18(1979)87 AAKZ ATOMIC FROZEN CORE HARTREE-FOCK (Algol, 571 Lines, Tape
Issue 39). Frozen core Hartree-Fock program for atomic
discrete and continuous states. L.V. Chernysheva,
N.A. Cherepkov, V. Radojevic. Subroutine required: (for
data) AAKQ (Section 2.1).
18(1979)109 AACH SSTR-TRANSITION GENERALIZED SUMS (Fortran, 2988 Lines, Tape
Issue 38). Z-expansion of matrix elements of one-
electron operators for many-electron atoms. M.N. Lewis.
20(1980)213 AAJD RPA TWO ELECTRON EIGENFUNCTION (Fortran, 566 Lines, Tape
Issue 43). A program to calculate the eigenfunctions of
the random phase approximation for two electron systems.
M.J. Jamieson, I.H.K. Aldeen.
20(1980)221 AAHK CPOLAR (Fortran, 1405 Lines, Tape Issue 43). Energy
eigenvalues and bound-bound transitions of hydrogen atoms
in a magnetic field using cylindrical basis functions.
S.M. Kara.
21(1980)207 AANC MCDF (Fortran, 11151 Lines, Tape Issue 44). An atomic
multiconfigurational Dirac-Fock package. I.P. Grant,
B.J. McKenzie, P.H. Norrington, D.F. Mayers, N.C. Pyper.
Other version: AANC0001 (Section 2.1).
66(1991)392 AANC 0001 CONTWV (Fortran, 2418 Lines, Tape Issue 82).
Relativistic continuum wavefunction solver.
W.F. Perger, V. Karighattam. Subroutine required: AANC
(Section 2.1). Other versions: AANC (Section 2.1), ACNK
(Section 2.1).
21(1980)233 AAND MCBP/BENA (Fortran, 2858 Lines, Tape Issue 44). A
program to calculate transverse Breit and QED corrections
to energy levels in a multi-configuration Dirac-Fock
environment. B.J. McKenzie, I.P. Grant,
P.H. Norrington. Subroutine required: AANC (Section 2.1).
23(1981)222 AAND 000A CORRECTION 27/04/81 (Fortran, Tape Issue 46). A
program to calculate transverse Breit and QED corrections
to energy levels in a multi-configuration Dirac-Fock
environment. (C.P.C. 21(1980)233). B.J. McKenzie,
I.P. Grant, P.H. Norrington.
30(1983)311 AAFI HSCF (Fortran, 2393 Lines, Tape Issue 56). An atomic
Gaussian-type orbital Roothaan-Hartree-Fock program.
S. Huzinaga, M. Klobukowski, Y. Sakai.
31(1984)423 ACFZ INTERACTING CONFIGURATIONS (Fortran, 1663 Lines, Tape Issue
57). Determination of interacting configurations.
D. Ridder.
32(1984)63 AAML GOLIATH (Fortran, 1900 Lines, Tape Issue 57). A
nonrelativistic program for optical response in atoms
using a time-dependent local density approximation.
A. Zangwill, D.A. Liberman.
32(1984)75 AAMM DAVID (Fortran, 1816 Lines, Tape Issue 57). A
relativistic program for optical response in atoms using
a time-dependent local density approximation.
D.A. Liberman, A. Zangwill.
32(1984)215 ACCE REDUCED LOCAL ENERGY FOR ATOMS (Fortran, 1135 Lines, Tape
Issue 57). Reduced local energy for atomic Hartree-Fock
wavefunctions. F.W. King, M.K. Kelly, M.A. LeGore,
M.E. Poitzsch.
43(1987)355 AATK HF86 (Fortran, 4205 Lines, Tape Issue 64). General
Hartree-Fock program. C.F. Fischer. Other versions: ACQJ
(Section 2.1), ACRF (Section 2.1), ACYA (Section 2.1).
47(1987)159 ABBB RIAS (Fortran, 12551 Lines, Tape Issue 66). Research in
atomic structure: a configuration interaction program
with relativistic corrections. S. Fraga, M. Klobukowski,
J. Muszynska, K.M.S. Saxena, J.A. Sordo,
J.D. Climenhaga, P. Clark.
52(1989)445 ABBB 000ACORRECTION 07/09/88 (Fortran, Tape Issue 72).
Research in atomic structure: a configuration interaction
program with relativistic corrections. (C.P.C.
47(1987)159). S. Fraga, M. Klobukowski, J. Muszynska,
K.M.S. Saxena, J.A. Sordo, J.D. Climenhaga, P. Clark.
52(1989)415 ABFS HONDO VERSION 7.0 (Fortran, 97320 Lines, Manual 155 pages,
Tape Issue 72). The general atomic and molecular
electronic structure system HONDO: version 7.0.
M. Dupuis, J.D. Watts, H.O. Villar, G.J.B. Hurst.
54(1989)85 ABHT ATOMOPM (Fortran, 947 Lines, Tape Issue 73). A program
to compute variationally optimized effective atomic
potentials. J.D. Talman.
54(1989)95 ABHU DIRACATOMOPM (Fortran, 1121 Lines, Tape Issue 73). A
program to compute variationally optimized relativistic
atomic potentials. B.A. Shadwick, J.D. Talman,
M.R. Norman. Subroutine required: (for data) ABHT (Section
55(1989)425 ABJN GRASP (Fortran, 94872 Lines, Tape Issue 75). GRASP: a
general-purpose relativistic atomic structure program.
See erratum Comp. Phys. Commun. 58(1990)345.
K.G. Dyall, I.P. Grant, C.T. Johnson, F.A. Parpia,
E.P. Plummer.
64(1991)399 ABZU MCHF_LIBRARIES (Fortran, 13735 Lines, Tape Issue 80).
MCHF atomic structure package: support libraries and
utilities. C.F. Fischer.
64(1991)406 ABZV MCHF_GENCL (Fortran, 2146 Lines, Tape Issue 80). A
program to generate configuration state lists.
C.F. Fischer, B. Liu.
64(1991)417 ABZW MCHF_NONH (Fortran, 4788 Lines, Tape Issue 80). A
general program for computing angular integrals of the
non-relativistic Hamiltonian with non-orthogonal orbitals.
A. Hibbert, C.F. Fischer. Subroutine required: ABZU
(Section 2.1).
64(1991)431 ABZX MCHF_88 (Fortran, 4419 Lines, Tape Issue 80). A general
multiconfiguration Hartree-Fock program. C.F. Fischer.
Subroutine required: ABZU (Section 2.1).
64(1991)455 ABZY MCHF_BREIT (Fortran, 5042 Lines, Tape Issue 80). A
general program for computing angular integrals of the
Breit-Pauli hamiltonian. A. Hibbert, R. Glass,
C.F. Fischer. Subroutine required: ABZU (Section 2.1).
64(1991)473 ABZZ MCHF_CI (Fortran, 1070 Lines, Tape Issue 80). A
configuration interaction program. C.F. Fischer.
Subroutine required: ABZU (Section 2.1).
64(1991)486 ACBA MCHF_MLTPOL (Fortran, 1806 Lines, Tape Issue 80). A
program for performing angular integrations for
transition operators. C.F. Fischer, M.R. Godefroid,
A. Hibbert. Subroutine required: ABZU (Section 2.1).
64(1991)501 ACBB MCHF_LSTR AND MCHF_LSJTR (Fortran, 1590 Lines, Tape Issue
80). Programs for computing LS and LSJ transitions from
MCHF wave functions. C.F. Fischer, M.R. Godefroid.
Subroutine required: ABZU (Section 2.1).
70(1992)345 ACHN ccMBPT-4t (Fortran, 839 Lines, Tape Issue 83).
Diagrammatic many-body perturbation expansion for atoms
and moleucles. VIII. ccMBPT-4t. D. Moncrieff,
V.R. Saunders, S. Wilson.
74(1993)142 ACLA SPIN003 (Fortran, 1855 Lines, Tape Issue 86). The
construction of matrices of orthogonal operators for
d**N configurations. H.J. Kooy Jr.
74(1993)381 ACLD MCHF_AUTO (Fortran, 3600 Lines, Tape Issue 86). A
program for computing autoionization properties.
C.F. Fischer, T. Brage. Subroutines required: ABZU
(Section 2.1), ABZV (Section 2.1), ABZW (Section 2.1),
ABZX (Section 2.1), ABZY (Section 2.1), ABZZ (Section 2.1),
ACBA (Section 2.1), ACBB (Section 2.1).
74(1993)399 ACLE MCHF_HFS (Fortran, 3291 Lines, Tape Issue 86). A program
for computing magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole
hyperfine constants from MCHF wavefunctions. P. Jonsson,
C.-G. Wahlstrom, C.F. Fischer. Subroutines required: ABZU
(Section 2.1), ABZV (Section 2.1), ABZW (Section 2.1),
ABZX (Section 2.1), ABZY (Section 2.1), ABZZ (Section 2.1),
ACBA (Section 2.1), ACBB (Section 2.1).
74(1993)415 ACLF MCHF_ISOTOPE (Fortran, 1193 Lines, Tape Issue 86). A
program to compute isotope shifts in atomic spectra.
C.F. Fischer, L. Smentek-Mielczarek, N. Vaeck,
G. Miecznik. Subroutines required: ABZU (Section 2.1),
ABZV (Section 2.1), ABZW (Section 2.1), ABZX (Section 2.1),
ABZY (Section 2.1), ABZZ (Section 2.1), ACBA (Section 2.1),
ACBB (Section 2.1).
74(1993)432 ACLG MCHF_LSGEN (Fortran, 2489 Lines, Tape Issue 86). LSGEN:
a program to generate configuration-state lists of LS-
coupled basis functions. L. Sturesson, C.F. Fischer.
75(1993)185 ACLO HYDMATEL (Fortran, 1137 Lines, Tape Issue 87). HYDMATEL:
a code to calculate matrix elements for hydrogen-like
atoms. M.L. Sanchez, A. Lopez Pineiro.
76(1993)127 ACNG JJCAS (Fortran, 1072 Lines, Tape Issue 88). A program
for generating complete active spaces for relativistic
atomic structure calculations. F.A. Parpia,
W.P. Wijesundera, I.P. Grant.
76(1993)250 ACNK CONTWVG (Fortran, 4862 Lines, Tape Issue 88). Continuum
wavefunction solver for GRASP. W.F. Perger, Z. Halabuka,
D. Trautmann. Subroutine required: ABJN (Section 2.1).
Other version: AANC0001 (Section 2.1).
83(1994)95 ACVM VACPOL (Fortran, 1069 Lines, Tape Issue 93). Vacuum-
polarization potentials of extended nuclear charges.
V. Hnizdo.
90(1995)311 ADBZ HSTERM: a program to calculate potential curves and radial
matrix elements for two-electron systems within the
hyperspherical adiabatic approach.
A.G. Abrashkevich, D.G. Abrashkevich, M. Shapiro.
Ref. in Comp. Phys. Commun.
92(1995)111 ADCB CESD: a program for the complete expansion of jj-coupled
symmetry functions into Slater determinants. S. Fritzsche,
I.P. Grant.
Ref. in Comp. Phys. Commun.
2.2 Spectra
1(1970)465 ABKD RITZ COMBINATION PRINCIPLE (Fortran, 113 Lines, Tape Issue
4). Program for fitting transition energies into a level
scheme according to the combination principle.
I.R. Williams.
11(1976)363 ACWW COMPTON CROSS SECTIONS (Fortran, 762 Lines, Tape Issue 27).
Non-relativistic form factor program for Compton
scattering of gamma rays by bound electrons. F. Smend,
M. Schumacher.
15(1978)125 ACYJ BREMSSTRAHLUNG INTENSITY (NR) (Fortran, 301 Lines, Tape
Issue 34). A program for calculating the angular
distribution of nonrelativistic bremsstrahlung intensity.
A. Banuelos, F. Rodriguez-Trelles.
17(1979)305 ACYJ 0001 BREMSSTRAHLUNG INTENSITY 2 (Fortran, 245 Lines, Tape
Issue 37). Extension to high frequencies of a program
for calculating the angular distribution of
nonrelativistic bremsstrahlung. A. Banuelos,
F. Rodriguez-Trelles, L. Bilbao.
25(1982)223 AANQ MQDTAC (Fortran, 2537 Lines, Tape Issue 52). A program
for analysing the Rydberg series of highly excited
discrete spectra by M.Q.D.T. O. Robaux, M. Aymar.
28(1982)201 AAOV AUGER-TRANSITIONS CLASSIFICATION (Fortran, 1292 Lines, Tape
Issue 54). Classification of Auger-transitions in LS-
coupling. D. Ridder.
59(1990)499 ABRV BREMPNT (Fortran, 323 Lines, Tape Issue 78).
Bremsstrahlung cross section for a point, spinless target.
A. Minter, D.A. Jenkins.
2.3 Experimental Analysis
1(1970)440 ACQR SYNCHROTRON RADIATION (Fortran, 321 Lines, Tape Issue 4).
Spectral intensity, angular distribution and polarisation
of synchrotron radiation from a monoenergetic electron.
J. Lang.
3(1972)19 AAKE CALOR (Fortran, 309 Lines, Tape Issue 9). Wave number
calculation from least-squares level values.
L.J. Radziemski Jr., K.J. Fisher, D.W. Steinhaus,
A.S. Goldman. Subroutine required: (for data) AAKD
(Section 2.1).
3(1972)240 AAGK POSITRONFIT (Fortran, 1125 Lines, Tape Issue 10).
POSITRONFIT: a versatile program for analysing positron
lifetime spectra. P. Kirkegaard, M. Eldrup. Other
versions: AAGX (Section 2.3), AAGZ (Section 2.3), AAHI
(Section 2.3), AANN (Section 2.3), ACKX (Section 7.4).
7(1974)95 AAED HOMER (Fortran, 2026 Lines, Tape Issue 17). A program
for the extraction of radiative lifetimes from
experimental beam-foil intensity decay data.
D.J.G. Irwin, A.E. Livingston.
--- AAGX 000ACORRECTION 30/11/78 (Fortran, Tape Issue 37).
Unpublished correction to POSITRONFIT EXTENDED: a new
version of a program for analysing postitron lifetime
spectra. P. Kirkegaard, M. Eldrup.
7(1974)401 AAGX POSITRONFIT EXTENDED (Fortran, 1222 Lines, Tape Issue 20).
POSITRONFIT EXTENDED: a new version of a program for
analysing positron lifetime spectra. P. Kirkegaard,
M. Eldrup. Other versions: AAGK (Section 2.3), AAGZ
(Section 2.3), AAHI (Section 2.3), AANN (Section 2.3),
ACKX (Section 7.4).
13(1977)371 AAGZ DBLCON (Fortran, 1336 Lines, Tape Issue 32). DBLCON: a
version of POSITRONFIT with non-Gaussian prompt for
analysing positron lifetime spectra. W.K. Warburton.
Other versions: AAGK (Section 2.3), AAGX (Section 2.3),
AAHI (Section 2.3), AANN (Section 2.3), ACKX (Section 7.4).
15(1978)97 AAHI INTERACTIVE POSITRONFIT (Fortran, 1367 Lines, Tape Issue
34). INTERACTIVE POSITRONFIT: a new version of a program
for analysing positron lifetime spectra. C.J. Virtue,
R.J. Douglas, B.T.A. McKee. Other versions: AAGK (Section
2.3), AAGX (Section 2.3), AAGZ (Section 2.3), AANN (Section
2.3), ACKX (Section 7.4).
23(1981)307 AANN PATFIT (Fortran, 5599 Lines, Tape Issue 48). Program
system for analysing positron lifetime spectra and
angular correlation curves. P. Kirkegaard, M. Eldrup,
O.E. Mogensen, N.J. Pedersen. Other versions: AAGK
(Section 2.3), AAGX (Section 2.3), AAGZ (Section 2.3),
AAHI (Section 2.3), ACKX (Section 7.4).
25(1982)417 AARV MONIT (Fortran, 11769 Lines, Tape Issue 52). A spectrum
data processing system. T.P. Hult, S.P. Svensson,
T.G. Andersson.
25(1982)433 AAHN POSDIF (Fortran, 903 Lines, Tape Issue 52). POSDIF: a
program to compute positron diffusion and annihilation in
rare gases. R.I. Campeanu.
54(1989)307 ABJB SYNCHR88 (Fortran, 777 Lines, Tape Issue 74).
Synchrotron radiation flux at experimental stations.
J.S. Reid.
79(1994)115 ACPU EMI (Fortran, 724 Lines, Tape Issue 90). EMI: the
counting efficiency for electron capture, electron
capture-gamma and isomeric transitions.
A. Grau Carles, A. Grau Malonda, P. Grau Carles.
2.4 Electron Scattering
1(1969)88 ACQE ASYM (Fortran, 1167 Lines, Tape Issue 1). Asymptotic
solution of coupled equations for electron scattering.
D.W. Norcross. Other version: ACRK (Section 2.4).
--- AAGB 0001ADAPT AAGB FOR CDC 6600 (Fortran, 15 Lines, Tape Issue
2). Unpublished adaptation to adapt SIMMEG for CDC 6600.
H.E. Saraph.
1(1970)232 AAGB SIMMEG (Fortran, 698 Lines, Tape Issue 2). Collision
strengths from reactance matrices. H.E. Saraph.
1(1970)306 AAIA ATOMNP (Fortran, 4320 Lines, Tape Issue 3). A computer
program for the calculation of electron scattering and
photoionization cross sections of atomic systems with
configuration (np)q. See erratum Comp. Phys. Commun.
1(1970)470. M.J. Conneely, L. Lipsky, K. Smith,
P.G. Burke, R.J.W. Henry.
2(1971)175 ACQX A SCAT (Fortran, 635 Lines, Tape Issue 6). A program for
calculating relativistic elastic electron-atom collision
data. A.C. Yates.
2(1971)360 AAGH SCATTERING AMPLITUDES (Fortran, 675 Lines, Tape Issue 7).
Amplitudes for scattering of electrons by hydrogenic and
alkali-like atomic systems. D.L. Moores.
34(1984)224 AAGH 000A CORRECTION 24/8/84 (Fortran, Tape Issue 58).
Amplitudes for scattering of electrons by hydrogenic and
alkali-like atomic systems. (C.P.C. 2(1971)360).
D.L. Moores.
3(1972)256 AAGJ JAJOM (Fortran, 2109 Lines, Tape Issue 9). Fine
structure cross sections from reactance matrices.
H.E. Saraph. Other version: ACYG (Section 2.4).
5(1973)416 ACRK ASYM VERSION FOR ICL 1900 (Fortran, 1202 Lines, Tape Issue
13). A new version of the program to compute the
asymptotic solution of coupled equations for electron
scattering. A.T. Chivers. Other version: ACQE (Section
6(1973)77 AAGV SHIFTA (Fortran, 2018 Lines, Tape Issue 15). Phase shift
analysis and consistency checks on electron-atom
collision data. P.F. Naccache, M.R.C. McDowell.
7(1974)38 AAGW POLORB (Fortran, 1722 Lines, Tape Issue 16). Electron
impact excitation cross sections. M.R.C. McDowell,
L. Morgan, V.P. Myerscough.
8(1974)149 AAHA RMATRX STG1 (Fortran, 3799 Lines, Tape Issue 22). A
general program to calculate atomic continuum processes
using the R-matrix method. K.A. Berrington, P.G. Burke,
J.J. Chang, A.T. Chivers, W.D. Robb, K.T. Taylor.
Subroutines required: AAHB (Section 2.4), AAHC (Section
2.4), AAHE (Section 2.7), ACQB (Section 4.1), ACRN (Section
4.1), ACQV (Section 2.9), ACQV0001 (Section 2.9), AAHD
(Section 4.1), AAKF (Section 4.1), ACRK (Section 2.4).
Other versions: AAHF (Section 2.4), AANR (Section 2.4).
8(1974)150 AAHB RMATRX STG2 (Fortran, 3780 Lines, Tape Issue 22). A
general program to calculate atomic continuum processes
using the R-matrix method. K.A. Berrington, P.G. Burke,
J.J. Chang, A.T. Chivers, W.D. Robb, K.T. Taylor.
Subroutines required: ACRN (Section 4.1), ACQB (Section
4.1), ACQV (Section 2.9), ACQV0001 (Section 2.9), AAHD
(Section 4.1), AAKF (Section 4.1), AAHA (Section 2.4),
AAHC (Section 2.4), ACRK (Section 2.4). Other versions:
AAHG (Section 2.4), AANS (Section 2.4).
8(1974)150 AAHC RMATRX STG3 (Fortran, 3554 Lines, Tape Issue 22). A
general program to calculate atomic continuum processes
using the R-matrix method. K.A. Berrington, P.G. Burke,
J.J. Chang, A.T. Chivers, W.D. Robb, K.T. Taylor.
Subroutines required: AAHE (Section 2.7), ACRK (Section
2.4), AAHA (Section 2.4), AAHB (Section 2.4), ACQB (Section
4.1), ACRN (Section 4.1), ACQV (Section 2.9), ACQV0001
(Section 2.9), AAHD (Section 4.1), AAKF (Section 4.1).
Other versions: AAHH (Section 2.4), AANV (Section 2.4).
14(1978)99 ACYD LAG 1 (Fortran, 1587 Lines, Tape Issue 31). A program
for calculating elastic scattering phase shifts for an
electron colliding with a one-electron target using
perturbation theory. E. McGreevy, A.L. Stewart.
14(1978)367 AAHF A NEW VERSION OF RMATRX STG1 (Fortran, 5119 Lines, Tape
Issue 33). A new version of the general program to
calculate atomic continuum processes using the R-matrix
method. K.A. Berrington, P.G. Burke, M. Le Dourneuf,
W.D. Robb, K.T. Taylor, Vo Ky Lan. Subroutines required:
AAHG (Section 2.4), AAHH (Section 2.4). Other versions:
AAHA (Section 2.4), AANR (Section 2.4).
14(1978)367 AAHG A NEW VERSION OF RMATRX STG2 (Fortran, 10154 Lines, Tape
Issue 33). A new version of the general program to
calculate atomic continuum processes using the R-matrix
method. K.A. Berrington, P.G. Burke, M. Le Dourneuf,
W.D. Robb, K.T. Taylor, Vo Ky Lan. Subroutines required:
AAHF (Section 2.4), AAHH (Section 2.4). Other versions:
AAHB (Section 2.4), AANS (Section 2.4).
14(1978)367 AAHH A NEW VERSION OF RMATRX STG3 (Fortran, 7244 Lines, Tape
Issue 33). A new version of the general program to
calculate atomic continuum processes using the R-matrix
method. K.A. Berrington, P.G. Burke, M. Le Dourneuf,
W.D. Robb, K.T. Taylor, Vo Ky Lan. Subroutines required:
AAHF (Section 2.4), AAHG (Section 2.4). Other versions:
AAHC (Section 2.4), AANV (Section 2.4).
22(1981)467 AAHH 0001 R-MATRIX POLARIZABILITIES (Fortran, 428 Lines, Tape
Issue 46). R-matrix dynamic dipole polarizabilities.
P. Shorer. Subroutines required: AAHF (Section 2.4), AAHG
(Section 2.4), AAHH (Section 2.4).
15(1978)23 ACYE IMPACT (Fortran, 6762 Lines, Tape Issue 32). IMPACT: a
program for the solution of the coupled integro-
differential equations of electron-atom collision theory.
M.A. Crees, M.J. Seaton, P.M.H. Wilson. Subroutine
required: ACYF (Section 2.4). Other version: ACZK (Section
15(1978)23 ACYF IMPPRO (Fortran, 705 Lines, Tape Issue 32).
Preprocessor for IMPACT: a program for the solution of
the coupled integro-differential equations of electron-
atom collision theory. M.A. Crees, M.J. Seaton,
P.M.H. Wilson.
18(1979)287 ACYF 0001ADAPT IMPPRO FOR ECSIMPACT (Fortran, 39 Lines, Tape
Issue 39). Preprocessor for ECSIMPACT: a special version
of program IMPACT for CDC machines with ex-core memory.
H.E. Saraph.
15(1978)247 ACYG JAJOMPRE (Fortran, 2835 Lines, Tape Issue 34). Fine
structure cross sections from reactance matrices: a more
versatile development of the program JAJOM.
H.E. Saraph. Other version: AAGJ (Section 2.4).
16(1978)119 AAKY LSTOIC (Fortran, 1238 Lines, Tape Issue 35).
Intermediate coupling collision strengths from LS coupled
R-matrix elements. R.E.H. Clark.
18(1979)287 ACZK ECSIMPACT (Fortran, 6862 Lines, Tape Issue 39).
ECSIMPACT: a special version of program IMPACT for CDC
machines with ex-core memory. T.M. Luke, H.E. Saraph.
Subroutines required: ACYF (Section 2.4), ACYF0001 (Section
2.4). Other version: ACYE (Section 2.4).
19(1980)103 AAJA ASYPCK (Fortran, 4046 Lines, Tape Issue 40). ASYPCK: a
program for calculating asymptotic solutions of the
coupled equations of electron collision theory.
M.A. Crees. Subroutine required: AAJB (Section 2.4).
Other version: AANK (Section 2.4).
19(1980)103 AAJB ASYPRO (Fortran, 592 Lines, Tape Issue 40).
Preprocessor for ASYPCK: a program for calculating
asymptotic solutions of the coupled equations of electron
collision theory. M.A. Crees. Other version: AANL
(Section 2.4).
23(1981)181 AANK ASYPCK2 (Fortran, 4398 Lines, Tape Issue 47). ASYPCK2,
an extended version of ASYPCK. M.A. Crees. Subroutine
required: AANL (Section 2.4). Other version: AAJA (Section
23(1981)181 AANL ASYPRO2 (Fortran, 773 Lines, Tape Issue 47).
Preprocessor for ASYPCK2, an extended version of ASYPCK.
M.A. Crees. Other version: AAJB (Section 2.4).
23(1981)181 AANM ASYSLIM (Fortran, 194 Lines, Tape Issue 47). A
streamlined version of ASYPCK2, an extended version of
ASYPCK. M.A. Crees. Subroutines required: AANK (Section
2.4), AANL (Section 2.4).
23(1981)233 AAJG NIEM POTC1 (Fortran, 6393 Lines, Tape Issue 48). A
general program to calculate atomic continuum processes
using the NIEM method. R.J.W. Henry, S.P. Rountree,
E.R. Smith. Subroutines required: AAJH (Section 2.4),
AAJI (Section 2.4), ACWN0001 (Section 4.3).
23(1981)233 AAJH NIEM NIES2 (Fortran, 3162 Lines, Tape Issue 48). A
general program to calculate atomic continuum processes
using the NIEM method. R.J.W. Henry, S.P. Rountree,
E.R. Smith. Subroutines required: AAJG (Section 2.4),
AAJI (Section 2.4), ACWN0001 (Section 4.3).
23(1981)233 AAJI NIEM ASYM3 (Fortran, 2086 Lines, Tape Issue 48). A
general program to calculate atomic continuum processes
using the NIEM method. R.J.W. Henry, S.P. Rountree,
E.R. Smith. Subroutines required: AAJG (Section 2.4),
AAJH (Section 2.4), ACWN0001 (Section 4.3).
25(1982)97 AANP SEPDE (Fortran, 1330 Lines, Tape Issue 50). A non-
iterative method for solving PDE's arising in electron
scattering. E.C. Sullivan, A. Temkin.
25(1982)347 AANR RMATRX STG1R (Fortran, 6047 Lines, Tape Issue 51). A
general program to calculate atomic continuum processes
incorporating model potentials and the Breit-Pauli
Hamiltonian within the R-matrix method. N.S. Scott,
K.T. Taylor. Subroutines required: AANS (Section 2.4),
AANT (Section 2.4), AANU (Section 2.4), AANV (Section 2.4).
Other versions: AAHA (Section 2.4), AAHF (Section 2.4).
25(1982)347 AANS RMATRX STG2R (Fortran, 10141 Lines, Tape Issue 51). A
general program to calculate atomic continuum processes
incorporating model potentials and the Breit-Pauli
Hamiltonian within the R-matrix method. N.S. Scott,
K.T. Taylor. Subroutines required: AANR (Section 2.4),
AANT (Section 2.4), AANU (Section 2.4), AANV (Section 2.4).
Other versions: AAHB (Section 2.4), AAHG (Section 2.4).
25(1982)347 AANT RMATRX RECUP (Fortran, 6148 Lines, Tape Issue 51). A
general program to calculate atomic continuum processes
incorporating model potentials and the Breit-Pauli
Hamiltonian within the R-matrix method. N.S. Scott,
K.T. Taylor. Subroutines required: AANR (Section 2.4),
AANS (Section 2.4), AANU (Section 2.4), AANV (Section 2.4).
25(1982)347 AANU RMATRX RECUD (Fortran, 1275 Lines, Tape Issue 51). A
general program to calculate atomic continuum processes
incorporating model potentials and the Breit-Pauli
Hamiltonian within the R-matrix method. N.S. Scott,
K.T. Taylor. Subroutines required: AANR (Section 2.4),
AANS (Section 2.4), AANT (Section 2.4), AANV (Section 2.4).
25(1982)347 AANV RMATRX STG3R (Fortran, 9548 Lines, Tape Issue 51). A
general program to calculate atomic continuum processes
incorporating model potentials and the Breit-Pauli
Hamiltonian within the R-matrix method. N.S. Scott,
K.T. Taylor. Subroutines required: AANR (Section 2.4),
AANS (Section 2.4), AANT (Section 2.4), AANU (Section 2.4).
Other versions: AAHC (Section 2.4), AAHH (Section 2.4).
27(1982)25 AANW MOMTRANF (Fortran, 2590 Lines, Tape Issue 52). A new
program to calculate differential and total cross
sections for electron-atom or ion scattering using the
momentum transfer formalism. S.A. Salvini.
52(1988)165 AANW 000ACORRECTION 26/09/88 (Fortran, Tape Issue 71). A new
program to calculate differential and total cross
sections for electron-atom or ion scattering using the
momentum transfer formalism. (C.P.C. 27(1982)25).
S.A. Salvini.
30(1983)369 ACFE SCATTAMPREL (Fortran, 1247 Lines, Tape Issue 56).
Amplitudes for scattering of electrons by atomic systems
including relativistic effects. K. Bartschat,
N.S. Scott.
30(1983)383 ACFF OBSERVABLES (Fortran, 1429 Lines, Tape Issue 56).
Program to calculate observable quantities from
scattering amplitudes for inelastic electron-atom
collisions. K. Bartschat.
33(1984)399 ACCT CFASYM (Fortran, 3294 Lines, Tape Issue 58). CFASYM: a
program for the calculation of the asymptotic solutions
of the coupled equations of electron collision theory.
C.J. Noble, R.K. Nesbet. Subroutines required: ABNK
(Section 4.7), ACCU (Section 4.5).
36(1985)101 ACDU SKEW (PL/1, 469 Lines, Tape Issue 60). SKEW: program for
calculation of electron scattering amplitudes on atomic
potential using spin-orbit relativistic correction.
E. Pilipczuk, I. Pilipczuk.
41(1986)41 AALF RECREM (Fortran, 3386 Lines, Tape Issue 63). Recurrence
relations for Coulomb excitation electric multipole
radial matrix elements. L.D. Tolsma. Subroutine required:
ACMM (Section 7.8).
47(1987)295 AAXK BETRT (Fortran, 1207 Lines, Tape Issue 67). A procedure
to evaluate the cross section for electron-hydrogen
collisions in the Bethe approximation to the reactance
matrix. A. Burgess, C.T. Whelan.
59(1990)319 ABRP CEFEUSK (Fortran, 402 Lines, Tape Issue 78). K-matrix
calculation for general nonlocal potentials. J. Horacek,
J. Bok.
69(1992)76 ACGP RMATRX NX (Fortran, 15986 Lines, Tape Issue 82). A new
no-exchange R-matrix program. V.M. Burke, P.G. Burke,
N.S. Scott.
74(1993)256 ACLH AVTMAT (Fortran, 7075 Lines, Tape Issue 86). Averaging
of pseudoresonant T-matrix elements. T.T. Scholz.
74(1993)358 ACJX PWASCH AND PWADIR (Fortran, 3894 Lines, Tape Issue 86).
Elastic scattering of electrons and positrons by atoms.
Schrodinger and Dirac partial wave analysis. F. Salvat,
R. Mayol. Subroutine required: ABTR (Section 4.3).
75(1993)219 ACLN RMATRX-ION (Fortran, 34361 Lines, Tape Issue 87). RMATRX-
ION: a program to calculate electron and positron impact
ionization within the R-matrix method. K. Bartschat.
84(1994)317 ACVT FARM GUI (C, Xview Toolkit, 9852 Lines, Tape Issue 93).
GRACE: the problem specification stage II. N.S. Scott,
J. Johnston, V.M. Burke, C.J. Noble, D.W. Busby.
84(1994)335 ACVN ALKALI-OBSERVABLES (Fortran, 2100 Lines, Tape Issue 93).
Electron scattering from quasi one-electron targets:
experimental observables versus theoretical scattering
amplitudes. K. Bartschat, N. Andersen.
85(1995)471 ADAZ FARM (Fortran, 21065 Lines, Tape Issue 95). FARM: a
flexible asymptotic R-matrix package. V.M. Burke,
C.J. Noble.
**88(1995)249 ADAW MET_cross (Fortran, 9905 Lines, Tape Issue 96). The
multichannel eikonal theory program for electron-atom
scattering. E.J. Mansky, M.R. Flannery.
**88(1995)249 ADAY MET_states (Fortran, 1317 Lines, Tape Issue 96). The
multichannel eikonal theory program for electron-atom
scattering. E.J. Mansky, M.R. Flannery. Subroutine
required: (for data) ADAW (Section 2.4).
**88(1995)278 ADAX Vij (Fortran, 7336 Lines, Tape Issue 96). Automatic
generation of analytical matrix elements for electron-
atom scattering. E.J. Mansky, M.R. Flannery.
90(1995)311 ADBZ HSTERM: a program to calculate potential curves and radial
matrix elements for two-electron systems within the
hyperspherical adiabatic approach.
A.G. Abrashkevich, D.G. Abrashkevich, M. Shapiro.
Ref. in Comp. Phys. Commun.
2.5 Photon Interactions
7(1974)389 AAGY RAYLEIGH FORM FACTORS (Fortran, 310 Lines, Tape Issue 21).
Form factor program for Rayleigh scattering of gamma rays
by bound electrons. F. Smend, M. Schumacher.
10(1975)257 AAGY 000ACORRECTION 25/09/75 (Fortran, Tape Issue 25). Form
factor program for Rayleigh scattering of gamma rays by
bound electrons. (C.P.C. 7(1974)389). F. Smend,
M. Schumacher.
8(1974)149 AAHA RMATRX STG1 (Fortran, 3799 Lines, Tape Issue 22). A
general program to calculate atomic continuum processes
using the R-matrix method. K.A. Berrington, P.G. Burke,
J.J. Chang, A.T. Chivers, W.D. Robb, K.T. Taylor.
Subroutines required: AAHB (Section 2.5), AAHC (Section
2.5), AAHE (Section 2.7), ACQB (Section 4.1), ACRN (Section
4.1), ACQV (Section 2.9), ACQV0001 (Section 2.9), AAHD
(Section 4.1), AAKF (Section 4.1), ACRK (Section 2.4).
Other versions: AAHF (Section 2.5), AANR (Section 2.5).
8(1974)150 AAHB RMATRX STG2 (Fortran, 3780 Lines, Tape Issue 22). A
general program to calculate atomic continuum processes
using the R-matrix method. K.A. Berrington, P.G. Burke,
J.J. Chang, A.T. Chivers, W.D. Robb, K.T. Taylor.
Subroutines required: ACRN (Section 4.1), ACQB (Section
4.1), ACQV (Section 2.9), ACQV0001 (Section 2.9), AAHD
(Section 4.1), AAKF (Section 4.1), AAHA (Section 2.5),
AAHC (Section 2.5), ACRK (Section 2.4). Other versions:
AAHG (Section 2.5), AANS (Section 2.5).
8(1974)150 AAHC RMATRX STG3 (Fortran, 3554 Lines, Tape Issue 22). A
general program to calculate atomic continuum processes
using the R-matrix method. K.A. Berrington, P.G. Burke,
J.J. Chang, A.T. Chivers, W.D. Robb, K.T. Taylor.
Subroutines required: AAHE (Section 2.7), ACRK (Section
2.4), AAHA (Section 2.5), AAHB (Section 2.5), ACQB (Section
4.1), ACRN (Section 4.1), ACQV (Section 2.9), ACQV0001
(Section 2.9), AAHD (Section 4.1), AAKF (Section 4.1).
Other versions: AAHH (Section 2.5), AANV (Section 2.5).
14(1978)367 AAHF A NEW VERSION OF RMATRX STG1 (Fortran, 5119 Lines, Tape
Issue 33). A new version of the general program to
calculate atomic continuum processes using the R-matrix
method. K.A. Berrington, P.G. Burke, M. Le Dourneuf,
W.D. Robb, K.T. Taylor, Vo Ky Lan. Subroutines required:
AAHG (Section 2.5), AAHH (Section 2.5). Other versions:
AAHA (Section 2.5), AANR (Section 2.5).
14(1978)367 AAHG A NEW VERSION OF RMATRX STG2 (Fortran, 10154 Lines, Tape
Issue 33). A new version of the general program to
calculate atomic continuum processes using the R-matrix
method. K.A. Berrington, P.G. Burke, M. Le Dourneuf,
W.D. Robb, K.T. Taylor, Vo Ky Lan. Subroutines required:
AAHF (Section 2.5), AAHH (Section 2.5). Other versions:
AAHB (Section 2.5), AANS (Section 2.5).
14(1978)367 AAHH A NEW VERSION OF RMATRX STG3 (Fortran, 7244 Lines, Tape
Issue 33). A new version of the general program to
calculate atomic continuum processes using the R-matrix
method. K.A. Berrington, P.G. Burke, M. Le Dourneuf,
W.D. Robb, K.T. Taylor, Vo Ky Lan. Subroutines required:
AAHF (Section 2.5), AAHG (Section 2.5). Other versions:
AAHC (Section 2.5), AANV (Section 2.5).
22(1981)467 AAHH 0001 R-MATRIX POLARIZABILITIES (Fortran, 428 Lines, Tape
Issue 46). R-matrix dynamic dipole polarizabilities.
P. Shorer. Subroutines required: AAHF (Section 2.5), AAHG
(Section 2.5), AAHH (Section 2.5).
25(1982)347 AANR RMATRX STG1R (Fortran, 6047 Lines, Tape Issue 51). A
general program to calculate atomic continuum processes
incorporating model potentials and the Breit-Pauli
Hamiltonian within the R-matrix method. N.S. Scott,
K.T. Taylor. Subroutines required: AANS (Section 2.5),
AANT (Section 2.5), AANU (Section 2.5), AANV (Section 2.5).
Other versions: AAHA (Section 2.5), AAHF (Section 2.5).
25(1982)347 AANS RMATRX STG2R (Fortran, 10141 Lines, Tape Issue 51). A
general program to calculate atomic continuum processes
incorporating model potentials and the Breit-Pauli
Hamiltonian within the R-matrix method. N.S. Scott,
K.T. Taylor. Subroutines required: AANR (Section 2.5),
AANT (Section 2.5), AANU (Section 2.5), AANV (Section 2.5).
Other versions: AAHB (Section 2.5), AAHG (Section 2.5).
25(1982)347 AANT RMATRX RECUP (Fortran, 6148 Lines, Tape Issue 51). A
general program to calculate atomic continuum processes
incorporating model potentials and the Breit-Pauli
Hamiltonian within the R-matrix method. N.S. Scott,
K.T. Taylor. Subroutines required: AANR (Section 2.5),
AANS (Section 2.5), AANU (Section 2.5), AANV (Section 2.5).
25(1982)347 AANU RMATRX RECUD (Fortran, 1275 Lines, Tape Issue 51). A
general program to calculate atomic continuum processes
incorporating model potentials and the Breit-Pauli
Hamiltonian within the R-matrix method. N.S. Scott,
K.T. Taylor. Subroutines required: AANR (Section 2.5),
AANS (Section 2.5), AANT (Section 2.5), AANV (Section 2.5).
25(1982)347 AANV RMATRX STG3R (Fortran, 9548 Lines, Tape Issue 51). A
general program to calculate atomic continuum processes
incorporating model potentials and the Breit-Pauli
Hamiltonian within the R-matrix method. N.S. Scott,
K.T. Taylor. Subroutines required: AANR (Section 2.5),
AANS (Section 2.5), AANT (Section 2.5), AANU (Section 2.5).
Other versions: AAHC (Section 2.5), AAHH (Section 2.5).
32(1984)413 ACCN RAYLEIGH DHFS RFF AND MRFF (Fortran, 328 Lines, Tape Issue
58). Rayleigh self consistent relativistic form factors
and modified form factors. D. Schaupp, M. Schumacher,
F. Smend. Subroutine required: AAKB (Section 2.1).
46(1987)107 AAXB PHOTUC (Fortran, 9620 Lines, Tape Issue 65). PHOTUC:
oscillator strengths and photoionization cross sections
from close coupling wavefunctions. H.E. Saraph.
60(1990)271 ABTE FRFRTR (Fortran, 496 Lines, Tape Issue 78). Subroutines
for the evaluation of cross sections of one-photon
radiative processes occuring in fast-electron H-atom
collisions. A. Dubois, A. Maquet.
60(1990)271 ABTF BREMSS (Fortran, 493 Lines, Tape Issue 78). Subroutines
for the evaluation of cross sections of one-photon
radiative processes occuring in fast-electron H-atom
collisions. A. Dubois, A. Maquet.
2.6 Other Collision Processes
3(1972)173 AACF SCATTERING BY COMPLEX POTENTIAL (Fortran, 625 Lines, Tape
Issue 10). The calculation of absorption and elastic
cross sections using the optical potential.
A.C. Allison.
5(1973)417 AAGO SCAT (Fortran, 2566 Lines, Tape Issue 13). A general
program to study the scattering of particles by solving
coupled inhomogeneous second-order differential equations.
N. Chandra. Subroutine required: ACRK (Section 2.4).
5(1973)456 ACRL DCS (Fortran, 2177 Lines, Tape Issue 14). Program for
calculating differential and integral cross sections for
quantum mechanical scattering problems for reactance or
transition matrices. See erratum Comp. Phys. Commun.
7(1974)177. M.A. Brandt, D.G. Truhlar, R.L. Smith. Other
version: AAJE (Section 2.6).
7(1974)172 ACRL 0001 ACRL ADAPTED FOR IBM360/370 (Fortran, 27 Lines, Tape
Issue 17). Program ACRL to calculate differential and
integral cross sections adapted to run on IBM computers.
M.A. Brandt, D.G. Truhlar, R.L. Smith.
21(1980)97 AAJE DCS2 (Fortran, 2661 Lines, Tape Issue 45). New version
of program for calculating differential and integral
cross sections for quantum mechanical scattering problems
from reactance or transition matrices. K. Onda,
D.G. Truhlar, M.A. Brandt. Other version: ACRL (Section
27(1982)309 AAOD GAMOW FUNCTIONS (Fortran, 1359 Lines, Tape Issue 53).
GAMOW: a program for calculating the resonant state
solution of the radial Schrodinger equation in an
arbitrary optical potential. T. Vertse, K.F. Pal,
Z. Balogh.
2.7 Wave Functions and Integrals
1(1970)167 ACQK TWO ELECTRON WAVEFUNCTIONS (Fortran, 1754 Lines, Tape Issue
2). Computation of wavefunctions for the helium
isoelectronic sequence. H.O. Knox.
1(1970)325 AACB RKDP-RK INTEGRALS(DOUBLE PREC.) (Fortran, 1373 Lines, Tape
Issue 2). Hydrogenic Rk integrals. M.N. Lewis.
1(1970)469 AACB 000A CORRECTION 24/06/70 (Fortran, Tape Issue 3).
Hydrogenic Rk integrals. (C.P.C. 1(1970)325).
M.N. Lewis.
1(1970)437 ABWA HYDROGENIC INTERACTION INTEGRAL (Fortran, 281 Lines, Tape
Issue 4). A program to calculate the radial parts of
interaction matrix elements between two hydrogenic wave
functions as power series. M.J. Jamieson.
1(1970)457 ACQS NUMERICAL ORBITAL FUNCTIONS (Fortran, 844 Lines, Tape Issue
4). A program to generate numerical orbital functions.
W.D. Robb. Other version: AAHE (Section 2.7).
2(1971)239 AAKC MAPPAC (Fortran, 3600 Lines, Tape Issue 7). A program
for atomic wavefunction computations by the parametric
potential method. M. Klapisch.
5(1973)80 AAGP NETI (Fortran, 1100 Lines, Tape Issue 12). Program for
evaluation of non-exchange type integrals required in
electron-atom scattering theory using Slater-type
orbitals as basis functions. R.L. Smith, D.G. Truhlar.
Other version: AAGT (Section 2.7).
8(1974)333 AAGP 000ACORRECTION 19/07/74 (Fortran, Tape Issue 20).
Program for evaluation of non-exchange type integrals
required in electron-atom scattering theory using Slater-
type orbitals as basis functions. (C.P.C. 5(1973)80).
R.L. Smith, D.G. Truhlar.
9(1975)327 AAGP 0001 NETI/ETI (Fortran, 1120 Lines, Tape Issue 24).
Continuum exchange integrals for algebraic variational
calculations of electron-atom scattering using Slater-
type orbitals as basis functions. J. Abdallah Jr.,
D.G. Truhlar.
5(1973)81 AAGT NETIX (Fortran, 1319 Lines, Tape Issue 12). Program for
evaluation of non-exchange type integrals required in
electron-atom scattering theory using Slater-type
orbitals as basis functions. R.L. Smith, D.G. Truhlar.
Other version: AAGP (Section 2.7).
8(1974)333 AAGT 000ACORRECTION 19/07/74 (Fortran, Tape Issue 20).
Program for evaluation of non-exchange type integrals
required in electron-atom scattering theory using Slater-
type orbitals as basis functions. (C.P.C. 5(1973)81).
R.L. Smith, D.G. Truhlar.
6(1973)89 ACRO ATOMINT (Fortran, 458 Lines, Tape Issue 16). Atomic
integral containing three odd powers of interelectronic
separation coordinates. A.H. Moussa, H.M.A. Radi.
8(1974)152 AAHE A NEW VERSION OF BASFUN (Fortran, 956 Lines, Tape Issue
22). A general program to calculate atomic continuum
processes using the R-matrix method. K.A. Berrington,
P.G. Burke, J.J. Chang, A.T. Chivers, W.D. Robb,
K.T. Taylor. Other version: ACQS (Section 2.7).
9(1975)102 AAKL SPINORBITWEIGHTS (Fortran, 1565 Lines, Tape Issue 23). A
general program to calculate the matrix of the spin-orbit
interaction. W.-D. Klotz. Subroutines required: ACQB
(Section 4.1), ACQC (Section 4.1), AAGD (Section 4.1).
Other version: ACXL (Section 2.7).
10(1975)56 AAKL 0001 WKAPPAKQ (Fortran, 357 Lines, Tape Issue 24).
Reduced matrix elements of summations of one-particle
tensor products. W.-D. Klotz. Subroutines required: AAGD
(Section 4.1), ACQB (Section 4.1), ACQC (Section 4.1).
10(1975)70 AAKL 000A CORRECTION 18/07/75 (Fortran, Tape Issue 24). A
general program to calculate the matrix of the spin-orbit
interaction. (C.P.C. 9(1975)102). W.-D. Klotz.
13(1977)193 ACXL SPINORBIT WEIGHTS 2 (Fortran, 1947 Lines, Tape Issue 29).
A new version of AAKL (the matrix elements of spin-orbit
interaction) adapted to spectroscopic notation.
K.M.S. Saxena. Subroutines required: ACQB (Section 4.1),
ACRN (Section 4.1), AAHD (Section 4.1). Other version:
AAKL (Section 2.7).
14(1978)255 ACYB SLATER INTEGRALS (PL/1, 197 Lines, Tape Issue 31).
Exact Slater integrals. L.B. Golden.
16(1978)65 ACYU STP (Fortran, 673 Lines, Tape Issue 35). An integral
package for one-centre integrals over Slater-Transform-
Preuss functions. E. Yurtsever.
32(1984)421 ACCM CLMINT (Fortran, 1544 Lines, Tape Issue 58). Radial
electric multipole matrix elements for inelastic
collisions in atomic and nuclear physics.
H.F. Arnoldus.
34(1984)199 ACDH GREEN (Pascal, 1655 Lines, Tape Issue 59). Integrals
involved in the perturbation theory of a hydrogen-like
system. I. J. Mlodzki, A. Lusakowski, M. Suffczynski.
34(1984)211 ACDI GREEN2 (Pascal, 873 Lines, Tape Issue 59). Integrals
involved in the perturbation theory of a hydrogen-like
system. II. J. Mlodzki.
48(1988)319 ABBN R12 INTERACTION MATRIX ELEMENTS (Reduce, 595 Lines, Tape
Issue 68). A Reduce package for exact Coulomb
interaction matrix elements. N. Bogdanova, H. Hogreve.
66(1991)66 ABZQ CMPT (Fortran, 1937 Lines, Tape Issue 80). CMPT: a
program giving the analytical result of Nordsieck's
integral including powers of the radius from -1 to +6.
J.C. Straton.
85(1995)293 ADAD CRADINTEG (Fortran, 1985 Lines, Tape Issue 94). Radial
integrals in the Coulomb-Born approximation.
K. Takagishi, M. Ohkura, S. Nakazaki.
**88(1995)278 ADAX Vij (Fortran, 7336 Lines, Tape Issue 96). Automatic
generation of analytical matrix elements for electron-
atom scattering. E.J. Mansky, M.R. Flannery.
2.8 Exotic Atoms
15(1978)291 AAMA MUONIC ATOM CASCADE (Fortran, 2760 Lines, Tape Issue 34).
Muonic atom cascade program. V.R. Akylas, P. Vogel.
16(1979)221 ABNB MUON (Fortran, 2385 Lines, Tape Issue 37). Static and
dynamic muonic-atom codes MUON and RURP. G.A. Rinker.
16(1979)221 ABNC RURP (Fortran, 4564 Lines, Tape Issue 37). Static and
dynamic muonic-atom codes MUON and RURP. G.A. Rinker.
Subroutine required: (for data) ABNB (Section 2.8).
2.9 Theoretical Methods (see also Angular Momentum, Sec 4.1)
1(1970)359 ACQL WEIGHTS (Fortran, 2043 Lines, Tape Issue 2). A general
program for calculating angular momentum integrals in
atomic structure. A. Hibbert. Subroutines required: ACQB
(Section 4.1), ACQC (Section 4.1), AAGD (Section 4.1).
Other versions: ACQV (Section 2.9), AAOM (Section 2.9).
--- ACQV A00ACORRECTION TO 0001 15/06/77 (Fortran, Tape Issue 29).
Unpublished correction to the adaptation of a general
program to calculate angular momentum integrals in atomic
structure: inclusion of the one-electon part of the
hamiltonian. A. Hibbert.
2(1971)180 ACQV WEIGHTS NEW VERSION (Fortran, 2572 Lines, Tape Issue 5).
A new version of a general program to calculate angular
momentum integrals in atomic structure. A. Hibbert.
Subroutines required: ACQB (Section 4.1), ACRN (Section
4.1), AAHD (Section 4.1). Other versions: ACQL (Section
2.9), AAOM (Section 2.9).
6(1973)59 ACQV 000A CORRECTION 22/05/73 (Fortran, Tape Issue 14). A new
version of a general program to calculate angular
momentum integrals in atomic structure. (C.P.C.
2(1971)180). A. Hibbert.
7(1974)318 ACQV 0001ADAPT WEIGHTS FOR ONE PART (Fortran, 469 Lines, Tape
Issue 19). Adaptation of a general program to calculate
angular momentum integrals in atomic structure: inclusion
of the one-electron part of the hamiltonian. A. Hibbert.
Subroutines required: ACQB (Section 4.1), ACRN (Section
4.1), AAHD (Section 4.1).
8(1974)329 ACQV 0002ADAPT TO TEST CONFIG DATA (Fortran, 225 Lines, Tape
Issue 22). Adaptation of a general program to calculate
angular momentum integrals in atomic structure: inclusion
of the checking of the configuration data. A. Hibbert.
Subroutines required: ACQB (Section 4.1), ACRN (Section
4.1), AAHD (Section 4.1).
5(1973)263 ACRJ MCP (Fortran, 2317 Lines, Tape Issue 13). A general
program to calculate angular momentum coefficients in
relativistic atomic structure. See erratum Comp. Phys.
Commun. 6(1973)98. I.P. Grant. Subroutines required:
AAGD (Section 4.1), AAGD0002 (Section 4.1), ACRI (Section
4.1). Other version: ACWE (Section 2.9).
11(1976)397 ACRJ 000A CORRECTION 10/06/76 (Fortran, Tape Issue 27).
Appendix to a program to calculate angular momentum
coefficients in relativistic atomic structure - revised
version. (C.P.C. 5(1973)263). I.P. Grant.
13(1977)429 ACRJ 000B CORRECTION 2/02/77 (Fortran, Tape Issue 29). A
general program to calculate angular momentum
coefficients in relativistic atomic structure. (C.P.C.
5(1973)263). I.P. Grant.
11(1976)397 ACWE MCP75 (Fortran, 2465 Lines, Tape Issue 28). A program to
calculate angular momentum coefficients in relativistic
atomic structure - revised version. I.P. Grant.
Subroutines required: AAHD (Section 4.1), ACRI (Section
4.1). Other version: ACRJ (Section 2.9).
14(1978)311 ACWE 000A CORRECTION 29/09/77 (Fortran, Tape Issue 32). A
program to calculate angular momentum coefficients in
relativistic atomic structure - revised version. (C.P.C.
11(1976)397). I.P. Grant.
18(1979)245 AAAL MCBP-BREIT ANGULAR COEFFICIENTS (Fortran, 1974 Lines, Tape
Issue 39). MCBP: a program to calculate angular
coefficients of the Breit interaction between electrons
in the low energy limit. N. Beatham, I.P. Grant,
B.J. McKenzie, N.C. Pyper. Subroutines required: AAHD
(Section 4.1), ACRI (Section 4.1), ACWE (Section 2.9).
28(1982)189 AAOM WEIGHTS A MORE EFFICIENT VERSION (Fortran, 3150 Lines, Tape
Issue 54). A more efficient version of the WEIGHTS and
NJSYM packages. N.S. Scott, A. Hibbert. Subroutines
required: ACQB (Section 4.1), ACRN (Section 4.1), AAON
(Section 4.1). Other versions: ACQL (Section 2.9), ACQV
(Section 2.9).
36(1985)313 AABN SU2DIMPH (Fortran, 1013 Lines, Tape Issue 61). Model
space dimensionalities for multiparticle fermion systems.
J.P. Draayer, H.T. Valdes.
66(1991)99 ACBF COEFANG1 (Fortran, 2284 Lines, Tape Issue 80). A new
program for calculating matrix elements in atomic
structure. P.M. Lima.
90(1995)381 ADBV CHFS: a program to compute the angular coefficients of the
relativistic one-electron hyperfine structure parameters.
S. Kroger, M. Kroger.
Ref. in Comp. Phys. Commun.
3. Biology and Molecular Biology
29(1983)351 ACEO AMYR (Fortran, 2198 Lines, Tape Issue 55). Molecular
associations. S. Fraga. Other version: ACBG (Section 3).
41(1986)169 ACEO 0001 AGAB (Fortran, 198 Lines, Tape Issue 63).
Association of proteins: adaptation and coupling of two
available programs. L. Seijo, B. Coghlan, S. Fraga.
30(1983)325 ACFH DIAD (Fortran, 820 Lines, Tape Issue 56). Determination
of antigenic determinants. S. Fraga.
36(1985)391 AABU POETA (Fortran, 7746 Lines, Tape Issue 61).
Determination of proteinic structures: an experimentation
program. B. Coghlan, S. Fraga.
41(1986)169 AABU 0001 AGAB (Fortran, 234 Lines, Tape Issue 63).
Association of proteins: adaptation and coupling of two
available programs. L. Seijo, B. Coghlan, S. Fraga.
62(1991)371 ABZD SIMLYS (Fortran, 43331 Lines, Tape Issue 79). SIMLYS: a
software package for trajectory analysis of molecular
dynamics simulations. P. Kruger, M. Luke, A. Szameit.
Other version: ACJQ (Section 3).
64(1991)131 ABZE PLEC (Fortran, 2105 Lines, Tape Issue 79). PLEC: a
program for building, modelling and optimizing
polypeptide structures. M.L. Forcada.
66(1991)341 ACBG AMYRVF (Fortran, 5494 Lines, Tape Issue 81). Pair
potential calculation of molecular associations: a
vectorized version. F. Torrens, E. Orti,
J. Sanchez-Marin. Other version: ACEO (Section 3).
Non-profit use licence required.
72(1992)265 ACJQ SIMLYS 2.0 (Fortran, 50796 Lines, Tape Issue 85). SIMLYS
version 2.0: A software package for trajectory analysis
of molecular dynamics simulations. P. Kruger,
A. Szameit. Other version: ABZD (Section 3).
4. Computational Methods
4.1 Angular Momentum Coupling Coefficients
1(1969)15 ACQB P SHELL C.F.P. (Fortran, 173 Lines, Tape Issue 1).
Fractional parentage coefficients for equivalent p shell
and equivalent d shell electrons. D.C.S. Allison.
1(1969)16 ACQC D SHELL C.F.P. (Fortran, 275 Lines, Tape Issue 1).
Fractional parentage coefficients for equivalent p shell
and equivalent d shell electrons. D.C.S. Allison. Other
version: ACRN (Section 4.1).
1(1970)191 ACQH VECTOR COUPLING COEFFICIENTS (Fortran, 1634 Lines, Tape
Issue 2). Vector coupling coefficients for complex atoms.
H. Nussbaumer.
1(1970)207 AAYA 3N-J SYMBOLS FOR SU(2) (Fortran, 969 Lines, Tape Issue 2).
Arbitrary 3n-j symbols for SU(2). J. Shapiro.
1(1969)241 AAGD NJSYM (Fortran, 1679 Lines, Tape Issue 2). A program to
calculate a general recoupling coefficient. P.G. Burke.
Other versions: AAHD (Section 4.1), AAON (Section 4.1),
ABBY (Section 4.1).
2(1971)173 AAGD 000A CORRECTION 10/03/71 (Fortran, Tape Issue 5). A
program to calculate a general recoupling coefficient.
(C.P.C. 1(1969)241). P.G. Burke.
2(1971)181 AAGD 0001 ADAPT NJSYM FOR WEIGHTS (Fortran, 4 Lines, Tape Issue
5). Adaptation of NJSYM and GENSUM for use with program
WEIGHTS. A. Hibbert.
5(1973)161 AAGD 0002 ADAPT TO INTEGER ARITHMETIC (Fortran, 176 Lines, Tape
Issue 13). A program to calculate a general recoupling
coefficient. I.P. Grant.
1(1970)337 ABMA GEOMETRICAL COEFFICIENT (Fortran, 342 Lines, Tape Issue 3).
Angular momentum coupling coefficients. T. Tamura.
2(1971)174 ABMA 000A CORRECTION 19/01/71 (Fortran, Tape Issue 5).
Angular momentum coupling coefficients. (C.P.C.
1(1970)337). T. Tamura.
3(1972)318 ABOR DS (Fortran, 114 Lines, Tape Issue 10). The reduced
rotation matrix. W.J. Braithwaite, J.G. Cramer.
4(1972)268 ACRE COEF (Fortran, 633 Lines, Tape Issue 11). Vector
coupling coefficients as products of prime factors.
R.McD. Dodds, G. Wiechers.
4(1972)377 ACRI CFPJJ - CFP IN JJ-COUPLING (Fortran, 448 Lines, Tape Issue
13). CFPJJ-fractional parentage coefficients for
equivalent electrons in jj-coupling. I.P. Grant.
14(1978)311 ACRI 000A CORRECTION 08/05/77 (Fortran, Tape Issue 32).
CFPJJ: fractional parentage coefficients for equivalent
electrons in jj-coupling. (C.P.C. 4(1972)377).
I.P. Grant.
6(1973)88 ACRN A NEW D SHELL CFP (Fortran, 412 Lines, Tape Issue 15). A
new version of the program to compute the fractional
parentage coefficients for equivalent d shell electrons.
A.T. Chivers. Other version: ACQC (Section 4.1).
6(1973)132 AAKF REDUCED TENSOR MATRIX ELEMENTS (Fortran, 1094 Lines, Tape
Issue 16). A program to evaluate the reduced matrix
elements of summations of one-particle tensor operators.
W.D. Robb. Subroutines required: ACQB (Section 4.1), ACRN
(Section 4.1), AAHD (Section 4.1). Other version: AAKP
(Section 4.1).
9(1975)268 AAKF 000ACORRECTION 14/11/74 (Fortran, Tape Issue 21). A
program to evaluate the reduced matrix elements of
summations of one-particle tensor operators. (C.P.C.
6(1973)132). W.D. Robb.
11(1976)125 AAKF 0001 ADAPT TENSOR FOR PRODUCTS (Fortran, 55 Lines, Tape
Issue 26). Adaptation of CIV3 to evaluate hyperfine
structure. R. Glass, A. Hibbert. Subroutines required:
ACQB (Section 4.1), ACRN (Section 4.1), AAHD (Section 4.1).
Other version: AAKP0001 (Section 4.1).
13(1977)231 AAKF 000B CORRECTION 12/04/77 (Fortran, Tape Issue 29). A
program to evaluate the reduced matrix elements of
summations of one-particle tensor operators. (C.P.C.
6(1973)132). W.D. Robb.
7(1974)225 AAAD RDMEJJ (Fortran, 1560 Lines, Tape Issue 18). A program
to evaluate the reduced matrix elements of one particle
tensor operators for the configurations in jj-coupling.
J.J. Chang. Subroutines required: AAGD (Section 4.1),
AAGD0002 (Section 4.1), ACRI (Section 4.1). Other version:
ACYM (Section 4.1).
8(1974)151 AAHD A NEW VERSION OF NJSYM (Fortran, 1580 Lines, Tape Issue
22). A general program to calculate atomic continuum
processes using the R-matrix method. K.A. Berrington,
P.G. Burke, J.J. Chang, A.T. Chivers, W.D. Robb,
K.T. Taylor. Other versions: AAGD (Section 4.1), AAON
(Section 4.1), ABBY (Section 4.1).
8(1974)246 ACRY F SHELL C.F.P. (Fortran, 1825 Lines, Tape Issue 21).
Fractional parentage coefficients for equivalent f shell
electrons. D.C.S. Allison, J.E. McNulty.
9(1975)370 AAKP REDUCED TENSOR MATRIX ELEMENTS 2 (Fortran, 1544 Lines, Tape
Issue 24). A new version of AAKF (Reduced Tensor Matrix
Elements) adapted to spectroscopic notation.
C.F. Fischer, K.M.S. Saxena. Subroutines required: ACQB
(Section 4.1), ACRN (Section 4.1), AAHD (Section 4.1).
Other version: AAKF (Section 4.1).
13(1977)231 AAKP 000A CORRECTION 12/04/77 (Fortran, Tape Issue 29). A new
version of AAKF (reduced tensor matrix elements) adapted
to spectroscopic notation. (C.P.C. 9(1975)370).
C.F. Fischer, K.M.S. Saxena.
13(1977)289 AAKP 0001 ADAPT TENSOR 2 FOR PRODUCT (Fortran, 89 Lines, Tape
Issue 29). Adaptation of the new version of the reduced
tensor matrix elements (AAKP) program: inclusion of the
evaluation of matrix elements of tensor products.
K.M.S. Saxena. Subroutines required: ACQB (Section 4.1),
ACRN (Section 4.1), AAHD (Section 4.1). Other version:
AAKF0001 (Section 4.1).
16(1978)57 AAKP 0002ADAPT TENSOR 2 TO CHECK DATA (Fortran, 291 Lines, Tape
Issue 35). Adaptation of the new version of the reduced
matrix elements (AAKP) program; inclusion of the checking
of the input data. K.M.S. Saxena. Subroutines required:
ACQB (Section 4.1), ACRN (Section 4.1), AAHD (Section 4.1).
10(1975)245 ACWL CLEBSCH-GORDAN EXPLICIT FORMULAS (Formac, 185 Lines, Tape
Issue 26). Explicit formulas for Clebsch-Gordan
coefficients. G. Rudnicki-Bujnowski.
11(1976)269 ACWQ J1-RECURSION OF 3J-COEFFICIENTS (Fortran, 411 Lines, Tape
Issue 27). Recursive evaluation of 3j- and 6j-
coefficients. K. Schulten, R.G. Gordon.
11(1976)269 ACWR M2-RECURSION OF 3J-COEFFICIENTS (Fortran, 401 Lines, Tape
Issue 27). Recursive evaluation of 3j- and 6j-
coefficients. K. Schulten, R.G. Gordon.
11(1976)269 ACWS J1-RECURSION OF 6J-COEFFICIENTS (Fortran, 436 Lines, Tape
Issue 27). Recursive evaluation of 3j- and 6j-
coefficients. K. Schulten, R.G. Gordon.
15(1978)227 ACYK ANGMOM (Fortran, 904 Lines, Tape Issue 34). New Fortran
programs for angular momentum coefficients.
K. Srinivasa Rao, K. Venkatesh.
15(1978)387 ACYM ONE-PARTICLE OPS IN JJ-COUPLING (Fortran, 1336 Lines, Tape
Issue 35). A new program for calculating matrix elements
of one-particle operators in jj-coupling. N.C. Pyper,
I.P. Grant, N. Beatham. Subroutines required: AAHD
(Section 4.1), ACRI (Section 4.1), ACWE (Section 2.9).
Other version: AAAD (Section 4.1).
18(1979)35 ACZI CONTRACTION-BASIC-DIAGRAM (Fortran, 1326 Lines, Tape Issue
38). A program to generate closed basic diagrams for
product operators. B.D. Chang, S.S.M. Wong.
20(1980)191 AAAM CONTRACTION-JT-RECOUPLING (Fortran, 3491 Lines, Tape Issue
43). A program to evaluate closed diagrams algebraically
for angular momentum coupled product operators.
B.D. Chang, S.S.M. Wong. Subroutine required: (for data)
ACZI (Section 4.1).
21(1980)195 ABVN ROOT (Fortran, 2154 Lines, Tape Issue 44). Root-rational-
fraction package for exact calculation of vector-coupling
coefficients. A.J. Stone, C.P. Wood.
28(1982)41 AAOP CONTRACTION-COMPILER (Fortran, 5372 Lines, Tape Issue 53).
A system to generate Fortran programs for calculating
configuration traces of angular momentum coupled product
operators. B.D. Chang, J.P. Draayer, S.S.M. Wong.
Subroutines required: (for data) ACZI (Section 4.1), AAAM
(Section 4.1).
28(1982)189 AAON NJSYM - A MORE EFFICIENT VERSION (Fortran, 1561 Lines, Tape
Issue 54). A more efficient version of the WEIGHTS and
NJSYM packages. N.S. Scott, A. Hibbert. Other versions:
AAGD (Section 4.1), AAHD (Section 4.1), ABBY (Section 4.1).
31(1984)41 ACFN CLEBSCH-GORDAN STORAGE (Fortran, 2578 Lines, Tape Issue
57). A packed storage program for angular momentum
coupling coefficients. C.F. Vermaak, D. Vermaak,
H.G. Miller. Subroutine required: ABMA (Section 4.1).
36(1985)337 ACFN 000A CORRECTION 06/02/85 (Fortran, Tape Issue 60). A
packed storage program for angular momentum coupling
coefficients. (C.P.C. 31(1984)41). C.F. Vermaak,
D. Vermaak, H.G. Miller.
39(1986)141 AADT TRANSFORM (Fortran, 5293 Lines, Tape Issue 61).
TRANSFORM: a program to calculate transformations between
various jj and LS coupling schemes. K.G. Dyall.
Subroutine required: AAON (Section 4.1).
46(1987)83 AAXE PRACAH (OCCAM, 435 Lines, Tape Issue 65). The parallel
computation of Racah coefficients using transputers.
N.S. Scott, P. Milligan, H.W.C. Riley.
50(1988)375 ABBY NJGRAF (Fortran, 5212 Lines, Tape Issue 69). NJGRAF: an
efficient program for calculation of general recoupling
coefficients by graphical analysis, compatible with NJSYM.
A. Bar-Shalom, M. Klapisch. Other versions: AAGD (Section
4.1), AAHD (Section 4.1), AAON (Section 4.1).
52(1989)323 ABHI ROTAR (Fortran, 682 Lines, Tape Issue 72). Rotation of
real spherical harmonics. J.R. Alvarez Collado,
J. Fernandez Rico, R. Lopez, M. Paniagua, G. Ramirez.
62(1991)162 ABHI 000A CORRECTION 02/05/90 (Fortran, Tape Issue 79).
Rotation of real spherical harmonics. (C.P.C.
52(1989)323). J.R. Alvarez Collado, J. Fernandez Rico,
R. Lopez, M. Paniagua, G. Ramirez.
52(1989)355 ABHE IR, CGC (Fortran, 4846 Lines, Tape Issue 72). Computer
generated subgroup-symmetry adapted irreducible
representations and CG coefficients of space groups by
the eigenfunction method. Jia-Lun Ping,
Qing-Rong Zheng, Bing-Qing Chen, Jin-Quan Chen.
56(1989)231 ABLE NINEJ (Fortran, 1700 Lines, Tape Issue 75). A new
Fortran program for the 9-j angular momentum coefficient.
K. Srinivasa Rao, V. Rajeswari, C.B. Chiu.
59(1990)417 ABRD AMTREES (Pascal, 4587 Lines, Tape Issue 77). Recursive
generation of Cartesian angular momentum coupling trees
for SO(3). B.S. Sherborne, G.E. Stedman.
66(1991)89 ABZR RECOUP (Fortran, 1124 Lines, Tape Issue 80). A program
for deriving recoupling coefficients formulae.
P.M. Lima.
69(1992)142 ACGB KENTARO/KENJIRO (Fortran, 7058 Lines, Tape Issue 82).
Programs for algebraic calculation of angular momentum
coupling. K. Takada.
70(1992)147 ACGY COEFF (Fortran, 1170 Lines, Tape Issue 83). A computer
program for the calculation of angular momentum coupling
coefficients. D.F. Fang, J.F. Shriner Jr.
70(1992)544 ACHW W9J (Fortran, 509 Lines, Tape Issue 83). Exact
computation of the 9-j symbols. S.-T. Lai, Y.-N. Chiu.
71(1992)285 ACJE NINEJPAR (C, 286 Lines, Tape Issue 84). Parallel
computation of recoupling coefficients using transputers.
V. Fack, J. Van der Jeugt, K. Srinivasa Rao.
72(1992)154 ACJV ANALG (Reduce, 5152 Lines, Tape Issue 85). Explicit
formulae of angular momentum coupling coefficients.
F. Koike.
72(1992)165 ACJY JJFPC (Fortran, 653 Lines, Tape Issue 85). A program to
calculate fractional parentage coefficients for jj-
coupling states with equivalent particles. T. Kagawa.
83(1994)275 ACVV NJFORMULA (C, 921 Lines, Tape Issue 94). New efficient
programs to calculate general recoupling coefficients.
Part I: generation of a summation formula. V. Fack,
S.N. Pitre, J. Van der Jeugt.
86(1995)105 ADBA NJSUMMATION, NJSUMPAR (C, 1364 Lines, Tape Issue 95).
New efficient programs to calculate general recoupling
coefficients. Part II: evaluation of a summation formula.
V. Fack, S.N. Pitre, J. Van der Jeugt. Subroutine
required: (for data) ACVV (Section 4.1).
90(1995)381 ADBV CHFS: a program to compute the angular coefficients of the
relativistic one-electron hyperfine structure parameters.
S. Kroger, M. Kroger.
Ref. in Comp. Phys. Commun.
4.2 Other Algebras and Groups (see also SU(3), Sec 17.18)
1(1970)415 ACQP PERMID (Fortran, 226 Lines, Tape Issue 3). An algorithm
generating permutations with identical objects.
P. Basso, C. Bourrely.
3(1972)155 ACRA WEYL GROUP (Fortran, 607 Lines, Tape Issue 10).
Computer generated Weyl groups. R.E. Beck, B. Kolman.
5(1973)365 AAWA SU(3)VCC (Fortran, 817 Lines, Tape Issue 15). Analytic
formulation of SU(3) vector coupling coefficients for n
particles. J.M. Casilio, M.E. Noz.
5(1973)405 ACRM SU3 WIGNER & RACAH COEFFICENTS (Fortran, 2046 Lines, Tape
Issue 14). A user's guide to Fortran programs for
Wigner and Racah coefficients of SU3. Y. Akiyama,
J.P. Draayer.
6(1973)24 AAAA FREUD (Fortran, 1024 Lines, Tape Issue 15).
Freudenthal's inner multiplicity formula. B. Kolman,
R.E. Beck.
8(1974)95 AAAG RACOUT (Fortran, 670 Lines, Tape Issue 21). Racah's
outer multiplicity formula. R.E. Beck, B. Kolman.
Subroutine required: AAAA (Section 4.2).
10(1975)1 ABID EIGLAB (Fortran, 1168 Lines, Tape Issue 24).
Eigenstates and eigenvalues of labelling operators for
O(3) bases of U(3) representations. W. McKay, J. Patera,
R.T. Sharp.
14(1978)267 AAAJ IMUG (Basic, 353 Lines, Tape Issue 32). Inner
multiplicity of unitary groups. S. Thomas, M.T. Sunny.
Other version: AATL (Section 4.2).
14(1978)413 AAAK DAM AND DEGSUN (Fortran, 361 Lines, Tape Issue 33).
Weight multiplicity for unitary groups. V. Amar,
U. Dozzio, C. Oleari.
15(1978)131 ACXV SYMCGM (Fortran, 1876 Lines, Tape Issue 33). Generation
of the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients for Sn. S. Schindler,
R. Mirman. Subroutine required: (for data) ACXW (Section
15(1978)131 ACYH SYMOR (Fortran, 187 Lines, Tape Issue 33). Generation of
the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients for Sn. S. Schindler,
R. Mirman. Subroutines required: (for data) ACXV (Section
4.2), ACXW (Section 4.2).
15(1978)131 ACYI SYMCC (Fortran, 268 Lines, Tape Issue 33). Generation of
the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients for Sn. S. Schindler,
R. Mirman. Subroutines required: (for data) ACXV (Section
4.2), ACXW (Section 4.2).
15(1978)147 ACXW SYMFUNC (Fortran, 805 Lines, Tape Issue 33). Functions
on tableaux and frames of the symmetric group.
S. Schindler, R. Mirman.
16(1981)95 AAME SYMSTATS (PL/1, 769 Lines, Tape Issue 47). Construction
of symmetric group representation matrices and states.
M.F. Soto Jr., R. Mirman. Subroutine required: AAMC
(Section 4.2).
23(1981)81 AAMC SYMGRPTB (PL/1, 746 Lines, Tape Issue 47). Computation
of group tables for the symmetric groups.
M.F. Soto Jr., R. Mirman. Subroutine required: AAME
(Section 4.2).
23(1981)81 AAMD NGHBTRNS (PL/1, 132 Lines, Tape Issue 47). Computation
of group tables for the symmetric groups.
M.F. Soto Jr., R. Mirman. Subroutines required: AAMC
(Section 4.2), AAME (Section 4.2).
23(1981)95 AAMF SYMRPMAT (PL/1, 171 Lines, Tape Issue 47). Construction
of symmetric group representation matrices and states.
M.F. Soto Jr., R. Mirman. Subroutines required: AAMC
(Section 4.2), AAME (Section 4.2).
23(1981)95 AAMG ORTHNRM (PL/1, 200 Lines, Tape Issue 47). Construction
of symmetric group representation matrices and states.
M.F. Soto Jr., R. Mirman. Subroutine required: AAME
(Section 4.2).
23(1981)95 AAMH MATTAB (PL/1, 214 Lines, Tape Issue 47). Construction of
symmetric group representation matrices and states.
M.F. Soto Jr., R. Mirman. Subroutines required: AAMC
(Section 4.2), AAME (Section 4.2).
27(1982)57 AAMI SYMBNDS (PL/1, 182 Lines, Tape Issue 52). Number of
representations and maximum dimensions for S(N).
M.F. Soto Jr., R. Mirman.
27(1982)179 AAZB LIE0, LIE1, LIE2, LIE3, LIE4 (LISP, 246 Lines, Tape Issue
52). A REDUCE package for determining Lie symmetries of
ordinary and partial differential equations. F. Schwarz.
28(1982)183 AAMJ SCHUR (Pascal, 493 Lines, Tape Issue 53). Computation of
outer products of Schur functions. O. Egecioglu.
28(1983)271 AARX CASEIG (Fortran, 249 Lines, Tape Issue 54). Computation
of Casimir operator eigenvalues. A.K. Bose.
29(1983)201 ACED BCD DAM AND MAIN (Fortran, 809 Lines, Tape Issue 55).
Weight multiplicity for Cartan classes. V. Amar,
U. Dozzio, C. Oleari.
31(1984)75 ACFP DIRECTOR (Fortran, 2114 Lines, Tape Issue 57). DIRECTOR:
a program for calculating representation matrices of the
symmetric group in the Yamanouchi Kotani basis or in a
direct product basis. J.C. Manley, J. Gerratt.
31(1984)357 AAMK CHAR (Pascal, 68 Lines, Tape Issue 57). Murnaghan's rule
and the irreducible characters of the symmetric group.
O. Egecioglu, G.M. Costa.
33(1984)367 ACCR GENBIN, PATERN (IBM Assembler, Fortran, 1449 Lines, Tape
Issue 58). Generation and inter-correlation of basis
sets in implementing the unitary group approach to U(n) x
SU(m). R.D. Kent, M. Schlesinger.
34(1984)153 ACCZ ROTTRA (Fortran, 987 Lines, Tape Issue 59). ROTTRA: a
program for generating rotations and translations.
O.E. Taurian.
34(1985)339 ACDT KOSNUM (PL/1, 1456 Lines, Tape Issue 60). Number of
states of unitary group representations.
M.F. Soto Jr, R. Mirman. Subroutine required: AAMI
(Section 4.2).
34(1985)347 AABB UGRPSTTS (PL/1, 1090 Lines, Tape Issue 60).
Construction of canonical states of unitary groups.
M.F. Soto Jr, R. Mirman. Subroutines required: AAMC
(Section 4.2), AAME (Section 4.2), AAMI (Section 4.2),
ACDT (Section 4.2).
34(1985)357 AABA UGREPMAT (PL/1, 772 Lines, Tape Issue 60). Computation
of unitary group representation matrices.
M.F. Soto Jr, R. Mirman. Subroutines required: AAMC
(Section 4.2), AAME (Section 4.2), AAMI (Section 4.2),
ACDT (Section 4.2), AABB (Section 4.2).
34(1985)365 AABC INVRNUGR (PL/1, 381 Lines, Tape Issue 60). Invariants
and commutators for unitary group representations.
M.F. Soto Jr, R. Mirman. Subroutines required: AAME
(Section 4.2), AAMI (Section 4.2), ACDT (Section 4.2),
AABA (Section 4.2).
34(1985)365 AABD COMMUMAT (PL/1, 194 Lines, Tape Issue 60). Invariants
and commutators for unitary group representations.
M.F. Soto Jr, R. Mirman. Subroutines required: AAME
(Section 4.2), AAMI (Section 4.2), ACDT (Section 4.2),
AABA (Section 4.2).
34(1985)365 AABE ORTHNRM (PL/1, 302 Lines, Tape Issue 60). Invariants and
commutators for unitary group representations.
M.F. Soto Jr, R. Mirman. Subroutines required: AAME
(Section 4.2), AAMI (Section 4.2), ACDT (Section 4.2),
AABA (Section 4.2).
34(1985)387 ACDO GAN (Fortran, 412 Lines, Tape Issue 60). Program to
calculate generalized Talmi-Moshinsky coefficients of 3-
body and 4-body systems. See erratum Comp. Phys. Commun.
39(1986)154. Gan You-ping, Gong Min-zhuan,
Wu Chong-en, Bao Cheng-guang.
36(1985)213 AABI ROTATION MATRIX ELEMENTS D (Fortran, 4247 Lines, Tape Issue
60). A function subprogram in order to calculate the
matrix elements of rotation operators. F. Brut. Other
version: AAFG (Section 4.2).
36(1985)401 AABV BAO (Fortran, 294 Lines, Tape Issue 61). Program to
calculate transformation brackets of hyperspherical
harmonic functions of a three body system. See erratum
Comp. Phys. Commun. 47(1987)367. Bao Cheng-guang,
Gan You-ping, Lui Xian-hui.
39(1986)297 AAFG ROTATION MATRIX ELEMENTS DD (Fortran, 4717 Lines, Tape
Issue 62). A Fortran 77 version of 'a function
subprogram in order to calculate the matrix elements of
rotation operators'. F. Brut. Other version: AABI
(Section 4.2).
41(1986)105 AALB RADICAL (Pascal, 5341 Lines, Tape Issue 63). PASCAL
programs for identification of Lie algebras. Part 1.
RADICAL: a program to calculate the radical and nil
radical of parameter-free and parameter-dependent Lie
algebras. D.W. Rand.
47(1987)369 AALB 000A CORRECTION 02/06/87 (Pascal, Tape Issue 67). PASCAL
programs for indentification of Lie algebras. Part 1.
RADICAL: a program to calculate the radical and nil
radical of parameter-free and parameter-dependent Lie
algebras. (C.P.C. 41(1986)105). D.W. Rand.
43(1987)413 AATF GENDRT, DRTDIM (Pascal, 5227 Lines, Tape Issue 64).
Data structure techniques for the graphical special
unitary group approach to arbitrary spin representations.
R.D. Kent, M. Schlesinger.
44(1987)137 AATX CLTB (Fortran, 151 Lines, Tape Issue 65). Clifford
multiplication tables. G. Bergdolt.
44(1987)197 AATO POLRANGE (Fortran, 285 Lines, Tape Issue 65). Two
programs to perform certain symbolic calculations in the
enveloping algebra of a Lie algebra. H. De Meyer,
G. Vanden Berghe, P. De Wilde.
44(1987)197 AATP ORDINVAR (Fortran, 688 Lines, Tape Issue 65). Two
programs to perform certain symbolic calculations in the
enveloping algebra of a Lie algebra. H. De Meyer,
G. Vanden Berghe, P. De Wilde.
44(1987)221 AATL IMUG1 (Fortran, 602 Lines, Tape Issue 65). Inner
multiplicity of unitary groups - a modified version.
S. Thomas. Other version: AAAJ (Section 4.2).
46(1987)297 AAXM SPLIT (Pascal, 4169 Lines, Tape Issue 66). PASCAL
programs for identification of lie algebras, part II:
SPLIT, a program to decompose parameter-free and
parameter-dependent lie algebras into direct sums.
D.W. Rand, P. Winternitz, H. Zassenhaus. Subroutine
required: AALB (Section 4.2).
46(1987)311 AAXN LEVI (Pascal, 1163 Lines, Tape Issue 66). PASCAL
programs for identification of lie algebras, part III:
Levi decomposition and canonical basis. D.W. Rand.
Subroutines required: AALB (Section 4.2), AAXM (Section
46(1987)311 AAXO CANONIK (Pascal, 1082 Lines, Tape Issue 66). PASCAL
programs for identification of lie algebras, part III:
Levi decomposition and canonical basis. D.W. Rand.
Subroutines required: AALB (Section 4.2), AAXM (Section
50(1988)331 ABDC HS4 (Fortran, 882 Lines, Tape Issue 69). Calculation of
transformation brackets of hyperspherical harmonics of
four-body systems with arbitrary masses. W. Wang,
Y. Gan, C.G. Bao.
52(1989)283 ABFW VSPLAD (COMMON LISP, 1700 Lines, Tape Issue 72).
Symbolic lie algebras manipulations using COMMON LISP.
R. Cecchini, M. Tarlini.
56(1989)279 ABLJ UNTOU3 (Fortran, 1829 Lines, Tape Issue 75).
Representations of U(3) in U(N). J.P. Draayer,
Y. Leschber, S.C. Park, R. Lopez.
61(1990)410 ABTO LIE_S1,LIE_S2 (Pascal, 11209 Lines, Tape Issue 79).
Programs for symmetry adaption coefficients for
semisimple symmetry chains: the completely symmetric
representations. T. Nomura, M. Ramek, B. Gruber.
66(1991)319 ACBI SYMMGRP.MAX (Macsyma, 5155 Lines, Tape Issue 81). The
computer calculation of Lie point symmetries of large
systems of differential equations. B. Champagne,
W. Hereman, P. Winternitz.
70(1992)371 ACHL LIE_A0, LIE_A1, LIE_A2 (Pascal, 15976 Lines, Tape Issue
83). Programs for symmetry adaptation coefficients for
semisimple symmetry chains: the general case. M. Ramek,
B. Gruber.
71(1992)159 ACHX HHMTX (Fortran, 1040 Lines, Tape Issue 84). Integral of
a product of three 6-dimensional spherical harmonics.
A. Amaya, E. Chacon.
77(1993)241 ACPB LIE version 4.1 (Mumath, 3692 Lines, Tape Issue 89).
LIE, a PC program for Lie analysis of differential
equations. A.K. Head.
81(1994)248 ACTK WBASE (C, 930 Lines, Tape Issue 91). WBase: a C package
to reduce tensor products of Lie algebra representations.
A. Candiello.
83(1994)59 ACVI SU3RME (Fortran, 13474 Lines, Tape Issue 93). SU(3)
reduced matrix element package. C. Bahri, J.P. Draayer.
85(1995)82 ACVY SU3Clebsch (Pascal, 8245 Lines, Tape Issue 94). Pascal
program for generating tables of SU(3) Clebsch-Gordan
coefficients. T.A. Kaeding. Non-profit use licence
86(1995)97 ADBC TMRP (Fortran, 689 Lines, Tape Issue 95). Tilted
irreducible representations of the permutation group.
G. Bergdolt.
86(1995)297 ADBD Indep (Fortran, 3947 Lines, Tape Issue 95). Computation
of the independent elements of the dynamical matrix.
Z.W. Hendrikse, M.O. Elout, W.J.A. Maaskant.
4.3 Differential Equations
1(1969)55 ACQA BOUND (Fortran, 372 Lines, Tape Issue 1). Nuclear bound
state wave function subroutine. W.R. Smith.
2(1971)353 ABGE DEUT (Fortran, 968 Lines, Tape Issue 7). Bound state
solution of the two-nucleon Schroedinger equation with
tensor forces. L. Lovitch, S. Rosati.
4(1972)140 ABGE 0001REMOVE NON-STANDARD FORTRAN (Fortran, 138 Lines, Tape
Issue 11). Bound state solution of the two-nucleon
Schroedinger equation with tensor forces. L. Lovitch,
S. Rosati.
3(1972)334 ACQZ SCHROD (Fortran, 138 Lines, Tape Issue 10). Numerical
solution of the radial Schrodinger equation.
F. Beleznay.
5(1973)379 AAGN YUKAWA/RH**LP D JL 72 (Fortran, 433 Lines, Tape Issue 14).
Nearly exact calculation of the solution of the radial
Schrodinger equation. L. Marquez.
5(1973)417 AAGO SCAT (Fortran, 2566 Lines, Tape Issue 13). A general
program to study the scattering of particles by solving
coupled inhomogeneous second-order differential equations.
N. Chandra. Subroutine required: ACRK (Section 2.4).
6(1973)17 ABGL BSSW (Fortran, 300 Lines, Tape Issue 15). Computation of
S-state binding energy and wave functions in a Saxon-
Woods potential. J. Cugnon.
9(1975)283 ABSB DIRPAK (Fortran, 2563 Lines, Tape Issue 24). A program
package for the Dirichlet problem with axially symmetric
boundary conditions. J.B. Campbell.
10(1975)182 ACWK NUCLEAR POTENTIAL (Fortran, 1357 Lines, Tape Issue 25).
Solution of bound state problems in nuclear shell model
with momentum dependent potentials. M.A.K. Lodhi,
B.T. Waak.
10(1975)194 ABUM MUCALC (Fortran, 1126 Lines, Tape Issue 25).
Determination of SSOR-SI iteration parameters.
J.B. Campbell.
11(1976)27 ACWN GRN1 (Fortran, 1218 Lines, Tape Issue 26). A program to
calculate Green's functions. S.P. Rountree, T. Burnett,
R.J.W. Henry, C.A. Weatherford.
23(1981)233 ACWN 0001 GRN2 (Fortran, 2220 Lines, Tape Issue 48).
Adaptation of a program to calculate Green's function.
R.J.W. Henry, S.P. Rountree, E.R. Smith.
17(1979)283 ACYZ FORSIM VI (Fortran, 6991 Lines, Manual 162 pages, Tape
Issue 37). FORSIM VI: a program package for the
automated solution of arbitrarily defined differential
equations. M.B. Carver.
17(1979)283 ACZB RADISH (Fortran, 602 Lines, Tape Issue 37). De
Vogelaere's method with automatic error control.
J.P. Coleman, J. Mohamed.
17(1979)365 AAIE SCHRODINTEQN (Fortran, 374 Lines, Tape Issue 37). An
integral equation program to calculate radial wave
functions and scattering phase shifts of short-range
local interactions. M.S. Stern.
17(1979)383 ACZL SIPSOL (Fortran, 1022 Lines, Tape Issue 38). SIPSOL: a
suite of subprograms for the solution of the linear
equations arising from elliptic partial differential
equations. C.R. Jesshope.
20(1980)309 AANA EXPFIT1 (Fortran, 766 Lines, Tape Issue 43). The method
of Raptis and Allison with automatic error control.
J. Mohamed.
25(1982)21 AARJ PCNUM (Fortran, 829 Lines, Tape Issue 50). A program for
the predictor-corrector Numerov method. W.E. Baylis,
S.J. Peel.
27(1982)299 AAJK RPROP (Fortran, 1514 Lines, Tape Issue 53). R-matrix
propagation program for solving coupled second-order
differential equations. K.L. Baluja, P.G. Burke,
L.A. Morgan. Other version: AAJL (Section 4.3).
27(1982)309 AAOD GAMOW FUNCTIONS (Fortran, 1359 Lines, Tape Issue 53).
GAMOW: a program for calculating the resonant state
solution of the radial Schrodinger equation in an
arbitrary optical potential. T. Vertse, K.F. Pal,
Z. Balogh.
27(1982)385 AAOE VPM (Fortran, 3734 Lines, Tape Issue 53). VPM: a new
asymptotic package. J.P. Croskery, N.S. Scott,
K.L. Bell, K.A. Berrington.
31(1984)419 AAJL RPROP2 (Fortran, 3039 Lines, Tape Issue 57). A
generalized R-matrix propagation program for solving
coupled second-order differential equations.
L.A. Morgan. Other version: AAJK (Section 4.3).
32(1984)209 ACCC DIFEQ (Fortran, 406 Lines, Tape Issue 57). A program for
performing a numerical integration of the Schroedinger
equation. C. Foglia.
34(1984)187 ACCV MRVAC (Fortran, 2760 Lines, Tape Issue 58). MRVAC: a
variational correction method for solving differential
equations with r**-n coupling. M.R.H. Rudge.
34(1985)271 ABPP GREFUL (Fortran, 1813 Lines, Tape Issue 60). A Green's
function code for Schrodinger equations with nonlocal
separable kernels. H. Leeb, H. Markum.
34(1985)287 ACDQ SCR2 (Fortran, 265 Lines, Tape Issue 59). Solving the
Schrodinger equation for bound states. P. Falkensteiner,
H. Grosse, F. Schoberl, P. Hertel.
36(1985)25 ACDB POT4A (Fortran, 4808 Lines, Tape Issue 60). POT4A: a
program for the direct solution of Poisson's equation in
complex geometries. S.J. Beard, R.W. Hockney. Subroutines
required: ABUF (Section 4.14) or ABUJ (Section 4.14) or
ABUK (Section 4.14), ABUA (Section 4.6).
36(1985)383 AABS LIE (Reduce, 132 Lines, Tape Issue 61). A REDUCE program
for determining point and contact lie symmetries of
differential equations. V.P. Eliseev, R.N. Fedorova,
V.V. Kornyak.
38(1985)415 AADG DRANK, CONSD, CONSD2 (Reduce, Rlisp, 581 Lines, Tape Issue
61). A REDUCE program for finding conserved densities of
partial differential equations with uniform rank.
M. Ito, F. Kako. Other versions: AALS (Section 4.3), ACPW
(Section 4.3).
39(1985)93 AADL LB (PL/1, 762 Lines, Tape Issue 61). Determination of
Lie-Backlund symmetries of differential equations using
FORMAC. R.N. Fedorova, V.V. Kornyak.
39(1986)187 AADV SCHROD (Fortran, 438 Lines, Tape Issue 62). A program
for the calculation of energy eigenvalues and eigenstates
of a Schrodinger equation. V. Fack, G. Vanden Berghe.
39(1986)285 AAFF DISSYS (RLISP, 931 Lines, Tape Issue 62). A REDUCE
package for determining first integrals of autonomous
systems of ordinary differential equations. F. Schwarz.
42(1986)351 AALS DRANK, DRANK2, SYM, SYM2, SYMS (Reduce, Rlisp, 913 Lines,
Tape Issue 64). A REDUCE program for finding symmetries
of nonlinear evolution equations with uniform rank.
M. Ito. Other versions: AADG (Section 4.3), ACPW (Section
42(1986)359 AALT ODEPAINLEVE (REX MACSYMA, 305 Lines, Tape Issue 64).
ODEPAINLEVE: a MACSYMA package for Painleve analysis of
ordinary differential equations. D.W. Rand,
P. Winternitz.
42(1986)427 AATA TPR (Reduce, 131 Lines, Tape Issue 64). Tests of
resonances in the Painleve analysis. L. Hlavaty.
48(1988)293 ABBH RKPC (Fortran, 617 Lines, Tape Issue 68). Subroutines
for integration of systems of first order ODE's.
G. Delic, S.M. Malherbe.
54(1989)177 ABHK VCSUM (Fortran, 430 Lines, Tape Issue 74). Program to
calculate the spectral harmonic expansion coefficients of
the two scalar fields product. Z. Martinec. Subroutine
required: AAPE (Section 4.11).
56(1990)391 ABLM PHASE1 (Fortran, 2422 Lines, Tape Issue 76). A Fortran
program for the numerical integration of the one
dimensional Schrodinger equation using exponential and
Bessel fitting methods. J.R. Cash, A.D. Raptis,
T.E. Simos.
61(1990)387 ABTN MEIGEN (Fortran, 336 Lines, Tape Issue 79). A high-speed
method for solving eigenvalue problems, use of the spline
function in Milne's method. T. Yokota, T. Yano,
M. Otsuka, S. Matsushima. Other versions: ACJH (Section
4.3), ACTQ (Section 4.3).
62(1991)65 ABTR RADWEQ (Fortran, 2045 Lines, Tape Issue 79). Accurate
numerical solution of the Schrodinger and Dirac wave
equations for central fields. F. Salvat, R. Mayol.
67(1991)285 ACBP FGHEVEN (Fortran, 777 Lines, Tape Issue 81). Two
computer programs for solving the Schrodinger equation
for bound state eigenvalues and eigenfunctions using the
Fourier Grid Hamiltonian method. G.G. Balint-Kurti,
C.L. Ward, C.C. Marston.
67(1991)285 ACBQ FGHFFT (Fortran, 900 Lines, Tape Issue 81). Two computer
programs for solving the Schrodinger equation for bound
state eigenvalues and eigenfunctions using the Fourier
Grid Hamiltonian method. G.G. Balint-Kurti, C.L. Ward,
C.C. Marston.
71(1992)319 ACJB SEPDE3 (Fortran, 1682 Lines, Tape Issue 84). Further
developments in the noniterative method of solving PDE's
in electron scattering. E.C. Sullivan, A. Temkin.
72(1992)61 ACJH MEV2 (Fortran, 973 Lines, Tape Issue 84). A high-speed
method for eigenvalue problem II: calculation of the
eigenfunction in Milne's method. T. Yano, T. Yokota,
K. Kawabata, M. Otsuka, S. Matsushima, Y. Ezawa,
S. Tomiyoshi. Other versions: ABTN (Section 4.3), ACTQ
(Section 4.3).
74(1993)297 ACJS SSM (Fortran, 2977 Lines, Tape Issue 86). SSM: a set of
subprograms for calculating eigenvalues for a diatomic
molecule using a simplified shooting method.
A. El-Hajj, H. Kobeissi, M. Korek.
77(1993)241 ACPB LIE version 4.1 (Mumath, 3692 Lines, Tape Issue 89).
LIE, a PC program for Lie analysis of differential
equations. A.K. Head.
79(1994)425 ACTR LANCZOS-A (Mathematica, 896 Lines, Tape Issue 91).
Analytical Lanczos method: quantum eigenstates of
anharmonic oscillators in one or more dimensions.
M. Kaluza.
79(1994)547 ACPW SYMCD (Reduce, Rlisp, 1288 Lines, Tape Issue 90). SYMCD:
a REDUCE package for finding symmetries and conserved
densities of systems of nonlinear evolution equations.
M. Ito. Other versions: AADG (Section 4.3), AALS (Section
81(1994)409 ACTQ MEV3 (Fortran, 689 Lines, Tape Issue 92). A high-speed
method for eigenvalue problems III. Case of
unsymmetrical potentials in Milne's method. T. Yano,
K. Kitani, M. Otsuka, S. Tomiyoshi, S. Matsushima,
T. Wada, Y. Ezawa. Other versions: ABTN (Section 4.3),
ACJH (Section 4.3).
82(1994)209 ACVG FDEXTR (Fortran, 1851 Lines, Tape Issue 93). FDEXTR, a
program for the finite-difference solution of the coupled-
channel Schrodinger equation using Richardson
extrapolation. A.G. Abrashkevich, D.G. Abrashkevich.
82(1994)221 ACVF HOTPOT (Fortran, 1174 Lines, Tape Issue 93). One-
dimensional Schrodinger equation in the harmonic
oscillator basis with various potentials. S.-T. Lai,
P. Palting, Y.-N. Chiu.
85(1995)65 ACVU FESSDE (Fortran, 3149 Lines, Tape Issue 94). FESSDE, a
program for the finite-element solution of the coupled-
channel Schrodinger equation using high-order accuracy
approximations. A.G. Abrashkevich, D.G. Abrashkevich,
M.S. Kaschiev, I.V. Puzynin.
**90(1995)102 ADBY PDEtools (Maple, 5617 Lines, Tape Issue 96). A
computational approach for the analytical solving of
partial differential equations. E.S. Cheb-Terrab,
K. von Bulow.
**90(1995)151 ADBP RADIAL (Fortran, 6343 Lines, Tape Issue 96). Accurate
numerical solution of the radial Schrodinger and Dirac
wave equations. F. Salvat, J.M. Fernandez-Varea,
W. Williamson Jr.
4.4 Feynman Diagrams
6(1973)9 AAKH P.T. DIAGRAM GENERATION (Fortran, 879 Lines, Tape Issue
15). Computer generation of Feynman diagrams for
perturbation theory. II. Program description.
H.C. Wong, J. Paldus.
8(1974)320 ACOA GRAFFITI (Fortran, 638 Lines, Tape Issue 22). Computer
generation of connected graphs. D.C. Rapaport.
43(1987)279 AATD GRAND (Pascal, Fortran, 6664 Lines, Tape Issue 64).
Automatic generation of Feynman graphs and amplitudes in
QED. T. Kaneko, S. Kawabata, Y. Shimizu.
48(1988)327 AAXC COLOR (Reduce, 469 Lines, Tape Issue 68). Program COLOR
for computing the group-theoretic weight of Feynman
diagrams in non-Abelian gauge theories. A.P. Kryukov,
A.Ya. Rodionov.
48(1989)367 ABBX LERG-I (Reduce, 1251 Lines, Tape Issue 69). Algebraic
reduction of one-loop Feynman diagrams to scalar
integrals. R.G. Stuart. Other versions: ABLU (Section
4.4), ADAP (Section 4.4).
55(1989)205 ABJO LOOPS (Reduce, 663 Lines, Tape Issue 75). LOOPS:
procedures for multiloop calculations in quantum field
theory for system REDUCE. L.R. Surguladze,
F.V. Tkachov.
55(1989)381 ABJQ MINCER (SCHOONSCHIP, 3707 Lines, Tape Issue 75). MINCER:
multiloop calculations in quantum field theory for system
SCHOONSCHIP. S.G. Gorishny, S.A. Larin,
L.R. Surguladze, F.V. Tkachov.
56(1990)337 ABLU LERG-I (Reduce, 2595 Lines, Tape Issue 76). Algebraic
reduction of one-loop Feynman diagrams to scalar
integrals II. R.G. Stuart, A. Gongora-T. Other versions:
ABBX (Section 4.4), ADAP (Section 4.4).
58(1990)153 ABLT CHANEL (Fortran, 1395 Lines, Tape Issue 76). Numerical
calculation of helicity amplitudes for processes
involving massive fermions. H. Tanaka. Other version:
ABTT (Section 4.4).
58(1990)181 ABLR FEYNMAN (LATEX, 1922 Lines, Manual 92 pages, Tape Issue
76). A LaTeX graphics routine for drawing Feynman
diagrams. M.J.S. Levine.
64(1991)149 ABTT CHANEL VERSION 2 (Fortran, 3228 Lines, Tape Issue 79).
Numerical calculation of Feynman amplitudes for
electroweak theories and an application to e+ e- -> W+W-
gamma. H. Tanaka, T. Kaneko, Y. Shimizu. Other version:
ABLT (Section 4.4).
71(1992)193 ACHZ SHELL2 (Form, 1273 Lines, Tape Issue 84). SHELL2:
package for the calculation of two-loop on-shell Feynman
diagrams in FORM. J. Fleischer, O.V. Tarasov.
77(1993)263 ACNY FDC1 (Reduce, 2344 Lines, Tape Issue 89). Automatic
calculation of Feynman loop-diagram I - generation of
simplified form of amplitude. J.-X. Wang.
77(1993)286 ACNW FeynmanParameter[] and trace[] (Mathematica, 651 Lines,
Manual 9 pages, Tape Issue 89). Feynmanparameter and
trace - programs for expressing Feynman amplitudes as
integrals over Feynman parameters. T.H. West.
81(1994)357 ACTX MadGraph (Fortran, 17135 Lines, Tape Issue 92).
Automatic generation of tree level helicity amplitudes.
T. Stelzer, W.F. Long.
85(1995)267 ADAP LERG-I (Mathematica, 1786 Lines, Tape Issue 94).
Algebraic reduction of Feynman diagrams to scalar
integrals: a Mathematica implementation of LERG-I.
R.G. Stuart. Other versions: ABBX (Section 4.4), ABLU
(Section 4.4).
**88(1995)347 ADAP 000A CORRECTION 28/04/95 (Mathematica, Tape Issue 96).
Algebraic reduction of Feynman diagrams to scalar
integrals: a Mathematica implementation of LERG-I. (C.P.
C. 85(1995)267). R.G. Stuart.
90(1995)340 ADCD FEYNMF: VERSION1.0. Drawing Feynman diagrams with LaTeX and
Ref. in Comp. Phys. Commun.
4.5 Coulomb Functions
1(1969)25 ABOC COULOM (Fortran, 547 Lines, Tape Issue 1). Coulomb
functions for complex energies. T. Tamura, F. Rybicki.
3(1972)276 ABOC 000A CORRECTION 18/03/72 (Fortran, Tape Issue 10).
Coulomb functions for complex energies. (C.P.C.
1(1969)25). T. Tamura, F. Rybicki.
3(1972)73 ABOQ COULOM FOR REAL ENERGY (Fortran, 1073 Lines, Tape Issue
10). Coulomb functions in entire (eta,rho)-plane.
C. Bardin, Y. Dandeu, L. Gauthier, J. Guillermin,
T. Lena, J.M. Pernet, H.H. Wolter, T. Tamura.
--- ABPC A00ACORRECTION TO 0001 26/10/77 (Fortran, Tape Issue 30).
Unpublished correction to RCWFF: a modification of the
real Coulomb wavefunction program RCWFN. A.R. Barnett.
8(1974)377 ABPC RCWFN (Fortran, 282 Lines, Tape Issue 22). Coulomb wave
functions for all real eta and rho. A.R. Barnett,
D.H. Feng, J.W. Steed, L.J.B. Goldfarb.
11(1976)141 ABPC 0001RCWFF (Fortran, 74 Lines, Tape Issue 26). RCWFF - a
modification of the real Coulomb wavefunction program
RCWFN. A.R. Barnett.
17(1979)351 ABND CCOULM (Fortran, 400 Lines, Tape Issue 37). Coulomb
functions with complex angular momenta. T. Takemasa,
T. Tamura, H.H. Wolter.
20(1980)447 AANB COUL (Fortran, 707 Lines, Tape Issue 44). Coulomb
functions (negative energies). K.L. Bell, N.S. Scott.
24(1981)141 ABNJ KLEIN: COULOMB WFN, REAL L,ETA,X (Fortran, 312 Lines, Tape
Issue 49). KLEIN: Coulomb functions for real lambda and
positive energy to high accuracy. A.R. Barnett.
25(1982)87 AAJJ COULAN (Fortran, 337 Lines, Tape Issue 50). Coulomb
functions analytic in the energy. M.J. Seaton.
29(1983)341 ACEP RCGF (Pascal, 1387 Lines, Tape Issue 55). A Pascal
program for calculating the reduced Coulomb Green's
functions and their partial waves. J. Mlodzki,
J. Kuszkowski, M. Suffczynski.
33(1984)413 ACCU COULN (Fortran, 449 Lines, Tape Issue 58). COULN: a
program for evaluating negative energy Coulomb functions.
C.J. Noble, I.J. Thompson.
36(1985)363 ACDP COULCC (Fortran, 1597 Lines, Tape Issue 61). COULCC: a
continued-fraction algorithm for Coulomb functions of
complex order with complex arguments. I.J. Thompson,
A.R. Barnett.
79(1994)143 ACPT CRCWFN (Fortran, 1612 Lines, Tape Issue 90). CRCWFN:
coupled real Coulomb wavefunctions. J.A. Christley,
I.J. Thompson.
4.6 Fourier Transforms
2(1971)127 ABUA FOUR67 (Fortran, 1122 Lines, Tape Issue 5). FOUR67, a
fast Fourier transform package. J.P. Christiansen,
R.W. Hockney.
12(1976)147 ABUO FOURGEN (PL/1, Fortran, 601 Lines, Tape Issue 28).
FOURGEN: a fast Fourier transform program generator.
J.A. Maruhn.
16(1978)93 AAUX TRIINT (Fortran, 951 Lines, Tape Issue 35). Fourier
analysis with splines. A Fortran program. C. Pomponiu,
M. Sararu.
16(1979)383 ACZC FTRANS (Fortran, 396 Lines, Tape Issue 37). On numerical
Bessel transformation. B. Sommer, J.G. Zabolitzky.
30(1983)397 ACUH FASTF (Fortran, 376 Lines, Tape Issue 56). FASTF: fast
Fourier transform with arbitrary factors.
E. Garcia-Torano.
42(1986)233 AALL MFFT (Fortran, 4462 Lines, Tape Issue 64). MFFT: a
package for two- and three-dimensional vectorized
discrete Fourier transforms. A. Nobile, V. Roberto.
48(1988)313 AALL 0001 MFFT4 (Fortran, 1323 Lines, Tape Issue 68). MFFT4:
four dimensional vectorized fast Fourier transforms.
A. Nobile, V. Roberto, F. Saitta.
47(1987)113 AAXR UNIDFT (Fortran, 4710 Lines, Tape Issue 66). UNIDFT: a
package of optimized discrete Fourier transforms.
G. Cabras, V. Roberto, G. Salemi.
48(1988)305 ABBO CCFS (Fortran, 682 Lines, Tape Issue 68). Subroutines
for convolution sums of Chebyshev and Fourier series.
G. Delic, S.M. Malherbe.
52(1989)333 ABFB SW2DFFT (Fortran, 655 Lines, Tape Issue 72). Two
dimensional fast Fourier transform for large data
matrices. M.H. Serzu, W.M. Moon.
63(1991)569 ABTX ROFT/REFT/COFT/CEFT (Fortran, 418 Lines, Tape Issue 79).
Fast sine/cosine transform for periodic functions with
reflection symmetry. A. Besprozvannaya, D.J. Tannor.
4.7 Other Functions
4(1972)221 ACRG CLOGAM AND CDIGAM (Fortran, 175 Lines, Tape Issue 11).
Programs for computing the logarithm of the gamma
function and the digamma function for complex argument.
K.S. Kolbig.
5(1973)390 ABME LEGENDRE (Fortran, 160 Lines, Tape Issue 14).
Associated Legendre polynomials, ordinary and modified
spherical harmonics. W.J. Braithwaite.
9(1975)46 ACRS FORTRAN CALCULATION OF SODS (Fortran, 343 Lines, Tape Issue
23). A subroutine and procedure for the rapid
calculation of simple off-diagonal rational approximants.
P.R. Graves-Morris, D.E. Roberts. Other version: ACRT
(Section 4.7).
9(1975)46 ACRT ALGOL CALCULATION OF SODS (Algol, 299 Lines, Tape Issue
23). A subroutine and procedure for the rapid
calculation of simple off-diagonal rational approximants.
P.R. Graves-Morris, D.E. Roberts. Other version: ACRS
(Section 4.7).
10(1975)234 ACWF FORTRAN CALCULATION OF C.A'S (Fortran, 410 Lines, Tape
Issue 25). Calculation of Canterbury approximants.
P.R. Graves-Morris, D.E. Roberts. Other version: ACWG
(Section 4.7).
13(1977)72 ACWF 000A CORRECTION 23/02/77 (Fortran, Tape Issue 28).
Calculation of Canterbury approximants. (C.P.C.
10(1975)234). P.R. Graves-Morris, D.E. Roberts.
10(1975)234 ACWG ALGOL CALCULATION OF C.A'S (Algol, 411 Lines, Tape Issue
25). Calculation of Canterbury approximants.
P.R. Graves-Morris, D.E. Roberts. Other version: ACWF
(Section 4.7).
13(1977)72 ACWG 000A CORRECTION 23/02/77 (Algol, Tape Issue 28).
Calculation of Canterbury approximants. (C.P.C.
10(1975)234). P.R. Graves-Morris, D.E. Roberts.
11(1976)325 ACWV PADE APPROXIMANTS (Fortran, 686 Lines, Tape Issue 27).
Subroutine for calculation of matrix Pade approximants.
Y. Starkand.
13(1977)17 ACWZ BESSEL (Fortran, 536 Lines, Tape Issue 29). The Bessel
functions J0 and J1 of complex argument.
R.W.B. Ardill, K.J.M. Moriarty.
14(1978)261 ACXM SPHBES (Fortran, 558 Lines, Tape Issue 31). Spherical
Bessel functions jn and yn of integer order and real
argument. R.W.B. Ardill, K.J.M. Moriarty.
15(1978)351 ACYL NULLIJN (Fortran, Compass, 4092 Lines, Tape Issue 34).
NULLIJN: a program to calculate zero curves of a function
of two variables of which one may be complex.
P.C. de Jagher.
16(1979)383 ACZC FTRANS (Fortran, 396 Lines, Tape Issue 37). On numerical
Bessel transformation. B. Sommer, J.G. Zabolitzky.
17(1979)321 ACYQ BESJYH (Fortran, 1521 Lines, Tape Issue 37). Accurate
Bessel functions Jn(z), Yn(z), H(1)n(z) and H(2)n(z) of
integer order and complex argument. R.W.B. Ardill,
K.J.M. Moriarty.
39(1986)303 ACYQ 000A CORRECTION 30/09/85 (Fortran, Tape Issue 62).
Accurate Bessel functions Jn(z), Yn(z), H(1)n(z) and
H(2)n(z) of integer order and complex argument. (C.P.C.
17(1979)321). R.W.B. Ardill, K.J.M. Moriarty.
18(1979)63 ACZN PLMCHB (Fortran, 481 Lines, Tape Issue 38). Chebyshev
expansion of the associated Legendre polynomial PLM(x).
G. Delic.
18(1979)73 ACZM JLRCHB (Fortran, 418 Lines, Tape Issue 38). Chebyshev
series for the spherical Bessel function jl(r).
G. Delic.
18(1979)133 ACZP BESSJY (Fortran, 1499 Lines, Tape Issue 39). Bessel
functions Jnu(x) and Ynu(x) of real order and real
argument. J.B. Campbell.
18(1979)215 AAUT ANALYT (Fortran, 2500 Lines, Tape Issue 39). A guide to
analytic extrapolations. Part I: a program for optimal
extrapolation to interior points. M. Ciulli, S. Ciulli.
20(1980)441 ABVJ RIEMANN ZETA FUNCTION (Fortran, 142 Lines, Tape Issue 44).
A program for computing the Riemann Zeta function for
complex argument. A. Banuelos, R.A. Depine.
21(1980)109 ABVM REALJN (Fortran, 625 Lines, Tape Issue 44). A Fortran
subroutine for the Bessel function Jn(x) of order 0 to 10.
J.P. Coleman.
21(1981)315 ABVP FERMI-DIRAC FUNCTIONS (Fortran, 266 Lines, Tape Issue 44).
A program for computing the Fermi-Dirac functions.
A. Banuelos, R.A. Depine, R.C. Mancini.
22(1981)411 ABVX AIRY (Fortran, 443 Lines, Tape Issue 46). Airy function
with complex arguments. W. Moon.
23(1981)51 AAQH FCONIC (Fortran, 855 Lines, Tape Issue 47). A program
for computing the conical functions of the first kind
Pm(-1/2+i*tau)(x) for m=0 and m=1. K.S. Kolbig.
23(1981)145 ABQJ CHEBY (Fortran, 326 Lines, Tape Issue 47). A Chebyshev
series approximation to continuous functions.
M.A. Christie, K.J.M. Moriarty.
24(1981)97 AAQZ BESSIK (Fortran, 1955 Lines, Tape Issue 49). Bessel
functions Inu(z) and Knu(z) of real order and complex
argument. J.B. Campbell.
25(1982)207 AAQZ 000A CORRECTION 28/10/81 (Fortran, Tape Issue 49).
Bessel functions Inu(z) and Knu(z) of real order and
complex argument. (C.P.C. 24(1981)97). J.B. Campbell.
24(1981)191 AARE LHARM (Fortran, 137 Lines, Tape Issue 49). Generating
functions for L-harmonics. R.W. Gaskell.
25(1982)81 AAQQ F3Y (Fortran, 121 Lines, Tape Issue 50). Fortran program
for the integral of three spherical harmonics.
A.L. de Brito.
25(1982)149 AARL YLM-COUPLING (Fortran, 1143 Lines, Tape Issue 50).
Programs for the coupling of spherical harmonics.
E.J. Weniger, E.O. Steinborn.
25(1982)289 AART HANKEL (Fortran, 1345 Lines, Tape Issue 50). Automatic
computation of Bessel function integrals. R. Piessens.
27(1982)147 ABNK COULFG (Fortran, 432 Lines, Tape Issue 52). COULFG:
Coulomb and Bessel functions and their derivatives, for
real arguments, by Steed's method. A.R. Barnett.
29(1983)261 ACEE FUNEXP (Fortran, 700 Lines, Tape Issue 57). An expansion
of complicated functions using Chebyshev polynomials
suitable for fast calculation. M.O. Caceres, H.S. Wio,
R.J.J. Stamm'ler.
30(1983)93 AANZ LSFBTR (Fortran, 370 Lines, Tape Issue 55). LSFBTR: a
subroutine for calculating spherical Bessel transforms.
J.D. Talman.
30(1983)177 ACEY PRSWFN (Fortran, 570 Lines, Tape Issue 56). Prolate
radial spheroidal wave functions. T.A. Beu,
R.I. Campeanu.
30(1983)187 ACEZ PASWFN (Fortran, 477 Lines, Tape Issue 56). Prolate
angular spheroidal wave functions. T.A. Beu,
R.I. Campeanu.
31(1984)47 ACFL FRANKC (Fortran, 450 Lines, Tape Issue 57). Calculation
of the auxiliary functions Fm(z). L.F. Errea, L. Mendez,
A. Riera.
31(1984)89 ACFO FZRI (Fortran, 166 Lines, Tape Issue 57). A simple
procedure for numerical approximation of the Fm(z)
functions with complex argument. L. Jakab.
32(1984)333 ACCH NUZERO (Fortran, 935 Lines, Tape Issue 58).
Determination of nu-zeros of Hankel functions.
J.B. Campbell.
36(1985)401 AABV BAO (Fortran, 294 Lines, Tape Issue 61). Program to
calculate transformation brackets of hyperspherical
harmonic functions of a three body system. See erratum
Comp. Phys. Commun. 47(1987)367. Bao Cheng-guang,
Gan You-ping, Lui Xian-hui.
39(1986)181 AADU FD, FDG, FDH (Fortran, 2119 Lines, Tape Issue 62).
Generalized Fermi-Dirac integrals - FD, FDG, FDH.
L.W. Fullerton, G.A. Rinker.
46(1987)263 AAXL ORTHOGONAL POLYNOMIALS (Fortran, 3938 Lines, Tape Issue
66). A program to set up systems of orthogonal
polynomials. U. Opik.
47(1987)149 AAXP GYP (Fortran, 245 Lines, Tape Issue 66). Program to
calculate Raynal-Revai coefficients of a three-body
system in two or three dimensions. Y. Gan, F. Liu,
T.K. Lim.
47(1987)245 ABBM BESSCC (Fortran, 874 Lines, Tape Issue 67). Modified
Bessel functions Imu(z) and Kmu(z) of real order and
complex argument, to selected accuracy. I.J. Thompson,
A.R. Barnett.
48(1988)305 ABBO CCFS (Fortran, 682 Lines, Tape Issue 68). Subroutines
for convolution sums of Chebyshev and Fourier series.
G. Delic, S.M. Malherbe.
69(1992)173 ACBX DTRACE (C, 3791 Lines, Tape Issue 86). Calculation of
long traces of gamma-matrices in the dimensional
regularization scheme. D. Graudenz.
69(1992)415 ACGO PARACYL (Fortran, 329 Lines, Tape Issue 82). Parabolic
cylinder functions U(n,x) for natural n and positive x.
G. Taubmann.
76(1993)381 ACNL BESSEL, SPHERICAL (Fortran, 382 Lines, Tape Issue 88). A
code to calculate (high order) Bessel functions based on
the continued fractions method. Yu.L. Ratis,
P. Fernandez de Cordoba.
77(1993)249 ACPA PFQ (Fortran, 1721 Lines, Tape Issue 89). A numerical
evaluator for the generalized hypergeometric series.
W.F. Perger, A. Bhalla, M. Nardin.
78(1993)181 ACPH BESCJY (Pascal, 1529 Lines, Tape Issue 90). Bessel
functions Jn(z) and Yn(z) of integer order and complex
argument. C.F. du Toit.
4.8 Linear Equations and Matrices
1(1970)277 ACQM MATPLT (Fortran, 107 Lines, Tape Issue 2). Isometric
representation of two-dimensional matrices. A. Choudry.
8(1974)85 AAAF COMPLEX GENERALISED EIGENPROBLEM (Fortran, 1007 Lines, Tape
Issue 21). The hermitian matrix eigenproblem Hx = eSx
using compact array storage. J.C. Nash.
10(1975)30 ACWC HYMNIA (Fortran, 2390 Lines, Tape Issue 25). HYMNIA -
band matrix package for solving eigenvalue problems.
R. Gruber.
17(1979)317 ACZJ APICS (Fortran, 691 Lines, Tape Issue 37). Application
of the generalized backward substitution method to solve
a class of linear systems. R. Calinon, J. Ligou.
17(1979)375 ACZH LIHOIN (Fortran, 557 Lines, Tape Issue 37). A program
for solving systems of homogeneous linear inequalities.
K.S. Kolbig, F. Schwarz.
17(1979)383 ACZL SIPSOL (Fortran, 1022 Lines, Tape Issue 38). SIPSOL: a
suite of subprograms for the solution of the linear
equations arising from elliptic partial differential
equations. C.R. Jesshope.
18(1979)13 ABSE GENLU (Fortran, 2070 Lines, Tape Issue 38). A program
generator for the incomplete LU decomposition-conjugate
gradient (ILUCG) method. G.K. Petravic, M. Petravic.
20(1980)421 ABVI HYMBLO (Fortran, 978 Lines, Tape Issue 45). HYMNIABLOCK:
eigenvalue solver for blocked matrices. R. Gruber.
22(1981)33 ABSF GENIC (Fortran, 2961 Lines, Tape Issue 50). A program
generator for the Incomplete Cholesky Conjugate Gradient
(ICCG) method with a symmetrizing preprocessor.
G.K. Petravic, M. Petravic.
24(1981)185 AARF PERDIAG (Fortran, 447 Lines, Tape Issue 49). Recurrence
solution of a block tridiagonal matrix equation with
Neumann, Dirichlet, mixed or periodic boundary conditions.
F. Marsh, D.E. Potter.
25(1982)73 AARI EIGVEC (Fortran, CAL Assembler, 1763 Lines, Tape Issue 50).
A vectorizable eigenvalue solver for sparse matrices.
L.C. Bernard, F.J. Helton.
30(1983)31 ACEU ILUCG2 (Fortran, 1193 Lines, Tape Issue 56). ILUCG2:
subprograms for the solution of a linear asymmetric
matrix equation arising from a 9-point discretization.
See erratum Comp. Phys. Commun. 31(1984)433.
A.I. Shestakov, D.V. Anderson.
30(1983)37 ACEV ICCG2 (Fortran, 1012 Lines, Tape Issue 56). ICCG2:
subprograms for the solution of a linear symmetric matrix
equation arising from a 9-point discretization. See
erratum Comp. Phys. Commun. 31(1984)435. D.V. Anderson,
A.I. Shestakov.
30(1983)43 ACEW ILUCG3 (Fortran, 1857 Lines, Tape Issue 56). ILUCG3:
subprograms for the solution of a linear asymmetric
matrix equation arising from a 7, 15, 19 or 27 point 3D
discretization. See erratum Comp. Phys. Commun.
31(1984)437. D.V. Anderson.
30(1983)51 ACEX ICCG3 (Fortran, 1582 Lines, Tape Issue 56). ICCG3:
subprograms for the solution of a linear symmetric matrix
equation arising from a 7, 15, 19 or 27 point 3D
discretization. See erratum Comp. Phys. Commun.
31(1984)439. D.V. Anderson.
42(1986)127 AALI LINRZ (Fortran, 986 Lines, Tape Issue 63). Matrix
linearization. L. Seijo, M. Florez, L. Pueyo.
43(1987)297 AALX ILUBCG2 (Fortran, 824 Lines, Tape Issue 64). ILUBCG2: a
preconditioned biconjugate gradient routine for the
solution of linear asymmetric matrix equations arising
from 9-point discretizations. A.E. Koniges,
D.V. Anderson.
55(1989)359 AALX 0001ILUBCG2-11 (Fortran, 872 Lines, Tape Issue 75).
ILUBCG2-11: solution of 11-banded nonsymmetric linear
equation systems by a preconditioned biconjugate gradient
routine. Y.-M. Chen, A.E. Koniges, D.V. Anderson.
51(1988)391 ABFD CPDES2 (Fortran, 1080 Lines, Tape Issue 71). CPDES2: a
preconditioned conjugate gradient solver for linear
asymmetric matrix equations arising from coupled partial
differential equations in two dimensions.
D.V. Anderson, A.E. Koniges, D.E. Shumaker.
51(1988)405 ABFE CPDES3 (Fortran, 1143 Lines, Tape Issue 71). CPDES3: a
preconditioned conjugate gradient solver for linear
asymmetric matrix equations arising from coupled partial
differential equations in three dimensions.
D.V. Anderson, A.E. Koniges, D.E. Shumaker.
54(1989)353 ABHY EGRASS (Fortran, 54594 Lines, Tape Issue 73). epicGRASS:
symbolic calculations with anticommuting variables.
U. Hartmann, E.D. Davis.
58(1990)285 ABLZ MLS (Fortran, 407 Lines, Tape Issue 76). A program for
the solution of ill-posed linear systems arising from the
discretization of Fredholm integral equation of the first
kind. N.N. Abdelmalek.
64(1991)123 ABZB BLOCK RECURSION LIBRARY (Fortran, 1321 Lines, Tape Issue
79). The Block Recursion Library: accurate calculation
of resolvent submatrices using the block recursion method.
T.J. Godin, R. Haydock.
70(1992)557 ACHR SMM (Fortran, 599 Lines, Tape Issue 83). Fast sparse
matrix multiplication. S.C. Park, J.P. Draayer,
S.-Q. Zheng.
77(1993)84 ACNQ SPARSEM (Fortran, 2428 Lines, Tape Issue 89). SPARSEM: a
subroutine package to operate with large sparse matrices.
S.J. Sciutto.
77(1993)95 ACNR POWEV (Fortran, 1868 Lines, Tape Issue 89). POWEV: a
subroutine package to evaluate eigenvalues and
eigenvectors of large sparse matrices. S.J. Sciutto.
Subroutine required: ACNQ (Section 4.8).
79(1994)268 ACPZ DVDSON (Fortran, 1552 Lines, Tape Issue 90). A Davidson
program for finding a few selected extreme eigenpairs of
a large, sparse, real, symmetric matrix.
A. Stathopoulos, C.F. Fischer.
79(1994)341 ACPY MACH (Fortran, 428 Lines, Tape Issue 90). MACH: a
computer code for solution of the poloidal asymmetry
eigenvalue problem in tokamaks. S.E. Attenberger,
S.P. Hirshman, W.A. Houlberg.
4.9 Minimization and Fitting (see also Interpolation, Sec 4.10)
1(1969)135 ABOD SEARCH (Fortran, 202 Lines, Tape Issue 1). Parameter
search subroutine. W.R. Smith.
1(1970)198 ABOD 0001 ADAPT SEARCH TO ELASTIC (Fortran, 2 Lines, Tape Issue
1). Adaptation of subroutine SEARCH for use with program
ELASTIC. W.R. Smith.
2(1971)79 ABGA NONLINEAR LEAST SQUARES FIT (Fortran, 465 Lines, Tape Issue
6). A procedure for nonlinear least squares refinement
in adverse practical conditions. J. Lang, R. Muller.
5(1973)308 ABGA 000A CORRECTION 20/11/72 (Fortran, Tape Issue 12). A
procedure for nonlinear least squares refinement in
adverse practical conditions. (C.P.C. 2(1971)79).
J. Lang, R. Muller.
5(1973)56 ABCF COMBAT (Fortran, 1036 Lines, Tape Issue 12). A program
for closed orbit minimization by analytic technique.
J.V. Trotman.
5(1973)163 AAYB OPTIME SYSTEM (Fortran, 10992 Lines, Tape Issue 11).
Users manual for the OPTIME system. P.H. Eberhard,
W.O. Koellner.
8(1974)49 ABCG LINCOM (Fortran, 968 Lines, Tape Issue 21). Search
program for significant variables. M.J. O'Connell.
8(1974)56 ABCH GSFIT (Fortran, 1415 Lines, Tape Issue 21).
Multivariate least squares fitting program using modified
Gram-Schmidt transformations. M.J. O'Connell.
9(1975)117 ABMK LGFIT2 (Fortran, 1368 Lines, Tape Issue 23). A least-
squares spectral curve fitting routine for strongly
overlapping lorentzians or gaussians.
E.D. von Meerwall.
9(1975)351 ABML PEAK2 (Fortran, 1290 Lines, Tape Issue 24). A FORTRAN
code for automatic spectrum analysis on medium-scale
computers. E.D. von Meerwall.
10(1975)145 ABMM SPEC3 (Fortran, 1004 Lines, Tape Issue 25). A general-
purpose routine for the analysis of spectroscopic peak
shapes. E.D. von Meerwall.
--- ACWH 000ACORRECTION 17/02/77 (Fortran, Tape Issue 28).
Unpublished correction to MINUIT: a system for function
minimization and analysis of the parameter errors and
correlations. F. James, M. Roos.
10(1975)343 ACWH MINUIT (Fortran, 2891 Lines, Tape Issue 26). MINUIT: a
system for function minimization and analysis of the
parameter errors and correlations. F. James, M. Roos.
Other version: AAVP (Section 4.9).
11(1976)211 ABMR UNIFIT2 (Fortran, 1092 Lines, Tape Issue 27). A
flexible, all-purpose curve-fitting program.
E.D. von Meerwall. Other version: ABNH (Section 4.9).
12(1976)173 ACXB RENYIF, RENYIT, TESKAC (Fortran, 996 Lines, Tape Issue 28).
Algorithms for the Kac and Renyi tests.
J.M.F. Chamayou.
13(1977)271 ACXP FURI (Fortran, 632 Lines, Tape Issue 29). FURI: a
Fortran function writer. A.J. Barnard.
16(1978)113 AAPA BELLS (Fortran, 351 Lines, Tape Issue 35). A subroutine
for approximation by cubic splines in the least squares
sense. J. Bok.
18(1979)411 ABNH UNIFIT4 (Fortran, 906 Lines, Tape Issue 40). An all-
purpose curve-fitting program for functions of several
variables. E.D. von Meerwall. Other version: ABMR
(Section 4.9).
21(1980)119 AAVD LOUHI78 (Fortran, 3227 Lines, Tape Issue 45). General
purpose unfolding program LOUHI78 with linear and
nonlinear regularizations. J.T. Routti, J.V. Sandberg.
21(1980)271 ABVR DECONV (Fortran, 1540 Lines, Tape Issue 45). A spline-
based method for experimental data deconvolution.
I. Beniaminy, M. Deutsch.
27(1982)229 AAOB CONTIN (VERSION 2DP) (Fortran, 5822 Lines, Manual 164 pages
, Tape Issue 53). CONTIN: a general purpose constrained
regularization program for inverting noisy linear
algebraic and integral equations. See also Comp. Phys.
Commun. 27(1982)213. S.W. Provencher.
27(1982)229 AAOC CONTIN (VERSION 2SP) (Fortran, 5822 Lines, Manual 164 pages
, Tape Issue 53). CONTIN: a general purpose constrained
regularization program for inverting noisy linear
algebraic and integral equations. See also Comp. Phys.
Commun. 27(1982)213. S.W. Provencher.
27(1982)415 AAOK ABEL (Fortran, 1615 Lines, Tape Issue 53). ABEL: stable,
high accuracy program for the inversion of Abel's
integral equation. I. Beniaminy, M. Deutsch.
29(1983)131 ACEG MOSAUT AND MOSINP (Fortran, 5613 Lines, Tape Issue 55).
A program to analyze series of Mossbauer spectra.
E. Verbiest.
29(1983)171 ACEH ERIKA (Fortran, 1626 Lines, Tape Issue 55). ERIKA: a
program for the decomposition of line spectra.
M. Rysavy, M. Fiser.
29(1983)231 ACEM CONCON (Fortran, 4867 Lines, Tape Issue 55). CONCON: a
code for constrained minimization without derivative
computation. A. Buckley.
29(1983)361 ACER CHPACK (Fortran, 2246 Lines, Tape Issue 55). CHPACK: a
package for the manipulation of Chebyshev approximations.
B. D'Aguanno, A. Nobile, E. Roman.
31(1984)29 AAVP PDP-MINUIT (Fortran, 3363 Lines, Tape Issue 57). A new
version of MINUIT program for a PDP11/34A computer system.
Sp. Dedoussis, M. Chardalas, S. Charalambous. Other
version: ACWH (Section 4.9).
31(1984)53 ACFM ORT1 POLYNOMIAL FIT DIFF/INT (Fortran, 1074 Lines, Tape
Issue 57). Numerical generation and use of orthonormal
polynomials I. ORT1 - a one-dimensional package for the
solution of fitting, differentiation and integration
problems. V. Gadjokov, J. Jordanova.
33(1984)421 ACCW RESON (Fortran, 4605 Lines, Tape Issue 58). RESON: a
program for the detection and fitting of Breit-Wigner
resonances. J. Tennyson, C.J. Noble.
38(1985)421 AADH CENTER (Fortran, 5658 Lines, Tape Issue 61). CENTER: a
software package for center estimation. S.B. Hooker,
J.W. Brown. Subroutine required: AADI (Section 4.14).
41(1986)75 AAFX RESFIT (Fortran, 1612 Lines, Tape Issue 63). RESFIT: a
multichannel resonance fitting program. K. Bartschat,
P.G. Burke.
42(1986)127 AALI LINRZ (Fortran, 986 Lines, Tape Issue 63). Matrix
linearization. L. Seijo, M. Florez, L. Pueyo.
42(1986)249 AALM SMOOTHF (Fortran, 93 Lines, Tape Issue 64). Smoothing of
data by least squares fitting. C. Wooff.
42(1986)253 AALN SMOOTHR (Reduce, 141 Lines, Tape Issue 64). Generation
of a smoothing function. C. Wooff.
46(1987)149 AATU POAGS (Fortran, 390 Lines, Tape Issue 65). A routine for
parameter optimization using an accelerated grid-search
method. Z. Basrak.
46(1987)401 AAXW MERLIN (Fortran, 5771 Lines, Manual 54 pages, Tape Issue
66). MERLIN: a portable system for multidimensional
minimization. G.A. Evangelakis, J.P. Rizos,
I.E. Lagaris, I.N. Demetropoulos. Other version: ABHB
(Section 4.9).
46(1987)437 AAXQ CNFIT (Fortran, 426 Lines, Tape Issue 66). Constrained
nonlinear least squares fitting. R. Shally.
52(1989)223 ABHA MCL (Fortran, 9911 Lines, Manual 129 pages, Tape Issue 71).
MCL: optimization oriented programming language.
C.S. Chassapis, D.G. Papageorgiou, I.E. Lagaris.
52(1989)241 ABHB MERLIN-2.0 PROGRAMMABLE (Fortran, 6956 Lines, Manual 54
pages, Tape Issue 71). MERLIN-2.0: Enhanced and
programmable version. D.G. Papageorgiou,
C.S. Chassapis, I.E. Lagaris. Subroutine required: ABHA
(Section 4.9). Other version: AAXW (Section 4.9).
58(1990)119 ABHB 0001MERLIN-2.1 DOUBLE PRECISION (Fortran, 7502 Lines, Tape
Issue 76). MERLIN-2.1 Double precision.
D.G. Papageorgiou, I.E. Lagaris.
52(1989)427 ABFP POLYFIT (Pascal, 3072 Lines, Tape Issue 72). POLYFIT: a
package for polynomial fitting. S.J. Sciutto.
54(1989)371 ABHX GFIT (Fortran, 667 Lines, Tape Issue 74). GFIT: program
for generalized quadratic approximation of functions
under constraints. V.B. Zlokazov.
60(1990)111 ABRT GSAP (Fortran, 731 Lines, Tape Issue 78). GSAP: Fortran
code for gamma-spectrum analysis. V. Hnatowicz,
V. Ilyushchenko, P. Kozma.
61(1990)374 ABTW PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL APPROXIMANT (Fortran, 3484 Lines, Tape
Issue 79). Subroutine library for partial differential
approximants. D.F. Styer.
64(1991)140 ABTU SPHAN (Fortran, 462 Lines, Tape Issue 79). Program to
calculate the least-squares estimates of the spherical
harmonic expansion coefficients of equally angular
gridded scalar field. Z. Martinec.
69(1992)99 ACGH FTIKREG (Fortran, 4343 Lines, Manual 27 pages, Tape Issue
82). A reliable and fast method for the solution of
Fredholm integral equations of the first kind based on
Tikhonov regularization. J. Weese. Other version: ACPF
(Section 4.9).
69(1992)133 ACBZ CIRCLEFIT (Fortran, 586 Lines, Tape Issue 82). Fast code
to fit circular arcs. V. Karimaki.
72(1992)295 ACJR RBSFIT (Pascal, 1820 Lines, Tape Issue 85). A Pascal
program for the least-squares evaluation of standard RBS
spectra. V. Hnatowicz, V. Havranek, J. Kvitek.
77(1993)429 ACPF NLREG (Fortran, 4879 Lines, Manual 24 pages, Tape Issue
89). A regularization method for nonlinear ill-posed
problems. J. Weese. Other version: ACGH (Section 4.9).
78(1993)211 ACPC ANNE (Fortran, 491 Lines, Tape Issue 90). A Fortran
routine to estimate a function of two variables from its
autocorrelation. M. Nieto-Vesperinas, F.J. Fuentes,
R. Navarro, M.J. Perez-Ilzarbe.
4.10 Interpolation
16(1979)199 ACYV CUSPLN (Fortran, 828 Lines, Tape Issue 35). A cubic
spline interpolation of unequally spaced data points.
J. Anderson, R.W.B. Ardill, K.J.M. Moriarty,
R.C. Beckwith. Subroutines required: AAUN (Section 14),
AAUN0001 (Section 14).
16(1979)273 ACYW JMPDIS (Fortran, 477 Lines, Tape Issue 36). An
interpolation method for data sets with jump
discontinuities. W. Moon.
17(1979)357 ACZG BISPLN (Fortran, 749 Lines, Tape Issue 37). A bicubic
spline interpolation of unequally spaced data.
M.A. Christie, K.J.M. Moriarty.
18(1979)215 AAUT ANALYT (Fortran, 2500 Lines, Tape Issue 39). A guide to
analytic extrapolations. Part I: a program for optimal
extrapolation to interior points. M. Ciulli, S. Ciulli.
23(1981)287 AAQO SPLINESMOOTH (Fortran, 832 Lines, Tape Issue 49).
Spline interpolation and smoothing of data.
R.E. Cutkosky, C. Pomponiu.
27(1982)73 AARS FINT (Fortran, 672 Lines, Tape Issue 52). Newton-
Everett interpolation of continuous functions.
J.A. Hernando.
28(1982)61 AAOW LSPLIN (Fortran, 1228 Lines, Tape Issue 54). An
exponential spline interpolation for unequally spaced
data points. V. Tornow.
46(1987)323 AAXJ LNIDIF (Fortran, 728 Lines, Tape Issue 66). Routines for
numerical interpolation, with first and second order
differentiation, having non-uniformly spaced points, out
to three dimensions. J. Waite.
70(1992)389 ACHJ INTRP3 (Fortran, 1273 Lines, Tape Issue 83). A
multivariant interpolation routine for a random
distribution of data points. Y. Lou, B. Johansson.
4.11 Quadratures
14(1978)299 ACXU KOROBO (Fortran, 417 Lines, Tape Issue 34). A numerical
calculation of multidimensional integrals.
K. Zakrzewska, J. Dudek, W. Nazarewicz.
27(1982)167 AAZA QADAPT (Fortran, 1229 Lines, Tape Issue 52). Two-
dimensional adaptive quadrature over rectangular regions.
P.C. Lewellen.
31(1984)1 ACUI MDAI (Fortran, 1077 Lines, Tape Issue 57).
Multidimensional automatic integrator (MDAI) - an
efficient routine for automatic integration of functions
of many variables. W. Nazarewicz, M. Pindor.
32(1984)191 AAPE GISP (Fortran, 842 Lines, Tape Issue 57). GISP: Gauss-
integration subroutine pack. M. Rysavy.
48(1988)265 ABBL GAUSSH (Fortran, 261 Lines, Tape Issue 68). Abscissae
and weights for the Gauss-Hermite quadrature formula.
T. Takemasa.
48(1988)353 ABBU VBASES (Fortran, 2474 Lines, Tape Issue 68). A multi-
dimensional integration package for vector processor.
S. Kawabata, T. Kaneko.
52(1988)133 ABFJ GAUSSLA (Fortran, 414 Lines, Tape Issue 71). Abscissae
and weights for the Gauss-Laguerre quadrature formula.
T. Takemasa.
52(1989)409 ABFT R3DGL (Fortran, 372 Lines, Tape Issue 72). Numerical
integration over a spherical shell. M. Defranceschi,
M. Sarrazin.
74(1993)349 ACLJ MLG8, MLU8, MLP8 (Fortran, 4888 Lines, Tape Issue 86).
Programs for signal recovery from noisy data using the
maximum likelihood principle. II. Program
implementation. V.I. Gelfgat, E.L. Kosarev,
E.R. Podolyak. Non-profit use licence required.
76(1993)80 ACNI CONVUS - LOW ENERGY (Fortran, 507 Lines, Tape Issue 88).
CONVUS - an efficient package for calculating three-
dimensional convolution-type of integrals.
I.E. Lagaris, D.G. Papageorgiou. Other version: ACNJ
(Section 4.11).
76(1993)80 ACNJ CONVUS - HIGH ENERGY (Fortran, 478 Lines, Tape Issue 88).
CONVUS - an efficient package for calculating three-
dimensional convolution-type of integrals.
I.E. Lagaris, D.G. Papageorgiou. Other version: ACNI
(Section 4.11).
4.12 Other Numerical Methods
--- AAUP 000ACORRECTION 05/08/75 (Fortran, Tape Issue 25).
Unpublished correction to a general purpose Monte-Carlo
program. P. Dufour, J. Schlesinger.
9(1975)360 AAUP ERRCAL (Fortran, 699 Lines, Tape Issue 24). A general
purpose Monte-Carlo program. P. Dufour, J. Schlesinger.
20(1980)291 ABVD FHT (Fortran, 525 Lines, Tape Issue 43). A method and a
program for the numerical evaluation of the Hilbert
transform of a real function. O.E. Taurian.
23(1981)427 AAQW RECT (Fortran, 543 Lines, Tape Issue 49).
Orthogonalization of discrete coordinates. C.W. Davies.
24(1981)173 AARB TETRAHEDRAL MATRIX PRIMITIVES (Fortran, 930 Lines, Tape
Issue 49). Tetrahedral finite element matrix primitives.
P.P. Silvester, F.U. Minhas, Z.J. Csendes.
29(1983)237 ACEQ RATRT, REDUSE (PDP Assembler, Fortran, 1745 Lines, Tape
Issue 55). Micro/mini computer program for calculating
the square root of rationals at arbitrary precision.
J. Demsky, M. Schlesinger, R.D. Kent.
29(1983)245 AAOO CRTEST (Fortran, 2063 Lines, Tape Issue 55). Complex
zeros of analytic functions. L.C. Botten, M.S. Craig,
R.C. McPhedran.
32(1984)201 ACCD BIRKHOFF (Fortran, 857 Lines, Tape Issue 57). A computer
program for the Birkhoff series of area preserving maps.
G. Servizi, G. Turchetti.
32(1984)245 AAVO KUBIK (Fortran, 5692 Lines, Tape Issue 58). Automatic
three-dimensional finite element mesh generation using
the program KUBIK. See also Comp. Phys. Commun.
32(1984)267. S. Pissanetzky.
34(1984)101 ACDL RECLIB (Fortran, 1999 Lines, Tape Issue 59). The
recursion method: processing the continued fraction.
C.M.M. Nex.
34(1984)175 ACDF MODST (Reduce, 803 Lines, Tape Issue 58). Program for
stability and accuracy analysis of finite difference
methods. R. Liska.
36(1985)423 AABX F1REGU (Fortran, 321 Lines, Tape Issue 61). A program
for solving first kind Fredholm integral equations by
means of regularization. H.J.J. te Riele.
75(1993)118 ACLV TBA (Fortran, 1546 Lines, Tape Issue 87). A multi-grid
method for the resolution of thermodynamic Bethe ansatz
equations. A. Borzi, A. Koubek.
4.13 Statistical Methods
--- AAUP 000ACORRECTION 05/08/75 (Fortran, Tape Issue 25).
Unpublished correction to a general purpose Monte-Carlo
program. P. Dufour, J. Schlesinger.
9(1975)360 AAUP ERRCAL (Fortran, 699 Lines, Tape Issue 24). A general
purpose Monte-Carlo program. P. Dufour, J. Schlesinger.
12(1976)163 ACIE SRNG (Fortran, 106 Lines, Tape Issue 28). Sequential
random integer generator. C.T.K. Kuo, T.W. Cadman,
R.J. Arsenault.
16(1979)207 ACYP MATRIXFORMAT, CLSSCLFORMAT (Fortran, 2563 Lines, Tape Issue
35). An inversion of quantum mechanics. E. Lubkin,
T. Lubkin.
21(1981)373 ABVQ SMOOS,SMOSI (Fortran, 237 Lines, Tape Issue 45). SMOOS:
a program for the filtration of non-stationary
statistical series. V.B. Zlokazov.
46(1987)427 AAXT SUBROUTINE PACKAGE SAMPLE (Fortran, 768 Lines, Tape Issue
66). Algorithms for random sampling from single-variate
distributions. F. Salvat.
47(1987)129 AAXI TRCG (8086/87 Assembly Language, Pascal, 1037 Lines, Tape
Issue 66). A shift-register sequence random number
generator implemented on the microcomputers with 8088/8086
and 8087. Ting-Wai Chiu, Tian-Shin Guu. Other versions:
ACLW (Section 4.13), ACPL (Section 4.13), ACTO (Section
60(1990)329 ABTK PSEUDORAN (Fortran, 367 Lines, Tape Issue 78). A review
of pseudorandom number generators. F. James.
69(1992)486 ABTK 000ACORRECTION 12/11/91 (Fortran, Tape Issue 82). A
review of pseudorandom number generators. (C.P.C.
60(1990)329)). F. James.
60(1990)345 ABTL ACARRYPC (Assembler, 736 Lines, Tape Issue 78). A random
number generator for PC's. G. Marsaglia, B. Narasimhan,
A. Zaman. Other versions: ACLW (Section 4.13), ACPL
(Section 4.13), ACTO (Section 4.13).
75(1993)105 ACLW RANTAUMAR (Assembler, Fortran, 3132 Lines, Tape Issue 87).
Pseudorandom number generators for personal computers.
K.G. Hamilton. Other versions: AAXI (Section 4.13), ABTL
(Section 4.13), ACPL (Section 4.13), ACTO (Section 4.13).
78(1993)172 ACPL RANTAUMAR2 (Assembler, Fortran, 3361 Lines, Tape Issue 90).
Pseudorandom number generators for personal computers II.
K.G. Hamilton. Other versions: AAXI (Section 4.13), ABTL
(Section 4.13), ACLW (Section 4.13), ACTO (Section 4.13).
Non-profit use licence required.
78(1994)279 ACPO LPTAU (C, 649 Lines, Tape Issue 90). Generation of quasi-
random (LPtau) vectors for parallel computation.
B. Shukhman.
79(1994)111 ACPR RANLUX (Fortran, 454 Lines, Tape Issue 90). RANLUX: a
Fortran implementation of the high-quality pseudorandom
number generator of Luscher. F. James.
79(1994)261 ACTB RANEXP (C, Fortran, 17797 Lines, Tape Issue 90). RANEXP:
experimental random number generator package.
M. Hennecke.
81(1994)237 ACTO RANSAL (Fortran, Assembly, 982 Lines, Tape Issue 91).
Pseudorandom number generators for Salford FTN77.
K.G. Hamilton. Other versions: AAXI (Section 4.13), ABTL
(Section 4.13), ACLW (Section 4.13), ACPL (Section 4.13).
Non-profit use licence required.
83(1994)293 ACVP DELTA 2.0. (C, 5725 Lines, Tape Issue 94). Delta 2.0: a
program for finding dependencies in tables of data.
H. Pi, C. Peterson.
85(1995)127 ACVX GFSRPC (Fortran, Assembly, 5712 Lines, Tape Issue 94). A
universal GFSR random number generator for personal
computers. See erratum comp. Phys. Commun. 86(1995)208.
K.G. Hamilton. Non-profit use licence required.
4.14 Utility
1(1970)420 ABCA CONV (Fortran, 276 Lines, Tape Issue 4). Conversion of
binary magnetic tapes. J. Goldberg.
2(1971)168 ACQU CODNUM (Fortran, 294 Lines, Tape Issue 5). A program to
change the punching code and to number a deck of cards.
F.R. Femenia.
7(1974)245 ABUF OLYMPUS (Fortran, 2425 Lines, Tape Issue 19). OLYMPUS -
a standard control and utility package for initial-value
Fortran programs. J.P. Christiansen, K.V. Roberts. Other
versions: ABUJ (Section 4.14), ABUK (Section 4.14).
8(1974)118 ABUH TIMER (Fortran, 545 Lines, Tape Issue 19). TIMER - a
software instrumentation routine for making timing
measurements. M.H. Hughes, A.P.V. Roberts.
8(1974)123 ABUI LEDGER (Fortran, 571 Lines, Tape Issue 21). OLYMPUS
restart facilities. M.H. Hughes, K.V. Roberts.
9(1975)51 ABUJ OLYMPUS FOR IBM 370/165 (Fortran, 2412 Lines, Tape Issue
23). OLYMPUS and preprocessor package for an IBM 370/165.
M.H. Hughes, K.V. Roberts, P.D. Roberts. Other versions:
ABUF (Section 4.14), ABUK (Section 4.14).
10(1975)167 ABUK OLYMPUS FOR CDC 6500 (Fortran, Compass, 2170 Lines, Tape
Issue 25). OLYMPUS control and utility package for the
CDC 6500. M.H. Hughes, K.V. Roberts, G.G. Lister. Other
versions: ABUF (Section 4.14), ABUJ (Section 4.14).
11(1976)5 ABUN TRANAL (Algol, 700 Lines, Tape Issue 27). TRANAL: a
program for the translation of Symbolic Algol I into
Symbolic Algol II. L.G.K. Petravic, M. Petravic,
K.V. Roberts.
11(1976)199 ACWP FORMAT AND DATA CONVERTER (Fortran, 1304 Lines, Tape Issue
27). Converter of FORTRAN format and data statements to
standard form. M. Salem.
13(1977)101 ACXJ STRING REPLACEMENT PROGRAM (Fortran, 283 Lines, Tape Issue
29). A portable text editor. C. Day.
16(1979)345 ABPH WORKER (Fortran, MACRO, 4920 Lines, Tape Issue 49).
WORKER: a program for histogram manipulation.
J.E. Bolger, H. Ellinger, C.F. Moore.
19(1980)51 ACZQ CDC PARTITIONED DATA SETS (Fortran, Compass, 1219 Lines,
Tape Issue 40). Implementation of the partitioned-data-
set concept for CDC computers. J.R. Comfort.
19(1980)139 ACZZ EDITOR (Fortran, 917 Lines, Tape Issue 40). EDITOR: a
program for amending files of card images. M.A. Crees.
22(1981)59 AANE UPDATE (Fortran, 2712 Lines, Tape Issue 46). A Fortran
system to maintain a program library. 1. Storage of the
program decks in magnetic tape files. V.M. Burke,
C. Jackson.
38(1985)113 AANE 0001 ADAPT FOR FREE FORMAT DATA (Fortran, 110 Lines, Tape
Issue 60). A Fortran system to maintain a program
library, adapt UPDATE to store decks containing free
format data. C. Jackson.
22(1981)77 AANF RETRIEVE (Fortran, 1197 Lines, Tape Issue 46). A
Fortran system to maintain a program library. 2.
Retrieval of program decks from the library files.
V.M. Burke, C. Jackson.
38(1985)115 AANF 0001 ADAPT FOR FREE FORMAT DATA (Fortran, 28 Lines, Tape
Issue 60). A Fortran system to maintain a program
library, adapt RETRIEVE for retrieval of decks containing
free format data. C. Jackson.
22(1981)77 AANG CPSN (Fortran, 186 Lines, Tape Issue 46). A Fortran
system to maintain a program library. Auxiliary program 1
for RETRIEVE. V.M. Burke, C. Jackson.
22(1981)77 AANH CPIN (Fortran, 160 Lines, Tape Issue 46). A Fortran
system to maintain a program library. Auxiliary program 2
for RETRIEVE. V.M. Burke, C. Jackson.
22(1981)77 AANI CREC (Fortran, 345 Lines, Tape Issue 46). A Fortran
system to maintain a program library. Auxiliary program 3
for RETRIEVE. V.M. Burke, C. Jackson.
22(1981)85 ABVY FSCRIPT (Fortran, 1720 Lines, Tape Issue 46). FSCRIPT: a
full portable text formatting program. O.E. Taurian.
22(1981)403 AANJ RDLIST AND PREPROCESSOR MAKEDATA (Fortran, 737 Lines, Tape
Issue 46). RDLIST: a portable NAMELIST facility.
A.C. Day.
23(1981)301 AAQR INDCAL (PDP Assembler, Fortran, 550 Lines, Tape Issue 49).
A microcomputer program for the correlating of two
ordered lists of numbers. R.D. Kent, M. Schlesinger.
23(1981)355 AAQS WORD ADDRESSABLE DATA SET (MACRO, 1457 Lines, Tape Issue
48). Design and implementation of a word addressable
data set for DEC-10 computers. B.C. Karp, J.R. Comfort.
23(1981)365 AAQT DEC-10 PARTITIONED DATA SETS (Fortran, MACRO, 1697 Lines,
Tape Issue 48). Implementation of the partitioned data
set concept for DEC-10 computers. B.C. Karp,
J.R. Comfort. Subroutine required: AAQS (Section 4.14).
24(1981)113 AAQX EQSYSTM (PL/1-FORMAC73, 1986 Lines, Tape Issue 49). A
flexible program for performing analytic differentiation
and substitutions on a system of equations.
D.W. Merdes, J. Pliva.
29(1983)45 ACEA COMPOS (Fortran, 5496 Lines, Tape Issue 54). The OLYMPUS
Fortran compositor. M.H. Hughes, K.V. Roberts. Subroutine
required: ABUF (Section 4.14) or ABUJ (Section 4.14) or
ABUK (Section 4.14).
29(1983)59 ACEB GENSIS (Fortran, 7759 Lines, Tape Issue 54). The OLYMPUS
Fortran generator. M.H. Hughes, K.V. Roberts. Subroutine
required: ABUF (Section 4.14) or ABUJ (Section 4.14) or
ABUK (Section 4.14).
30(1983)277 ACFC ABACUS (Fortran, 3742 Lines, Tape Issue 56). ABACUS: a
natural language for the numerical computation of
mathematical formulae. M.L. Luvisetto, E. Ugolini.
31(1984)319 ACMT TESTSUB (Fortran, 386 Lines, Tape Issue 57). User-
friendly routines for tree storage and retrieval of
multidimensional arrays. P.B. Visscher.
34(1985)325 ACDE COMMS (Reduce, 80 Lines, Tape Issue 60). A REDUCE
program for evaluating a Lax pair form. M. Ito.
36(1985)147 AABK FORMAL (Fortran, 934 Lines, Tape Issue 60). FORMAL: a
Fortran memory allocation system. K. Dobes.
38(1985)435 AADI FIXSRC (Fortran, 299 Lines, Tape Issue 61). FIXSRC: a
Fortran preprocessor. J.W. Brown, S.B. Hooker.
39(1986)421 AAFM FTIDY (Pascal, 4134 Lines, Tape Issue 62). FTIDY: a
utility program for Fortran 77 programs. K.M.H. Boyd,
N.S. Scott.
43(1987)381 AATI CXHULL (Fortran, 669 Lines, Tape Issue 64). Computing
the convex hull of a set of points. D.C.S. Allison,
M.T. Noga.
47(1987)351 AAXU MISHA (Fortran, 2456 Lines, Tape Issue 67). MISHA: a
system for calculations with arbitrary arithmetic
precision. M. Rysavy.
51(1988)443 ABDG TOPREC (OPS5, 847 Lines, Tape Issue 71). A rule based
approach for pattern recognition in planar geometric
figures. L. Alvisi, R. Odorico.
54(1989)295 ABJC VECTOR33 (Rlisp, Reduce, 1467 Lines, Manual 9 pages, Tape
Issue 74). VECTOR33: a Reduce program for vector algebra
and calculus in orthogonal curvilinear coordinates.
D. Harper.
55(1989)189 ABJR BBTREE (Fortran, 644 Lines, Tape Issue 75). Balanced
binary tree code for scientific applications.
S.C. Park, J.P. Draayer.
55(1989)325 ABLG LEVIN (Maple, 879 Lines, Tape Issue 75). MAPLE programs
for converting series expansions to rational functions
using the Levin transformation. Automatic generation of
Fortran functions for numerical applications.
J. Grotendorst.
59(1990)289 ABRN BH (Maple, 1163 Lines, Tape Issue 78). Approximating
functions by means of symbolic computation and a general
extrapolation method. J. Grotendorst. Other version:
ACBL (Section 4.14).
59(1990)345 ABRJ MP (Fortran, 1653 Lines, Tape Issue 78). MP: a multiple
precision package. O. Portilho.
59(1990)359 ABRH CYLSPHER (Fortran, 306 Lines, Tape Issue 77).
Evaluation of the volume of intersection of a sphere with
a cylinder by elliptic integrals. F. Lamarche, C. Leroy.
64(1991)183 ABZF NSCP3D (C, 5397 Lines, Manual 10 pages, Tape Issue 79).
C-language program for the irregular close packing of
hard spheres. M. Bargiel, J. Moscinski.
67(1991)325 ACBL TRANS (Maple, 1595 Lines, Tape Issue 81). A Maple
package for transforming series, sequences and functions.
J. Grotendorst. Other version: ABRN (Section 4.14).
82(1994)247 ACTZ WSTREE (Fortran, 1947 Lines, Tape Issue 93). Numerical
database system based on a weighted search tree.
S.C. Park, J.P. Draayer, S.-Q. Zheng, C. Bahri.
5. Computer Algebra
10(1975)245 ACWL CLEBSCH-GORDAN EXPLICIT FORMULAS (Formac, 185 Lines, Tape
Issue 26). Explicit formulas for Clebsch-Gordan
coefficients. G. Rudnicki-Bujnowski.
24(1981)113 AAQX EQSYSTM (PL/1-FORMAC73, 1986 Lines, Tape Issue 49). A
flexible program for performing analytic differentiation
and substitutions on a system of equations.
D.W. Merdes, J. Pliva.
27(1982)179 AAZB LIE0, LIE1, LIE2, LIE3, LIE4 (LISP, 246 Lines, Tape Issue
52). A REDUCE package for determining Lie symmetries of
ordinary and partial differential equations. F. Schwarz.
34(1984)175 ACDF MODST (Reduce, 803 Lines, Tape Issue 58). Program for
stability and accuracy analysis of finite difference
methods. R. Liska.
34(1985)325 ACDE COMMS (Reduce, 80 Lines, Tape Issue 60). A REDUCE
program for evaluating a Lax pair form. M. Ito.
36(1985)383 AABS LIE (Reduce, 132 Lines, Tape Issue 61). A REDUCE program
for determining point and contact lie symmetries of
differential equations. V.P. Eliseev, R.N. Fedorova,
V.V. Kornyak.
38(1985)415 AADG DRANK, CONSD, CONSD2 (Reduce, Rlisp, 581 Lines, Tape Issue
61). A REDUCE program for finding conserved densities of
partial differential equations with uniform rank.
M. Ito, F. Kako. Other versions: AALS (Section 5), ACPW
(Section 5).
38(1985)441 AADJ TAVI (Reduce, 170 Lines, Tape Issue 64). A REDUCE
program for the calculation of geometrical
characteristics of compactified multidimensional
Riemannian space. A.P. Demichev, A.Ya. Rodionov.
39(1986)267 AAFE POWER SERIES BY REDUCE (Reduce, 280 Lines, Tape Issue 62).
REDUCE procedures for the manipulation of generalized
power series. E. Feldmar, K.S. Kolbig.
39(1986)285 AAFF DISSYS (RLISP, 931 Lines, Tape Issue 62). A REDUCE
package for determining first integrals of autonomous
systems of ordinary differential equations. F. Schwarz.
42(1986)253 AALN SMOOTHR (Reduce, 141 Lines, Tape Issue 64). Generation
of a smoothing function. C. Wooff.
42(1986)351 AALS DRANK, DRANK2, SYM, SYM2, SYMS (Reduce, Rlisp, 913 Lines,
Tape Issue 64). A REDUCE program for finding symmetries
of nonlinear evolution equations with uniform rank.
M. Ito. Other versions: AADG (Section 5), ACPW (Section
42(1986)359 AALT ODEPAINLEVE (REX MACSYMA, 305 Lines, Tape Issue 64).
ODEPAINLEVE: a MACSYMA package for Painleve analysis of
ordinary differential equations. D.W. Rand,
P. Winternitz.
42(1986)427 AATA TPR (Reduce, 131 Lines, Tape Issue 64). Tests of
resonances in the Painleve analysis. L. Hlavaty.
46(1987)297 AAXM SPLIT (Pascal, 4169 Lines, Tape Issue 66). PASCAL
programs for identification of lie algebras, part II:
SPLIT, a program to decompose parameter-free and
parameter-dependent lie algebras into direct sums.
D.W. Rand, P. Winternitz, H. Zassenhaus. Subroutine
required: AALB (Section 4.2).
46(1987)311 AAXN LEVI (Pascal, 1163 Lines, Tape Issue 66). PASCAL
programs for identification of lie algebras, part III:
Levi decomposition and canonical basis. D.W. Rand.
Subroutines required: AALB (Section 4.2), AAXM (Section 5).
46(1987)311 AAXO CANONIK (Pascal, 1082 Lines, Tape Issue 66). PASCAL
programs for identification of lie algebras, part III:
Levi decomposition and canonical basis. D.W. Rand.
Subroutines required: AALB (Section 4.2), AAXM (Section 5).
47(1987)139 AAXY ORTHOVEC (Reduce, 440 Lines, Tape Issue 72). ORTHOVEC: a
REDUCE program for 3-D vector analysis in orthogonal
curvilinear coordinates. J.W. Eastwood. Other version:
ABZH (Section 5).
48(1988)319 ABBN R12 INTERACTION MATRIX ELEMENTS (Reduce, 595 Lines, Tape
Issue 68). A Reduce package for exact Coulomb
interaction matrix elements. N. Bogdanova, H. Hogreve.
48(1988)327 AAXC COLOR (Reduce, 469 Lines, Tape Issue 68). Program COLOR
for computing the group-theoretic weight of Feynman
diagrams in non-Abelian gauge theories. A.P. Kryukov,
A.Ya. Rodionov.
48(1989)367 ABBX LERG-I (Reduce, 1251 Lines, Tape Issue 69). Algebraic
reduction of one-loop Feynman diagrams to scalar
integrals. R.G. Stuart. Other versions: ABLU (Section 5),
ADAP (Section 5).
50(1988)321 ABDE DOP (Reduce, RLISP, 1045 Lines, Tape Issue 69). A REDUCE
program for Hirota's bilinear operator and Wronskian
operations. M. Ito.
52(1988)85 ABFN PHISYM (Reduce, 261 Lines, Tape Issue 71). An algebraic
program for the states associated with the U(5) include
O(5) include O(3) chain of groups. C. Yannouleas,
J.M. Pacheco.
52(1989)261 ABFX LIENARD (Maple, 352 Lines, Tape Issue 71). Resolution of
many particle electrodynamics by symbolic manipulation.
T.C. Scott, R.A. Moore, M.B. Monagan.
52(1989)283 ABFW VSPLAD (COMMON LISP, 1700 Lines, Tape Issue 72).
Symbolic lie algebras manipulations using COMMON LISP.
R. Cecchini, M. Tarlini.
54(1989)295 ABJC VECTOR33 (Rlisp, Reduce, 1467 Lines, Manual 9 pages, Tape
Issue 74). VECTOR33: a Reduce program for vector algebra
and calculus in orthogonal curvilinear coordinates.
D. Harper.
54(1989)315 ABJA PHIMANIP (Reduce, 665 Lines, Tape Issue 74). Algebraic
manipulation of the states associated with the U(5)
include O(5) include O(3) chain of groups:
orthonormalization and matrix elements. C. Yannouleas,
J.M. Pacheco. Subroutine required: ABFN (Section 5).
54(1989)353 ABHY EGRASS (Fortran, 54594 Lines, Tape Issue 73). epicGRASS:
symbolic calculations with anticommuting variables.
U. Hartmann, E.D. Davis.
55(1989)141 ABLB SPROC (Fortran, 6626 Lines, Tape Issue 74). A
preprocessor for Fortran source code produced by REDUCE.
T. Kaneko, S. Kawabata.
55(1989)205 ABJO LOOPS (Reduce, 663 Lines, Tape Issue 75). LOOPS:
procedures for multiloop calculations in quantum field
theory for system REDUCE. L.R. Surguladze,
F.V. Tkachov.
55(1989)325 ABLG LEVIN (Maple, 879 Lines, Tape Issue 75). MAPLE programs
for converting series expansions to rational functions
using the Levin transformation. Automatic generation of
Fortran functions for numerical applications.
J. Grotendorst.
55(1989)381 ABJQ MINCER (SCHOONSCHIP, 3707 Lines, Tape Issue 75). MINCER:
multiloop calculations in quantum field theory for system
SCHOONSCHIP. S.G. Gorishny, S.A. Larin,
L.R. Surguladze, F.V. Tkachov.
56(1989)181 ABLH FIVE PARTON CROSS SECTION (Reduce, Fortran, 2656 Lines,
Tape Issue 75). Cross section for five-parton
production in e+e- annihilation. N.K. Falck,
D. Graudenz, G. Kramer.
56(1990)337 ABLU LERG-I (Reduce, 2595 Lines, Tape Issue 76). Algebraic
reduction of one-loop Feynman diagrams to scalar
integrals II. R.G. Stuart, A. Gongora-T. Other versions:
ABBX (Section 5), ADAP (Section 5).
56(1990)385 ABLN SPINORP (Pascal, 3441 Lines, Tape Issue 76).
Calculation of QED graphs with spinor technique.
H. Perlt, J. Ranft, J. Heinrich.
58(1990)89 ABLW SUSYCAL (Pascal, 3463 Lines, Tape Issue 77). SUSYCAL:
symbolic computations in supersymmetric theories.
T. Kreuzberger, W. Kummer, M. Schweda.
59(1990)289 ABRN BH (Maple, 1163 Lines, Tape Issue 78). Approximating
functions by means of symbolic computation and a general
extrapolation method. J. Grotendorst. Other version:
ACBL (Section 5).
60(1990)265 ABRY GRAAL (Common Lisp, 1946 Lines, Tape Issue 78).
Symbolic superalgebra manipulations using Common Lisp.
R. Cecchini, M. Tarlini.
64(1991)121 ABZH ORTHOVEC (Reduce, 1273 Lines, Tape Issue 79). ORTHOVEC:
version 2 of the REDUCE program for 3-D vector analysis
in orthogonal curvilinear coordinates. J.W. Eastwood.
Other version: AAXY (Section 5).
66(1991)319 ACBI SYMMGRP.MAX (Macsyma, 5155 Lines, Tape Issue 81). The
computer calculation of Lie point symmetries of large
systems of differential equations. B. Champagne,
W. Hereman, P. Winternitz.
66(1991)363 ACBE SUPERCALC (Reduce, 3918 Lines, Tape Issue 81).
SUPERCALC: a REDUCE package for commutator calculations.
W.M. Seiler.
67(1991)325 ACBL TRANS (Maple, 1595 Lines, Tape Issue 81). A Maple
package for transforming series, sequences and functions.
J. Grotendorst. Other version: ABRN (Section 5).
67(1992)537 ACBT LIESER (Maple, 392 Lines, Tape Issue 81). A MAPLE
program for the generation of the Lie-series solution of
systems of non-linear ordinary differential equations.
J. Rodriguez.
69(1992)142 ACGB KENTARO/KENJIRO (Fortran, 7058 Lines, Tape Issue 82).
Programs for algebraic calculation of angular momentum
coupling. K. Takada.
69(1992)215 ACGC EQSHELL (Reduce, 460 Lines, Tape Issue 82). EQSHELL: a
REDUCE-based program for generation of equations of
equilibrium for shells. J. Bocko.
70(1992)409 ACHP PTEST.RED (Reduce, 1789 Lines, Tape Issue 83). A
constructive REDUCE package based upon the Painleve
analysis of nonlinear evolution equations in Hamiltonian
and/or normal form. F. Renner.
70(1992)569 ACHT BIRKGUST (Mathematica, 475 Lines, Tape Issue 83).
Computing normal forms of nonseparable Hamiltonians by
symbolic manipulation. P.E. Raines, T. Uzer.
71(1992)263 ACJG INTEG (Reduce, 980 Lines, Tape Issue 84). A REDUCE
program for the integration of differential polynomials.
A.H. Bilge.
72(1992)154 ACJV ANALG (Reduce, 5152 Lines, Tape Issue 85). Explicit
formulae of angular momentum coupling coefficients.
F. Koike.
74(1993)265 ACJW TRACER (Mathematica, 1511 Lines, Tape Issue 86). TRACER
version 1.1: a MATHEMATICA package for gamma-algebra in
arbitrary dimensions. M. Jamin, M.E. Lautenbacher.
74(1993)441 ACLL BIRKHOFF version 1.2 (Reduce, 698 Lines, Tape Issue 86).
Program for Birkhoff-Gustavson normal form for N degrees
of freedom - BIRKHOFF 1.2. M. Kaluza.
76(1993)389 ACNN CONTRACTIONS (C, Mathematica, 2601 Lines, Tape Issue 88).
The computer calculation of graded contractions of Lie
algebras and their representations. D. Berube,
M. de Montigny.
77(1993)241 ACPB LIE version 4.1 (Mumath, 3692 Lines, Tape Issue 89).
LIE, a PC program for Lie analysis of differential
equations. A.K. Head.
77(1993)286 ACNW FeynmanParameter[] and trace[] (Mathematica, 651 Lines,
Manual 9 pages, Tape Issue 89). Feynmanparameter and
trace - programs for expressing Feynman amplitudes as
integrals over Feynman parameters. T.H. West.
79(1994)309 ACTG EVOL, BOLTZ (Mathematica, 475 Lines, Tape Issue 90). 3+1
General relativity by computer. M. Salgado.
79(1994)329 ACPX PDO (Axiom, 1834 Lines, Tape Issue 90). Pseudo
differential operators and integrable systems in AXIOM.
W.M. Seiler.
79(1994)409 ACTN partials (Maple, 1659 Lines, Tape Issue 91). Maple
procedures for partial and functional derivatives.
E.S. Cheb-Terrab.
79(1994)425 ACTR LANCZOS-A (Mathematica, 896 Lines, Tape Issue 91).
Analytical Lanczos method: quantum eigenstates of
anharmonic oscillators in one or more dimensions.
M. Kaluza.
79(1994)547 ACPW SYMCD (Reduce, Rlisp, 1288 Lines, Tape Issue 90). SYMCD:
a REDUCE package for finding symmetries and conserved
densities of systems of nonlinear evolution equations.
M. Ito. Other versions: AADG (Section 5), AALS (Section
85(1995)267 ADAP LERG-I (Mathematica, 1786 Lines, Tape Issue 94).
Algebraic reduction of Feynman diagrams to scalar
integrals: a Mathematica implementation of LERG-I.
R.G. Stuart. Other versions: ABBX (Section 5), ABLU
(Section 5).
**88(1995)347 ADAP 000A CORRECTION 28/04/95 (Mathematica, Tape Issue 96).
Algebraic reduction of Feynman diagrams to scalar
integrals: a Mathematica implementation of LERG-I. (C.P.
C. 85(1995)267). R.G. Stuart.
**90(1995)102 ADBY PDEtools (Maple, 5617 Lines, Tape Issue 96). A
computational approach for the analytical solving of
partial differential equations. E.S. Cheb-Terrab,
K. von Bulow.
90(1995)355 ADBW GITA: a REDUCE program for the normalization of polynomial
Hamiltonians. V. Basios, N.A. Chekanov, B.L. Markovski,
V.A. Rostovtsev, S.I. Vinitski.
Ref.in Comp. Phys. Commun.
92(1995)90 ADBX DILL: an algorithm and a symbolic software package for
doing classical supersymmetry calculations. V. Lucic.
Ref. in Comp. Phys. Commun.
6. Computer Languages, Hardware and Software
6.1 Hardware
No programs classified under this heading yet.
6.2 Languages
52(1989)223 ABHA MCL (Fortran, 9911 Lines, Manual 129 pages, Tape Issue 71).
MCL: optimization oriented programming language.
C.S. Chassapis, D.G. Papageorgiou, I.E. Lagaris.
**90(1995)117 ADBR random__module (Fortran, 931 Lines, Tape Issue 96). A
Fortran 90 interface to random number generation.
M. Hennecke.
6.3 Networks
70(1992)521 ACHQ FORTNET (3L) V1.0 (Fortran, 3863 Lines, Tape Issue 83).
Fortnet (3L) v1.0, Implementation and extensions of a
message passing harness for transputers using 3L
Parallel Fortran. R.K. Cooper, R.J. Allan.
6.4 Neural Networks
70(1992)167 ACGV JETNET 2.0 (Fortran, 3349 Lines, Tape Issue 83).
Pattern recognition in high energy physics with artifical
neural networks: JETNET 2.0. L. Lonnblad, C. Peterson,
T. Rognvaldsson. Other version: ACTP (Section 6.4).
72(1992)249 ACJM LVQNET (Fortran, 7804 Lines, Tape Issue 85). LVQNET 1.10,
A program for neural net and statistical pattern
recognition. A. Cherubini, R. Odorico.
81(1994)185 ACTP JETNET VERSION 3.0 (Fortran, 5755 Lines, Tape Issue 91).
JETNET 3.0: A versatile artificial neural network package.
C. Peterson, T. Rognvaldsson, L. Lonnblad. Other version:
ACGV (Section 6.4).
6.5 Software including Parallel Algorithms
46(1987)83 AAXE PRACAH (OCCAM, 435 Lines, Tape Issue 65). The parallel
computation of Racah coefficients using transputers.
N.S. Scott, P. Milligan, H.W.C. Riley.
59(1990)325 ABRK FORTNET V2.2 (Occam, Fortran, 1572 Lines, Tape Issue 78).
Parallel Fortran in scientific computing: a new occam
harness called Fortnet. R.J. Allan, L. Heck, S. Zurek.
70(1992)521 ACHQ FORTNET (3L) V1.0 (Fortran, 3863 Lines, Tape Issue 83).
Fortnet (3L) v1.0, Implementation and extensions of a
message passing harness for transputers using 3L
Parallel Fortran. R.K. Cooper, R.J. Allan.
7. Condensed Matter and Surface Science
7.1 Defects
2(1971)301 ACQY GRAINS (Fortran, 1826 Lines, Tape Issue 7). Computer
simulation of extended defects in metals.
R.E. Dahl Jr., J.R. Beeler Jr., R.D. Bourquin.
11(1976)279 ACKK NONLIN (Fortran, 494 Lines, Tape Issue 27). Nonlinear
computation of anisotropic elastic fields about straight
edge dislocations. P. Petrasch.
11(1976)339 ACKL ANISCO (Algol, 1278 Lines, Tape Issue 27). Computation
of the anisotropic cubic elastic Green's tensor function
and the elastic energy coefficients of point defects in
crystals. R.K. Leutz, R. Bauer.
13(1977)49 ACKN SROCASE (Fortran, 555 Lines, Tape Issue 29). A program
for the study of short range order of binary alloys.
G.L. Bleris, Ch. Polatoglou.
13(1977)167 ACKO RANDOM VACANCY MIGRATION (Fortran, 718 Lines, Tape Issue
29). Computer simulation of correlated self-diffusion
via randomly migrating vacancies in cubic crystals.
D. Wolf, K. Differt.
13(1977)183 ACKO 0001 CORRELATION FACTOR AND NMR (Fortran, 169 Lines, Tape
Issue 29). Determination of correlation factor and NMR
diffusion parameters from the computer-simulated random
motion of vacancies in cubic crystals. D. Wolf,
K. Differt, H. Mehrer.
18(1979)385 ACUE CLUSTER 78 (Fortran, 4180 Lines, Tape Issue 41).
Calculation of the nucleation and growth of defect
clusters. P.B. Kruger, R.M. Mayer.
22(1981)439 ABVZ DIFSEG (Fortran, 911 Lines, Tape Issue 47). A program to
solve a solute diffusion problem with segregation at a
moving interface. M. Bakker, D. Hoonhout.
24(1981)89 ACKQ HEXALAT (Fortran, 445 Lines, Tape Issue 49). Two
subroutines for calculating lattice sums and the
distortion field due to a point force in hexagonal
systems. W. Maysenholder.
28(1982)75 AAOL POINT DEFECTS IN CRYSTALS (Fortran, 4343 Lines, Tape Issue
53). Shell model calculations of point defect formation
energies in cubic ionic crystals. D.D. Richardson.
28(1983)287 AAOS GB1, GB2, GB3 (Fortran, 1344 Lines, Tape Issue 54). A
programming package for the study of high angle grain
boundaries by using TEM. G.L. Bleris, Th. Karakostas,
P. Delavignette.
30(1983)87 ACMS GFCUBE (Fortran, 353 Lines, Tape Issue 55). Program to
calculate elastic Green's functions, displacement fields
and interaction energies in cubic materials.
J.W. Deutz, H.R. Schober.
58(1990)329 ABRF VIDSIM VER. 2.11 (C, 14211 Lines, Tape Issue 76).
VIDSIM: a Monte Carlo program for the simulation of
atomic diffusion in diamond and zinc-blende structures.
U. Schmid, N.C. Myers, J.A. Van Vechten.
7.2 Electron Spectroscopies
2(1971)341 ACMH LEED (Fortran, 1087 Lines, Tape Issue 7). Program for
calculating LEED intensities using band structure-
matching formalism. V. Hoffstein.
7(1974)50 ACMK ICMLEED-MATRIX INVERSION (Fortran, 1909 Lines, Tape Issue
19). Program for calculating LEED intensities based on
the inelastic collision model: I. Matrix inversion method.
V. Hoffstein.
--- ACKE 000A CORRECTION 28/02/75 (Fortran, Tape Issue 24).
Unpublished correction to LEED intensity curves by the
layer-by-layer method and perturbation calculation.
J. Rundgren, A. Salwen.
7(1974)369 ACKE LEED BY LAYERS AND PERTURBATION (Fortran, 1550 Lines, Tape
Issue 19). LEED intensity curves by the layer-by-layer
method and perturbation calculation. J. Rundgren,
A. Salwen. Other version: ACKG (Section 7.2).
7(1974)419 ACKF WORK (Fortran, 238 Lines, Tape Issue 21). Program for
calculating work functions from photoelectric data.
I.F. Kerr, C.H.B. Mee.
--- ACKG 000ACORRECTION 12/09/75 (Fortran, Tape Issue 25).
Unpublished correction to symmetrization and calculation
of LEED intensity patterns. J. Rundgren, A. Salwen.
9(1975)312 ACKG LEED BEAM-SYMMETRIZED (Fortran, 1989 Lines, Tape Issue 24).
Symmetrization and calculation of LEED intensity patterns.
J. Rundgren, A. Salwen. Other version: ACKE (Section 7.2).
19(1980)69 ACZY PEOVER1 (Fortran, 4743 Lines, Tape Issue 40).
Calculation of photoemission spectra for surfaces of
solids. J.F.L. Hopkinson, J.B. Pendry,
D.J. Titterington.
29(1983)417 ACZY 000A CORRECTION 31/01/83 (Fortran, Tape Issue 54).
Calculation of photoemission spectra for surfaces of
solids. (C.P.C. 19(1980)69). J.F.L. Hopkinson,
J.B. Pendry, D.J. Titterington.
19(1980)263 ACKR ELECTRONS REFLECTED BY SURFACE (Fortran, 1623 Lines, Tape
Issue 42). A program for calculation of the reflection
and transmission of electrons through a surface potential
barrier. G. Malmstrom, J. Rundgren.
20(1980)237 ABVB CAVLEED (Fortran, 4875 Lines, Tape Issue 43).
Calculation of LEED diffracted intensities.
D.J. Titterington, C.G. Kinniburgh.
22(1981)103 ABVB 000A CORRECTION 09/01/81 (Fortran, Tape Issue 46).
Calculation of LEED diffracted intensities. (C.P.C.
20(1980)237). D.J. Titterington, C.G. Kinniburgh.
21(1980)91 ACUF EXAFS 1,2,3,4,5 (Fortran, 1605 Lines, Tape Issue 45).
Fourier analysis of EXAFS data, a self-contained Fortran
program package. E. Indrea, N. Aldea. Other versions:
ABDF (Section 7.2), ABRS (Section 7.2).
25(1982)193 AARR DLXANES (Fortran, 2740 Lines, Tape Issue 50).
Calculation of X-ray absorption near edge structure,
XANES. P.J. Durham, J.B. Pendry, C.H. Hodges. Other
version: AARR0001 (Section 7.2).
40(1986)421 AARR 0001 ICXANES (Fortran, 2768 Lines, Tape Issue 63). An
update of DLXANES, the calculation of X-ray absorption
near-edge structure. D.D. Vvedensky, D.K. Saldin,
J.B. Pendry. Other version: AARR (Section 7.2).
25(1982)389 AARU EELSOV (Fortran, 4263 Lines, Tape Issue 52).
Calculation of the impact scattering contribution to
electron energy loss spectra. G.C. Aers, J.B. Pendry.
42(1986)399 AALY DLEED (Fortran, 2608 Lines, Tape Issue 64). Calculation
of elastic diffuse LEED intensities from disordered
adsorbates. D.K. Saldin, J.B. Pendry.
46(1987)129 AAXA TAUMOL (Fortran, 2454 Lines, Tape Issue 66).
Calculation of the renormalised electron scattering
matrix of a molecule adsorbed on a crystal surface.
D.K. Saldin, J.B. Pendry.
51(1988)451 ABDF EXAFS 11,21,31,41,51,61 (Fortran, 2668 Lines, Tape Issue
71). Fourier anaylsis of EXAFS data a self-contained
Fortran program-package, a second version. N. Aldea,
E. Indrea. Other versions: ACUF (Section 7.2), ABRS
(Section 7.2).
54(1989)137 ABHN TLEED1 (Fortran, 4522 Lines, Tape Issue 72). Tensor LEED
I: a technique for high speed surface structure
determination by low energy electron diffraction. TLEED1.
P.J. Rous, J.B. Pendry.
54(1989)157 ABHO TLEED2 (Fortran, 3882 Lines, Tape Issue 72). Tensor LEED
II: a technique for high speed surface structure
determination by low energy electron diffraction. TLEED2.
P.J. Rous, J.B. Pendry. Subroutine required: (for data)
ABHN (Section 7.2).
59(1990)429 ABLK MIDS (Fortran, 632 Lines, Tape Issue 78). Electron
diffraction simulation on Micro-VAX II computers with the
aid of an array processor. G.Y. Fan.
60(1990)145 ABRS EXAFS (13,23,33,43,53,63) (Fortran, 3101 Lines, Tape Issue
78). Fourier analysis of EXAFS and XANES data: a self-
contained Fortran program-package: the third version.
N. Aldea, E. Indrea. Other versions: ACUF (Section 7.2),
ABDF (Section 7.2).
60(1990)351 ABTI HREELS of multilayers (Fortran, 1553 Lines, Tape Issue 78).
Computation of the surface electron-energy-loss spectrum
in specular geometry for an arbitrary plane-stratified
medium. Ph. Lambin, J.-P. Vigneron, A.A. Lucas.
66(1992)308 ACBH TRS (Fortran, 5193 Lines, Tape Issue 81). TRS: a program
to calculate Landau levels and direct dipole transitions
in uniaxially stressed semiconductors. J. Schmitz,
H.-R. Trebin, U. Rossler. Other version: ACGS (Section
67(1992)543 ACBV SEXIE (Fortran, 8836 Lines, Manual 36 pages, Tape Issue
81). SEXIE: a microcomputer program for the calculation
of coordination shells and geometries. B. Rupp,
B. Smith, J. Wong. Other version: ACTT (Section 7.2).
69(1992)369 ACGS TRSS (Fortran, 5207 Lines, Manual 75 pages, Tape Issue 82).
TRSS: a new version of program TRS for a different
geometry. J. Schmitz, H.-R. Trebin, U. Rossler. Other
version: ACBH (Section 7.2).
82(1994)23 ACTT SEXIE 3.0 (Fortran, 9946 Lines, Tape Issue 92). SEXIE 3.
0: An updated computer program for the calculation of
coordination shells and geometries.
A.E. Tabor-Morris, B. Rupp. Other version: ACBV (Section
7.3 Electronic Structure
2(1971)11 AAB* DATA FOR ACMD, ACME, ACMF, ACMJ (Fortran, 740 Lines, Tape
Issue 4). Luehrmann tables. V. Hoffstein.
--- ACMD 000A CORRECTION 17/12/74 (Fortran, Tape Issue 24).
Unpublished correction to selection of reciprocal lattice
vectors. V. Hoffstein, O. Moller.
2(1971)11 ACMD SYMMETRY AND BAND STRUCTURE 1 (Fortran, 397 Lines, Tape
Issue 4). Selection of reciprocal lattice vectors.
V. Hoffstein, O. Moller.
2(1971)17 ACME SYMMETRY AND BAND STRUCTURE 2 (Fortran, 528 Lines, Tape
Issue 4). Storage and retrieval of group theoretical
information. V. Hoffstein, O. Moller.
2(1971)26 ACMF SYMMETRY AND BAND STRUCTURE 3 (Fortran, 489 Lines, Tape
Issue 4). Construction of symmetrized Hamiltonian matrix.
V. Hoffstein, O. Moller. Subroutine required: ACME
(Section 7.3).
2(1971)191 ACAB CRYSTAL FIELD AND G VALUE (Fortran, 1588 Lines, Tape Issue
5). Lanthanide crystal field fitting routine.
G.E. Stedman.
4(1972)361 ACMJ SYMMETRIZED APW (Fortran, 2130 Lines, Tape Issue 12).
Symmetrized program for calculating energy bands and
electronic structure of solids. V. Hoffstein, D.K. Ray,
M. Belakhovsky.
10(1975)67 ACMJ 0001 SYMMETRY AND BANDSTRUCTURE (Fortran, 39 Lines, Tape
Issue 24). Symmetry and bandstructure.
J.Th.M. de Hosson.
7(1974)207 ACID CRYSTAL POTENTIALS (Fortran, 2012 Lines, Tape Issue 18).
Calculation of crystal potentials.
D.A. Papaconstantopoulos, W.R. Slaughter.
13(1977)225 ACID 000A CORRECTION 23/02/77 (Fortran, Tape Issue 29).
Calculation of crystal potentials. (C.P.C. 7(1974)207).
D.A. Papaconstantopoulos, W.R. Slaughter.
14(1978)327 ACXZ BNDPKG (Fortran, 8656 Lines, Tape Issue 30). BNDPKG: a
package of programs for the calculation of electronic
energy bands by the LCGO method. C.S. Wang, J. Callaway.
20(1980)349 AAPC GRINT (Fortran, 83 Lines, Tape Issue 44). Gilat-
Raubenheimer method for k-space integration. A. Simunek.
23(1981)43 ACKT AVA (Fortran, 310 Lines, Tape Issue 47). A program for
calculating the structure factors of liquid metals and
binary liquid alloys. Md.M. Islam.
24(1981)181 AARC EBCLP (Fortran, 358 Lines, Tape Issue 49). Band
structure calculations of cubic semiconductors on the
basis of Lowdin's perturbation technique. D.R. Masovic,
F. Vukajlovic.
30(1983)207 ACKV SPINORB (Fortran, 1350 Lines, Tape Issue 56). Band
structure calculations of cubic metals, elementary
semiconductors and semiconductor compounds with spin-
orbit interaction. D.R. Masovic, F.R. Vukajlovic.
30(1983)271 ACKU BAPAR (Fortran, 480 Lines, Tape Issue 56).
Parametrization of the band structure of F.C.C. crystals.
C. Salustri.
36(1985)373 AABR MAGFAC (Fortran, 2503 Lines, Tape Issue 61). A program
to calculate magnetic form factors for transition metal
systems. L.A. Barnes, G.S. Chandler, B.N. Figgis,
D.C. Khan.
38(1985)403 AADF SURFACE GREEN'S FUNCTION (Fortran, 3907 Lines, Tape Issue
61). Calculation of the Green's function for a crystal
surface or interface. F. Maca, M. Scheffler. Other
versions: AAXZ (Section 7.3), ABFF (Section 7.3).
47(1987)349 AAXZ SURFACE GREEN'S FUNCTION VER. 2 (Fortran, 3908 Lines, Tape
Issue 67). A new version of the program for the
calculation of the Green's function for a crystal surface
or interface. F. Maca, M. Scheffler. Other versions:
AADF (Section 7.3), ABFF (Section 7.3).
51(1988)381 ABFF RUMPGF (Fortran, 4743 Lines, Tape Issue 71). Surface
Green's function for a rumpled crystal surface. F. Maca,
M. Scheffler. Other versions: AADF (Section 7.3), AAXZ
(Section 7.3).
59(1990)399 ABRE WIEN (Fortran, 78228 Lines, Tape Issue 78). Full-
potential, linearized augmented plane wave programs for
crystalline systems. P. Blaha, K. Schwarz, P. Sorantin,
S.B. Trickey.
60(1990)365 ABRZ LKKR (Fortran, 9338 Lines, Tape Issue 78). Layer
Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker electronic structure code for bulk
and interface geometries. J.M. MacLaren, S. Crampin,
D.D. Vvedensky, R.C. Albers, J.B. Pendry.
66(1991)383 ACBC LSDA1 (Fortran, 447 Lines, Tape Issue 81).
Parameterised local spin density exchange-correlation
energies and potentials for electronic structure
calculations. I. Zero temperature formalism.
J.M. MacLaren, D.P. Clougherty, M.E. McHenry,
M.M. Donovan.
71(1992)222 ACJD Eq_of_Motion (Fortran, 2425 Lines, Tape Issue 84).
Equation of motion method for the electronic structure of
disordered transition metal oxides. M.T. Michalewicz,
H.B. Shore, N. Tit, J.W. Halley. Non-profit use licence
77(1993)69 ACNU GREEN (Fortran, 904 Lines, Tape Issue 89). A subroutine
package for computing Green's functions of relaxed
surfaces by the renormalization method. J. Henk,
W. Schattke. Non-profit use licence required.
77(1993)107 ACNZ pi7 (Fortran, 25659 Lines, Tape Issue 89). Quantum
mechanical cluster calculations of ionic materials: the
ab initio perturbed ion (version 7) program. V. Luana,
A.M. Pendas, J.M. Recio, E. Francisco, M. Bermejo.
Non-profit use licence required.
79(1994)447 ACTF fhi93cp (Fortran, 48230 Lines, Tape Issue 91).
Simultaneous calculation of the equilibrium atomic
structure and its electronic ground state using density-
functional theory. R. Stumpf, M. Scheffler.
85(1995)306 ADAG PHOTON (Fortran, 2502 Lines, Tape Issue 94). A program
for calculating photonic band structures and transmission
coefficients of complex structures. P.M. Bell,
J.B. Pendry, L. Martin Moreno, A.J. Ward.
7.4 Experimental Analysis
3(1972)240 AAGK POSITRONFIT (Fortran, 1125 Lines, Tape Issue 10).
POSITRONFIT: a versatile program for analysing positron
lifetime spectra. P. Kirkegaard, M. Eldrup. Other
versions: AAGX (Section 7.4), AAGZ (Section 7.4), AAHI
(Section 7.4), AANN (Section 7.4), ACKX (Section 7.4).
--- AAGX 000ACORRECTION 30/11/78 (Fortran, Tape Issue 37).
Unpublished correction to POSITRONFIT EXTENDED: a new
version of a program for analysing postitron lifetime
spectra. P. Kirkegaard, M. Eldrup.
7(1974)401 AAGX POSITRONFIT EXTENDED (Fortran, 1222 Lines, Tape Issue 20).
POSITRONFIT EXTENDED: a new version of a program for
analysing positron lifetime spectra. P. Kirkegaard,
M. Eldrup. Other versions: AAGK (Section 7.4), AAGZ
(Section 7.4), AAHI (Section 7.4), AANN (Section 7.4),
ACKX (Section 7.4).
9(1975)173 ACKH ASYMMETRY PARAMETER IN NQR (Fortran, 1355 Lines, Tape Issue
24). Exact computation of the Zeeman effect on nuclear
quadrupole resonance profiles for powders (spin I = 3/2).
Determination of the asymmetry parameter. J. Darville,
A. Gerard.
11(1976)257 ACKI EPR SPIN HAMILTONIAN PARAMETERS (Fortran, 1147 Lines, Tape
Issue 27). Program for optimal computation of EPR spin-
Hamiltonian parameters for ions in tetragonal symmetry.
A.S. Stefanescu.
13(1977)49 ACKN SROCASE (Fortran, 555 Lines, Tape Issue 29). A program
for the study of short range order of binary alloys.
G.L. Bleris, Ch. Polatoglou.
13(1977)107 ABMW HEQSIM2 (Fortran, 988 Lines, Tape Issue 29). A Fortran
program to simulate quadrupole-distorted NMR powder
patterns. E.D. von Meerwall.
13(1977)203 ACMN KRONIG (Fortran, 101 Lines, Tape Issue 29). Numerical
solution of Kramers-Kronig transforms by a Fourier method.
S.J. Collocott.
17(1979)393 ACMN 0001 TRAPZAL (Fortran, 15 Lines, Tape Issue 38).
Adaptation: numerical solution of the Kramers-Kronig
transforms by trapezoidal summation as compared to a
Fourier method. S.J. Collocott, G.J. Troup.
13(1977)371 AAGZ DBLCON (Fortran, 1336 Lines, Tape Issue 32). DBLCON: a
version of POSITRONFIT with non-Gaussian prompt for
analysing positron lifetime spectra. W.K. Warburton.
Other versions: AAGK (Section 7.4), AAGX (Section 7.4),
AAHI (Section 7.4), AANN (Section 7.4), ACKX (Section 7.4).
13(1977)421 ABMX INTHIST2 (Fortran, 729 Lines, Tape Issue 31). A Fortran
program to collect histograms over microscopic scalar
interactions. E.D. von Meerwall.
15(1978)97 AAHI INTERACTIVE POSITRONFIT (Fortran, 1367 Lines, Tape Issue
34). INTERACTIVE POSITRONFIT: a new version of a program
for analysing positron lifetime spectra. C.J. Virtue,
R.J. Douglas, B.T.A. McKee. Other versions: AAGK (Section
7.4), AAGX (Section 7.4), AAGZ (Section 7.4), AANN (Section
7.4), ACKX (Section 7.4).
15(1978)237 ABNA SUSCEPT2 (Fortran, 747 Lines, Tape Issue 34). A Fortran
program for routine analysis of magnetic susceptibility
data. E.D. von Meerwall.
15(1978)401 ACYR FYINT (Fortran, 1106 Lines, Tape Issue 35). I. A
computer program for normalization and instrument
correction of neutron diffraction data on non-crystalline
materials to obtain the static structure factor.
F.Y. Hansen. Subroutines required: ACYS (Section 7.4),
ACYT (Section 7.4).
15(1978)417 ACYS FYPAR (Fortran, 504 Lines, Tape Issue 35). II. A
computer program for calculation of parameters necessary
for the computation of reliable pair distribution
functions of non-crystalline materials from limited
diffraction data. F.Y. Hansen. Subroutines required:
ACYR (Section 7.4), ACYT (Section 7.4).
15(1978)431 ACYT PAR (Fortran, 134 Lines, Tape Issue 35). III. A
computer program for calculation of reliable pair
distribution functions of non-crystalline materials from
limited diffraction data. F.Y. Hansen. Subroutines
required: ACYR (Section 7.4), ACYS (Section 7.4).
23(1981)307 AANN PATFIT (Fortran, 5599 Lines, Tape Issue 48). Program
system for analysing positron lifetime spectra and
angular correlation curves. P. Kirkegaard, M. Eldrup,
O.E. Mogensen, N.J. Pedersen. Other versions: AAGK
(Section 7.4), AAGX (Section 7.4), AAGZ (Section 7.4),
AAHI (Section 7.4), ACKX (Section 7.4).
28(1983)287 AAOS GB1, GB2, GB3 (Fortran, 1344 Lines, Tape Issue 54). A
programming package for the study of high angle grain
boundaries by using TEM. G.L. Bleris, Th. Karakostas,
P. Delavignette.
30(1983)359 ACKX PFPOSFIT (Fortran, 3304 Lines, Tape Issue 56). PFPOSFIT:
a new version of a program for analysing positron
lifetime spectra with non-Gaussian prompt curve.
W. Puff. Other versions: AAGK (Section 7.4), AAGX (Section
7.4), AAGZ (Section 7.4), AAHI (Section 7.4), AANN (Section
31(1984)385 ACFT T12FIT (Fortran, 1120 Lines, Tape Issue 57). A Fortran
program for reduction of NMR relaxation data.
E.D. von Meerwall, D. Thompson.
33(1984)425 ACCX ATSCAT (Fortran, 2800 Lines, Tape Issue 58).
Calculation of low energy atomic diffraction (LEAD)
intensities. R.J. Blake.
34(1984)145 ACKY XFIT (Fortran, 1688 Lines, Tape Issue 59). XFIT: a
package for simulating and fitting X-ray powder
diffraction patterns. A. Martorana, R. Gerbasi,
A. Marigo, R. Zannetti. Subroutines required: ABCH
(Section 4.9), ACWH (Section 4.9).
55(1989)91 ABJK DIANA88 (Fortran, 5061 Lines, Manual 17 pages, Tape Issue
74). Quasi-elastic x-ray scattering divergence analysis
calculation. J.S. Reid, G.J. Milne.
69(1992)201 ACGG CENTIPEDE (C, 7230 Lines, Tape Issue 82). Analysis of
spectroscopic ellipsometric measurements.
M.H.W. Verbruggen, J.M.M. de Nijs. Non-profit use licence
74(1993)119 ACJL ASYMGRAD (Fortran, 4138 Lines, Tape Issue 86). MINUIT
subroutine for spectra deconvolution. C. Lamberti,
S. Bordiga, G. Cerrato, C. Morterra, D. Scarano,
G. Spoto, A. Zecchina. Subroutine required: ACWH (Section
7.5 Mossbauer Spectra
See Nuclear Physics, Mossbauer Spectra
7.6 Neutron Scattering
7(1974)289 ACIC SLOW NEUTRON MULTIPLE SCATTERING (Fortran, 5581 Lines, Tape
Issue 20). Monte Carlo calculation of multiple
scattering effects in thermal neutron scattering
experiments. J.R.D. Copley. Other version: AAFR (Section
9(1975)59 ACIC 0001 SLAB GEOMETRY (Fortran, 392 Lines, Tape Issue 20).
Monte Carlo calculation of multiple scattering effects in
thermal neutron scattering experiments; modification to
slab geometry. J.R.D. Copley. Other version: AAFR
(Section 7.6).
9(1975)64 ACIC 0002HORIZONTAL CYLINDER GEOMETRY (Fortran, 298 Lines, Tape
Issue 20). Monte Carlo calculation of multiple
scattering effects in thermal neutron scattering
experiments; modification to horizontal cylinder geometry.
J.R.D. Copley. Other version: AAFR (Section 7.6).
20(1980)459 ACIC 000ACORRECTION 11/10/79 (Fortran, Tape Issue 40). Monte
Carlo calculation of multiple scattering effects in
thermal neutron scattering experiments. (C.P.C.
7(1974)289). J.R.D. Copley.
20(1980)459 ACIC B00ACORRECTION TO 0002 11/10/79 (Fortran, Tape Issue 40).
Monte Carlo calculation of multiple scattering effects in
thermal neutron scattering experiments: modification to
horizontal cylinder geometry. (C.P.C. 9(1975)64).
J.R.D. Copley.
21(1981)431 ACIC 0003 NEW ELSCAT SUBROUTINE (Fortran, 517 Lines, Tape Issue
45). Monte Carlo calculation of multiple scattering
effects in thermal neutron scattering experiments:
improved computation of elastic coherent scattering
intensities. J.R.D. Copley.
13(1977)381 ACXT RESTOR 1 (Fortran, 246 Lines, Tape Issue 30).
Computation of phonon spectrum from the cold neutron
incoherent inelastic scattering by a polycrystal.
T.D. Sokolovskij, L.A. Rogoschenko.
--- ACXQ 000ACORRECTION 28/11/77 (Fortran, Tape Issue 32).
Unpublished correction to I. A computer program for
generation of a complete set of coordinates and force
matrices for normal mode calculations of crystals and
molecules. F.Y. Hansen.
14(1978)193 ACXQ FYCOOR (Fortran, 1694 Lines, Tape Issue 30). I. A
computer program for generation of a complete set of
coordinates and force matrices for normal mode
calculations of crystals and molecules. F.Y. Hansen.
Subroutines required: ACXR (Section 7.6), ACXS (Section
14(1978)219 ACXR FYFRE (Fortran, 1363 Lines, Tape Issue 30). II. A
program for computing normal modes of molecules, crystal
phonon dispersion relations and structure factors for
neutron inelastic scattering. F.Y. Hansen. Subroutines
required: ACXQ (Section 7.6), ACXS (Section 7.6).
17(1979)423 ACXR 000A CORRECTION 22/12/78 (Fortran, Tape Issue 37). II.
A program for computing normal modes of molecules,
crystal phonon dispersion relations and structure factors
for neutron inelastic scattering. (C.P.C. 14(1978)219).
F.Y. Hansen.
--- ACXS 000ACORRECTION 28/11/77 (Fortran, Tape Issue 32).
Unpublished correction to III. A force constant adjuster
program to obtain a least squares fit to observed
frequencies of molecules and crystals. F.Y. Hansen.
14(1978)245 ACXS FYADJ (Fortran, 1219 Lines, Tape Issue 30). III. A
force constant adjuster program to obtain a least squares
fit to observed frequencies of molecules and crystals.
F.Y. Hansen. Subroutines required: ACXQ (Section 7.6),
ACXR (Section 7.6).
15(1978)401 ACYR FYINT (Fortran, 1106 Lines, Tape Issue 35). I. A
computer program for normalization and instrument
correction of neutron diffraction data on non-crystalline
materials to obtain the static structure factor.
F.Y. Hansen. Subroutines required: ACYS (Section 7.6),
ACYT (Section 7.6).
15(1978)417 ACYS FYPAR (Fortran, 504 Lines, Tape Issue 35). II. A
computer program for calculation of parameters necessary
for the computation of reliable pair distribution
functions of non-crystalline materials from limited
diffraction data. F.Y. Hansen. Subroutines required:
ACYR (Section 7.6), ACYT (Section 7.6).
15(1978)431 ACYT PAR (Fortran, 134 Lines, Tape Issue 35). III. A
computer program for calculation of reliable pair
distribution functions of non-crystalline materials from
limited diffraction data. F.Y. Hansen. Subroutines
required: ACYR (Section 7.6), ACYS (Section 7.6).
40(1986)337 AAFR MSCAT85 (Fortran, 7604 Lines, Tape Issue 63). Improved
Monte Carlo calculation of multiple scattering effects in
thermal neutron scattering experiments. J.R.D. Copley,
P. Verkerk, A.A. van Well, H. Fredrikze. Other version:
ACIC (Section 7.6).
66(1991)403 AAFR 0001 SPHERICAL GEOMETRY (Fortran, 290 Lines, Tape Issue
81). Monte Carlo calculation of multiple scattering
effects in thermal neutron scattering experiments:
modification to spherical geometry. J.R.D. Copley.
7.7 Other Condensed Matter inc. Simulation of Liquids and Solids
1(1969)10 ACKA GINZBURG-LANDAU-FLUXOIDS (Algol, 235 Lines, Tape Issue 1).
Ginzburg-Landau fluxoids. See erratum Comp. Phys.
Commun. 1(1970)291. U. Kammerer.
1(1970)343 ACKB SYMMETRIC NEEL WALLS (Algol, 424 Lines, Tape Issue 3).
Symmetric Neel walls in thin magnetic films. A. Hubert.
1(1970)468 ACKB 0001 INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS (Algol, 78 Lines, Tape Issue 4).
Symmetric Neel walls in thin magnetic films. An
adaptation to increase the range of convergence.
A. Hubert.
--- ACKP 000ACORRECTION 22/12/77 (Fortran, Tape Issue 32).
Unpublished correction to simulation of thermally
stimulated dipolar processes in dielectrics. A. Linkens,
J. Vanderschueren, P. Parot, J. Gasiot.
13(1977)411 ACKP TSP (Fortran, 497 Lines, Tape Issue 30). Simulation of
thermally stimulated dipolar processes in dielectrics.
A. Linkens, J. Vanderschueren, P. Parot, J. Gasiot.
15(1978)375 ACYN USSI (Fortran, 792 Lines, Tape Issue 35). Simulation of
ultrasonic degradation of macromolecules in solution.
A. Linkens, J. Niezette, J. Vanderschueren.
21(1980)247 ABVO MDATOM (Fortran, 1116 Lines, Tape Issue 45). Programs
for the molecular dynamics simulation of liquids: I.
Spherical molecules with short-ranged interactions.
D. Fincham.
25(1982)159 AARM MDIONS (Fortran, 1826 Lines, Tape Issue 50). Programs
for the dynamic simulation of liquids and solids. II.
MDIONS: rigid ions using the Ewald sum. N. Anastasiou,
D. Fincham. Other version: AARN (Section 7.7).
28(1983)323 AARM 000A CORRECTION 09/09/82 (Fortran, Tape Issue 53).
Programs for the dynamic simulation of liquids and solids.
II. MDIONS: rigid ions using the Ewald sum. (C.P.C.
25(1982)159). N. Anastasiou, D. Fincham.
25(1982)177 AARN MDIONS (VECTORISED) (Fortran, 1530 Lines, Tape Issue 50).
Programs for the dynamic simulation of liquids and solids.
II. MDIONS: rigid ions using the Ewald sum (vectorised
version on the CRAY-1). D. Fincham. Other version: AARM
(Section 7.7).
28(1983)323 AARN 000A CORRECTION 09/09/82 (Fortran, Tape Issue 53).
Programs for the dynamic simulation of liquids and solids.
II. MDIONS: rigid ions using the Ewald sum (vectorised
version on the CRAY-1). (C.P.C. 25(1982)177).
D. Fincham.
39(1986)133 AADS DUMBELL (Fortran, 983 Lines, Tape Issue 61). DUMBELL: a
program to calculate the structure and thermodynamics of
a classical fluid of hard, homonuclear diatomic molecules.
F. Lado.
39(1986)173 AADW MICROIS (Fortran, 442 Lines, Tape Issue 62). Fortran
code for the three-dimensional Ising model. M. Creutz,
K.J.M. Moriarty. Other version: AALU (Section 7.7).
42(1986)191 AALU ISING (Fortran, 349 Lines, Tape Issue 64).
Vectorization of the three-dimensional Ising model
program on the CDC CYBER 205. M. Creutz,
K.J.M. Moriarty, M. O'Brien. Other version: AADW (Section
42(1986)271 AALR MCMOLDYN/H2O (Fortran, 4625 Lines, Tape Issue 64).
Computer simulation package for liquids and solids with
polar interactions. I. MCMOLDYN/H2O: aqueous systems.
A. Laaksonen.
54(1989)273 ABJD VX (Fortran, 11325 Lines, Tape Issue 74). A vector code
for the numerical simulation of cosmic strings and flux
vortices in superconductors on the ETA-10.
K.J.M. Moriarty, E. Myers, C. Rebbi.
60(1990)53 ABRW MDPYRS1 (Fortran, 4021 Lines, Tape Issue 78). Molecular
dynamics simulation program of order N for condensed
matter. I. MDPYRS1: scalar pyramid, short-range
interactions. Z.A. Rycerz, P.W.M. Jacobs.
61(1990)361 ABZC MDSPNL (Fortran, 4399 Lines, Tape Issue 79). Molecular
dynamics program of order N for simulation of condensed
matter systems II. MDSPNL: pyramid with neighbour list,
short-range interactions. Z.A. Rycerz.
62(1991)125 ABTP MDPYRV1 (Fortran, 4950 Lines, Tape Issue 79).
Vectorized program of order N for molecular dynamics
simulation of condensed matter. I. MDPYRV1: vector
pyramid, short-range interactions. Z.A. Rycerz,
P.W.M. Jacobs.
62(1991)145 ABTQ MDSLAB1 (Fortran, 4880 Lines, Tape Issue 79).
Vectorized program of order N for molecular dynamics
simulation of condensed matter. II. MDSLAB1: slab, short-
range interactions. Z.A. Rycerz, P.W.M. Jacobs.
62(1991)371 ABZD SIMLYS (Fortran, 43331 Lines, Tape Issue 79). SIMLYS: a
software package for trajectory analysis of molecular
dynamics simulations. P. Kruger, M. Luke, A. Szameit.
Other version: ACJQ (Section 7.7).
64(1991)183 ABZF NSCP3D (C, 5397 Lines, Manual 10 pages, Tape Issue 79).
C-language program for the irregular close packing of
hard spheres. M. Bargiel, J. Moscinski.
64(1991)193 ABZG MD3DLJ (C, 7582 Lines, Manual 12 pages, Tape Issue 79).
C-language molecular dynamics program for the simulation
of Lennard-Jones particles. M. Bargiel, W. Dzwinel,
J. Kitowski, J. Moscinski.
66(1991)71 ABZT STRIP (Mathematica, 470 Lines, Tape Issue 80). Hilbert
space and structure constants of descendant fields in two-
dimensional conformal theories. M. Lassig, G. Mussardo.
66(1991)377 ACBD QPMHPC (Fortran, 722 Lines, Tape Issue 81). Fortran code
for the cluster Monte Carlo study of the q-state Potts
model on D-dimensional hypercubic lattices. L.-J. Chen,
C.-K. Hu, K.-S. Mak.
67(1991)268 ACBN GEGIO (Fortran, 4777 Lines, Tape Issue 81). Molecular
associations from ab initio pair potentials.
E. Iglesias, T.L. Sordo, J.A. Sordo.
72(1992)265 ACJQ SIMLYS 2.0 (Fortran, 50796 Lines, Tape Issue 85). SIMLYS
version 2.0: A software package for trajectory analysis
of molecular dynamics simulations. P. Kruger,
A. Szameit. Other version: ABZD (Section 7.7).
86(1995)289 ADBE N_3dim (C, 5034 Lines, Tape Issue 95). Reduced event-
list on an array for many-body simulation. K. Shida,
S. Yamada.
7.8 Structure and Lattice Dynamics
1(1970)281 ACMA NA CL MADELUNG FIELD (Fortran, 267 Lines, Tape Issue 3).
The Madelung potential and electric field intensity for a
sodium chloride and for a caesium chloride lattice.
U. Opik, R.F. Wood.
1(1970)282 ACMB CS CL MADELUNG FIELD (Fortran, 299 Lines, Tape Issue 3).
The Madelung potential and electric field intensity for a
sodium chloride and for a caesium chloride lattice.
U. Opik, R.F. Wood.
3(1972)88 ACMI GROUP THEORY OF LATTICE DYNAMICS (Fortran, 1619 Lines, Tape
Issue 10). Group-theoretical analysis of lattice
vibrations. See erratum Comp. Phys. Commun. 4(1972)382.
T.G. Worlton, J.L. Warren. Other version: ACMM (Section
4(1972)249 ACMI 0001 EXTERNAL MODES (Fortran, 159 Lines, Tape Issue 11).
External modes of molecular crystals. T.G. Worlton.
6(1973)149 ACMI 0002 IMR CALCULATION (Fortran, 532 Lines, Tape Issue 16).
Irreducible multiplier representations. T.G. Worlton.
8(1974)141 ACMI B00ACORRECTION TO 0002 04/08/74 (Fortran, Tape Issue 20).
Irreducible multiplier representations. (C.P.C.
6(1973)149). T.G. Worlton.
8(1974)71 ACMM GROUP THEORY LATTICE DYNAMICS 2 (Fortran, 2334 Lines, Tape
Issue 21). Improved version of group-theoretical
analysis of lattice dynamics. J.L. Warren,
T.G. Worlton. Other version: ACMI (Section 7.8).
9(1975)231 ACUA SPACE GROUP REPRESENTATIONS (Fortran, 2128 Lines, Tape
Issue 24). Numerical calculations of the irreducible
representations of space groups. N. Neto.
10(1975)104 ACKJ NORMAL COORDINATE ANALYSIS (Fortran, 1325 Lines, Tape Issue
25). Normal coordinate analysis of crystals.
J.Th.M. de Hosson.
12(1976)179 ACWY KCOUL1 (Algol, 936 Lines, Tape Issue 27). Coulomb
coefficients for complex ionic crystals.
D.C. Sutherland, W.G. Ferrier.
13(1977)341 ACMO MADELUNG DERIVATIVES (Fortran, 1099 Lines, Tape Issue 30).
Calculation of the first derivatives of Madelung
constants with respect to cell lengths.
H.D.B. Jenkins, K.F. Pratt. Other version: ACMU (Section
13(1977)381 ACXT RESTOR 1 (Fortran, 246 Lines, Tape Issue 30).
Computation of phonon spectrum from the cold neutron
incoherent inelastic scattering by a polycrystal.
T.D. Sokolovskij, L.A. Rogoschenko.
--- ACXQ 000ACORRECTION 28/11/77 (Fortran, Tape Issue 32).
Unpublished correction to I. A computer program for
generation of a complete set of coordinates and force
matrices for normal mode calculations of crystals and
molecules. F.Y. Hansen.
14(1978)193 ACXQ FYCOOR (Fortran, 1694 Lines, Tape Issue 30). I. A
computer program for generation of a complete set of
coordinates and force matrices for normal mode
calculations of crystals and molecules. F.Y. Hansen.
Subroutines required: ACXR (Section 7.8), ACXS (Section
14(1978)219 ACXR FYFRE (Fortran, 1363 Lines, Tape Issue 30). II. A
program for computing normal modes of molecules, crystal
phonon dispersion relations and structure factors for
neutron inelastic scattering. F.Y. Hansen. Subroutines
required: ACXQ (Section 7.8), ACXS (Section 7.8).
17(1979)423 ACXR 000A CORRECTION 22/12/78 (Fortran, Tape Issue 37). II.
A program for computing normal modes of molecules,
crystal phonon dispersion relations and structure factors
for neutron inelastic scattering. (C.P.C. 14(1978)219).
F.Y. Hansen.
--- ACXS 000ACORRECTION 28/11/77 (Fortran, Tape Issue 32).
Unpublished correction to III. A force constant adjuster
program to obtain a least squares fit to observed
frequencies of molecules and crystals. F.Y. Hansen.
14(1978)245 ACXS FYADJ (Fortran, 1219 Lines, Tape Issue 30). III. A
force constant adjuster program to obtain a least squares
fit to observed frequencies of molecules and crystals.
F.Y. Hansen. Subroutines required: ACXQ (Section 7.8),
ACXR (Section 7.8).
16(1979)181 ACMP LATTICE DYNAMICS OF ZINCBLENDE (Fortran, 1157 Lines, Tape
Issue 35). Lattice dynamics of zincblende structure
compounds using deformation-dipole model and rigid ion
model. K. Kunc, O.H. Nielsen.
17(1979)413 ACUC LATTICE DYNAMICS - SHELL MODEL (Fortran, 601 Lines, Tape
Issue 38). Lattice dynamics of zincblende structure
compounds II. Shell model. K. Kunc, O.H. Nielsen.
Subroutine required: ACMP (Section 7.8).
18(1979)101 ACUD ADIABATIC BOND CHARGE MODEL (Fortran, 1437 Lines, Tape
Issue 39). Lattice dynamics of group IV semiconductors
using an adiabatic bond charge model. O.H. Nielsen,
W. Weber.
21(1980)257 ACMU LATEN (Fortran, 3129 Lines, Tape Issue 45). LATEN: a
complete lattice energy program. H.D.B. Jenkins,
K.F. Pratt. Other version: ACMO (Section 7.8).
24(1981)89 ACKQ HEXALAT (Fortran, 445 Lines, Tape Issue 49). Two
subroutines for calculating lattice sums and the
distortion field due to a point force in hexagonal
systems. W. Maysenholder.
25(1982)269 ACUG LATTICE DYNAMICS OF ZINCBLENDE (Fortran, 269 Lines, Tape
Issue 50). Lattice dynamics of zincblende structure
compounds using a deformable ion model. O.H. Nielsen,
S.S. Jaswal. Subroutine required: ACMP (Section 7.8).
28(1982)103 AAOJ ACOUSTIC PHONON ANISOTROPY (Fortran, 1073 Lines, Tape Issue
53). Acoustic phonon anisotropy: phonon focusing.
G.A. Northrop.
38(1985)43 AADC NPHZB84 (Fortran, 2824 Lines, Tape Issue 61).
Multiphonon X-ray scattering. J.S. Reid.
42(1986)417 AALZ SPHZB86 (Fortran, 1464 Lines, Tape Issue 63). Single-
phonon X-ray scattering. J.S. Reid.
43(1987)399 AATG CAROLINA (Fortran, 436 Lines, Tape Issue 64). Low
temperature Gruneisen parameter of cubic ionic crystals.
A. Batana, M.C. Monard, M.R. Soriano.
44(1987)143 AATS KAPPA,KP (Fortran, 1159 Lines, Tape Issue 65). High
temperature expansion via Schwinger-Dyson equations: the
planar rotator model on a triangular lattice. P. Butera,
R. Cabassi, M. Comi, G. Marchesini.
46(1987)141 AATZ DWB87 (Fortran, 2880 Lines, Tape Issue 65). Harmonic
Debye-Waller factors for cubic materials. J.S. Reid.
67(1991)343 ACBM FP (Fortran, 2272 Lines, Tape Issue 81). A set of
routines for efficient and accurate computation of
lattice sums of 1/r**n-potentials. M. Monkenbusch.
85(1995)423 ADAQ MCFOC (Pascal, Assembler, 2897 Lines, Tape Issue 95).
Phonon focussing patterns: Monte Carlo simulation of the
motion of ballistic phonon beams in cubic crystals.
W.M. Gancza, T. Paszkiewicz. Non-profit use licence
86(1995)297 ADBD Indep (Fortran, 3947 Lines, Tape Issue 95). Computation
of the independent elements of the dynamical matrix.
Z.W. Hendrikse, M.O. Elout, W.J.A. Maaskant.
7.9 Transport Properties
5(1973)299 ACKC MUKUL (Fortran, 118 Lines, Tape Issue 14). A routine for
calculating the form-factor and the electrical
resistivity of liquid N.F.E. metals. Md.M. Islam.
5(1973)430 ACIA ELECTROTRANSPORT SIMULATION (Fortran, 186 Lines, Tape Issue
15). Simulation of chemical profiles during
electrotransport. D.L. Olson, J.L. Blough,
T.S. Lakshmanan, D.A. Rigney.
23(1981)43 ACKT AVA (Fortran, 310 Lines, Tape Issue 47). A program for
calculating the structure factors of liquid metals and
binary liquid alloys. Md.M. Islam.
7.10 Collisions in Solids
51(1988)355 ABFH TRIDYN (VERSION 3.1) (Fortran, 1661 Lines, Tape Issue 70).
TRIDYN: binary collision simulation of atomic collisions
and dynamic composition changes in solids. W. Moller,
W. Eckstein, J.P. Biersack.
64(1991)167 ABTZ ITAP (Fortran, 6482 Lines, Manual 188 pages, Tape Issue
79). Ion trajectory analysis program (ITAP).
D.L. Youchison, M.D. Nahemow.
--- ACHV 000A CORRECTION 19/07/93 (Fortran, Tape Issue 89).
Unpublished correction to SCT89: a computer code for
atomic and molecular scattering from clean and adsorbate
covered surfaces. D.E. Sanders, M.S. Stave,
L.S. Perkins, A.E. DePristo.
70(1992)579 ACHV SCT89 (Fortran, 22268 Lines, Tape Issue 83). SCT89: a
computer code for atomic and molecular scattering from
clean and adsorbate covered surfaces. D.E. Sanders,
M.S. Stave, L.S. Perkins, A.E. DePristo.
8. Crystallography
1(1970)293 AASA STLPLT (Fortran, 913 Lines, Tape Issue 3). STLPLT-
CALCOMP plot of crystallographic projections of Laue
photographs. M. Canut-Amoros.
5(1973)328 AAQB FIREFLY II (Fortran, 2669 Lines, Tape Issue 15). A
program for the calculation of X-ray reflection
intensities. I.F. Ferguson, J.E. Kirwan. Other version:
AAQC (Section 8).
10(1975)42 AAQC FIREFLY IV (Fortran, 4557 Lines, Tape Issue 25). A
program for the calculation of X-ray reflection
intensities, Part 2. I.F. Ferguson. Subroutine required:
AAQB (Section 8). Other version: AAQB (Section 8).
11(1976)331 ABMT XRAY2 (Fortran, 618 Lines, Tape Issue 27). A simple
FORTRAN program to interpret cubic X-ray powder
diffraction data. E.D. von Meerwall.
12(1976)305 AAQD FIREBIRD 2 (Fortran, 4072 Lines, Tape Issue 28). A
program for the calculation of the positions of X-ray
powder reflections. I.F. Ferguson, R.S. Fox,
T.E. Hughes.
17(1979)337 AASB CORECTEX (Fortran, 1762 Lines, Tape Issue 37). Slit
height smearing correction in small angle X-ray
scattering I: intensity correction program. M. Deutsch.
Subroutine required: (for data) AASC (Section 8).
18(1979)143 AASB 0001 CORECTSP (Fortran, 114 Lines, Tape Issue 40). Slit
height smearing correction in small angle X-ray
scattering III: intensity correction program adaptation
to arbitrary slit transmission function. M. Deutsch.
Subroutine required: (for data) AASD (Section 8).
17(1979)345 AASC FFITEX (Fortran, 552 Lines, Tape Issue 37). Slit height
smearing correction in small angle X-ray scattering II:
computation of the correction function. M. Deutsch.
18(1979)149 AASD GTSPLINE (Fortran, 1496 Lines, Tape Issue 40). Slit
height smearing correction in small angle X-ray
scattering IV: computation of the correction function for
an arbitrary slit transmission function. M. Deutsch.
18(1979)261 AAQE PLOMAC (Fortran, 3099 Lines, Tape Issue 39). Plot
program for Laue patterns and stereographic projections.
E. Preuss.
18(1979)277 AAQF COL (Fortran, 358 Lines, Tape Issue 39). Calculation of
crystal orientations using Laue patterns. E. Preuss.
Subroutine required: (for data) AAQE (Section 8).
21(1981)385 ABVG POWDER (Fortran, 832 Lines, Tape Issue 46). Simulation
of EPR-spectra of randomly oriented samples. See erratum
Comp. Phys. Commun. 28(1982)217. C. Daul,
C.W. Schlapfer, B. Mohos, J. Ammeter, E. Gamp.
22(1981)13 ABVT PLATTSUM (Fortran, 1448 Lines, Tape Issue 46). PLATTSUM:
a Fortran program that evaluates electrostatic lattice
sums by the planewise summation method. J.A. Hernando,
V. Massidda. Other version: ACKW (Section 8).
25(1982)111 ABVT 000A CORRECTION 07/09/81 (Fortran, Tape Issue 49).
PLATTSUM: a Fortran program that evaluates electrostatic
lattice sums by the planewise summation method. (C.P.C.
22(1981)13). J.A. Hernando, V. Massidda.
27(1982)49 AASE PROVA (Fortran, 718 Lines, Tape Issue 52). PROVA: a
program for the calculation of X-ray powder spectra
(ordered and disordered structures). A. Martorana,
R. Zannetti, A. Marigo, D. Ajo, V. Malta.
28(1982)69 AAOF SIMULAPO (Fortran, 683 Lines, Tape Issue 53).
Simulation of powder EPR spectra with axial symmetry.
R.S. de Biasi, J.A.M. Mendonca.
30(1983)403 ACKW PLATTSUM2 (Fortran, 1557 Lines, Tape Issue 56). A
modification to PLATTSUM, a program that evaluates
electrostatic lattice sums by the planewise summation
method. J.A. Hernando, V. Massidda. Other version: ABVT
(Section 8).
32(1984)83 ACFX FIREFLY VI (FIRECOMET) (Fortran, 7865 Lines, Tape Issue
57). A program for the calculation of the intensities of
X-ray or neutron powder reflections, Part 3.
I.F. Ferguson, A.D. Hardy, M.U. Modi, A.H. Rogerson.
Subroutines required: AAQB (Section 8), AAQC (Section 8).
32(1984)95 ACFY FIRESTAR (Fortran, 3269 Lines, Tape Issue 57). A program
for the derivation of crystal unit cell parameters from X-
ray powder diffraction measurements. I.F. Ferguson,
A.H. Rogerson.
38(1985)43 AADC NPHZB84 (Fortran, 2824 Lines, Tape Issue 61).
Multiphonon X-ray scattering. J.S. Reid.
39(1986)221 AADZ ORIENT (Fortran, 1883 Lines, Tape Issue 62). Simulation
of molecular reorientation in crystals.
J.C.A. Boeyens, D.C. Levendis.
42(1986)417 AALZ SPHZB86 (Fortran, 1464 Lines, Tape Issue 63). Single-
phonon X-ray scattering. J.S. Reid.
51(1988)423 ABFA MORANG (Fortran, 1355 Lines, Tape Issue 71). MORANG: a
computer program designed to aid in the determinations of
crystal morphology. R. Docherty, K.J. Roberts, E. Dowty.
60(1990)155 ABLL XRLINE (Fortran, 1374 Lines, Tape Issue 78). XRLINE, a
program to evaluate the crystallite size of supported
metal catalysts by single x-ray profile Fourier analysis.
N. Aldea, E. Indrea. Subroutine required: ABDF (Section
64(1991)343 ABLL 000A CORRECTION 19/12/90 (Fortran, Tape Issue 80).
XRLINE: a program to evaluate the crystallite size of
supported metal catalysts by single x-ray profile
Fourier analysis. (C.P.C. 60(1990)155). N. Aldea,
E. Indrea.
60(1990)257 ABTB PROPLT (Fortran, 5348 Lines, Tape Issue 78). A three-
dimensional protein graphic program. D.R. Lu, K. Park.
64(1991)311 ABZL HABIT (Fortran, 3925 Lines, Tape Issue 80). HABIT: a
program for predicting the morphology of molecular
crystals. G. Clydesdale, R. Docherty, K.J. Roberts.
69(1992)397 ACGX POWDERSPEC (Fortran, 3725 Lines, Tape Issue 82).
POWDERSPEC: a program for efficient simulation of
isotropic EPR spectra. V. Beltran-Lopez,
L. Gonzalez-Tovany. Other version: ACTD (Section 8).
75(1993)259 ACLK LAUEOR (Fortran, 1930 Lines, Tape Issue 87). Laue
crystallographic orientation with a fixed detector.
J.S. Reid.
77(1993)441 ACPI REX (Fortran, 21072 Lines, Tape Issue 89). REX: a least-
squares fitting program for the simulation and analysis
of X-ray reflectivity data. T.A. Crabb, P.N. Gibson,
K.J. Roberts.
79(1994)533 ACTD POWDERSPEC 2 (Fortran, 7440 Lines, Tape Issue 91).
POWDERSPEC 2, a library of new programs for efficient
simulation of powder EPR spectra. V. Beltran-Lopez,
L. Gonzalez-Tovany. Other version: ACGX (Section 8).
85(1995)398 ADAF SBGBBG (Fortran, 8663 Lines, Tape Issue 95). SBGBBG, a
program to evaluate the macroscopic strain/stress tensor
of a polycrystalline sample from X-ray reflection
positions. T. Wieder. Non-profit use licence required.
85(1995)415 ADAS AUTOX (Fortran, 4996 Lines, Tape Issue 95). AUTOX: a
program for autoindexing reflections from multiphase
polycrystals. V.B. Zlokazov.
9. Data Bases, Data Compilation & Information Retrieval
6(1973)165 AAIB DIRAC (Fortran, 9320 Lines, Tape Issue 16). Dynamic
information retrieval of atomic codes II.
Implementation. A.R. Davies, K. Smith, K.L. Kwok.
Subroutine required: (for data) AAIC (Section 9).
6(1973)166 AAIC DATBNK (Fortran, 7128 Lines, Tape Issue 16). Dynamic
information retrieval of atomic codes II.
Implementation. A.R. Davies, K. Smith, K.L. Kwok.
18(1979)377 ACZF DATSTOR (Fortran, 1511 Lines, Tape Issue 40). Numerical
modelling of a chemical plasma. III. DATSTOR: a program
to create a database containing information on rate
coefficients of chemical reactions. S.A. Roberts.
32(1984)317 ACCI AMDS (Fortran, 2334 Lines, Tape Issue 58). AMDS: a
database system for atomic and molecular physics.
J.G. Hughes, F.J. Smith.
54(1989)391 ABHF HIONDAT (Fortran, 8263 Lines, Tape Issue 73). Data base
of cross sections and reaction rates for hydrogen ion
sources. K. Smith, A.H. Glasser.
55(1989)189 ABJR BBTREE (Fortran, 644 Lines, Tape Issue 75). Balanced
binary tree code for scientific applications.
S.C. Park, J.P. Draayer.
82(1994)247 ACTZ WSTREE (Fortran, 1947 Lines, Tape Issue 93). Numerical
database system based on a weighted search tree.
S.C. Park, J.P. Draayer, S.-Q. Zheng, C. Bahri.
84(1994)317 ACVT FARM GUI (C, Xview Toolkit, 9852 Lines, Tape Issue 93).
GRACE: the problem specification stage II. N.S. Scott,
J. Johnston, V.M. Burke, C.J. Noble, D.W. Busby.
10. Electrostatics and Electromagnetics
5(1973)437 ACSB AXISYMM-SCALAR-HELMHOLTZ-FINTEL4 (Fortran, 3638 Lines, Tape
Issue 14). A finite element program package for
axisymmetric scalar field problems. A. Konrad,
P. Silvester. Subroutine required: ACSD (Section 10).
Other version: ACSC (Section 10).
5(1973)438 ACSC AXISYMM-SCALAR-HELMHOLTZ-FINTEL6 (Fortran, 4188 Lines, Tape
Issue 14). A finite element program package for
axisymmetric scalar field problems. A. Konrad,
P. Silvester. Subroutine required: ACSD (Section 10).
Other version: ACSB (Section 10).
5(1973)438 ACSD GENERATE (Fortran, 760 Lines, Tape Issue 14). A finite
element program package for axisymmetric scalar field
problems. A. Konrad, P. Silvester. Other version: AABL
(Section 10).
9(1975)193 ACSE AXISYMM-VECTOR-HELMHOLTZ-FINTEL6 (Fortran, 4463 Lines, Tape
Issue 23). A finite element program package for
axisymmetric vector field problems. A. Konrad,
P. Silvester. Subroutines required: ACSC (Section 10),
ACSD (Section 10), ACSF (Section 10).
9(1975)194 ACSF VECTR-FINTEL6-BLK-DATA-GENERATOR (Fortran, 1629 Lines, Tape
Issue 23). A finite element program package for
axisymmetric vector field problems. A. Konrad,
P. Silvester.
11(1976)221 ABCM MAGNETSUITE (Fortran, 3050 Lines, Tape Issue 28).
Computing a Laplacian field component from boundary
observations only. M.J. O'Connell.
13(1977)349 ACSK LINEAR ACCELERATOR CAVITY CODE (Fortran, 6193 Lines, Tape
Issue 31). A linear accelerator cavity code based on the
finite element method. A. Konrad. Subroutine required:
ACSF (Section 10).
22(1981)13 ABVT PLATTSUM (Fortran, 1448 Lines, Tape Issue 46). PLATTSUM:
a Fortran program that evaluates electrostatic lattice
sums by the planewise summation method. J.A. Hernando,
V. Massidda. Other version: ACKW (Section 10).
25(1982)111 ABVT 000A CORRECTION 07/09/81 (Fortran, Tape Issue 49).
PLATTSUM: a Fortran program that evaluates electrostatic
lattice sums by the planewise summation method. (C.P.C.
22(1981)13). J.A. Hernando, V. Massidda.
30(1983)403 ACKW PLATTSUM2 (Fortran, 1557 Lines, Tape Issue 56). A
modification to PLATTSUM, a program that evaluates
electrostatic lattice sums by the planewise summation
method. J.A. Hernando, V. Massidda. Other version: ABVT
(Section 10).
36(1985)25 ACDB POT4A (Fortran, 4808 Lines, Tape Issue 60). POT4A: a
program for the direct solution of Poisson's equation in
complex geometries. S.J. Beard, R.W. Hockney. Subroutines
required: ABUF (Section 4.14) or ABUJ (Section 4.14) or
ABUK (Section 4.14), ABUA (Section 4.6).
36(1985)223 AABL BLOCDAT (Fortran, 4600 Lines, Tape Issue 60). BLOCK DATA
subprograms for finite element program packages.
L. Flach, D.A. McNamara. Other version: ACSD (Section 10).
40(1986)389 AAFV MAXENTWDF (Fortran, 3660 Lines, Tape Issue 63).
MAXENTWDF: a computer program for the maximum entropy
estimation of a wave distribution function. C. Delannoy,
F. Lefeuvre.
54(1989)177 ABHK VCSUM (Fortran, 430 Lines, Tape Issue 74). Program to
calculate the spectral harmonic expansion coefficients of
the two scalar fields product. Z. Martinec. Subroutine
required: AAPE (Section 4.11).
55(1989)457 ABJL CAROT VERSION 3.0 (Pascal, Screen, 10762 Lines, Manual 64
pages, Tape Issue 75). An interactive computer-graphics-
based processor for boundary element modelling of
electromagnetic scattering by thin conducting wires.
D.J.J. Van Rensburg, D.A. McNamara.
56(1989)249 ABLD ASBOR (Fortran, 4207 Lines, Tape Issue 75). A boundary
element program package for electromagnetic excitation of
conducting bodies of revolution by an asymmetrical slot.
D.B. Davidson, D.A. McNamara.
59(1990)371 ABRI SCTWO (Fortran, 1028 Lines, Tape Issue 78). The Fortran
code for the scattering of EM plane waves by two
cylinders at normal incidence. H.A. Yousif, S. Kohler.
69(1992)406 ACGQ ASMAA (Fortran, 658 Lines, Tape Issue 82). A Fortran
code for the scattering of EM plane waves by an
infinitely long cylinder at oblique incidence.
H.A. Yousif, E. Boutros.
76(1993)231 ACNM RANA (Matlab, 106 Lines, Tape Issue 88). Solution of
Raman-Nath equations. R. Coisson, D. Zavattaro.
11. Elementary Particle Physics
11.1 General, High Energy Physics and Computing
55(1989)141 ABLB SPROC (Fortran, 6626 Lines, Tape Issue 74). A
preprocessor for Fortran source code produced by REDUCE.
T. Kaneko, S. Kawabata.
60(1990)265 ABRY GRAAL (Common Lisp, 1946 Lines, Tape Issue 78).
Symbolic superalgebra manipulations using Common Lisp.
R. Cecchini, M. Tarlini.
74(1993)265 ACJW TRACER (Mathematica, 1511 Lines, Tape Issue 86). TRACER
version 1.1: a MATHEMATICA package for gamma-algebra in
arbitrary dimensions. M. Jamin, M.E. Lautenbacher.
75(1993)118 ACLV TBA (Fortran, 1546 Lines, Tape Issue 87). A multi-grid
method for the resolution of thermodynamic Bethe ansatz
equations. A. Borzi, A. Koubek.
11.2 Phase Space and Event Simulation
1(1970)425 AAUA GENIS (Fortran, 400 Lines, Tape Issue 3). A Monte Carlo
generation method with importance sampling for high
energy collisions of hadrons. W. Kittel, L. Van Hove,
W. Wojcik.
2(1971)207 AAUB RN (Fortran, 300 Lines, Tape Issue 6). The evaluation of
the volume of the phase space of n particles.
K. Kajantie, V. Karimaki.
3(1972)136 AAUC GAT (Fortran, 4516 Lines, Tape Issue 8). A program for
the generation of artificial bubble chamber events.
J. Bettels, P. Dodd.
4(1972)117 AAUD PERIPHERAL PHASE SPACE INTEGRAL (Fortran, 1078 Lines, Tape
Issue 10). Recursive numerical integration of multi-
particle phase space with peripheral matrix element.
P. Pirila, E. Byckling.
5(1973)217 AAUE LIMS (Algol, 187 Lines, Tape Issue 10). Approximation
formula and ALGOL program of the Lorentz-invariant
momentum-space integral for particles of equal masses.
A. Jabs.
9(1975)297 AAUO GENRAP (Fortran, 300 Lines, Tape Issue 24). Rapidity
generator for Monte-Carlo calculations of cylindrical
phase space. S. Jadach.
13(1977)399 AAWB MCN (Fortran, 549 Lines, Tape Issue 31). Monte Carlo
integration program for the n-particle relativistic phase
space integral in invariant variables. R.A. Morrow.
24(1981)73 AAVF MULTJ (Fortran, 1923 Lines, Tape Issue 49). A Monte
Carlo program for QCD event simulation in electron-
positron annihilation at LEP energies. R. Odorico. Other
version: ACJJ (Section 11.2).
27(1982)243 AAVJ JETSET 4.3 G (Fortran, 1987 Lines, Tape Issue 52). The
Lund Monte Carlo for jet fragmentation. T. Sjostrand.
Other versions: AAVM (Section 11.2), AAFP (Section 11.2),
AATJ (Section 11.2).
28(1983)229 AAVM JETSET 4.3 E (Fortran, 1313 Lines, Tape Issue 54). The
Lund Monte Carlo for e+e- jet physics. T. Sjostrand.
Subroutine required: AAVJ (Section 11.2). Other versions:
AAVJ (Section 11.2), AAFP (Section 11.2), AATJ (Section
31(1984)323 ACCB PYTHIA (Fortran, 2038 Lines, Tape Issue 57). The Lund
Monte Carlo for high-pT physics. H.-U. Bengtsson.
Subroutine required: AAVJ (Section 11.2). Other versions:
ACDN (Section 11.2), AAXF (Section 11.2), ACTU (Section
31(1984)393 ACFQ BAMJET (Fortran, 959 Lines, Tape Issue 57). Monte Carlo
code BAMJET to simulate the fragmentation of quark and
diquark jets. S. Ritter. Subroutine required: ACFS
(Section 11.2).
31(1984)401 ACFR PARJET (Fortran, 1501 Lines, Tape Issue 57). Monte
Carlo code PARJET to simulate e+e--annihilation events
via QCD jets. S. Ritter. Subroutines required: ACFQ
(Section 11.2), ACFS (Section 11.2).
--- ACFS 000ACORRECTION 03/07/87 (Fortran, Tape Issue 66).
Unpublished correction to the Monte Carlo code DECAY to
simulate the decay of baryon and meson resonances.
K. Hanssgen, S. Ritter.
31(1984)411 ACFS DECAY (Fortran, 899 Lines, Tape Issue 57). The Monte
Carlo code DECAY to simulate the decay of baryon and
meson resonances. K. Hanssgen, S. Ritter.
32(1984)139 AAVR COJETS (Fortran, 5138 Lines, Tape Issue 58). COJETS: a
Monte Carlo program simulating QCD in hadronic production
of jets and heavy flavours with inclusion of initial QCD
bremsstrahlung. R. Odorico. Other versions: ABRM (Section
11.2), ACJJ (Section 11.2).
34(1985)427 AAVR 000A CORRECTION 21/11/84 (Fortran, Tape Issue 60).
COJETS: a Monte Carlo program simulating QCD in hadronic
production of jets and heavy flavours with inclusion of
initial QCD bremsstrahlung. (C.P.C. 32(1984)139).
R. Odorico.
32(1984)173 AAVS WIZJET (Fortran, 4964 Lines, Tape Issue 58). WIZJET: a
Monte Carlo program for hadronic production of W+- and Z0
simulating the standard model with inclusion of initial
QCD bremsstrahlung. R. Odorico.
34(1985)427 AAVS 000A CORRECTION 21/11/84 (Fortran, Tape Issue 60).
WIZJET: a Monte Carlo program for hadronic production of
W+- and Z0 simulating the standard model with inclusion
of initial QCD bremsstrahlung. (C.P.C. 32(1984)173).
R. Odorico.
34(1985)251 ACDN PYTHIA 3.4 (Fortran, 2900 Lines, Tape Issue 59).
Improved Lund Monte Carlo for high-pT physics.
H.-U. Bengtsson, G. Ingelman. Subroutine required: AAVJ
(Section 11.2). Other versions: ACCB (Section 11.2), AAXF
(Section 11.2), ACTU (Section 11.2).
34(1985)371 ACDM EPOS (Fortran, 3865 Lines, Tape Issue 60). A Monte
Carlo program for generating hadronic final states in
electron-positron annihilations. L. Angelini, L. Nitti,
M. Pellicoro, G. Preparata, G. Valenti.
36(1985)191 AABH KORAL-B (Fortran, 1364 Lines, Tape Issue 60). Monte
Carlo simulation of the process e+e- -> tau+tau-, tau+- ->
X+- including radiative O(alpha**3) QED corrections, mass
and spin effects. S. Jadach, Z. Was. Other versions:
ABZO (Section 11.2), ACVS (Section 11.2).
--- AADN 000ACORRECTION 05/05/87 (Fortran, Tape Issue 66).
Unpublished correction to the Monte Carlo code HADRIN to
simulate inelastic hadron-nucleon interactions at
laboratory energies below 5 GeV. K. Hanssgen, J. Ranft.
39(1986)37 AADN HADRIN (Fortran, 2560 Lines, Tape Issue 64). The Monte
Carlo code HADRIN to simulate inelastic hadron-nucleon
interactions at laboratory energies below 5 GeV.
K. Hanssgen, J. Ranft. Subroutine required: ACFS (Section
39(1986)53 AADO NUCRIN (Fortran, 1650 Lines, Tape Issue 62). The Monte
Carlo code NUCRIN to simulate inelastic hadron-nucleus
interactions at laboratory energies below 5 GeV.
K. Hanssgen, J. Ranft. Subroutines required: AADN (Section
11.2), ACFS (Section 11.2).
39(1986)71 AADP MACPAR (Fortran, 1683 Lines, Tape Issue 62). The
macroparticle code MACPAR to simulate the beam-beam
interaction of high energy linear electron-positron
colliders. S. Ritter.
39(1986)347 AAFP JETSET 6.2 (Fortran, 5936 Lines, Tape Issue 62). The
Lund Monte Carlo for jet fragmentation and e+e- physics -
JETSET version 6.2. T. Sjostrand. Other versions: AAVJ
(Section 11.2), AAVM (Section 11.2), AATJ (Section 11.2).
40(1986)271 AAFK RADCOR (Fortran, 1754 Lines, Tape Issue 62). Monte
Carlo simulation of two-photon processes. I. Radiative
corrections to multiperipheral e+e-mu+mu- production.
F.A. Berends, P.H. Daverveldt, R. Kleiss.
40(1986)285 AAFH DIAG36 (Fortran, 4332 Lines, Tape Issue 62). Monte
Carlo simulation of two-photon processes. II. Complete
lowest order calculations for four-lepton production
processes in electron-positron collisions.
F.A. Berends, P.H. Daverveldt, R. Kleiss.
40(1986)309 AAFJ DIAG12NST (Fortran, 3071 Lines, Tape Issue 62). Monte
Carlo simulation of two-photon processes. III. Complete
lowest order calculations for e+e- -> e+e-mu+mu- with
large angle tagging conditions. F.A. Berends,
P.H. Daverveldt, R. Kleiss.
40(1986)359 AAFU RAMBO (Fortran, 237 Lines, Tape Issue 63). A new Monte
Carlo treatment of multiparticle phase space at high
energies. R. Kleiss, W.J. Stirling, S.D. Ellis.
41(1986)127 AAFW BASES/SPRING (Fortran, 2893 Lines, Tape Issue 63). A new
Monte Carlo event generator for high energy physics.
S. Kawabata.
43(1987)367 AATJ JETSET 6.3 (Fortran, 6173 Lines, Tape Issue 64). The
Lund Monte Carlo for jet fragmentation and e+e- physics:
JETSET version 6.3 - an update. T. Sjostrand,
M. Bengtsson. Other versions: AAVJ (Section 11.2), AAVM
(Section 11.2), AAFP (Section 11.2), ACTU (Section 11.2).
43(1987)387 AATH FRITIOF VERSION 1.6 (Fortran, 1644 Lines, Tape Issue 64).
Interactions between hadrons and nuclei: the Lund Monte
Carlo - FRITIOF version 1.6. B. Nilsson-Almqvist,
E. Stenlund. Subroutine required: AAFP (Section 11.2).
Other version: ACHY (Section 11.2).
46(1987)43 AAXF PYTHIA 4.8 (Fortran, 6990 Lines, Tape Issue 65). The
Lund Monte Carlo for hadronic processes: PYTHIA version 4.
8. H.-U. Bengtsson, T. Sjostrand. Subroutine required:
AATJ (Section 11.2). Other versions: ACCB (Section 11.2),
ACDN (Section 11.2), ACTU (Section 11.2).
46(1987)217 AAXG TWISTER VERSION 1.2 (Fortran, 5023 Lines, Tape Issue 66).
TWISTER: a Monte Carlo for QCD high-p(transverse)
scattering. G. Ingelman. Subroutine required: AAFP
(Section 11.2) or AATJ (Section 11.2).
46(1987)241 AAXH LUCIFER VERSION 2.2 (Fortran, 3669 Lines, Tape Issue 66).
LUCIFER: a Monte Carlo for high-p(transverse)
photoproduction. G. Ingelman, A. Weigend. Subroutine
required: AAFP (Section 11.2) or AATJ (Section 11.2).
48(1988)391 ABBK JADJAD (Fortran, 1206 Lines, Tape Issue 68). JADJAD:
simulation of inelastic nucleus-nucleus interactions
below 5GeV. H.N. Agakishiev, V.G. Grishin, K. Hanssgen,
T. Kanarek, R.M. Mechtiev. Subroutines required: AADO
(Section 11.2), AADN (Section 11.2), ACFS (Section 11.2).
56(1989)165 ABLI GENEVE (Fortran, 1036 Lines, Tape Issue 75). The Monte
Carlo integration of cylindrical phase space with leading
particles. V. Vrba.
56(1990)351 ABLO YFS2.02 (Fortran, 2190 Lines, Tape Issue 76). YFS2: the
second order Monte Carlo for fermion pair production at
LEP/SLC with the initial state radiation of two hard and
multiple soft photons. S. Jadach, B.F.L. Ward.
59(1990)527 ABRM COJETS (Fortran, 40237 Lines, Manual 86 pages, Tape Issue
77). COJETS 5.12: A Monte Carlo simulation program for
antiproton-proton and proton-proton collisions.
R. Odorico. Other versions: AAVR (Section 11.2), ACJJ
(Section 11.2).
64(1991)267 ABZO KORALB, version: 2.1 (Fortran, 5612 Lines, Tape Issue 80).
KORALB version 2.1, An upgrade with TAUOLA library of tau
decays. S. Jadach, Z. Was. Other versions: AABH (Section
11.2), ACVS (Section 11.2).
64(1991)275 ABZP TAUOLA, version 1.5 (Fortran, 4022 Lines, Tape Issue 80).
TAUOLA: a library of Monte Carlo programs to simulate
decays of polarized tau leptons. S. Jadach, J.H. Kuhn,
Z. Was. Subroutine required: ABTK (Section 4.13). Other
versions: ACHG (Section 11.2), ACNS (Section 11.2).
66(1992)276 ACBK KORALZ, version: 3.8 (Fortran, 15797 Lines, Tape Issue 81).
The Monte Carlo program KORALZ, version 3.8, For the
lepton or quark pair production at LEP/SLC energies.
S. Jadach, B.F.L. Ward, Z. Was. Other version: ACTI
(Section 11.2).
67(1991)293 ACBR FIRST (Fortran, 5013 Lines, Tape Issue 81). A Monte
Carlo program for generating hadronic final states.
L. Angelini, M. Pellicoro, L. Nitti, G. Preparata,
G. Valenti.
67(1992)465 ACBY HERWIG (Fortran, 12534 Lines, Tape Issue 81). HERWIG 5.1,
a Monte Carlo event generator for simulating hadron
emission reactions with interfering gluons.
G. Marchesini, B.R. Webber, G. Abbiendi, I.G. Knowles,
M.H. Seymour, L. Stanco.
69(1992)155 ACGE HERACLES V 4.0 (Fortran, 11042 Lines, Tape Issue 82).
HERACLES, an event generator for ep interactions at HERA
energies including radiative processes. A. Kwiatkowski,
H. Spiesberger, H.-J. Mohring.
69(1992)459 ACGJ NUPHAZ (Fortran, 511 Lines, Tape Issue 82). Monte Carlo
phase space evaluation. M.M. Block.
70(1992)69 ACHG TAUOLA, version: 2.1 (Fortran, 1193 Lines, Tape Issue 83).
The tau decay library TAUOLA, update with exact O(alpha)
QED corrections in tau -> mu(e)nu nu(bar) decay modes.
(See also Comp. Phys. Commun. 64(1991)275). M. Jezabek,
Z. Was, S. Jadach, J.H. Kuhn. Subroutine required: ABZP
(Section 11.2). Other versions: ABZP (Section 11.2), ACNS
(Section 11.2).
70(1992)97 ACHC KRONOS (Fortran, 5311 Lines, Tape Issue 83). KRONOS: a
Monte Carlo event generator for higher order
electromagnetic radiative corrections to deep inelastic
scattering at HERA. H. Anlauf, H.D. Dahmen, P. Manakos,
T. Mannel, T. Ohl. Subroutine required: ACGU (Section
71(1992)173 ACHY FRITIOF version 7.0 (Fortran, 5291 Lines, Tape Issue 84).
An event generator for interactions between hadrons and
nuclei: FRITIOF version 7.0. H. Pi. Other version: AATH
(Section 11.2).
71(1992)305 ACJF PEPSI version 1.1 (Fortran, 2950 Lines, Tape Issue 84).
PEPSI: a Monte Carlo generator for polarized
leptoproduction. L. Mankiewicz, A. Schafer, M. Veltri.
Subroutine required: AATJ (Section 11.2).
72(1992)39 ACJI LIPAOL (Fortran, 1896 Lines, Tape Issue 84). LIPAOL: an
event generator for hadron interaction simulations.
L. Popova, P. Petrova. Non-profit use licence required.
72(1992)221 ACJZ LESKO-F version 2.2 (Fortran, 3933 Lines, Tape Issue 85).
The Monte Carlo program LESKO-F for deep inelastic e+-p ->
e+-X scattering at HERA including QED bremsstrahlung from
the lepton line. S. Jadach, W. Placzek.
72(1992)238 ACJJ COJETS 6.23 (Fortran, 19111 Lines, Tape Issue 85).
COJETS 6.23: A Monte Carlo simulation program for
antiproton-proton, proton-proton collisions and electron-
positron annihilation. R. Odorico. Other versions: AAVF
(Section 11.2), AAVR (Section 11.2), ABRM (Section 11.2).
75(1993)191 ACLR FERMISV (Fortran, 7557 Lines, Tape Issue 87). An
electroweak Monte Carlo for four fermion production.
J. Hilgart, R. Kleiss, F. Le Diberder.
76(1993)361 ACNS TAUOLA, version: 2.4 (Fortran, 7342 Lines, Tape Issue 88).
The tau decay library TAUOLA, version 2.4. S. Jadach,
Z. Was, R. Decker, J.H. Kuhn. Other versions: ABZP
(Section 11.2), ACHG (Section 11.2).
78(1993)190 ACPM ECCO 2.0 (Fortran, 1702 Lines, Tape Issue 90). A Monte
Carlo event generator for high energy hadron-hadron
collisions: ECCO 2.0. J. Pan.
79(1994)466 ACTC UNIBAB, Version 2.0 (Fortran, 6742 Lines, Tape Issue 90).
UNIBAB, version 2.0: Monte Carlo event generation for
large angle Bhabha scattering at LEP. H. Anlauf,
P. Manakos, T. Mannel, T. Ohl, H. Meinhard,
H.-D. Dahmen. Subroutine required: ACHB (Section 11.9).
79(1994)487 ACTH WOPPER, VERSION 1.0 (Fortran, 5809 Lines, Tape Issue 91).
WOPPER: a Monte Carlo event generator for W off-shell
pair production including higher order electromagnetic
radiative corrections. H. Anlauf, J. Biebel, A. Himmler,
P. Manakos, T. Mannel, W. Schonau, H.D. Dahmen.
79(1994)503 ACTI KORALZ, VERSION 4.0 (Fortran, 30859 Lines, Tape Issue 90).
The Monte Carlo program KORALZ, version 4.0, for lepton
or quark pair production at LEP/SLC energies. S. Jadach,
B.F.L. Ward, Z. Was. Other version: ACBK (Section 11.2).
79(1994)523 ACTE TWOGEN (Fortran, 1765 Lines, Tape Issue 91). TWOGEN: a
simple Monte Carlo generator for two-photon reactions.
A. Buijs, W.G.J. Langeveld, M.H. Lehto, D.J. Miller.
81(1994)221 ACTJ SCOT VERSION 1.0 (Fortran, 19650 Lines, Tape Issue 91).
SCOT, a Monte Carlo generator to study the Lorentz
structure of e+e- -> Z -> tau+tau-. U. Stiegler.
81(1994)381 ACTV DJANGO6 (Fortran, 30412 Lines, Tape Issue 92). Combined
QED and QCD radiative effects in deep inelastic lepton-
proton scattering: the Monte Carlo generator DJANGO6.
K. Charchula, G.A. Schuler, H. Spiesberger.
82(1994)74 ACTU PYTHIA 5.7 AND JETSET 7.4 (Fortran, 54023 Lines, Tape Issue
92). High-energy-physics event generation with PYTHIA 5.7
and JETSET 7.4. T. Sjostrand. Other versions: ACCB
(Section 11.2), AATJ (Section 11.2), AAXF (Section 11.2),
ADBF (Section 11.2).
83(1994)307 ACVR HIJING 1.0 (Fortran, 26312 Lines, Tape Issue 94). HIJING
1.0: a Monte Carlo program for parton and particle
production in high energy hadronic and nuclear collisions.
M. Gyulassy, X.-N. Wang.
85(1995)453 ACVS KORALB, version: 2.4 (Fortran, 12619 Lines, Tape Issue 95).
KORABL, an upgrade to version 2.4. S. Jadach, Z. Was.
Other versions: AABH (Section 11.2), ABZO (Section 11.2).
86(1995)147 ADAR RAPGAP version 1.0 (Fortran, 22454 Lines, Tape Issue 95).
Hard diffractive scattering in high energy ep collisions
and the Monte Carlo generator RAPGAP. H. Jung.
**87(1995)416 ADBF SPHINX - HEP MONTE CARLO (Fortran, 36452 Lines, Tape Issue
96). SPHINX: Monte Carlo program for polarised nucleon-
nucleon collisions. S. Gullenstern, P. Gornicki,
L. Mankiewicz, A. Schafer. Other version: ACTU (Section
**88(1995)309 ADBJ BASES/SPRING V5.1 (Fortran, 6012 Lines, Tape Issue 96).
A new version of the multi-dimensional integration and
event generation package BASES/SPRING. S. Kawabata. Other
version: AAFW (Section 11.2).
**90(1995)121 ADBS LUCIAE VERSION 2 (Fortran, 41944 Lines, Tape Issue 96).
An event generator for the Firecracker Model and the
rescattering in high energy pA and AA collisions LUCIAE
version 2.0. B.-H. Sa, A. Tai.
**90(1995)141 ADBU WWGENPV (Fortran, 2245 Lines, Tape Issue 96). WWGENPV: a
Monte Carlo event generator for four-fermion production
in e+e- -> W+W- ->4f. G. Montagna, O. Nicrosini,
F. Piccinini.
90(1995)369 ADBT HERBVI: a program for simulation of baryon and lepton
number violating processes. M.J. Gibbs, B.R. Webber.
Ref. in Comp. Phys. Commun.
11.3 Cascade and Shower Simulation
7(1974)327 AAUH FLUKA (Fortran, 1975 Lines, Tape Issue 18). Monte Carlo
programs for calculating three-dimensional high-energy (50
MeV-500GeV) hadron cascades in matter. J. Ranft,
J.T. Routti.
7(1974)327 AAUH 0001TRANKA FOR DEEP PENETRATION (Fortran, 1296 Lines, Tape
Issue 18). Monte Carlo programs for calculating three-
dimensional high-energy (50 MeV-500GeV) hadron cascades
in matter. J. Ranft, J.T. Routti.
7(1974)344 AAYF CASCADE (Fortran, 946 Lines, Tape Issue 18). A program
for the analytic simulation of extensive air showers.
L. Goorevich.
--- AAUV 000ACORRECTION 08/05/79 (Fortran, Tape Issue 42).
Unpublished correction to a set of subroutines for
simulation of electron-photon cascades. T. Stanev,
Ch. Vankov.
16(1979)363 AAUV EMCASR (Fortran, 730 Lines, Tape Issue 36). A set of
subroutines for simulation of electron-photon cascades.
T. Stanev, Ch. Vankov.
64(1991)109 ABZN GENAS V2.1 (Fortran, 11078 Lines, Tape Issue 79). A
subroutine package for the fast simulation of air showers
and response of surface detectors. K. Kasahara,
S. Torii.
11.4 Quantum Electrodynamics (see also Feynman Diagrams, Sec 4.4)
20(1980)337 ABPJ VIRT SPEC (Fortran, 1280 Lines, Tape Issue 43).
Calculation of the virtual photon spectrum in distorted
wave analysis. L.E. Wright, C.W. Soto Vargas.
29(1983)185 ACEJ MUSTRAAL (Fortran, 944 Lines, Tape Issue 55). Monte
Carlo simulation of radiative corrections to the
processes e+e- -> mu+mu- and e+e- -> q(bar)q in the Z0
region. F.A. Berends, R. Kleiss, S. Jadach.
39(1986)127 AADQ ZORAD (Fortran, 243 Lines, Tape Issue 62). Programs to
calculate multiple QED radiation in leptonic decays of
the Z0 and W+- weak bosons. S. Laporta, R. Odorico.
39(1986)127 AADR WRAD (Fortran, 257 Lines, Tape Issue 62). Programs to
calculate multiple QED radiation in leptonic decays of
the Z0 and W+- weak bosons. S. Laporta, R. Odorico.
43(1987)279 AATD GRAND (Pascal, Fortran, 6664 Lines, Tape Issue 64).
Automatic generation of Feynman graphs and amplitudes in
QED. T. Kaneko, S. Kawabata, Y. Shimizu.
55(1989)337 ABLC RABHAT (Fortran, 6281 Lines, Tape Issue 75). Radiative
Bhabha scattering in special configurations with missing
final e+ and/or e-. K. Tobimatsu, Y. Shimizu.
56(1990)385 ABLN SPINORP (Pascal, 3441 Lines, Tape Issue 76).
Calculation of QED graphs with spinor technique.
H. Perlt, J. Ranft, J. Heinrich.
58(1990)153 ABLT CHANEL (Fortran, 1395 Lines, Tape Issue 76). Numerical
calculation of helicity amplitudes for processes
involving massive fermions. H. Tanaka. Other version:
ABTT (Section 11.4).
59(1990)303 ABRL DIZET (Fortran, 2824 Lines, Tape Issue 78). DIZET:
electroweak one loop corrections for e+ + e- -> f+ + f-
around the Z0 peak. D.Yu. Bardin, M.S. Bilenky,
T. Riemann, M. Sachwitz, H. Vogt, P.Ch. Christova.
64(1991)149 ABTT CHANEL VERSION 2 (Fortran, 3228 Lines, Tape Issue 79).
Numerical calculation of Feynman amplitudes for
electroweak theories and an application to e+ e- -> W+W-
gamma. H. Tanaka, T. Kaneko, Y. Shimizu. Other version:
ABLT (Section 11.4).
66(1991)115 ABZI PHOTOS version 1.3 (Fortran, 4011 Lines, Tape Issue 80).
PHOTOS: a universal Monte Carlo for QED radiative
corrections in decays. E. Barberio, B. van Eijk, Z. Was.
Other version: ACTA (Section 11.4).
70(1992)305 ACHI BHLUMI version 2.01 (Fortran, 6655 Lines, Tape Issue 83).
Monte Carlo program BHLUMI 2.01 For Bhabha scattering at
low angles with Yennie-Frautschi-Suura exponentiation.
S. Jadach, E. Richter-Was, B.F.L. Ward, Z. Was.
78(1993)155 ACPP PHIPHI (Fortran, 3590 Lines, Tape Issue 90). PHIPHI: a
program for computing radiative Bhabha scattering cross
sections at DAPhiNE. G. Montagna, F. Piccinini,
O. Nicrosini.
79(1994)351 ACPP 000ACORRECTION 26/01/94 (Fortran, Tape Issue 90).
PHIPHI: a program for computing radiative Bhabha
scattering cross sections at DAPhiNE. (C.P.C.
78(1993)155). G. Montagna, F. Piccinini, O. Nicrosini.
79(1994)291 ACTA PHOTOS, version: 2.0 (Fortran, 3736 Lines, Tape Issue 90).
PHOTOS: a universal Monte Carlo for QED radiative
corrections: version 2.0. E. Barberio, Z. Was. Other
version: ABZI (Section 11.4).
79(1994)487 ACTH WOPPER, VERSION 1.0 (Fortran, 5809 Lines, Tape Issue 91).
WOPPER: a Monte Carlo event generator for W off-shell
pair production including higher order electromagnetic
radiative corrections. H. Anlauf, J. Biebel, A. Himmler,
P. Manakos, T. Mannel, W. Schonau, H.D. Dahmen.
81(1994)372 ACTW BBBREM (Fortran, 386 Lines, Tape Issue 92). BBBREM,
Monte Carlo simulation of radiative Bhabha scattering in
the very forward direction. R. Kleiss, H. Burkhardt.
85(1995)153 ACVW ONELOOP.MA (Maple, 1929 Lines, Tape Issue 94). A new
method for computing one-loop integrals. L. Brucher,
J. Franzkowski, D. Kreimer.
85(1995)437 ADAJ EXCALIBUR (Fortran, 3784 Lines, Tape Issue 95).
EXCALIBUR, a Monte Carlo program to evaluate all four
fermion processes at LEP 200 and beyond. F.A. Berends,
R. Pittau, R. Kleiss.
90(1995)301 ADCG SABSPV: a Monte Carlo integrator for small-angle Bhabha
scattering. M. Cacciari, G. Montagna, O. Nicrosini.
Ref. in Comp. Phys. Commun.
11.5 Quantum Chromodynamics, Lattice Gauge Theory
22(1981)433 ABEA U1LATTICE (Fortran, 430 Lines, Tape Issue 47). Monte
Carlo simulation of U(1) lattice gauge theory.
R.C. Edgar, L. McCrossen, K.J.M. Moriarty.
24(1981)127 AAQY SU2LGT (Fortran, 724 Lines, Tape Issue 49). Monte Carlo
simulation of SU(2) lattice gauge theory.
R.W.B. Ardill, K.J.M. Moriarty.
25(1982)57 AARH LATTICE (Fortran, 694 Lines, Tape Issue 50).
Vectorizing the Monte Carlo algorithm for lattice gauge
theory calculations on the CDC CYBER 205. D. Barkai,
K.J.M. Moriarty.
25(1982)253 AAVH HEVOL (Fortran, 2005 Lines, Tape Issue 50). HEVOL: a
Monte Carlo program to calculate the evolution of
structure functions with the inclusion of heavy quark
effects. R. Odorico.
25(1982)275 AAVI LATGAUGEMC (Fortran, 393 Lines, Tape Issue 50). A fast
algorithm for Monte Carlo simulations of 4-d lattice
gauge theories with finite groups. G. Bhanot,
C.B. Lang, C. Rebbi.
27(1982)39 AAVG MULTIQUARK (SCHOONSCHIP, 1043 Lines, Tape Issue 52).
Multiquark calculations with SCHOONSCHIP. J. Wroldsen.
27(1982)403 AAVK HEVOL2 (Fortran, 2823 Lines, Tape Issue 53). HEVOL2: a
Monte Carlo program to calculate the evolution of
structure functions with the inclusion of next to leading
order effects. A. Sansoni.
29(1983)97 AAOT SUUNFA (Fortran, 852 Lines, Tape Issue 54). Monte Carlo
simulation of pure U(N) and SU(N) lattice gauge theories
with fundamental and adjoint couplings. R.W.B. Ardill,
K.J.M. Moriarty, M. Creutz.
29(1983)155 ACEK LATTICE (Fortran, 635 Lines, Tape Issue 55). Efficient
implementation of the Monte Carlo method for lattice
gauge theory calculations on the Floating Point Systems
FPS-164. K.J.M. Moriarty, J.E. Blackshaw.
30(1983)249 ACFG LATTICE (Fortran, 802 Lines, Tape Issue 56). Monte
Carlo simulation of pure U(N) and SU(N) gauge theories on
a simplicial lattice. J.-M. Drouffe, K.J.M. Moriarty,
C.N. Mouhas.
30(1983)421 ACFJ LATT (Fortran, 1301 Lines, Tape Issue 57). Wilson loops,
string tension and correlations in Monte Carlo simulation
of compact U(1) lattice gauge theory. M.J. Cole,
K.J.M. Moriarty, P.E. Stolorz.
34(1985)415 AABF BCH (Fortran, 952 Lines, Tape Issue 60). Monte Carlo
simulation of pure SU(2) gauge theory on a body-centered
hypercubic lattice. W. Celmaster, K.J.M. Moriarty.
36(1985)351 AABT SU3 (Fortran, 1968 Lines, Tape Issue 61). Efficient
multitasking of the SU(3) lattice gauge theory algorithm
on the CRAY X-MP. D.W. Kuba, K.J.M. Moriarty. Other
version: ACNO (Section 11.5).
36(1985)409 AABW LINE, BESSEL AND TRANSLATE (Fortran, 891 Lines, Tape Issue
61). A vectorized Monte Carlo algorithm for computing
Wilson line observables in SU(2) gauge theory on a BCH
lattice. W. Celmaster, F. Green, R. Gupta, E. Kovacs.
36(1985)417 AABZ SKY2, SKY3, SKY4 (Fortran, 985 Lines, Tape Issue 61).
Monte Carlo simulation of lattice Skyrme model. R. Saly.
42(1986)175 AALH SPINSU3 (Fortran, 4550 Lines, Tape Issue 63). A
vectorized code for the Monte Carlo computation of spin-
dependent static potentials in QCD. M. Campostrini,
K.J.M. Moriarty, C. Rebbi.
46(1987)217 AAXG TWISTER VERSION 1.2 (Fortran, 5023 Lines, Tape Issue 66).
TWISTER: a Monte Carlo for QCD high-p(transverse)
scattering. G. Ingelman. Subroutine required: AAFP
(Section 11.2) or AATJ (Section 11.2).
50(1988)395 ABDH PSEUDOF (Fortran, 2897 Lines, Tape Issue 69). A
vectorized code for the pseudofermion simulation of QCD
with dynamical quarks. M. Campostrini,
K.J.M. Moriarty, J. Potvin, C. Rebbi.
51(1988)331 ABDJ U3MAIN (Fortran, 1106 Lines, Tape Issue 70). A fast
CYBER 205 - ETA-10 program for SU(3) lattice gauge theory.
C. Vohwinkel, B.A. Berg, A. Devoto.
54(1989)109 ABHQ QUBIC (Fortran, 1232 Lines, Tape Issue 72). A vectorized
code for the computation of the topological charge in
SU(2) lattice gauge theory. A.S. Kronfeld,
M.L. Laursen, G. Schierholz, C. Schleiermacher,
U.-J. Wiese.
54(1989)273 ABJD VX (Fortran, 11325 Lines, Tape Issue 74). A vector code
for the numerical simulation of cosmic strings and flux
vortices in superconductors on the ETA-10.
K.J.M. Moriarty, E. Myers, C. Rebbi.
56(1989)181 ABLH FIVE PARTON CROSS SECTION (Reduce, Fortran, 2656 Lines,
Tape Issue 75). Cross section for five-parton
production in e+e- annihilation. N.K. Falck,
D. Graudenz, G. Kramer.
58(1990)89 ABLW SUSYCAL (Pascal, 3463 Lines, Tape Issue 77). SUSYCAL:
symbolic computations in supersymmetric theories.
T. Kreuzberger, W. Kummer, M. Schweda.
58(1990)105 ABLV STRING (C, 9846 Lines, Tape Issue 76). Computational
aspects of simulating dynamically triangulated random
surfaces. C.F. Baillie, D.A. Johnston, R.D. Williams.
58(1990)199 ABLQ STRONG_SU2 (Fortran, 4440 Lines, Tape Issue 76).
Generation and analysis of high order strong coupling
series for SU(2) lattice gauge theory. C. Ayala,
M. Baig.
58(1990)293 ABRC QCDPI (Fortran, 1281 Lines, Tape Issue 77). QCD
corrections to vector boson self-energies in the standard
model. B.A. Kniehl.
64(1991)67 ABZA NLLjet (Fortran, 8572 Lines, Tape Issue 79). NLLjet: a
Monte-Carlo code for e+e- QCD jets including next-to-
leading order terms. K. Kato, T. Munehisa.
66(1991)363 ACBE SUPERCALC (Reduce, 3918 Lines, Tape Issue 81).
SUPERCALC: a REDUCE package for commutator calculations.
W.M. Seiler.
69(1992)373 ACGR LAG1 (Fortran, 1149 Lines, Tape Issue 82). A Fortran
program for numerical solution of Altarelli-Parisi
equations by the Laguerre method. S. Kumano,
J.T. Londergan.
70(1992)59 ACGZ STRTEN (Fortran, 1647 Lines, Tape Issue 83). Measuring
the string tension in random surface models with
extrinsic curvature. A. Irback, J. Jurkiewicz,
S. Varsted.
70(1992)401 ACHH MUNU (Fortran, 2582 Lines, Tape Issue 83). The
mu(x,beta,alpha) function and its role in the analysis of
the QCD-SVZ sum rules. C. Ayala.
72(1992)175 ACJK Z0POLE (Fortran, 3745 Lines, Tape Issue 85). Z0POLE: a
program to calculate the electroweak and QCD radiative
corrections to e+e- -> ffbar near the Z0 resonance.
B.A. Kniehl, R.G. Stuart.
76(1993)87 ACNO SU3 (Fortran, 2062 Lines, Tape Issue 88). An efficiently
microtasked CRAY Y-MP C90 version of the Kuba-Moriarty
SU(3) gauge theory simulation program.
K.J.M. Moriarty, S. Sanielevici, T. Trappenberg,
D.W. Kuba. Other version: AABT (Section 11.5).
76(1993)328 ACNT TOPAZ0 (Fortran, 11898 Lines, Tape Issue 88). TOPAZ0: a
program for computing observables and for fitting cross
sections and forward-backward asymmetries around the Z0
peak. G. Montagna, F. Piccinini, O. Nicrosini,
G. Passarino, R. Pittau.
81(1994)357 ACTX MadGraph (Fortran, 17135 Lines, Tape Issue 92).
Automatic generation of tree level helicity amplitudes.
T. Stelzer, W.F. Long.
85(1995)82 ACVY SU3Clebsch (Pascal, 8245 Lines, Tape Issue 94). Pascal
program for generating tables of SU(3) Clebsch-Gordan
coefficients. T.A. Kaeding. Non-profit use licence
86(1995)264 ADAV LAG2NS (Fortran, 1152 Lines, Tape Issue 95). Fortran
program for a numerical solution of the nonsinglet
Altarelli-Parisi equation. R. Kobayashi, M. Konuma,
S. Kumano.
11.6 Phenomenological and Empirical Models and Theories
5(1973)153 ABCE EFFECTIVE REGGE TRAJECTORIES (Fortran, 1381 Lines, Tape
Issue 12). Computation of effective Regge trajectories
for high energy two-body reactions. D.J. Harrison,
A.C. Irving, A.D. Martin.
5(1973)349 AAUF EPWAAM (Fortran, 2583 Lines, Tape Issue 13). An
efficient partial-wave analyser for the absorption model.
P.A. Collins, B.J. Hartley, R.W. Moore,
K.J.M. Moriarty.
9(1975)182 ABCK DEM (Fortran, 689 Lines, Tape Issue 23). Monte Carlo
simulation of the diffractive excitation model.
J. Kasman.
12(1976)277 AAUR ONCPLT (Fortran, 4020 Lines, Tape Issue 29). A program
for calculating the observables for single-particle-
inclusive production reactions. K.J.M. Moriarty,
J.H. Tabor. Subroutine required: AAUN (Section 14).
18(1979)155 AAUR 0001 BACKWARD INCLUSIVE PROTONS (Fortran, 401 Lines, Tape
Issue 39). Program adaptation: to calculate inclusive
backward proton production cross sections.
K.J.M. Moriarty, H.N. Thompson. Subroutines required:
AAUN (Section 14), AAUN0001 (Section 14).
23(1981)411 AAVE SPALL (Fortran, 1247 Lines, Tape Issue 49). Fortran
program SPALL for computing spallation reaction cross
sections. J.T. Routti, J.V. Sandberg.
30(1983)411 AAVQ SOLITON (Fortran, 543 Lines, Tape Issue 57). Soliton bag
model. R. Saly.
32(1984)281 ACCG REGGEON (Fortran, 479 Lines, Tape Issue 58).
Calculation of hadron elastic scattering amplitude from
higher order Reggeon field theory. M. Baig, C. Bourrely.
36(1985)417 AABZ SKY2, SKY3, SKY4 (Fortran, 985 Lines, Tape Issue 61).
Monte Carlo simulation of lattice Skyrme model. R. Saly.
42(1986)105 AALD BAG (Fortran, 1390 Lines, Tape Issue 64). Soliton bag
model. R. Horn, R. Goldflam, L. Wilets.
48(1988)407 ABBP ROMPIN (Fortran, 11309 Lines, Tape Issue 69). ROMPIN: a
relativistic optical model program for pion-nucleus
scattering. D.R. Giebink, D.J. Ernst.
69(1992)360 ACGU PAKPDF 1.1 (Fortran, 15366 Lines, Tape Issue 82). The
package PAKPDF 1.1 of parametrizations of parton
distribution functions in the proton. K. Charchula.
75(1993)396 ACLI PDFLIB, version 3.10 (Fortran, 75001 Lines, Tape Issue 87).
PDFLIB: a library of all available parton density
functions of the nucleon, the pion and the photon and the
corresponding alpha s calculations. H. Plothow-Besch.
78(1993)141 ACPD vxmkgo2D (Fortran, 3762 Lines, Tape Issue 90). A
parallel code for the numerical simulation of flux tubes
in superconductors and cosmic strings. R. Strilka.
78(1993)141 ACPE vxmkgo3D (Fortran, 3210 Lines, Tape Issue 90). A
parallel code for the numerical simulation of flux tubes
in superconductors and cosmic strings. R. Strilka.
82(1994)30 ACVA chisol (Fortran, 1078 Lines, Tape Issue 92). Self-
consistent solution to a fermion determinant with space
dependent fields. R. Alkofer, H. Weigel.
82(1994)42 ACVB vecscal (Fortran, 2091 Lines, Tape Issue 92). Self-
consistent solution to a complex fermion determinant with
space dependent fields. U. Zuckert, R. Alkofer,
H. Weigel.
82(1994)57 ACVC bpwave (Fortran, 2233 Lines, Tape Issue 92). The Bethe-
Salpeter equation for mesons as quark-anti-quark bound
states in a soliton background. H. Weigel, R. Alkofer.
Subroutine required: ACVA (Section 11.6).
83(1994)107 ACVK DTUJET (Fortran, 53700 Lines, Tape Issue 93). DTUJET-93,
sampling inelastic proton-proton and antiproton-proton
collisions according to the two-component Dual Parton
Model. P. Aurenche, F.W. Bopp, R. Engel, D. Pertermann,
J. Ranft, S. Roesler.
**88(1995)89 ADBG SMATASY version 2.2 (Fortran, 1220 Lines, Tape Issue 96).
SMATASY: a program for the model independent description
of the Z resonance. S. Kirsch, T. Riemann.
92(1995)65 ADCF PROJET: VERSION 4.1. jet cross sections in deeply inelastic
electron proton scattering version 4.1. D. Graudenz.
Ref. in Comp. Phys. Commun.
92(1995)90 ADBX DILL: an algorithm and a symbolic software package for
doing classical supersymmetry calculations. V. Lucic.
Ref. in Comp. Phys. Commun.
11.7 Detector Design and Simulation
50(1988)313 ABDK EBEGA (Fortran, 1513 Lines, Tape Issue 69). EBEGA: the
counting efficiency of a beta-gamma emitter in liquid
scintillators. E. Garcia-Torano, A. Grau Malonda,
J.M. Los Arcos.
51(1988)431 ABDI TRD_SIM (Fortran, 3555 Lines, Tape Issue 71). A Monte
Carlo program to design a transition radiation detector.
M. Castellano, C. Favuzzi, N. Giglietto, E. Nappi,
P. Spinelli.
61(1990)395 ABTD TRD_MULTI_SIM (Fortran, 3051 Lines, Tape Issue 79). A
Monte Carlo program to design a multiple module
transition radiation detector. M. Castellano,
G. De Cataldo, N. Giglietto, E. Nappi, P. Spinelli.
74(1993)375 ACLS SAIDINTF (Fortran, 4985 Lines, Tape Issue 86). A GEANT
extension for polarized neutron-proton scattering.
H.W. den Bok, Z. Papandreou, Th.S. Bauer, E. Voutier,
M.E. Brandan.
78(1994)287 ACPN FLION (Fortran, 634 Lines, Tape Issue 90). Monte Carlo
simulation of fluctuations of the ionization losses of
heavy charged particles. A.D. Bukin, N.A. Grozina.
83(1994)30 ACVH CSSM (C, 10335 Lines, Tape Issue 93). Monte Carlo
simulation for Compton suppression spectrometer.
R.H. Tsou, S.C. Lin, L.L. Kiang.
11.8 Detector Control and Data Acquisition
55(1989)103 ABJI MENU-EMU, VERSION LUND/10/88 (Pascal, 4778 Lines, Manual 37
pages, Tape Issue 74). Measurement and three
dimensional reconstruction of particle tracks in emulsion
chambers. S. Persson.
11.9 Event Reconstruction and Data Analysis
(except data bases)
22(1981)419 ABVW EXCAMP (Fortran, 3980 Lines, Tape Issue 47). A program
for fitting and plotting amplitudes, polarization and
differential cross section data for two-body reactions.
R.W.B. Ardill, K.J.M. Moriarty, P. Koehler. Subroutines
required: ACWH (Section 4.9), AAUN (Section 14), AAUN0001
(Section 14).
34(1984)135 ACCS JETS (Fortran, 35218 Lines, Tape Issue 59). JETS: a
program for jet analysis of high-energy collision events.
M. Galli.
54(1989)381 ABHS KNN (Fortran, 487 Lines, Tape Issue 74). Statistical
decisions under nonparametric a priori information.
A.A. Chilingarian.
55(1989)233 ABFU VERT VER. 3.1, EMUFIT VER. 4.1 (Fortran, 7444 Lines, Tape
Issue 74). A track reconstruction program (TRP) for
evaluation of nucleus-nucleus collisions in nuclear track
emulsion chambers. E. Ganssauge, B. Dressel, S. Hackel,
H. Kallies, E. Koch, Ch. Muller, J.T. Rhee, W. Schulz,
K. Standecke.
64(1991)98 ABZJ ANAAS v1.6 (Fortran, 6189 Lines, Tape Issue 79). Tools
for the analysis of air shower data. K. Kasahara.
66(1991)293 ACBJ PRIP_ENHANCE (C, Fortran, 3219 Lines, Tape Issue 81). A
multiresolution noise removal algorithm for visual
pattern recognition in imaging detectors. M. Castellano,
E. Nappi, F. Posa, G. Tomasicchio.
69(1992)133 ACBZ CIRCLEFIT (Fortran, 586 Lines, Tape Issue 82). Fast code
to fit circular arcs. V. Karimaki.
70(1992)120 ACHB HEPAWK (Fortran, 5196 Lines, Tape Issue 83). hepawk: a
language for scanning high energy physics events.
T. Ohl.
70(1992)167 ACGV JETNET 2.0 (Fortran, 3349 Lines, Tape Issue 83).
Pattern recognition in high energy physics with artifical
neural networks: JETNET 2.0. L. Lonnblad, C. Peterson,
T. Rognvaldsson. Other version: ACTP (Section 11.9).
81(1994)185 ACTP JETNET VERSION 3.0 (Fortran, 5755 Lines, Tape Issue 91).
JETNET 3.0: A versatile artificial neural network package.
C. Peterson, T. Rognvaldsson, L. Lonnblad. Other version:
ACGV (Section 11.9).
11.10 Accelerators and Particle Beams
51(1988)463 ABBW TAYLOR-CHIRIKOV MAP PACKAGE (Fortran, 1260 Lines, Tape
Issue 71). Taylor-Chirikov map package: a package of
programs for the calculation of ordered periodic orbits
of area preserving twist maps. Q. Chen, B.D. Mestel.
69(1992)477 ACGK POP (Fortran, 2868 Lines, Tape Issue 82). POP: an
interactive charged particle transport system design tool.
T.P. Morrison.
86(1995)199 ADAO ARES (Fortran, 1068 Lines, Tape Issue 95). A program to
compute Birkhoff normal forms of symplectic maps in R**4.
A. Bazzani, M. Giovannozzi, E. Todesco.
11.11 Data Structures and Data Base Systems
No programs classified under this heading yet.
12. Gases and Fluids
2(1971)47 ACQN TRANSPORT COLLISION INTEGRALS (Fortran, 1750 Lines, Tape
Issue 4). Transport collision integrals for a dilute gas.
H. O'Hara, F.J. Smith.
2(1971)173 ACQN 000A CORRECTION 10/03/71 (Fortran). Transport collision
integrals for a dilute gas. (C.P.C. 2(1971)47).
H. O'Hara, F.J. Smith.
3(1972)269 ACQN 0001ACQN ADAPTED FOR IBM 360/75 (Fortran, 412 Lines, Tape
Issue 10). Program ACQN to calculate transport collision
integrals adapted to run on IBM computers.
P.D. Neufeld, R.A. Aziz.
19(1980)271 ACQN A00ACORRECTION TO 0001 31/01/80 (Fortran, Tape Issue 42).
Program ACQN to calculate transport collision integrals
adapted to run on IBM computers. (C.P.C. 3(1972)269).
P.D. Neufeld, R.A. Aziz.
34(1984)219 ACQN 0002 ACQN FOR MINICOMPUTERS (Fortran, 298 Lines, Tape Issue
58). Adaptation of the ACQN program to calculate
transport collision integrals on minicomputers.
G. Hegyi, L. Barbu, L. Jakab.
3(1972)1 ABSA SOUND ABSORPTION (Fortran, 320 Lines, Tape Issue 8). A
program for the extraction of bulk viscosities from sound
absorption data. H. Moraal.
5(1973)64 ACSA EOSEXP (Fortran, 424 Lines, Tape Issue 12). An expansion
equation of state subroutine. K. Morgan.
19(1980)395 ACSA 000A CORRECTION 21/09/79 (Fortran, Tape Issue 42). An
expansion equation of state subroutine. (C.P.C.
5(1973)64). K. Morgan.
5(1973)239 ACRH ELECTRON ENERGY LOSS (Fortran, 2223 Lines, Tape Issue 12).
Electron energy deposition in a gaseous mixture.
L.R. Peterson, T. Sawada, J.N. Bass, A.E.S. Green.
18(1979)123 ACZO GAS MIXTURE TRANSPORT PROPERTIES (Fortran, 1148 Lines, Tape
Issue 39). Transport properties of dilute gas mixtures.
R.M. Thomson.
19(1980)377 ABVC NOMAD (Fortran, 1438 Lines, Tape Issue 43). Numerical
solutions of the Boltzmann transport equation.
S.D. Rockwood, A.E. Greene.
31(1984)13 ACFK BOREAS (Fortran, 6618 Lines, Tape Issue 57). BOREAS: a
program for 1-D ideal fluid dynamics with shocks.
D. Odstrcil. Subroutines required: ABUF (Section 4.14) or
ABUJ (Section 4.14) or ABUK (Section 4.14), ABUH (Section
4.14), ABUI (Section 4.14).
34(1985)303 ACDJ FORMINT (PL/1-FORMAC, 342 Lines, Tape Issue 60).
FORMINT: a program for the classification of integrable
nonlinear evolution equations. V.P. Gerdt,
A.B. Shvachka, A.Yu. Zharkov.
39(1986)133 AADS DUMBELL (Fortran, 983 Lines, Tape Issue 61). DUMBELL: a
program to calculate the structure and thermodynamics of
a classical fluid of hard, homonuclear diatomic molecules.
F. Lado.
40(1986)327 AAFO DECOMP (Fortran, 219 Lines, Tape Issue 62). DECOMP:
computational package for nitrogen transport modelling in
tissues. B.R. Wienke.
43(1987)257 AATC TDPOIS (Fortran, 931 Lines, Tape Issue 64). TDPOIS, a
vector-processor routine for the solution of the three-
dimensional Poisson and biharmonic equations in a
rectangular prism. G.A. Houseman.
51(1988)349 ABFQ GABI (Basic, 692 Lines, Tape Issue 70). Thermally
induced refractive index gradients in a dye-laser cell.
Z. Burshtein, D. Levron, G. Bialolenker.
55(1989)177 ABJS KINPACK (Fortran, 1549 Lines, Tape Issue 75). Computer
programs for the Boltzmann collision matrix elements.
P. Das.
60(1990)75 ABRX 2D-FROTH (Fortran, 8186 Lines, Tape Issue 78). 2D-FROTH,
a program for the investigation of 2-dimensional froths.
J.P. Kermode, D. Weaire.
13. Geophysics
3(1972)31 AAEA SHELL (Fortran, 432 Lines, Tape Issue 9). Direct
computation of the magnetic shell parameter. G. Kluge.
3(1972)36 AAEB INTEL (Fortran, 518 Lines, Tape Issue 9). Numerical fits
for the geomagnetic shell parameter. G. Kluge,
K.G. Lenhart. Subroutine required: AAEA (Section 13).
4(1972)347 AAEC MAGNES (Fortran, 218 Lines, Tape Issue 11). Geomagnetic
field models: scalar and vector potential, induction
vector and its gradient tensor computed by a common
algorithm. G. Kluge.
10(1976)421 ACSG H-PARALLEL FEMT-2D (Fortran, 4199 Lines, Tape Issue 26).
A finite element program package for magnetotelluric
modelling. E. Kisak, P. Silvester. Subroutine required:
ACSJ (Section 13).
10(1976)421 ACSH E-PARALLEL FEMT-2D (Fortran, 6357 Lines, Tape Issue 26).
A finite element program package for magnetotelluric
modelling. E. Kisak, P. Silvester. Subroutine required:
ACSJ (Section 13).
10(1976)421 ACSJ ZFORMATS (Fortran, 585 Lines, Tape Issue 26). A finite
element program package for magnetotelluric modelling.
E. Kisak, P. Silvester.
16(1979)267 ACYX ELSGAU (Fortran, 354 Lines, Tape Issue 36). Numerical
evaluation of geomagnetic dynamo integrals (Elsasser and
Adams-Gaunt integrals). W. Moon.
22(1981)97 ACYX 0001 ADDITION OF FUNCTION DJSQ (Fortran, 271 Lines, Tape
Issue 46). J-square. W. Moon.
19(1980)63 ACZT HYDELP (Fortran, 557 Lines, Tape Issue 40). Algorithm
for the first order hydrostatic ellipticity of a planet.
W. Moon.
32(1984)185 ACCA TAUP (Fortran, 3309 Lines, Tape Issue 57). Algorithm for
the creation of the P-Tau and P-X planes from T-X plane
data. A. Carswell, W. Moon.
38(1985)421 AADH CENTER (Fortran, 5658 Lines, Tape Issue 61). CENTER: a
software package for center estimation. S.B. Hooker,
J.W. Brown. Subroutine required: AADI (Section 4.14).
40(1986)389 AAFV MAXENTWDF (Fortran, 3660 Lines, Tape Issue 63).
MAXENTWDF: a computer program for the maximum entropy
estimation of a wave distribution function. C. Delannoy,
F. Lefeuvre.
52(1989)337 ABHH DMO (Fortran, 4175 Lines, Tape Issue 72). Dip moveout by
Fourier transform. M.H. Serzu, W.M. Moon.
14. Graphics
2(1971)55 ABOI PLOTT (Fortran, 446 Lines, Tape Issue 5). Printer-
plotter routine. C.F. Moore. Other version: ABOO (Section
2(1971)470 ABOO PLOTT NEW VERSION (Fortran, 509 Lines, Tape Issue 8). A
new version of a printer-plotter routine. C.F. Moore.
Other version: ABOI (Section 14).
9(1975)85 AAUN APLOT (Fortran, 1261 Lines, Tape Issue 23). A plotting
package for visual comparison of points and curves.
J. Anderson, K.J.M. Moriarty, R.C. Beckwith.
15(1978)437 AAUN 0001POLAR PLOT AND IMPROVEMENTS (Fortran, 1102 Lines, Tape
Issue 35). A plotting package for visually comparing
theoretical and experimental results. J. Anderson,
R.C. Beckwith, K.J.M. Moriarty, J.H. Tabor.
19(1980)272 AAUN A00ACORRECTION TO 0001 04/02/80 (Fortran, Tape Issue 42).
A plotting package for visually comparing theoretical and
experimental results. (C.P.C. 15(1978)437).
J. Anderson, R.C. Beckwith, K.J.M. Moriarty, J.H. Tabor.
30(1983)219 AAUN A00BCORRECTION TO 0001 28/06/83 (Fortran, Tape Issue 55).
A plotting package for visually comparing theoretical and
experimental results. (C.P.C. 15(1978)437).
J. Anderson, R.C. Beckwith, K.J.M. Moriarty, J.H. Tabor.
21(1980)185 ABVL TDPLOT3 (Fortran, 2814 Lines, Tape Issue 44). A program
for perspective views of three-dimensional surfaces.
E.A. Olszewski, W.J. Thompson.
23(1981)221 ABVL 000A CORRECTION 07/04/81 (Fortran, Tape Issue 46). A
program for perspective views of three-dimensional
surfaces. (C.P.C. 21(1980)185). E.A. Olszewski,
W.J. Thompson.
24(1981)63 AAQG PHOTO SIMULATION (Fortran, 397 Lines, Tape Issue 49).
Simulation of photographic images on a plotter.
B.V. Robouch, A. Sestero, S. Podda.
25(1982)63 AARG FERMI-SURFACE (Fortran, 2096 Lines, Tape Issue 50).
FERMI-SURFACE: a package to display perspective drawings
of Fermi surfaces in cubic systems. P.C. Pattnaik,
P.H. Dickinson, J.L. Fry.
27(1982)187 AARO RAMFLA (Fortran, 3416 Lines, Tape Issue 52). Program for
B-spline interpolation of surfaces with application to
computer tomography. J.M.F. Chamayou.
30(1983)259 ACFB TDPLOT3 (Fortran, 5493 Lines, Tape Issue 56). A program
for perspective views of open surfaces. E.A. Olszewski.
32(1984)245 AAVO KUBIK (Fortran, 5692 Lines, Tape Issue 58). Automatic
three-dimensional finite element mesh generation using
the program KUBIK. See also Comp. Phys. Commun.
32(1984)267. S. Pissanetzky.
36(1985)219 AABJ INPOLY (Fortran, 169 Lines, Tape Issue 61). Checking if
a point lies inside a polygon. C. Wooff.
36(1985)433 AABY TITEL (Fortran, 5113 Lines, Tape Issue 61). TITEL: a
letter generating program. M. Ramek.
38(1985)53 AABQ PLO (Fortran, 886 Lines, Tape Issue 61). A colloquial
plotting package to realize scientific diagrams.
R. Potenza, C. Tuve.
58(1990)181 ABLR FEYNMAN (LATEX, 1922 Lines, Manual 92 pages, Tape Issue
76). A LaTeX graphics routine for drawing Feynman
diagrams. M.J.S. Levine.
62(1991)80 ABTM DC3DRAW (Fortran, 3001 Lines, Tape Issue 79). 3D
isovalue surface plots. K. Srikameswaran, R. Wallace.
67(1992)509 ACBS 2D-CELL (Pascal, 8178 Lines, Tape Issue 81). 2D-CELL: an
image processing software for extraction and analysis of 2-
dimensional cellular structures. F. Righetti, H. Telley,
Th.M. Liebling, A. Mocellin.
83(1994)45 ACVJ axodraw (Latex, Tex, Postscript, 2340 Lines, Tape Issue
93). AXODRAW. J.A.M. Vermaseren.
15. Laser Physics
7(1974)271 ABUG MEDUSA (Fortran, 6316 Lines, Tape Issue 19). MEDUSA - a
one-dimensional laser fusion code. J.P. Christiansen,
D.E.T.F. Ashby, K.V. Roberts. Subroutine required: ABUF
(Section 4.14) or ABUJ (Section 4.14) or ABUK (Section
10(1975)251 ABUG 000A CORRECTION 15/8/75 (Fortran, Tape Issue 25). MEDUSA -
a one-dimensional laser fusion code. (C.P.C. 7(1974)271).
J.P. Christiansen, D.E.T.F. Ashby, K.V. Roberts.
10(1975)117 ACWD TLASER (Fortran, 1117 Lines, Tape Issue 25). TLASER - a
CO2 laser kinetics code. A.R. Davies, K. Smith,
R.M. Thomson.
20(1980)413 ACWD 0001 INJLOK (Fortran, 398 Lines, Tape Issue 44). INJLOK:
a CO2 laser injection locking code. A.R. Davies,
K. Smith, R.M. Thomson.
10(1975)155 ABUL RAMSES (Fortran, 3798 Lines, Tape Issue 25). RAMSES: a
two-dimensional, PIC type laser pulse propagation code.
H.D. Dudder, D.B. Henderson. Subroutine required: ABUF
(Section 4.14) or ABUJ (Section 4.14) or ABUK (Section
11(1976)369 ACWX BOLTZ (Fortran, 2857 Lines, Tape Issue 27). BOLTZ: a
code to solve the transport equation for electron
distributions and then calculate transport coefficients
and vibrational excitation rates in gases with applied
fields. R.M. Thomson, K. Smith, A.R. Davies.
12(1976)323 ACXC PULSAMP (Fortran, 1256 Lines, Tape Issue 28). PULSAMP: a
program to predict the amplification of nano-second CO2
laser light pulses. S.A. Roberts, K. Smith.
15(1978)85 ACYC SUBMMW (Fortran, 833 Lines, Tape Issue 34). SUBMMW: a
theoretical model to predict CW sub-millimeter wave laser
performance. K. Smith.
16(1978)73 AAHJ CARS (Fortran, 749 Lines, Tape Issue 35). CARS spectral
profiles for homonuclear diatomic molecules.
W.M. Shaub, S. Lemont, A.B. Harvey.
17(1979)397 ABUY CASTOR 2 (Fortran, 13600 Lines, Tape Issue 38). CASTOR 2:
a two-dimensional laser target code. J.P. Christiansen,
N.K. Winsor. Subroutines required: ABUF (Section 4.14) or
ABUJ (Section 4.14) or ABUK (Section 4.14), ABUV (Section
23(1981)109 ABUY 000A CORRECTION 10/03/81 (Fortran, Tape Issue 46).
CASTOR 2: a two-dimensional laser target code. (C.P.C.
17(1979)397). J.P. Christiansen, N.K. Winsor.
18(1979)353 ACZD REACS (Fortran, 923 Lines, Tape Issue 40). Numerical
modelling of a chemical plasma. I. REACS: a program to
generate all reactions which take place in a plasma of
given chemical content. S.A. Roberts. Subroutine
required: (for data) ACZF (Section 9).
18(1979)363 ACZE PLASKEM (Fortran, 1789 Lines, Tape Issue 40). Numerical
modelling of a chemical plasma. II. PLASKEM: a program
to predict the variation with time of the number
densities of chemical species within a plasma.
S.A. Roberts. Subroutines required: (for data) ACWX
(Section 15), ACZD (Section 15), ACZF (Section 9).
20(1980)373 ABVF COLASE (Fortran, 2796 Lines, Tape Issue 43). COLASE: a
CO-N2-He laser kinetics code. S.A. Roberts.
23(1981)31 ABSG HEATER (Fortran, 602 Lines, Tape Issue 47). HEATER: a 2D
laser propagation subroutine for underdense plasmas.
J.N. McMullin, C.E. Capjack, C.R. James.
27(1982)65 AARY PROION (Fortran, 407 Lines, Tape Issue 52). Proion: a
code for calculating ionisation threshold intensities and
ionisation periods in high-intensity-laser irradiated
plasmas. B.W. Boreham.
28(1983)367 AAHP FIRE (Fortran, 6071 Lines, Tape Issue 54). FIRE: a code
for computing the response of an inertial confinement
fusion cavity gas to a target explosion.
T.J. McCarville, R.R. Peterson, G.A. Moses. Subroutine
required: (for data) AAHO (Section 15).
28(1983)405 AAHO MIXERG (Fortran, 2509 Lines, Tape Issue 54). MIXERG: an
equation of state and opacity computer code.
R.R. Peterson, G.A. Moses.
30(1983)169 ACES HEIZ (Fortran, 316 Lines, Tape Issue 57). HEIZ: a
program to estimate temperature modifications in laser
plasma interaction experiments by inverse bremsstrahlung
absorption and classical heat conduction. B. Gellert,
J. Handke.
36(1985)249 ACDV MF-FIRE (Fortran, 9545 Lines, Tape Issue 60). MF-FIRE: a
multifrequency radiative transfer hydrodynamics code.
G.A. Moses, R.R. Peterson, T.J. McCarville. Subroutine
required: AAHO (Section 15).
43(1987)245 AATE SQSIMUL (Fortran, 1836 Lines, Tape Issue 64). SQSIMUL: a
Fortran code for the computation of squeezing properties
and photon statistics in multiphoton processes.
F.J. Bermejo, J. Santoro, L. Sainz de los Terreros.
52(1988)65 ABFR MULTI (Fortran, 2670 Lines, Tape Issue 71). MULTI: a
simulation program for laser processing of multilayer
structures. C. Topacli, Y. Gunduc, A. Aydinli.
86(1995)162 ADAC DIFCARS (Fortran, 1222 Lines, Tape Issue 95). DIFCARS: a
versatile model of CARS signal generation. W. Kaabar,
R.E. Teets, R. Devonshire.
16. Molecular Physics and Physical Chemistry
16.1 Structure and Properties
14(1978)13 ACXN MSXALPHA (Fortran, 6255 Lines, Tape Issue 29). A compact
program of the SCF-Xalpha scattered wave method.
S. Katsuki, P. Palting, S. Huzinaga. Other version: AARD
(Section 16.1).
18(1979)441 ACXN 000ACORRECTION 07/09/79 (Fortran, Tape Issue 40). A
compact program of the SCF-Xalpha scattered wave method.
(C.P.C. 14(1978)13). S. Katsuki, P. Palting,
S. Huzinaga.
14(1978)71 ACXF MBPT ORGANIZATION (Fortran, 1454 Lines, Tape Issue 30).
Diagrammatic many-body perturbation expansion for atoms
and molecules: I. General organization. D.M. Silver.
Subroutines required: ACXG (Section 16.1), ACXH (Section
14(1978)81 ACXG MBPT LADDER DIAGRAMS (Fortran, 794 Lines, Tape Issue 30).
Diagrammatic many-body perturbation expansion for atoms
and molecules: II. Second-order and third-order ladder
energies. D.M. Silver. Subroutines required: ACXF
(Section 16.1), ACXH (Section 16.1).
14(1978)91 ACXH MBPT RING DIAGRAMS (Fortran, 739 Lines, Tape Issue 30).
Diagrammatic many-body perturbation expansion for atoms
and molecules: III. Third-order ring energies.
S. Wilson. Subroutines required: ACXF (Section 16.1),
ACXG (Section 16.1).
19(1980)337 ACYY IBMOL-7 (Fortran, 18476 Lines, Tape Issue 41). A program
to introduce local symmetry in ab initio computations of
molecules: IBMOL-7. E. Ortoleva, G. Castiglione,
E. Clementi.
23(1981)275 AAQL PSEPOT (Fortran, 971 Lines, Tape Issue 48).
Pseudopotential matrix elements in the Gaussian basis.
M. Kolar. Other version: AAQM (Section 16.1).
23(1981)275 AAQM PSEPO1 (Fortran, 958 Lines, Tape Issue 48).
Pseudopotential matrix elements in the Gaussian basis.
M. Kolar. Subroutine required: AAQN (Section 16.1). Other
version: AAQL (Section 16.1).
23(1981)275 AAQN COMPANGI (Fortran, 249 Lines, Tape Issue 48).
Pseudopotential matrix elements in the Gaussian basis.
M. Kolar.
24(1981)135 AAPD SYMMET (Fortran, 1254 Lines, Tape Issue 49). Generation
of symmetry-adapted functions for molecular calculations.
L. Skala. Other version: ABRA (Section 16.1).
25(1982)39 AARD MSXALPHA/II (Fortran, 7052 Lines, Tape Issue 50). A
compact program of the SCF-Xalpha scattered wave method:
Version II. S. Katsuki, M. Klobukowski, P. Palting.
Subroutines required: ACQI (Section 2.1), ACQI0001 (Section
2.1). Other version: ACXN (Section 16.1).
29(1983)351 ACEO AMYR (Fortran, 2198 Lines, Tape Issue 55). Molecular
associations. S. Fraga. Other version: ACBG (Section
41(1986)169 ACEO 0001 AGAB (Fortran, 198 Lines, Tape Issue 63).
Association of proteins: adaptation and coupling of two
available programs. L. Seijo, B. Coghlan, S. Fraga.
30(1983)163 ABXA DIAB (Fortran, 801 Lines, Tape Issue 56). Non-adiabatic
transformation of quantum chemistry energy hypersurfaces.
M.C. Bacchus-Montabonel, P. Vermeulin.
30(1983)301 ACFD ASYMTOP (Fortran, 852 Lines, Tape Issue 56). A program
to generate the symmetry-adapted rotational
eigenfunctions and energy levels for asymmetric top
molecules. A. Jain, D.G. Thompson.
34(1985)427 ACFD 000A CORRECTION 18/10/84 (Fortran, Tape Issue 60). A
program to generate the symmetry-adapted rotational
eigenfunctions and energy levels for asymmetric top
molecules. (C.P.C. 30(1983)301). A. Jain,
D.G. Thompson.
30(1983)325 ACFH DIAD (Fortran, 820 Lines, Tape Issue 56). Determination
of antigenic determinants. S. Fraga.
36(1985)391 AABU POETA (Fortran, 7746 Lines, Tape Issue 61).
Determination of proteinic structures: an experimentation
program. B. Coghlan, S. Fraga.
41(1986)169 AABU 0001 AGAB (Fortran, 234 Lines, Tape Issue 63).
Association of proteins: adaptation and coupling of two
available programs. L. Seijo, B. Coghlan, S. Fraga.
39(1986)409 AAFL IPPP (Fortran, 1218 Lines, Tape Issue 62). IPPP: a
program for the RPA calculation of transmission
mechanisms of spin-spin coupling constants.
A.R. Engelmann, M.A. Natiello, G.E. Scuseria,
R.H. Contreras.
39(1986)431 AAFN LBEXP (Fortran, 1065 Lines, Tape Issue 62). One-
dimensional vibrational eigenvalue problem with numerical
potentials. E. Yurtsever, M. Pehlivan.
46(1987)445 AATT DIRIGE (Fortran, 1235 Lines, Tape Issue 66). DIRIGE: a
program for calculating eigenvalues and initial values of
log derivative eigenfunctions for a diatomic molecule.
M. Dagher, H. Kobeissi.
52(1989)345 ABHG ARIADNE-88 (Fortran, 8671 Lines, Manual 10 pages, Tape
Issue 72). ARIADNE-88: an ab initio monoconfigurational
closed and open shell direct electronic energy
calculation using elementary Jacobi rotations. R. Carbo,
B. Calabuig.
52(1989)355 ABHE IR, CGC (Fortran, 4846 Lines, Tape Issue 72). Computer
generated subgroup-symmetry adapted irreducible
representations and CG coefficients of space groups by
the eigenfunction method. Jia-Lun Ping,
Qing-Rong Zheng, Bing-Qing Chen, Jin-Quan Chen.
52(1989)397 ABFV CAMM (Fortran, 1198 Lines, Tape Issue 72). Cumulative
atomic multipole moments and point charge models
describing molecular charge distribution. A. Sawaryn,
W.A. Sokalski.
52(1989)415 ABFS HONDO VERSION 7.0 (Fortran, 97320 Lines, Manual 155 pages,
Tape Issue 72). The general atomic and molecular
electronic structure system HONDO: version 7.0.
M. Dupuis, J.D. Watts, H.O. Villar, G.J.B. Hurst.
54(1989)75 ABHV FCI (Fortran, 2852 Lines, Tape Issue 73). A determinant
based full configuration interaction program.
P.J. Knowles, N.C. Handy.
55(1989)117 ABJG MOLSIMIL-88 (Fortran, 2643 Lines, Manual 11 pages, Tape
Issue 74). MOLSIMIL-88: molecular similarity
calculations using a CNDO-like approximation. R. Carbo,
B. Calabuig.
55(1989)463 ABJJ GJVGEN (Fortran, 1666 Lines, Manual 7 pages, Tape Issue
75). Orthogonal generalized Jacobi coordinates for N-
body systems. K. Davie, R. Wallace.
58(1990)343 ABRA SYMMET VERSION 2 (Fortran, 1279 Lines, Tape Issue 77). A
new version of the program for the generation of symmetry-
adapted functions for molecular calculations. L. Skala.
Other version: AAPD (Section 16.1).
66(1991)341 ACBG AMYRVF (Fortran, 5494 Lines, Tape Issue 81). Pair
potential calculation of molecular associations: a
vectorized version. F. Torrens, E. Orti,
J. Sanchez-Marin. Other version: ACEO (Section 16.1).
Non-profit use licence required.
67(1992)527 ACBU Fit-PowPad (Fortran, 2124 Lines, Tape Issue 81). A
fitting program for potential energy surfaces of bent
triatomic molecules. D.J. Searles,
E.I. von Nagy-Felsobuki.
70(1992)345 ACHN ccMBPT-4t (Fortran, 839 Lines, Tape Issue 83).
Diagrammatic many-body perturbation expansion for atoms
and moleucles. VIII. ccMBPT-4t. D. Moncrieff,
V.R. Saunders, S. Wilson.
74(1993)297 ACJS SSM (Fortran, 2977 Lines, Tape Issue 86). SSM: a set of
subprograms for calculating eigenvalues for a diatomic
molecule using a simplified shooting method.
A. El-Hajj, H. Kobeissi, M. Korek.
79(1994)447 ACTF fhi93cp (Fortran, 48230 Lines, Tape Issue 91).
Simultaneous calculation of the equilibrium atomic
structure and its electronic ground state using density-
functional theory. R. Stumpf, M. Scheffler.
16.2 Spectra
1(1970)465 ABKD RITZ COMBINATION PRINCIPLE (Fortran, 113 Lines, Tape Issue
4). Program for fitting transition energies into a level
scheme according to the combination principle.
I.R. Williams.
8(1974)236 ACRW ROSCOS (Algol, 1266 Lines, Tape Issue 22). Analysis of
the intensity distribution in the rotational structure of
the electronic spectra of diatomic molecules by computer
simulation. R.Ch. Baas, C.I.M. Beenakker.
13(1977)389 ABAA UPEAK (Fortran, 4406 Lines, Tape Issue 30). UPEAK:
spectro-oriented routine for mixture decomposition.
V.B. Zlokazov.
16(1978)73 AAHJ CARS (Fortran, 749 Lines, Tape Issue 35). CARS spectral
profiles for homonuclear diatomic molecules.
W.M. Shaub, S. Lemont, A.B. Harvey.
18(1979)281 ABAB DOMUS (Fortran, 2596 Lines, Tape Issue 39). DOMUS: a
program for the analysis of two-dimensional spectra.
V.B. Zlokazov.
34(1984)123 ACDD ASYTOP (Fortran, 3227 Lines, Tape Issue 58). ASYTOP: a
program for detailed analysis of gas phase magnetic
resonance spectra of asymmetric top molecules.
T.J. Sears.
34(1984)163 ACDC DBLSIG (Fortran, 968 Lines, Tape Issue 59). A Fortran
program for the calculation of hyperfine structure and
Stark effect in the rotational transition of a 2sigma
diatomic molecule. K.P.R. Nair.
38(1985)83 ACDS ASYROT (Fortran, 4248 Lines, Tape Issue 61). Computer
assistance in the analysis of molecular spectra. I.
Rotational structure of high resolution singlet-singlet
bands. F.W. Birss, D.A. Ramsay. Other versions: ABBA
(Section 16.2), ACPS (Section 16.2).
41(1986)59 AAFY DBLSIG2 (Fortran, 1113 Lines, Tape Issue 63). A Fortran
program for the calculation of hyperfine structure in the
rotational transition of a doublet sigma diatomic
molecule. II. Magnetic and electric quadrupole
interaction from both nuclei. K.P.R. Nair.
42(1986)73 AALG CARS SPECTRAL PROFILES (Fortran, 3537 Lines, Tape Issue
63). Algorithms for calculating coherent anti-Stokes
Raman spectra: application to several small molecules.
J.C. Luthe, E.J. Beiting, F.Y. Yueh.
47(1987)361 ABBA ASYROT PC (Fortran, 4317 Lines, Tape Issue 67). A new
version of ASYROT for the HP Vectra or any IBM AT
compatible computer. R.H. Judge. Other versions: ACDS
(Section 16.2), ACPS (Section 16.2).
54(1989)171 ABHL SIMULDENS (Pascal, 2372 Lines, Tape Issue 72). Computer
simulation of FT-NMR multiple pulse experiment.
A. Allouche, G. Pouzard.
79(1994)555 ACPS Frasyrot (Fortran, 5260 Lines, Tape Issue 90). An
extended version of "ASYROT". C. Zauli. Other versions:
ACDS (Section 16.2), ABBA (Section 16.2).
86(1995)162 ADAC DIFCARS (Fortran, 1222 Lines, Tape Issue 95). DIFCARS: a
versatile model of CARS signal generation. W. Kaabar,
R.E. Teets, R. Devonshire.
16.3 Molecular Vibrations
1(1969)21 AACA FRANCK-CONDON FACTOR PROGRAM (Fortran, 537 Lines, Tape
Issue 1). A program to calculate Franck-Condon factors.
A.C. Allison.
1(1970)23 AACA 000A CORRECTION 21/10/70 (Fortran, Tape Issue 1). A
program to calculate Franck-Condon factors. (C.P.C.
1(1969)21). A.C. Allison.
1(1970)349 AAGC VIBROT I (Algol, 293 Lines, Tape Issue 3). I. Program
for calculating degenerate Raman bands of symmetric tops
with an adaptation for infrared bands. F.N. Masri,
I.R. Williams. Other version: AAGF (Section 16.3).
1(1970)350 AAGC 0001 ADAPT VIBROT I FOR INFRARED (Algol, 33 Lines, Tape
Issue 3). I. Program for calculating degenerate Raman
bands of symmetric tops with an adaptation for infrared
bands. F.N. Masri, I.R. Williams.
2(1971)87 AAGE VIBROT II (Algol, 231 Lines, Tape Issue 5). II. Program
for calculating triply degenerate Raman bands of
spherical tops with an adaptation for infrared bands.
F.N. Masri, I.R. Williams. Other version: AAGG (Section
2(1971)88 AAGE 0001ADAPT VIBROT II FOR INFRARED (Algol, 30 Lines, Tape
Issue 5). II. Program for calculating triply degenerate
Raman bands of spherical tops with an adaptation for
infrared bands. F.N. Masri, I.R. Williams.
2(1971)298 AAGF FORTRAN VIBROT I (Fortran, 269 Lines, Tape Issue 6). I.
A FORTRAN program for calculating degenerate Raman bands
of symmetric tops with an adaptation for infrared bands.
F.N. Masri, I.R. Williams. Other version: AAGC (Section
2(1971)298 AAGF 0001VIBROT I FOR INFRARED (Fortran, 27 Lines, Tape Issue
6). I. A FORTRAN program for calculating degenerate
Raman bands of symmetric tops with an adaptation for
infrared bands. F.N. Masri, I.R. Williams.
2(1971)299 AAGG FORTRAN VIBROT II (Fortran, 229 Lines, Tape Issue 6). II.
A FORTRAN program for calculating degenerate Raman bands
of spherical tops with an adaptation for infrared bands.
F.N. Masri, I.R. Williams. Other version: AAGE (Section
2(1971)299 AAGG 0001 VIBROT II FOR INFRARED (Fortran, 27 Lines, Tape Issue
6). II. A FORTRAN program for calculating degenerate
Raman bands of spherical tops with an adaptation for
infrared bands. F.N. Masri, I.R. Williams.
4(1972)257 AAGM MORSEFNS (Fortran, 136 Lines, Tape Issue 11). A program
for normalised Morse functions. J.R. Parkinson,
D.T. Birtwistle.
6(1973)221 AAEE RKRPOT (Fortran, 251 Lines, Tape Issue 16). A fast
quadrature method for computing diatomic RKR potential
curves. J. Tellinghuisen.
10(1976)368 ABWC VIBOCO (Fortran, 801 Lines, Tape Issue 26). Vibrational
energies of CO2. W.C. Maguire.
28(1982)1 AAOR FCFRKR (Fortran, 6963 Lines, Tape Issue 53). FCFRKR: a
procedure to evaluate Franck-Condon type integrals for
diatomic molecules. H.H. Telle, U. Telle.
36(1985)109 AAOR 0001 FCFRKR*ADAPT1 (Fortran, 68 Lines, Tape Issue 60).
Comments on the program FCFRKR. H.H. Telle, U. Telle.
36(1985)109 AAOR 0002 FCFRKR*LEVEL2CDC (Fortran, 78 Lines, Tape Issue 60).
Comments on the program FCFRKR. H.H. Telle, U. Telle.
29(1983)307 ACEN ATOMDIAT (Fortran, 3706 Lines, Tape Issue 55). ATOMDIAT:
a program for calculating variationally exact ro-
vibrational levels of "floppy" triatomics. J. Tennyson.
32(1984)109 ACEN 0001ATOMDIAT2 (Fortran, 190 Lines, Tape Issue 57).
ATOMDIAT2 and GENPOT: adaptations of ATOMDIAT for the ro-
vibrational levels of any floppy triatomic using a
general potential function. J. Tennyson.
32(1984)109 ACEN 0002GENPOT (Fortran, 218 Lines, Tape Issue 57).
ATOMDIAT2 and genpot: adaptations of atomdiat for the ro-
vibrational levels of any floppy triatomic using a
general potential function. J. Tennyson.
30(1983)101 ACET YDY84C (Fortran, 5408 Lines, Tape Issue 56).
Spectroscopic energy coefficients for vibration-
rotational states of dinuclear molecules. J.F. Ogilvie.
36(1985)177 AABG MOLFORCE (Fortran, 1481 Lines, Tape Issue 60). MOLFORCE:
a computer program for calculation of molecular force
constants using the generalized inverse matrix.
B. Gellai.
39(1986)447 AABG 000A CORRECTION 29/01/86 (Fortran, Tape Issue 62).
MOLFORCE: a computer program for calculation of molecular
force constants using the generalized inverse matrix. (C.
P.C. 36(1985)177). B. Gellai.
39(1986)439 AAFQ VIBMATEL (Fortran, 5916 Lines, Tape Issue 62). Analytic
vibrational matrix elements for diatomic molecules.
J.P. Bouanich, J.F. Ogilvie, R.H. Tipping.
42(1986)257 AALO TRIATOM (Fortran, 2688 Lines, Tape Issue 63). TRIATOM,
SELECT and ROTLEV: for the calculation of the ro-
vibrational levels of triatomic molecules. J. Tennyson.
Subroutine required: (for data) AALP (Section 16.3).
42(1986)257 AALP SELECT (Fortran, 1934 Lines, Tape Issue 63). TRIATOM,
SELECT and ROTLEV: for the calculation of the ro-
vibrational levels of triatomic molecules. J. Tennyson.
42(1986)257 AALQ ROTLEV (Fortran, 3440 Lines, Tape Issue 63). TRIATOM,
SELECT and ROTLEV: for the calculation of the ro-
vibrational levels of triatomic molecules. J. Tennyson.
Subroutine required: (for data) AALO (Section 16.3).
47(1987)259 ABBJ ROTVIBMATEL (Fortran, 10512 Lines, Tape Issue 67).
Analytic vibration-rotational matrix elements for
diatomic molecules. J.P. Bouanich.
47(1987)305 ABBE F.F.C. (Fortran, 928 Lines, Tape Issue 67). F.F.C.: A
program for calculating Franck-Condon factors and R-
centroids for transitions between the vibrational-
rotational levels of two electronic states of a diatomic
molecule. M. Dagher, H. Kobeissi.
51(1988)83 ABDL PANDORA (Fortran, 4500 Lines, Manual 38 pages, Tape Issue
70). Quantum vibrational eigenstates from classical
origins. J.H. Frederick, E.J. Heller.
51(1988)83 ABDM DEMETER (Fortran, 2533 Lines, Manual 38 pages, Tape Issue
70). Quantum vibrational eigenstates from classical
origins. J.H. Frederick, E.J. Heller. Subroutine
required: (for data) ABDL (Section 16.3).
51(1988)103 ABDN PERTURB (C, 17298 Lines, Tape Issue 70). PERTURB: a
program for calculating vibrational energies by
generalized algebraic quantization. L.E. Fried,
G.S. Ezra.
51(1988)115 ABDO LUCY (Fortran, 1774 Lines, Tape Issue 72). LUCY: a
Fortran implementation of semiclassical spectral
quantization. M.A. Mehta, N. De Leon.
51(1988)135 ABDP ACTION (Fortran, 4747 Lines, Tape Issue 69). A program
for determining primitive semiclassical eigenvalues for
vibrating/rotating nonlinear triatomic molecules.
G.C. Schatz.
51(1988)149 ABDQ VANVLK (Fortran, 1129 Lines, Tape Issue 69). VANVLK: an
algebraic manipulation program for canonical Van Vleck
perturbation theory. E.L. Sibert III.
51(1988)161 ABDR RKRINV (Fortran, 2807 Lines, Tape Issue 72).
Determination of potential energy surfaces of linear
triatomics from vibration-rotation spectra: an inversion
method applied to CO2. H. Romanowski, M.A. Ratner,
R.B. Gerber.
51(1988)173 ABDS TETRA (Fortran, 1847 Lines, Tape Issue 69). Local mode
vibrations in tetrahedral molecules. L. Halonen,
M.S. Child.
51(1988)195 ABDT SLEIGC (Fortran, 5192 Lines, Tape Issue 70). Rotation-
vibration eigenvalues and vectors. B.H. Chang,
Jae Shin Lee, D. Secrest.
51(1988)207 ABDU SP2D (Fortran, 660 Lines, Tape Issue 70). Particles-on-a-
sphere method for computing the rotational-vibrational
spectrum of H2O. D.M. Leitner, G.A. Natanson,
R.S. Berry, P. Villarreal, G. Delgado-Barrio.
51(1988)207 ABDV OS2D (Fortran, 763 Lines, Tape Issue 70). Particles-on-a-
sphere method for computing the rotational-vibrational
spectrum of H2O. D.M. Leitner, G.A. Natanson,
R.S. Berry, P. Villarreal, G. Delgado-Barrio.
51(1988)217 ABDW NUMROV (Fortran, 1500 Lines, Tape Issue 69). Solution of
bound state single variable eigenproblems by the extended
renormalized Numerov method. K. Davie, R. Wallace.
51(1988)225 ABDX GVSCF (Fortran, 1701 Lines, Tape Issue 69). GVSCF: a
general code to perform vibrational self-consistent field
calculations. A. Wierzbicki, J.M. Bowman.
51(1988)233 ABDY VIBCI (Fortran, 2061 Lines, Tape Issue 70). A
vibrational configuration interaction program for
energies and resonance widths. S.C. Tucker,
T.C. Thompson, J.G. Lauderdale, D.G. Truhlar.
51(1988)257 ABDZ SURVIBTM (Fortran, 12251 Lines, Tape Issue 70).
Polyatomic surface fitting, vibrational-rotational
analysis, expectation value and intensity program.
W.C. Ermler, H.C. Hsieh, L.B. Harding.
55(1989)149 ABJW TRIATOM (Fortran, 2934 Lines, Tape Issue 74). A program
suite for the calculation of ro-vibrational spectra of
triatomic molecules. J. Tennyson, S. Miller. Subroutine
required: (for data) ABJX (Section 16.3). Other version:
ACLX (Section 16.3).
55(1989)149 ABJX SELECT (Fortran, 2152 Lines, Tape Issue 74). A program
suite for the calculation of ro-vibrational spectra of
triatomic molecules. J. Tennyson, S. Miller. Other
version: ACLY (Section 16.3).
55(1989)149 ABJY ROTLEVD (Fortran, 3994 Lines, Tape Issue 74). A program
suite for the calculation of ro-vibrational spectra of
triatomic molecules. J. Tennyson, S. Miller. Subroutine
required: (for data) ABJW (Section 16.3). Other version:
ACLZ (Section 16.3).
55(1989)149 ABJZ DIPOLE (Fortran, 2619 Lines, Tape Issue 74). A program
suite for the calculation of ro-vibrational spectra of
triatomic molecules. J. Tennyson, S. Miller. Subroutines
required: (for data) ABJW (Section 16.3), ABJY (Section
16.3). Other version: ACNA (Section 16.3).
55(1989)149 ABLA SPECTRA (Fortran, 938 Lines, Tape Issue 74). A program
suite for the calculation of ro-vibrational spectra of
triatomic molecules. J. Tennyson, S. Miller. Subroutine
required: (for data) ABJZ (Section 16.3). Other version:
ACNB (Section 16.3).
70(1992)355 ACHM MORSMATEL (Fortran, 295 Lines, Tape Issue 83).
MORSMATEL: a rapid and efficient code to calculate
vibration-rotational matrix elements for r-dependent
operators of two Morse oscillators. A. Lopez-Pineiro,
M.L. Sanchez, B. Moreno.
70(1992)362 ACHO KROSC1 (Fortran, 626 Lines, Tape Issue 83). Numerical
evaluation of Kratzer oscillator matrix elements.
R.E. Tuzun, D. Secrest.
75(1993)339 ACLX TRIATOM (Fortran, 3140 Lines, Tape Issue 88). TRIATOM:
for the calculaton of ro-vibrational spectra of triatomic
molecules. J. Tennyson, S. Miller, C.R. Le Sueur.
Subroutine required: (for data) ACLY (Section 16.3). Other
version: ABJW (Section 16.3).
75(1993)339 ACLY SELECT (Fortran, 2261 Lines, Tape Issue 88). TRIATOM:
for the calculaton of ro-vibrational spectra of triatomic
molecules. J. Tennyson, S. Miller, C.R. Le Sueur. Other
version: ABJX (Section 16.3).
75(1993)339 ACLZ ROTLEVD (Fortran, 3953 Lines, Tape Issue 88). TRIATOM:
for the calculation of ro-vibrational spectra of
triatomic molecules. J. Tennyson, S. Miller,
C.R. Le Sueur. Subroutines required: (for data) ACLX
(Section 16.3), ACNC (Section 16.3). Other version: ABJY
(Section 16.3).
75(1993)339 ACNA DIPOLE (Fortran, 3526 Lines, Tape Issue 88). TRIATOM:
for the calculation of ro-vibrational spectra of
triatomic molecules. J. Tennyson, S. Miller,
C.R. Le Sueur. Subroutines required: (for data) ACLX
(Section 16.3), ACNC (Section 16.3), ACLZ (Section 16.3).
Other version: ABJZ (Section 16.3).
75(1993)339 ACNB SPECTRA (Fortran, 1161 Lines, Tape Issue 88). TRIATOM:
for the calculation of ro-vibrational spectra of
triatomic molecules. J. Tennyson, S. Miller,
C.R. Le Sueur. Subroutines required: (for data) ACNA
(Section 16.3), ACLX (Section 16.3), ACNC (Section 16.3),
ACLZ (Section 16.3). Other version: ABLA (Section 16.3).
75(1993)365 ACNC DVR1D (Fortran, 3709 Lines, Tape Issue 88). DVR1D:
programs for mixed pointwise/basis set calculation of ro-
vibrational spectra. J.R. Henderson, J. Tennyson.
75(1993)365 ACND ROTLEV2 (Fortran, 4401 Lines, Tape Issue 88). DVR1D:
programs for mixed pointwise/basis set calculation of ro-
vibrational spectra. J.R. Henderson, J. Tennyson.
Subroutine required: (for data) ACNC (Section 16.3).
75(1993)379 ACNE DVR3D (Fortran, 3848 Lines, Tape Issue 88). DVR3D:
programs for fully pointwise calculation of vibrational
spectra. J.R. Henderson, C.R. Le Sueur, J. Tennyson.
Other version: ADAK (Section 16.3).
75(1993)379 ACNF DIPJ0DVR (Fortran, 1999 Lines, Tape Issue 88). DVR3D:
programs for fully pointwise calculation of vibrational
spectra. J.R. Henderson, C.R. Le Sueur, J. Tennyson.
Subroutine required: (for data) ACNE (Section 16.3).
86(1995)175 ADAK DVR3DRJ (Fortran, 4740 Lines, Tape Issue 95). DVR3D: for
the fully pointwise calculation of ro-vibrational spectra
of triatomic molecules. J. Tennyson, J.R. Henderson,
N.G. Fulton. Other version: ACNE (Section 16.3).
86(1995)175 ADAL ROTLEV3 (Fortran, 4562 Lines, Tape Issue 95). DVR3D: for
the fully pointwise calculation of ro-vibrational spectra
of triatomic molecules. J. Tennyson, J.R. Henderson,
N.G. Fulton. Subroutine required: (for data) ADAK (Section
86(1995)175 ADAM ROTLEV3B (Fortran, 5352 Lines, Tape Issue 95). DVR3D:
for the fully pointwise calculation of ro-vibrational
spectra of triatomic molecules. J. Tennyson,
J.R. Henderson, N.G. Fulton. Subroutine required: (for
data) ADAK (Section 16.3).
86(1995)175 ADAN DIPOLE3 (Fortran, 2167 Lines, Tape Issue 95). DVR3D: for
the fully pointwise calculation of ro-vibrational spectra
of triatomic molecules. J. Tennyson, J.R. Henderson,
N.G. Fulton. Subroutines required: (for data) ADAK
(Section 16.3), ADAL (Section 16.3), ADAM (Section 16.3).
16.4 Experimental Analysis
18(1979)27 ACZA BATAN (Fortran, 1042 Lines, Tape Issue 38). Analysis of
Faradaic impedance experimental measurements. A. Batana,
E.R. Gonzalez, M.C. Monard.
42(1986)435 ACKZ CLUSTER IDENTIFICATION (Fortran, 184 Lines, Tape Issue 64).
Identification of clusters in computer experiments with
periodic boundary conditions. H. Bunz.
50(1988)367 ABBZ SPEX8 (Fortran, Microsoft Macro Assembler, 4930 Lines,
Manual 35 pages, Tape Issue 69). A data acquisition
system for spectroscopy using an IBM PC. M. Lowe,
S. Blumenroeder, P.H. Kutt.
16.5 Electron Scattering
1(1970)445 ACQO ELECTRON-MOLECULE SCATTERING (Fortran, 6744 Lines, Tape
Issue 3). Electron scattering by closed shell diatomic
molecules. A.L. Sinfailam. Other version: ACZS (Section
--- ACQW 000BCORRECTION 22/06/76 (Fortran, Tape Issue 27).
Unpublished correction to a program for calculating the
static interaction potential between an electron and a
diatomic molecule. F.H.M. Faisal, A.L.V. Tench.
2(1971)261 ACQW STATIC INTERACTION POTENTIAL (Fortran, 1800 Lines, Tape
Issue 7). A program for calculating the static
interaction potential between an electron and a diatomic
molecule. F.H.M. Faisal, A.L.V. Tench. Other versions:
ACWO (Section 16.5), ACZR (Section 16.5), AALA (Section
5(1973)396 ACQW 000A CORRECTION 19/12/72 (Fortran, Tape Issue 13). A
program for calculating the static interaction potential
between an electron and a diatomic molecule. (C.P.C.
2(1971)261). F.H.M. Faisal, A.L.V. Tench.
10(1975)375 ACWI VIBAD (Fortran, 1157 Lines, Tape Issue 26).
Rovibrational cross sections from reactance matrices
calculated in adiabatic nuclei approximation.
R.J.W. Henry.
11(1976)237 ACWO OCEP W.F. AND STATIC POTENTIAL (Fortran, 2113 Lines, Tape
Issue 27). A new version of a program calculating the
static interaction potential between an electron and a
diatomic molecule. F.A. Gianturco. Other versions: ACQW
(Section 16.5), ACZR (Section 16.5), AALA (Section 16.5).
20(1980)267 ACZR ONE CENTRE STATIC POTENTIAL (Fortran, 2375 Lines, Tape
Issue 42). Third version of a program for calculating
the static interaction potential between an electron and
a diatomic molecule. G. Raseev. Other versions: ACQW
(Section 16.5), ACWO (Section 16.5), AALA (Section 16.5).
41(1986)179 ACZR 000A CORRECTION 28/01/86 (Fortran, Tape Issue 63).
Errors in the three CPC versions of the program to
calculate the single centre expansion of the electron
diatomic-molecule static potential. (C.P.C. 20(1980)267).
L. Malegat, M. Le Dourneuf, Vo Ky Lan.
41(1986)180 ACZR 0001 PARAMETRIZED DIMENSIONS (Fortran, Tape Issue 63).
Errors in the three CPC versions of the program to
calculate the single centre expansion of the electron
diatomic-molecule static potential. L. Malegat,
M. Le Dourneuf, Vo Ky Lan.
20(1980)275 ACZS ELECTRON MOLECULE SCATTERING (Fortran, 10926 Lines, Tape
Issue 42). Electron scattering by closed or open shell
diatomic molecules. G. Raseev. Subroutine required: (for
data) ACZR (Section 16.5). Other version: ACQO (Section
21(1980)63 ACZW ALAM (Fortran, 1126 Lines, Tape Issue 43). ALAM: a
program for the calculation and expansion of molecular
charge densities. M.A. Morrison.
21(1980)79 ACZX VLAM (Fortran, 1709 Lines, Tape Issue 43). VLAM: a
program for computing the electron-molecule static
interaction potential from a Legendre expansion of the
molecular charge density. G.B. Schmid, D.W. Norcross,
L.A. Collins.
22(1981)49 AAJF SAS14 (Fortran, 1600 Lines, Tape Issue 46). The
vibrational excitation of diatomic molecules by electron
impact. S.A. Salvini, D.G. Thompson.
30(1983)151 AANY EXLAM (Fortran, 5134 Lines, Tape Issue 56). EXLAM: a
program for the calculation and expansion of local model
exchange potentials. W.F. Weitzel, T.L. Gibson,
M.A. Morrison. Subroutines required: ACZW (Section 16.5),
ACZX (Section 16.5).
32(1984)367 AAJM EROTVIB (Fortran, 3214 Lines, Tape Issue 58). EROTVIB: a
general program to calculate rotationally and/or
vibrationally elastic and inelastic cross sections for
electron (positron) scattering by spherical, symmetric
and asymmetric top molecules. A. Jain, D.G. Thompson.
Subroutine required: ACFD (Section 16.1).
41(1986)181 AALA STOEX (Fortran, 566 Lines, Tape Issue 63). Errors in the
three CPC versions of the program to calculate the single
centre expansion of the electron diatomic-molecule static
potential. L. Malegat, M. Le Dourneuf, Vo Ky Lan. Other
versions: ACQW (Section 16.5), ACWO (Section 16.5), ACZR
(Section 16.5).
60(1990)391 ABTG DCS (Fortran, 2332 Lines, Tape Issue 78). DCS: a program
for calculating differential cross sections for the
electronic excitation of diatomic molecules at fixed
nuclei. L. Malegat.
71(1992)319 ACJB SEPDE3 (Fortran, 1682 Lines, Tape Issue 84). Further
developments in the noniterative method of solving PDE's
in electron scattering. E.C. Sullivan, A. Temkin.
74(1993)256 ACLH AVTMAT (Fortran, 7075 Lines, Tape Issue 86). Averaging
of pseudoresonant T-matrix elements. T.T. Scholz.
82(1994)233 ACVE SCATTAMPDIAMOL (Fortran, 1767 Lines, Tape Issue 93).
SCATTAMPDIAMOL, a program to calculate scattering
amplitudes for electron scattering from state selected
rotating diatomic molecules. R.-P. Nordbeck.
16.6 Photon Interactions
46(1987)99 AAXD PEAD (Fortran, 658 Lines, Tape Issue 65). PEAD: for the
calculation of photoelectron angular distributions of
linear molecules. J. Tennyson, N. Chandra.
52(1989)383 ABHC BCONT (Fortran, 3097 Lines, Manual 53 pages, Tape Issue
72). Bound -> continuum intensities: a computer program
for calculating absorption coefficients, emission
intensities or (golden rule) predissociation rates.
R.J. Le Roy.
60(1990)247 ABTC JELLYRPA (Fortran, 485 Lines, Tape Issue 78). An RPA
program for jellium spheres. G. Bertsch.
70(1992)417 ACHK ACTCON (Fortran, 1121 Lines, Tape Issue 83).
Vectorizable wave propagation Fortran code for
calculations of multiphoton dissociation. J.J-L. Ting,
J.M. Yuan, T.-F. Jiang.
74(1993)289 ACLC PHOTO (Fortran, 1885 Lines, Tape Issue 86). A computer
program to calculate the total energy absorption cross
section for the photodissociation of a diatomic molecule
arising from a bound state -> repulsive state transition
using time dependent quantum dynamical methods.
G.G. Balint-Kurti, S.P. Mort, C.C. Marston.
16.7 Elastic Scattering and Energy Transfer
10(1975)223 ACWJ PAMPA (Fortran, 877 Lines, Tape Issue 25). Multistate
molecular treatment of atomic collisions in the impact
parameter approximation. I. Integration of coupled
equations and calculation of transition amplitudes for
the straight line case. C. Gaussorgues,
R.D. Piacentini, A. Salin. Other version: ABTY (Section
11(1976)407 ACWJ 000A CORRECTION 21/06/76 (Fortran, Tape Issue 27).
Multistate molecular treatment of atomic collisions in
the impact parameter approximation. I. Integration of
coupled equations and calculation of transition
amplitudes for the straight line case. (C.P.C.
10(1975)223). C. Gaussorgues, R.D. Piacentini, A. Salin.
17(1979)424 ACWJ 000B CORRECTION 28/03/79 (Fortran, Tape Issue 38).
Multistate molecular treatment of atomic collisions in
the impact parameter approximation. I. Integration of
coupled equations and calculation of transition
amplitudes for the straight line case. (C.P.C.
10(1975)223). C. Gaussorgues, R.D. Piacentini, A. Salin.
12(1976)199 ACWU TANGO (Fortran, 904 Lines, Tape Issue 27). Multistate
molecular treatment of atomic collisions in the impact
parameter approximation. III - Integration of coupled
equations and calculation of transition amplitudes for
Coulomb trajectories. R.D. Piacentini, A. Salin.
17(1979)425 ACWU 000A CORRECTION 27/03/79 (Fortran, Tape Issue 38).
Multistate molecular treatment of atomic collisions in
the impact parameter approximation. III - Integration of
coupled equations and calculation of transition
amplitudes for Coulomb trajectories. (C.P.C. 12(1976)199).
R.D. Piacentini, A. Salin.
13(1977)57 ACXD EIKON (Fortran, 644 Lines, Tape Issue 29). Multistate
molecular treatment of atomic collisions in the impact
parameter approximation. II. Calculation of
differential cross-sections from the transition
amplitudes for the straight line case. See erratum Comp.
Phys. Commun. 13(1977)295. R.D. Piacentini, A. Salin.
Subroutine required: (for data) ACWJ (Section 16.7).
19(1980)359 AAJC EDWIN (Fortran, 3477 Lines, Tape Issue 43). EDWIN: a
program for calculating inelastic molecular collision
cross sections using the exponential distorted wave and
related approximate methods. G.G. Balint-Kurti,
J.H. van Lenthe, R. Saktreger, L. Eno.
28(1982)207 AAOX VIBREQ (Fortran, 1739 Lines, Tape Issue 54). A program
to solve a set of linear coupled differential equations
describing a collision process with several electronic
and vibrational degrees of freedom. M.R. Spalburg,
U.C. Klomp.
28(1983)355 AAOZ CARLO (Fortran, 907 Lines, Tape Issue 54). A Monte
Carlo calculation of the dissociation of fast H2+ ions
traversing thin carbon foils. W.D. Ruden,
R.M. Schectman.
32(1984)45 ACFU ADIAV (Fortran, 401 Lines, Tape Issue 57). Rate
constants and cross sections for vibrational transitions
in atom-diatom and diatom-diatom collisions.
G.D. Billing.
32(1984)45 ACFV DIDIAV (Fortran, 947 Lines, Tape Issue 57). Rate
constants and cross sections for vibrational transitions
in atom-diatom and diatom-diatom collisions.
G.D. Billing.
32(1984)45 ACFW RATECONS (Fortran, 109 Lines, Tape Issue 57). Rate
constants and cross sections for vibrational transitions
in atom-diatom and diatom-diatom collisions.
G.D. Billing.
38(1985)118 ACFW 000A CORRECTION 15/04/85 (Fortran, Tape Issue 61). Rate
constants and cross sections for vibrational transitions
in atom-diatom and diatom-diatom collisions. (C.P.C.
32(1984)45). G.D. Billing.
44(1987)121 AATY DIDIEX (Fortran, 1034 Lines, Tape Issue 65). Rate
constants for vibrational transitions in diatom-diatom
collisions. G.D. Billing.
52(1989)443 AATY 000ACORRECTION 14/11/88 (Fortran, Tape Issue 72). Rate
constants for vibrational transitions in diatom-diatom
collisions. (C.P.C. 44(1987)121). G.D. Billing.
46(1987)417 AAXV EDWAVE (Fortran, 2059 Lines, Tape Issue 66). A program
to evaluate vibrationally inelastic collisional cross
sections of atom-diatom systems. M.M. Novak.
62(1991)58 ABTY SUPERPAMPA (Fortran, 1725 Lines, Tape Issue 79).
Multistate molecular treatment of atomic collisions in
the impact parameter approximation IV. A. Salin. Other
version: ACWJ (Section 16.7).
63(1991)100 ABTS CCWPSURF (Fortran, 3477 Lines, Tape Issue 79).
Inelastic molecule-corrugated surface scattering using
the close-coupling wave packet method. R.C. Mowrey,
D.J. Kouri.
72(1992)288 ACJT ION (Fortran, 2243 Lines, Tape Issue 85). ION: a program
to evaluate cross sections for ionisation in ion-atom
collisions. D.S.F. Crothers, M. McCartney.
75(1993)127 ACLU INCLUS (Fortran, 1275 Lines, Tape Issue 87).
Calculation of inclusive probabilities from single-
particle amplitudes. P. Kurpick, H.J. Ludde.
86(1995)279 ADAT ION2A - ION2B (Fortran, 3074 Lines, Tape Issue 95).
ION2: calculation of single ionisation total cross
section using the continuum distorted-wave eikonal
initial-state approximation. D. Marshall,
M. McCartney, D.S.F. Crothers.
16.8 Rearrangement Collisions, Charge Transfer and Chemical Reactions
1(1970)380 ACQQ H+ + H(2) CHARGE TRANSFER (Fortran, 1054 Lines, Tape Issue
4). Computation of charge transfer probability between
protons and excited hydrogen atoms. V. Malaviya.
3(1972)42 AAGI CLASSICAL TRAJECTORIES 324 (Algol, 472 Lines, Tape Issue
9). Trajectory calculations for the reaction K+HBr ->
KBr+H in the eV-region. A. van der Meulen.
5(1973)283 AAGU SOLVE D.E. FOR MATRIX ELEMENTS (Fortran, 1494 Lines, Tape
Issue 13). Solution of differential equations for
exchange matrix elements in heavy particle collisions.
L.A. Parcell.
7(1974)163 ACRP IPFVAIJ (Fortran, 1031 Lines, Tape Issue 17). A
programming package for the calculation of cross-sections
and probabilities for charge-exchange processes.
J. Van den Bos.
7(1974)163 ACRQ IPFDEQ (Fortran, 992 Lines, Tape Issue 17). A
programming package for the calculation of cross-sections
and probabilities for charge-exchange processes.
J. Van den Bos. Subroutine required: ACRP (Section 16.8).
10(1975)223 ACWJ PAMPA (Fortran, 877 Lines, Tape Issue 25). Multistate
molecular treatment of atomic collisions in the impact
parameter approximation. I. Integration of coupled
equations and calculation of transition amplitudes for
the straight line case. C. Gaussorgues,
R.D. Piacentini, A. Salin. Other version: ABTY (Section
11(1976)407 ACWJ 000A CORRECTION 21/06/76 (Fortran, Tape Issue 27).
Multistate molecular treatment of atomic collisions in
the impact parameter approximation. I. Integration of
coupled equations and calculation of transition
amplitudes for the straight line case. (C.P.C.
10(1975)223). C. Gaussorgues, R.D. Piacentini, A. Salin.
17(1979)424 ACWJ 000B CORRECTION 28/03/79 (Fortran, Tape Issue 38).
Multistate molecular treatment of atomic collisions in
the impact parameter approximation. I. Integration of
coupled equations and calculation of transition
amplitudes for the straight line case. (C.P.C.
10(1975)223). C. Gaussorgues, R.D. Piacentini, A. Salin.
12(1976)199 ACWU TANGO (Fortran, 904 Lines, Tape Issue 27). Multistate
molecular treatment of atomic collisions in the impact
parameter approximation. III - Integration of coupled
equations and calculation of transition amplitudes for
Coulomb trajectories. R.D. Piacentini, A. Salin.
17(1979)425 ACWU 000A CORRECTION 27/03/79 (Fortran, Tape Issue 38).
Multistate molecular treatment of atomic collisions in
the impact parameter approximation. III - Integration of
coupled equations and calculation of transition
amplitudes for Coulomb trajectories. (C.P.C. 12(1976)199).
R.D. Piacentini, A. Salin.
13(1977)57 ACXD EIKON (Fortran, 644 Lines, Tape Issue 29). Multistate
molecular treatment of atomic collisions in the impact
parameter approximation. II. Calculation of
differential cross-sections from the transition
amplitudes for the straight line case. See erratum Comp.
Phys. Commun. 13(1977)295. R.D. Piacentini, A. Salin.
Subroutine required: (for data) ACWJ (Section 16.8).
18(1979)377 ACZF DATSTOR (Fortran, 1511 Lines, Tape Issue 40). Numerical
modelling of a chemical plasma. III. DATSTOR: a program
to create a database containing information on rate
coefficients of chemical reactions. S.A. Roberts.
23(1981)153 AAHL CDW 1 (Fortran, 948 Lines, Tape Issue 47). Computation
of total cross-sections for electron capture in high
energy ion-atom collisions. Dz. Belkic, R. Gayet,
A. Salin. Other version: ACCJ (Section 16.8).
23(1981)153 AAHM CDW 2 (Fortran, 868 Lines, Tape Issue 47). Computation
of total cross-sections for electron capture in high
energy ion-atom collisions. Dz. Belkic, R. Gayet,
A. Salin. Other version: ACCK (Section 16.8).
29(1983)333 AACJ LZRATE (Fortran, 675 Lines, Tape Issue 55). A program
for the calculation of Landau-Zener cross sections and
rate coefficients. S. Bienstock.
30(1983)193 ACFA CDW (Fortran, 686 Lines, Tape Issue 56). Computation of
total cross-sections for electron capture in high energy
collisions. II. Dz. Belkic, R. Gayet, A. Salin.
32(1984)385 ACCJ CDW1 (Fortran, 781 Lines, Tape Issue 58). Computation of
total cross-sections for electron capture in high energy
collisions III. Dz. Belkic, R. Gayet, A. Salin. Other
version: AAHL (Section 16.8).
32(1984)385 ACCK CDW2 (Fortran, 876 Lines, Tape Issue 58). Computation of
total cross-sections for electron capture in high energy
collisions III. Dz. Belkic, R. Gayet, A. Salin. Other
version: AAHM (Section 16.8).
54(1989)391 ABHF HIONDAT (Fortran, 8263 Lines, Tape Issue 73). Data base
of cross sections and reaction rates for hydrogen ion
sources. K. Smith, A.H. Glasser.
62(1991)58 ABTY SUPERPAMPA (Fortran, 1725 Lines, Tape Issue 79).
Multistate molecular treatment of atomic collisions in
the impact parameter approximation IV. A. Salin. Other
version: ACWJ (Section 16.8).
76(1993)235 ACNP ANACAL (Fortran, 7900 Lines, Tape Issue 88). ANACAL: a
program to carry out a configurational analysis of the
wave function of reactive systems. R. Lopez,
M.I. Menendez, D. Suarez, T.L. Sordo, J.A. Sordo.
77(1993)403 ACPG PHCOLL (Fortran, 31589 Lines, Tape Issue 89). A program
for ion-atom collisions involving one electron.
H.G. Morrison, U. Opik.
16.9 Classical Methods
2(1971)114 ACQT EVAR (Fortran, 3452 Lines, Tape Issue 5). Classical
relative motion of 2 particles. D. Banks,
I.C. Percival, J.McB. Wilson. Other version: ACRB (Section
3(1972)197 ACRB EVAR EDITION 02 (Fortran, 3828 Lines, Tape Issue 9).
Classical relative motion of 2 particles (EVAR edition 02).
D. Banks, I.C. Percival, J.McB. Wilson. Other version:
ACQT (Section 16.9).
3(1972)221 ACRC EVA2 EDITION 01 (Fortran, 1451 Lines, Tape Issue 9).
Classical motion of 2 particles (EVA2 edition 01).
D. Banks, I.C. Percival, J.McB. Wilson. Subroutine
required: ACRB (Section 16.9).
13(1977)251 ACXO CLASSICAL P-H COLLISIONS (Fortran, 3060 Lines, Tape Issue
29). Classical collisions of protons with hydrogen atoms.
D. Banks, K.S. Barnes, P.E. Hughes, I.C. Percival,
D. Richards, N.A. Valentine, J.McB. Wilson.
28(1983)255 AANX SCATXS (Fortran, 1137 Lines, Tape Issue 54).
Calculation of differential scattering cross-sections for
classical binary elastic collisions. C. O'Raifeartaigh,
J.F. McGilp.
70(1992)569 ACHT BIRKGUST (Mathematica, 475 Lines, Tape Issue 83).
Computing normal forms of nonseparable Hamiltonians by
symbolic manipulation. P.E. Raines, T. Uzer.
16.10 Wave Functions and Integrals
1(1970)391 ABYA POLYMOL (Fortran, 6793 Lines, Tape Issue 4). POLYMOL: a
general program for the calculation of ground state wave
functions for polymers. J.-M. Andre.
2(1971)201 ACAA DFZERO (Fortran, 286 Lines, Tape Issue 6). High speed
evaluation of F0(x). L.L. Shipman, R.E. Christoffersen.
3(1972)130 ABYB FIELD (Fortran, 568 Lines, Tape Issue 9). Field and
field gradient integrals based on gaussian type orbitals.
O. Matsuoka.
3(1972)131 ABYC FGRAD (Fortran, 640 Lines, Tape Issue 9). Field and
field gradient integrals based on gaussian type orbitals.
O. Matsuoka.
11(1976)49 ABWB ONEINT (Fortran, 839 Lines, Tape Issue 26). Dipole and
overlap integrals between Slater-type functions and
continuum Coulomb functions. K.K. Docken, A.L. Ford.
14(1978)121 ACXX GRAVE (Fortran, 692 Lines, Tape Issue 31). Calculation
of wave-function and collision matrix elements for one-
electron diatomic molecules. See erratum Comp. Phys.
Commun. 15(1978)443. A. Salin.
14(1978)121 ACXY MEDOC (Fortran, 1120 Lines, Tape Issue 31). Calculation
of wave-functions and collision matrix elements for one-
electron diatomic molecules. A. Salin. Subroutine
required: ACXX (Section 16.10).
20(1980)462 ACXY 000A CORRECTION 22/08/80 (Fortran, Tape Issue 44).
Calculation of wave-functions and collision matrix
elements for one-electron diatomic molecules. (C.P.C.
14(1978)121). A. Salin.
14(1978)273 AAKT TRIO (Fortran, 2186 Lines, Tape Issue 32). Inter-
electron repulsion integrals for three-open-shell
configurations in cubic symmetry. B. Bird, C. Daul,
P. Day.
16(1978)65 ACYU STP (Fortran, 673 Lines, Tape Issue 35). An integral
package for one-centre integrals over Slater-Transform-
Preuss functions. E. Yurtsever.
19(1980)327 ACZU IPEXMAT (Fortran, 828 Lines, Tape Issue 41).
Subroutines for the evaluation of exchange integrals in
the impact parameter formulation of atomic charge
transfer collisions. C.J. Noble. Subroutine required:
(for data) ACZV (Section 16.10).
19(1980)327 ACZV REXMAT (Reduce2, 494 Lines, Tape Issue 41). Subroutines
for the evaluation of exchange integrals in the impact
parameter formulation of atomic charge transfer
collisions. C.J. Noble.
19(1980)337 ACYY IBMOL-7 (Fortran, 18476 Lines, Tape Issue 41). A program
to introduce local symmetry in ab initio computations of
molecules: IBMOL-7. E. Ortoleva, G. Castiglione,
E. Clementi.
23(1981)275 AAQL PSEPOT (Fortran, 971 Lines, Tape Issue 48).
Pseudopotential matrix elements in the Gaussian basis.
M. Kolar. Other version: AAQM (Section 16.10).
23(1981)275 AAQM PSEPO1 (Fortran, 958 Lines, Tape Issue 48).
Pseudopotential matrix elements in the Gaussian basis.
M. Kolar. Subroutine required: AAQN (Section 16.10).
Other version: AAQL (Section 16.10).
23(1981)275 AAQN COMPANGI (Fortran, 249 Lines, Tape Issue 48).
Pseudopotential matrix elements in the Gaussian basis.
M. Kolar.
23(1981)377 AANO FRTRF (Fortran, 569 Lines, Tape Issue 49). Computation
of Fourier transform of a general two-centre STO charge
distribution. B.R. Junker.
27(1982)79 AARZ MATSUP (Fortran, 840 Lines, Tape Issue 52). MATSUP: a
program to obtain two-electron repulsion integrals from a
sparse file of P supermatrix elements. M. Benard.
29(1983)87 ACEF TCOI (Fortran, 825 Lines, Tape Issue 54). Two centre
overlap integrals of numerical wavefunctions.
R.P. Gupta, Rashmi-Rekha, S. Pal.
29(1983)301 ACEL PP-I-1982 (Fortran, 5108 Lines, Tape Issue 55). A
general program to compute two electron repulsion
integrals. P. Habitz, E. Clementi.
31(1984)47 ACFL FRANKC (Fortran, 450 Lines, Tape Issue 57). Calculation
of the auxiliary functions Fm(z). L.F. Errea, L. Mendez,
A. Riera.
43(1987)269 AATB OFMO (Fortran, 1173 Lines, Tape Issue 64). Reduction of
orbital sets. E. Francisco, L. Seijo, L. Pueyo.
54(1989)55 ABHW TSYM (Fortran, 6048 Lines, Tape Issue 73). Computation
of relativistic symmetry orbitals for finite double point
groups. See erratum Comp. Phys. Commun. 55(1989)469.
J. Meyer, W.-D. Sepp, B. Fricke, A. Rosen.
58(1990)217 ABLY ALAIN (Fortran, 935 Lines, Tape Issue 76). General
subroutines for calculation of atomic and molecular two-
centre integrals. J.P. Hansen.
58(1990)305 ABRB ASTERIX-INTEGS (Fortran, 20964 Lines, Tape Issue 77). A
program system for ab initio MO calculations on vector
and parallel processing machines. Part 1: evaluation of
integrals. R. Ernenwein, M.-M. Rohmer, M. Benard.
60(1990)127 ABRR ASTERIX-SCFCS, ASTERIX-SCFOS (Fortran, 16674 Lines, Tape
Issue 78). A program system for ab initio MO
calculations on vector and parallel processing machines.
Part 2: SCF closed-shell and open-shell iterations.
M.-M. Rohmer, J. Demuynck, M. Benard, R. Wiest,
C. Bachmann, C. Henriet, R. Ernenwein. Subroutine
required: ABRB (Section 16.10).
62(1991)107 ABTA ASTERIX-REORD, ASTERIX-TRANSF (Fortran, 4217 Lines, Tape
Issue 79). A program system for ab initio MO
calculations on vector and parallel processing machines.
Part 3: integral reordering and four-index transformation.
R. Wiest, J. Demuynck, M. Benard, M.-M. Rohmer,
R. Ernenwein. Subroutines required: (for data) ABRB
(Section 16.10), ABRR (Section 16.10).
64(1991)300 ABZM JANPET (Fortran, 4374 Lines, Tape Issue 80). Fast
routine for the evaluation of two-centre integrals in
heavy particle collisions. A. Dubois.
64(1991)329 ABZK BICEN (Fortran, 2542 Lines, Tape Issue 80). Calculation
of two-center one-electron molecular integrals with
STOs. J. Fernandez Rico, R. Lopez, M. Paniagua,
G. Ramirez.
72(1992)304 ABZK 000A CORRECTION 25/04/92 (Fortran, Tape Issue 85).
Calculation of two-center one-electron molecular
integrals with STOs. (C.P.C. 64(1991)329).
J. Fernandez Rico, R. Lopez, M. Paniagua, G. Ramirez.
82(1994)306 ABZK 000B CORRECTION 19/04/94 (Fortran, Tape Issue 92).
Calculation of two-center one-electron molecular
integrals with STOs. (C.P.C. 64(1991)329).
J. Fernandez Rico, R. Lopez, M. Paniagua, G. Ramirez.
67(1991)309 ACBO INTAMON (Fortran, 1152 Lines, Tape Issue 81). A program
to test basis sets for quantum calculations with the
option to include effective core potentials.
L.F. Pacios.
67(1992)456 ACBW JANAL (Fortran, 1793 Lines, Tape Issue 81). Procedures
for analytical and numerical calculation of Coulombic one-
and two-centre integrals. J.P. Hansen, A. Dubois.
72(1992)269 ACJU S_INT (Fortran, 7287 Lines, Tape Issue 85). Programs for
the evaluation of overlap integrals with B functions.
H.H.H. Homeier, E.J. Weniger, E.O. Steinborn. Subroutine
required: AARL (Section 4.7). Non-profit use licence
77(1993)135 ACNV D_INT (Fortran, 9635 Lines, Tape Issue 89). Programs for
the evaluation of nuclear attraction integrals with B
functions. H.H.H. Homeier, E.O. Steinborn. Subroutine
required: (for data) ACJU (Section 16.10). Non-profit use
licence required.
78(1994)291 ACPQ MOAS (Fortran, 641 Lines, Tape Issue 90). Asymptotic
energy and wave function of one-electron molecular
orbital. H. Fukuda.
16.11 Polymers
1(1970)391 ABYA POLYMOL (Fortran, 6793 Lines, Tape Issue 4). POLYMOL: a
general program for the calculation of ground state wave
functions for polymers. J.-M. Andre.
16.12 Chemical Kinetics
27(1982)201 AAOA UNIMOL (Fortran, 2222 Lines, Tape Issue 52). UNIMOL: a
program for Monte Carlo simulation of RRKM unimolecular
decomposition in molecular beam experiments.
K. Rynefors.
47(1987)91 ABBD POLYRATE (Fortran, 21663 Lines, Manual 204 pages, Tape
Issue 67). POLYRATE: a general computer program for
variational transition state theory and semiclassical
tunneling calculations of chemical reaction rates.
A.D. Isaacson, D.G. Truhlar, S.N. Rai, R. Steckler,
G.C. Hancock, B.C. Garrett, M.J. Redmon. Other version:
ACJC (Section 16.12).
71(1992)235 ACJC POLYRATE 4.0.1 (Fortran, 49972 Lines, Tape Issue 84).
POLYRATE 4: a new version of a computer program for the
calculation of chemical reaction rates for polyatomics.
D.-h. Lu, T.N. Truong, V.S. Melissas, G.C. Lynch,
Y.-P. Liu, B.C. Garrett, R. Steckler, A.D. Isaacson,
S.N. Rai, G.C. Hancock, J.G. Lauderdale, T. Joseph,
D.G. Truhlar. Other version: ABBD (Section 16.12).
Non-profit use licence required.
75(1993)143 ACLM MORATE version 4.5/P4.5-M5.03 (Fortran, 75956 Lines, Tape
Issue 86). MORATE: a program for direct dynamics
calculations of chemical reaction rates by semiempirical
molecular orbital theory. T.N. Truong, D.-h. Lu,
G.C. Lynch, Y.-P. Liu, V.S. Melissas, J.J.P. Stewart,
R. Steckler, B.C. Garrett, A.D. Isaacson,
A. Gonzalez-Lafont, S.N. Rai, G.C. Hancock, T. Joseph,
D.G. Truhlar. Non-profit use licence required.
16.13 Condensed-phase Simulations
See Condensed Matter, Other Condensed Matter
17. Nuclear Physics
17.1 Apparatus Design
5(1973)56 ABCF COMBAT (Fortran, 1036 Lines, Tape Issue 12). A program
for closed orbit minimization by analytic technique.
J.V. Trotman.
7(1974)185 AAUK MCS (Fortran, 867 Lines, Tape Issue 18). Monte Carlo
simulation of photons in two-layered media for density
gauges. E.R. Christensen.
7(1974)192 AAUL MCD (Fortran, 631 Lines, Tape Issue 18). Computer
simulation of photons in spheric media for density gauges.
E.R. Christensen. Subroutine required: AAUK (Section
13(1977)349 ACSK LINEAR ACCELERATOR CAVITY CODE (Fortran, 6193 Lines, Tape
Issue 31). A linear accelerator cavity code based on the
finite element method. A. Konrad. Subroutine required:
ACSF (Section 10).
23(1981)199 ABKI SATDSK (Fortran, 1286 Lines, Tape Issue 47). SATDSK: a
numerical simulation of the magnetic field due to
saturated iron in cyclotron poletips. G.S. McNeilly.
23(1981)393 ABQM DSAMER (Fortran, 1322 Lines, Tape Issue 49). A computer
program for nuclear lifetimes measurements by DSAM using
a self supporting target. C. Morand, Tsan Ung Chan.
24(1981)205 ABKJ IMBUI-G, NEUTRON TOF SIMULATOR (RTE Assembler, 2225 Lines,
Tape Issue 50). A time-of-flight spectrum simulator for
neutron elastic and inelastic scattering.
G.H.R. Kegel.
25(1982)311 AARW DELPHINE (Fortran, 713 Lines, Tape Issue 50). DELPHINE:
program to bunch a D.C. beam through a tandem accelerator
for injection into a cyclotron with superconducting
magnet. M.S. Antony, J.M. Britz, J. Denimal.
30(1983)71 AAVN PHOCHA (Fortran, 1492 Lines, Tape Issue 55). PHOCHA: a
Monte Carlo program to calculate the characteristics of a
beam of photons produced by annihilation and
bremsstrahlung of relativistic positrons.
E. De Sanctis, V. Lucherini, V. Bellini.
36(1985)321 AABP MURI, NEUTRON YIELDS AND SPECTRA (RTE Assembler, 1767 Lines
, Tape Issue 61). Fluences and energy spectra of fast
neutrons from a proton-irradiated thick lithium target.
G.H.R. Kegel.
17.2 Energy Loss
2(1971)433 ABON STRAGL (Fortran, 1307 Lines, Tape Issue 8). Energy-loss
straggling of heavy charged particles. R.G. Clarkson,
N. Jarmie.
5(1973)239 ACRH ELECTRON ENERGY LOSS (Fortran, 2223 Lines, Tape Issue 12).
Electron energy deposition in a gaseous mixture.
L.R. Peterson, T. Sawada, J.N. Bass, A.E.S. Green.
7(1974)85 ACIB E-DEP-1 (Fortran, 2047 Lines, Tape Issue 17). Depth
distribution of energy deposition by ion bombardment.
I. Manning, G.P. Mueller.
12(1976)335 ACIB 0001 CALCULATE LATERAL RANGES (Fortran, 68 Lines, Tape
Issue 29). Adaptation of a program for depth
distribution of energy deposition by ion bombardment:
calculation of ion lateral ranges. I. Manning, M. Rosen,
J.E. Westmoreland.
12(1976)339 ACIB 000ACORRECTION 21/09/75 (Fortran, Tape Issue 29). Depth
distribution of energy deposition by ion bombardment. (C.
P.C. 7(1974)85). I. Manning, G.P. Mueller.
12(1976)339 ACIB 000BCORRECTION 5/03/75 (Fortran, Tape Issue 29). Depth
distribution of energy deposition by ion bombardment. (C.
P.C. 7(1974)85). I. Manning, G.P. Mueller.
42(1986)137 ACIB 0002BETTER STOPPING POWERS (Fortran, 2912 Lines, Tape Issue
63). Adaptation of a program for depth distribution of
energy deposition by ion bombardment: better stopping
powers. C.M. Davisson, I. Manning.
7(1974)215 AAUI LANDAU (Fortran, 300 Lines, Tape Issue 18). Programs for
the Landau and the Vavilov distributions and the
corresponding random numbers. B. Schorr.
7(1974)215 AAUJ VAVILOV (Fortran, 636 Lines, Tape Issue 18). Programs
for the Landau and the Vavilov distributions and the
corresponding random numbers. B. Schorr.
7(1974)392 AAUM NELAS (Fortran, 664 Lines, Tape Issue 19). Nuclear
energy loss and scattering of ions penetrating thin
layers of matter. R. Skoog.
31(1984)97 ABAD LANDAU (Fortran, 691 Lines, Tape Issue 57). A program
package for the Landau distribution. K.S. Kolbig,
B. Schorr.
36(1985)321 AABP MURI, NEUTRON YIELDS AND SPECTRA (RTE Assembler, 1767 Lines
, Tape Issue 61). Fluences and energy spectra of fast
neutrons from a proton-irradiated thick lithium target.
G.H.R. Kegel.
38(1985)389 AADE DEPOS (Fortran, 150 Lines, Tape Issue 61). DEPOS:
parametric electron energy deposition module in slabs.
B.L. Lathrop, B.R. Wienke.
42(1986)93 AALC MCSDA (Fortran, 1288 Lines, Tape Issue 63). A Monte
Carlo program to simulate the penetration and energy loss
of keV electrons through matter. F. Salvat,
J.D. Martinez, R. Mayol, J. Parellada.
17.3 Mossbauer Spectra
1(1969)67 ABQA MOSSBAUER DATA LEAST-SQUARES FIT (Fortran, 2900 Lines, Tape
Issue 1). Versatile program for analysis of Mossbauer
spectra. M.F. Bent, B.I. Persson, D.G. Agresti.
2(1971)322 ABIB MOSSBAUER FITTING PROGRAM (Fortran, 1078 Lines, Tape Issue
7). Computer analysis of Mossbauer spectra.
B.L. Chrisman, T.A. Tumolillo.
3(1972)339 ABOP MOSSBAUER SCATTERING SPECTRA (Fortran, 1942 Lines, Tape
Issue 10). Computer simulation of Mossbauer scattering
spectra. J.L. Groves.
5(1973)225 ABMD PARAMAGNETIC MOSSBAUER SPECTRA (Fortran, 1698 Lines, Tape
Issue 12). Computer simulations of Mossbauer spectra for
an effective spin S=1/2 Hamiltonian. E. Munck,
J.L. Groves, T.A. Tumolillo, P.G. Debrunner.
5(1973)395 ABMD 000A CORRECTION 18/01/73 (Fortran, Tape Issue 13).
Computer simulations of Mossbauer spectra for an
effective spin S=1/2 Hamiltonian. (C.P.C. 5(1973)225).
E. Munck, J.L. Groves, T.A. Tumolillo, P.G. Debrunner.
7(1974)151 ACML FLEXIBLE MOSSBAUER FIT ROUTINE (Fortran, 2023 Lines, Tape
Issue 17). A flexible least squares routine for general
Mossbauer effect spectra fitting. W. Wilson,
L.J. Swartzendruber.
29(1983)131 ACEG MOSAUT AND MOSINP (Fortran, 5613 Lines, Tape Issue 55).
A program to analyze series of Mossbauer spectra.
E. Verbiest.
60(1990)405 ABTH MOSPLV (Fortran, 1992 Lines, Tape Issue 78). MOSPLV: a
program for simulation of complex Mossbauer spectra in
polycrystalline samples. R. Chipaux.
69(1992)182 ACGF SPECFIT (Fortran, 3216 Lines, Tape Issue 82). SPECFIT:
an interactive package for Mossbauer spectra fitting with
personal computers. F.D. Barb, O. Netoiu, M. Sorescu,
M. Weiss.
17.4 Experimental Analysis - General
5(1973)163 AAYB OPTIME SYSTEM (Fortran, 10992 Lines, Tape Issue 11).
Users manual for the OPTIME system. P.H. Eberhard,
W.O. Koellner.
8(1974)49 ABCG LINCOM (Fortran, 968 Lines, Tape Issue 21). Search
program for significant variables. M.J. O'Connell.
8(1974)56 ABCH GSFIT (Fortran, 1415 Lines, Tape Issue 21).
Multivariate least squares fitting program using modified
Gram-Schmidt transformations. M.J. O'Connell.
9(1975)117 ABMK LGFIT2 (Fortran, 1368 Lines, Tape Issue 23). A least-
squares spectral curve fitting routine for strongly
overlapping lorentzians or gaussians.
E.D. von Meerwall.
9(1975)351 ABML PEAK2 (Fortran, 1290 Lines, Tape Issue 24). A FORTRAN
code for automatic spectrum analysis on medium-scale
computers. E.D. von Meerwall.
10(1975)145 ABMM SPEC3 (Fortran, 1004 Lines, Tape Issue 25). A general-
purpose routine for the analysis of spectroscopic peak
shapes. E.D. von Meerwall.
11(1976)37 ABMN ANNA (Fortran, 1128 Lines, Tape Issue 27). ANNA: an
interactive program for analysis of one-dimensional pulse-
height spectra. P.A. Assimakopoulos, S. Kossionides.
11(1976)287 ABKF JOTOV (Fortran, 5191 Lines, Tape Issue 28).
Identification of nuclear reactions registered in
ionographic detectors. M. Ortega, A. Vidal-Quadras,
M. Tomas, F. Fernandez, V. Gandia, C. Jacquot.
13(1977)281 AAUS COUNTING FEW RADIOACTIVE ATOMS (Fortran, 123 Lines, Tape
Issue 29). Counting a small number of radioactive atoms.
A.M. Aurela. Other versions: AAUY (Section 17.4), ABQR
(Section 17.4).
13(1977)389 ABAA UPEAK (Fortran, 4406 Lines, Tape Issue 30). UPEAK:
spectro-oriented routine for mixture decomposition.
V.B. Zlokazov.
17(1979)301 AAUY COUNTING FEW RADIOACTIVE ATOMS/2 (Fortran, 144 Lines, Tape
Issue 37). Counting a small number of radioactive atoms,
second program. A.M. Aurela. Other versions: AAUS
(Section 17.4), ABQR (Section 17.4).
17(1979)309 ABNE DIFFUS2 (Fortran, 781 Lines, Tape Issue 37). A Fortran
program to interpret pulsed field-gradient spin-echo
diffusion data. E.D. von Meerwall. Other version: ABNI
(Section 17.4).
18(1979)281 ABAB DOMUS (Fortran, 2596 Lines, Tape Issue 39). DOMUS: a
program for the analysis of two-dimensional spectra.
V.B. Zlokazov.
18(1979)417 ABNG SAMCS1 (Fortran, 828 Lines, Tape Issue 40). A Fortran
program to perform signal averaging, multichannel scaling
and pulse-height analysis. E.D. von Meerwall.
21(1980)119 AAVD LOUHI78 (Fortran, 3227 Lines, Tape Issue 45). General
purpose unfolding program LOUHI78 with linear and
nonlinear regularizations. J.T. Routti, J.V. Sandberg.
21(1981)421 ABNI DIFFUS5 (Fortran, 1444 Lines, Tape Issue 45). A Fortran
program to fit diffusion models to field-gradient spin
echo data. E.D. von Meerwall, R.D. Ferguson. Other
version: ABNE (Section 17.4).
23(1981)393 ABQM DSAMER (Fortran, 1322 Lines, Tape Issue 49). A computer
program for nuclear lifetimes measurements by DSAM using
a self supporting target. C. Morand, Tsan Ung Chan.
29(1983)163 ABQR COUNTING FEW RADIOACTIVE ATOMS/3 (Fortran, 97 Lines, Tape
Issue 54). Counting a small number of radioactive atoms.
Monte Carlo program. K.T. Ekholm, A.M. Aurela. Other
versions: AAUS (Section 17.4), AAUY (Section 17.4).
34(1985)395 ABPO LINDA (Fortran, 2963 Lines, Tape Issue 60). The code
LINDA: a Monte Carlo reaction simulation for correlated
fragments and evaporation residues formed in nuclear
reactions. E. Duek, L. Kowalski, J.M. Alexander.
46(1987)155 AATV CRAZS (Fortran, 1365 Lines, Tape Issue 65). A computer
program for determining the complete reaction amplitude
for two-body nuclear reactions involving zero-spin
particles. Z. Basrak. Subroutine required: AATU (Section
46(1987)179 AATW TPSPM (Fortran, 470 Lines, Tape Issue 65).
Determination of the physical scattering matrix from a
complete set of ambiguous solutions of the scattering
problem by using the shortest-path method. Z. Basrak.
Subroutine required: AATV (Section 17.4).
56(1989)199 ABLF FEDMIX (Fortran, 14009 Lines, Tape Issue 76). Neutron
transmission functions and lumped averaged cross-sections
from standardized evaluated neutron data (FEDMIX system).
P. Vertes.
74(1993)375 ACLS SAIDINTF (Fortran, 4985 Lines, Tape Issue 86). A GEANT
extension for polarized neutron-proton scattering.
H.W. den Bok, Z. Papandreou, Th.S. Bauer, E. Voutier,
M.E. Brandan.
17.5 Experimental Analysis - Particle Detection
2(1971)394 ABCB MATCH (Fortran, 3338 Lines, Tape Issue 8). A track
matching program for bubble chamber photographs.
P.L. Bastien, J.N. Snyder, V. Pless.
21(1980)163 AAVC VBPL (Fortran, 1067 Lines, Tape Issue 43). Analysis of
photonuclear yield curves by the variable Bin Penfold-
Leiss method. P.D. Allen, Su Su, E.G. Muirhead.
25(1982)297 ABQQ SEMIEMPIRICAL ALPHA HALF-LIFE (Fortran, 1511 Lines, Tape
Issue 50). Alpha-decay half-life semiempirical
relationships with self-improving parameters.
D.N. Poenaru, M. Ivascu, D. Mazilu.
39(1986)245 AAFB CEAN (Fortran, 4505 Lines, Tape Issue 62). CEAN: a
system for processing coincident data and particle
identification. K. Ioannides, P.A. Assimakopoulos.
72(1992)295 ACJR RBSFIT (Pascal, 1820 Lines, Tape Issue 85). A Pascal
program for the least-squares evaluation of standard RBS
spectra. V. Hnatowicz, V. Havranek, J. Kvitek.
17.6 Experimental Analysis - Activity Detection
2(1971)40 ABMB NAA (Fortran, 1344 Lines, Tape Issue 5). Computer-
assisted analysis of gamma-ray spectra.
G.D. Atkinson Jr., J.B. Whitworth, S.J. Gage.
2(1971)288 ABOF DECAY SCHEME PROGRAM, DCSCH3 (Fortran, 533 Lines, Tape
Issue 6). A program to aid in establishing gamma-ray
decay schemes. B.P. Foster, D.C. Camp.
2(1971)289 ABOG DECAY SCHEME PROGRAM, DCSCH4 (Fortran, 484 Lines, Tape
Issue 6). A program to aid in establishing gamma-ray
decay schemes. B.P. Foster, D.C. Camp.
2(1971)427 ABGF INTERNAL CONVERSION COEFFICIENTS (Fortran, 790 Lines, Tape
Issue 8). A program to calculate internal conversion
coefficients for all atomic shells without screening.
O. Dragoun, G. Heuser.
--- ABGP 000ACORRECTION 16/08/77 (Fortran, Tape Issue 29).
Unpublished correction to a computer program for internal
conversion coefficients and particle parameters.
H.C. Pauli, U. Raff.
9(1975)392 ABGP CATAR (Fortran, 3136 Lines, Tape Issue 24). A computer
program for internal conversion coefficients and particle
parameters. H.C. Pauli, U. Raff.
11(1976)75 ABPG ANGCOR (Fortran, 1361 Lines, Tape Issue 26). A program
for calculating gamma-gamma directional correlation
coefficients and mixing ratios. E.S. Macias,
W.D. Ruhter, D.C. Camp, R.G. Lanier. Other version: ABMZ
(Section 17.6).
15(1978)107 ABMZ THDST (Fortran, 1805 Lines, Tape Issue 34). A program
for calculating gamma-gamma directional correlation
coefficients and angular distribution coefficients for
gamma rays of mixed multipolarities from partially
aligned nuclei. R.J. Rouse Jr., G.L. Struble,
R.G. Lanier, L.G. Mann, E.S. Macias. Other version: ABPG
(Section 17.6).
18(1979)401 AAMB INTERNAL CONVERSION COEFFICIENTS (Fortran, 1714 Lines, Tape
Issue 39). A program to calculate internal conversion
coefficients including higher-order corrections for all
atomic shells. R. Der, D. Hinneburg, M. Nagel.
19(1980)93 ABGS CFIT (Fortran, 824 Lines, Tape Issue 41). A computer
program for determination of nuclear parameters from
internal conversion experiments. M. Rysavy, O. Dragoun.
19(1980)197 AAPB SMUDLA (Fortran, 1579 Lines, Tape Issue 40). Nuclear
decay scheme construction based on qualitative
coincidences. L. Hlavaty.
21(1981)407 ABVV HFNX (Fortran, 1085 Lines, Tape Issue 46). Calculation
of (n, gamma) cross-sections and astrophysical reaction
rates by the nuclear statistical model. M.J. Harris.
23(1981)385 ABQL EFFY (Fortran, 419 Lines, Tape Issue 49). EFFY: a
program to calculate the counting efficiency of beta
particles in liquid scintillators. E. Garcia-Torano,
A. Grau. Other version: AABO (Section 17.6).
24(1981)11 ABQO SAMPO80 (Fortran, 2988 Lines, Tape Issue 49). SAMPO80:
minicomputer program for gamma spectrum analysis with
nuclide identification. M.J. Koskelo, P.A. Aarnio,
J.T. Routti.
24(1981)11 ABQO 0001PDP-11 VERSION OF SAMPO80 (Fortran, 2959 Lines, Tape
Issue 58). SAMPO80: minicomputer program for gamma
spectrum analysis with nuclide identification.
M.J. Koskelo, P.A. Aarnio, J.T. Routti.
28(1982)27 ABAC ACTIV (Fortran, 5215 Lines, Tape Issue 53). ACTIV: a
program for automatic processing of gamma-ray spectra.
V.B. Zlokazov.
32(1984)399 ACCL DELTA (Fortran, 1975 Lines, Tape Issue 58). DELTA: a
computer program to analyze gamma-gamma angular
correlations from unaligned states. L.P. Ekstrom.
34(1985)313 ACDK FGM (Fortran, 2171 Lines, Tape Issue 60). FGM: a
flexible gamma-spectrum analysis program for a small
computer. G. Szekely.
36(1985)307 AABO EFFY2 (Fortran, 521 Lines, Tape Issue 61). EFFY: a new
program to compute the counting efficiency of beta
particles in liquid scintillators. E. Garcia-Torano,
A. Grau Malonda. Other version: ABQL (Section 17.6).
44(1987)209 AATN VIASKL (Fortran, 902 Lines, Tape Issue 65). VIASKL: a
computer program to evaluate the liquid scintillation
counting efficiency and its associated uncertainty for K-
L-atomic shell electron-capture nuclides.
J.M. Los Arcos, A. Grau, A. Fernandez.
47(1987)311 ABBF GAMBLE AND GAMANA (Fortran, 4794 Lines, Tape Issue 67).
Simulation of nuclear quasicontinuum gamma-ray spectra.
G.A. Leander.
47(1987)341 ABBC EFYGA (Fortran, 523 Lines, Tape Issue 67). EFYGA: a
Monte Carlo program to compute the interaction
probability and the counting efficiency of gamma rays in
liquid scintillators. E. Garcia-Torano,
A. Grau Malonda.
86(1995)123 ADAU DYEFIC (Fortran, 590 Lines, Tape Issue 95). DYEFIC: LSC
efficiency computation at the dynodic output of PMTs.
F. Ortiz, J.M. Los Arcos.
**87(1995)432 ADBH CAPMULT (Fortran, 1226 Lines, Tape Issue 96). CAPMULT,
the counting efficiency for electron capture by a KLMN
four-shell model. G. Galiano Casas, A. Grau Carles,
A. Grau Malonda.
17.7 Experimental Analysis - Fission, Fusion, Heavy-ion
2(1971)40 ABMB NAA (Fortran, 1344 Lines, Tape Issue 5). Computer-
assisted analysis of gamma-ray spectra.
G.D. Atkinson Jr., J.B. Whitworth, S.J. Gage.
2(1971)288 ABOF DECAY SCHEME PROGRAM, DCSCH3 (Fortran, 533 Lines, Tape
Issue 6). A program to aid in establishing gamma-ray
decay schemes. B.P. Foster, D.C. Camp.
2(1971)289 ABOG DECAY SCHEME PROGRAM, DCSCH4 (Fortran, 484 Lines, Tape
Issue 6). A program to aid in establishing gamma-ray
decay schemes. B.P. Foster, D.C. Camp.
7(1974)85 ACIB E-DEP-1 (Fortran, 2047 Lines, Tape Issue 17). Depth
distribution of energy deposition by ion bombardment.
I. Manning, G.P. Mueller.
12(1976)335 ACIB 0001 CALCULATE LATERAL RANGES (Fortran, 68 Lines, Tape
Issue 29). Adaptation of a program for depth
distribution of energy deposition by ion bombardment:
calculation of ion lateral ranges. I. Manning, M. Rosen,
J.E. Westmoreland.
12(1976)339 ACIB 000ACORRECTION 21/09/75 (Fortran, Tape Issue 29). Depth
distribution of energy deposition by ion bombardment. (C.
P.C. 7(1974)85). I. Manning, G.P. Mueller.
12(1976)339 ACIB 000BCORRECTION 5/03/75 (Fortran, Tape Issue 29). Depth
distribution of energy deposition by ion bombardment. (C.
P.C. 7(1974)85). I. Manning, G.P. Mueller.
42(1986)137 ACIB 0002BETTER STOPPING POWERS (Fortran, 2912 Lines, Tape Issue
63). Adaptation of a program for depth distribution of
energy deposition by ion bombardment: better stopping
powers. C.M. Davisson, I. Manning.
19(1980)197 AAPB SMUDLA (Fortran, 1579 Lines, Tape Issue 40). Nuclear
decay scheme construction based on qualitative
coincidences. L. Hlavaty.
22(1981)451 ABPK FRANPIE (Fortran, 1345 Lines, Tape Issue 47). The code
FRANPIE: a semiclassical friction free model for
calculating excitation functions for complete fusion of
heavy ions. L.C. Vaz.
38(1985)61 AADD ASYM (Fortran, 217 Lines, Tape Issue 61). ASYM: a
program to examine fission fragment mass asymmetry in
hemispherical chambers. R.S. Tanczyn, G.P. Couchell,
W.A. Schier.
39(1986)245 AAFB CEAN (Fortran, 4505 Lines, Tape Issue 62). CEAN: a
system for processing coincident data and particle
identification. K. Ioannides, P.A. Assimakopoulos.
40(1986)375 AAFT TCNT (Fortran, 456 Lines, Tape Issue 62). Exact
calculation of the penetrability through triple hump
fission barriers. G.D. James.
42(1986)385 AALV FREESCO (Fortran, 1753 Lines, Tape Issue 64). FREESCO:
statistical event generator for nuclear collisions.
G. Fai, J. Randrup.
46(1987)187 AATM CCFUS (Fortran, 337 Lines, Tape Issue 65). CCFUS: a
simplified coupled-channel code for calculation of fusion
cross sections in heavy-ion reactions. C.H. Dasso,
S. Landowne.
47(1987)281 ABBG NUCFRAG (Fortran, 944 Lines, Tape Issue 67). An
algorithm for a semiempirical nuclear fragmentation model.
F.F. Badavi, L.W. Townsend, J.W. Wilson, J.W. Norbury.
50(1988)341 ABDB TORINO (Fortran, 2427 Lines, Tape Issue 69). TORINO: a
semiclassical coupled channel code for heavy ion
reactions. C.H. Dasso, G. Pollarolo.
52(1988)93 ABFL XRAY (Fortran, 1510 Lines, Tape Issue 71). Fusion cross
sections from measurements of delayed X-rays.
A.J. Pacheco, D.E. DiGregorio, J.O. Fernandez Niello,
M. Elgue.
59(1990)507 ABRU KALLIOPI (Fortran, 2938 Lines, Tape Issue 78). A Monte
Carlo reaction simulation for small-angle correlations
between light charged particles. R.L. McGrath,
A. Elmaani, J.M. Alexander, P.A. DeYoung, T. Ethvignot,
M.S. Gordon, E. Renshaw.
76(1993)113 ACNH MCFRAG (Fortran, 27560 Lines, Tape Issue 89). A
microcanonical model of hot nuclei. A.R. DeAngelis,
D.H.E. Gross.
82(1994)17 ACTY SRLOG (Fortran, 1686 Lines, Tape Issue 92). SRLOG, the
simultaneous standardization of 90Sr+90Y+89Sr mixtures.
A. Grau Carles.
83(1994)266 ACVQ PROBFIS (Quickbasic, 3595 Lines, Tape Issue 94).
PROBFIS: a program for subbarrier prompt and isomeric
fission probabilities calculation for even-even nuclei.
G. Vladuca, M. Sin, A. Tudora.
17.8 Nuclear Reaction - General
2(1971)443 AAA* DATA FOR ABOM (Fortran, 12980 Lines, Tape Issue 9).
Kinematical parameters of nuclear reactions. A. Wolfram,
C.F. Moore, W.R. Coker.
2(1971)443 ABOM NUCLEAR SPECTRA (Fortran, 603 Lines, Tape Issue 9).
Kinematical parameters of nuclear reactions. A. Wolfram,
C.F. Moore, W.R. Coker. Subroutine required: (for data)
AAA* (Section 17.8).
4(1972)138 ABGJ EFFECTIVE RANGE APPROXIMATION (Fortran, 388 Lines, Tape
Issue 11). The two-nucleon effective-range parameters
with tensor forces. L. Lovitch, S. Rosati. Subroutines
required: ABGE (Section 4.3), ABGE0001 (Section 4.3).
4(1972)227 ABOS TWOBDY (Fortran, 185 Lines, Tape Issue 11).
Relativistic kinematics for two-body final states.
W.J. Braithwaite.
4(1972)233 ABOT BODY3 (Fortran, 128 Lines, Tape Issue 11). Relativistic
kinematics for three-body final states.
W.J. Braithwaite.
4(1972)371 ABGK S 1/2 PARTICLE CS AND POL (Fortran, 356 Lines, Tape Issue
12). Computation of cross sections and polarizations for
nuclear reactions, in which only spin 1/2 particles are
involved. P. Heiss.
5(1973)456 ACRL DCS (Fortran, 2177 Lines, Tape Issue 14). Program for
calculating differential and integral cross sections for
quantum mechanical scattering problems for reactance or
transition matrices. See erratum Comp. Phys. Commun.
7(1974)177. M.A. Brandt, D.G. Truhlar, R.L. Smith. Other
version: AAJE (Section 17.8).
7(1974)172 ACRL 0001 ACRL ADAPTED FOR IBM360/370 (Fortran, 27 Lines, Tape
Issue 17). Program ACRL to calculate differential and
integral cross sections adapted to run on IBM computers.
M.A. Brandt, D.G. Truhlar, R.L. Smith.
6(1973)229 ABGM FATSO (Fortran, 1834 Lines, Tape Issue 17). A program
calculating the formulae for polarization effects in
nuclear reactions. F. Seiler.
10(1975)385 ABMO PAKINE3 (Fortran, 368 Lines, Tape Issue 26). Kinematics
of three-body reactions. P.A. Assimakopoulos.
10(1975)385 ABMP PAKIPLOT (Fortran, 220 Lines, Tape Issue 26).
Kinematics of three-body reactions.
P.A. Assimakopoulos.
11(1976)353 ACWT FRICTION (Fortran, 554 Lines, Tape Issue 27). One-
dimensional wave packet solutions of time-dependent
frictional or optical potential Schrodinger equations.
R.W. Hasse.
21(1980)97 AAJE DCS2 (Fortran, 2661 Lines, Tape Issue 45). New version
of program for calculating differential and integral
cross sections for quantum mechanical scattering problems
from reactance or transition matrices. K. Onda,
D.G. Truhlar, M.A. Brandt. Other version: ACRL (Section
36(1985)295 AABM LORNA (Fortran, 2981 Lines, Tape Issue 60). Analysis of
polarization experiments. J. Nurzynski.
46(1987)155 AATV CRAZS (Fortran, 1365 Lines, Tape Issue 65). A computer
program for determining the complete reaction amplitude
for two-body nuclear reactions involving zero-spin
particles. Z. Basrak. Subroutine required: AATU (Section
46(1987)179 AATW TPSPM (Fortran, 470 Lines, Tape Issue 65).
Determination of the physical scattering matrix from a
complete set of ambiguous solutions of the scattering
problem by using the shortest-path method. Z. Basrak.
Subroutine required: AATV (Section 17.8).
48(1988)391 ABBK JADJAD (Fortran, 1206 Lines, Tape Issue 68). JADJAD:
simulation of inelastic nucleus-nucleus interactions
below 5GeV. H.N. Agakishiev, V.G. Grishin, K. Hanssgen,
T. Kanarek, R.M. Mechtiev. Subroutines required: AADO
(Section 11.2), AADN (Section 11.2), ACFS (Section 11.2).
56(1989)199 ABLF FEDMIX (Fortran, 14009 Lines, Tape Issue 76). Neutron
transmission functions and lumped averaged cross-sections
from standardized evaluated neutron data (FEDMIX system).
P. Vertes.
59(1990)313 ABRO NUCOGE (Fortran, 865 Lines, Tape Issue 77). A Monte
Carlo for nuclear collision geometry. L. Ding,
E. Stenlund.
69(1992)429 ACGM STP (Fortran, 728 Lines, Tape Issue 82). A code to
determine the energy distribution, the incident energy
and the flux of a beam of light ions into a stack of
foils. A.A. Sonzogni, A.S.M.A. Romo, W.R. Frosch,
S.J. Nassiff.
70(1992)207 ACGI TRIAXI (Fortran, 792 Lines, Tape Issue 83). Photon
absorption and scattering cross sections by triaxial
nuclei. E. Bortolani, G. Maino.
76(1993)98 ACLQ DAFICHA (Fortran, 2968 Lines, Tape Issue 88). A program
for the calculation of energy spectra and reduced nuclear
matrix elements in the frame of Davydov-Chaban model.
J. Lubian, R. Cabezas.
17.9 Optical Models
1(1969)97 AAGA REGGE TRAJECTORY (Fortran, 1187 Lines, Tape Issue 1). A
program for calculating Regge trajectories in potential
scattering. P.G. Burke, C. Tate.
1(1969)106 ACQF SCAT (Fortran, 340 Lines, Tape Issue 1). Nuclear
penetrability and phase shift subroutine. W.R. Smith.
1(1970)181 ACQF 0002 ADAPT SCAT TO LIANA (Fortran, 13 Lines, Tape Issue 2).
Adaptation of subroutine SCAT for use with program LIANA.
W.R. Smith.
1(1970)198 ACQF 0001 ADAPT SCAT TO ELASTIC (Fortran, 12 Lines, Tape Issue
1). Adaptation of subroutine SCAT for use with program
ELASTIC. W.R. Smith.
1(1970)198 ACQG ELASTIC (Fortran, 290 Lines, Tape Issue 1). Nuclear
elastic scattering program with parameter search.
W.R. Smith. Subroutines required: ABOD (Section 4.9),
ABOD0001 (Section 4.9), ACQF (Section 17.9), ACQF0001
(Section 17.9).
2(1971)223 ABGB PHASESHIFT ANALYSIS (Fortran, 1796 Lines, Tape Issue 6).
A program to calculate complex phase shifts and mixing
parameters of elastic scattering of spin 1/2 particles on
spin 1/2 targets. R. Kankowsky, D. Fick.
5(1973)69 ABOU OPTICS (Fortran, 3344 Lines, Tape Issue 13). A nuclear
optical model code for small computers. R.J. Eastgate,
W.J. Thompson, R.A. Hardekopf. Other version: ACRR
(Section 17.9).
7(1974)343 ACRR OPTIX KSU1 (Fortran, 3660 Lines, Tape Issue 19). A
version of a nuclear optical model code for small
computers designed to run on a PDP-15. S.K. Datta,
W.J. Thompson, D.O. Elliott. Other version: ABOU (Section
10(1976)401 ABPD PATIWEN (Fortran, 1256 Lines, Tape Issue 26). PATIWEN -
a code for Coulomb-nuclear interference calculations.
D.H. Feng, A.R. Barnett. Subroutines required: ABPC
(Section 4.5), ABPC0001 (Section 4.5).
15(1978)165 ABII A-THREE (Fortran, 3571 Lines, Tape Issue 35). A-THREE: a
general optical model code especially suited to heavy-ion
calculations. E.H. Auerbach. Subroutine required: ABPC
(Section 4.5).
18(1979)427 ABNF REGGE (Fortran, 1914 Lines, Tape Issue 40). Complex
angular momentum methods for elastic scattering with an
optical potential. T. Takemasa, T. Tamura, H.H. Wolter.
19(1980)205 ABQH FYPEDIFC (Fortran, 1359 Lines, Tape Issue 42). Folded
Yukawa-plus-exponential model PES for nuclei with
different charge densities. D.N. Poenaru, M. Ivascu,
D. Mazilu.
23(1981)135 ABQK NONLOCAL POTENTIALS (Fortran, 1017 Lines, Tape Issue 47).
A spline function program for treating nonlocal
potentials. H.R. Fiebig.
25(1982)125 ABQP DFPOT (Fortran, 964 Lines, Tape Issue 50). DFPOT: a
program for the calculation of double folded potentials.
J. Cook.
28(1983)275 ABPL RIHIOP (Fortran, 1918 Lines, Tape Issue 54). Real and
imaginary part of the heavy ion optical potential from a
realistic nucleon-nucleon interaction. A. Faessler,
L. Rikus, R. Sartor.
31(1984)363 ABPM HERMES (Fortran, 3805 Lines, Tape Issue 57). HERMES: an
optical model search program including tensor potentials
for projectile spins 0 to 3/2. J. Cook.
52(1988)141 ABDD LPOTp (Fortran, 8111 Lines, Tape Issue 71). LPOTp:
nucleon elastic-scattering from spin 0 and 1/2 nuclei in
momentum space. M.J. Paez, M.E. Sagen, R.H. Landau.
55(1989)109 ABJH NPSD (Fortran, 955 Lines, Tape Issue 74). Solution of
the two nucleons Schrodinger equation with nonlocal
tensor potential in the 3S1-3D1 state. M.M. Mustafa,
M.W. Kermode, E.S. Zahran.
71(1992)150 ACHU NLOM (Fortran, 1692 Lines, Tape Issue 84). NLOM: a
program for nonlocal optical model calculations.
B.T. Kim, M.C. Kyum, S.W. Hong, M.H. Park, T. Udagawa.
17.10 Compound Nucleus
1(1969)35 ABOA MANDY (Algol, 1273 Lines, Tape Issue 1). Computation of
total, differential, and double-differential cross
sections for compound nuclear reactions of the type
(a,b), (a,bgamma) and (a,bgamma-gamma) (II) Generalized
programs MANDY and BARBARA for arbitrary angular momenta
in Hauser-Feshbach-Moldauer formalism. See erratum Comp.
Phys. Commun. 1(1970)224. E. Sheldon, R.M. Strang. Other
versions: ABOJ (Section 17.10), ABMF (Section 17.10).
2(1971)278 ABOA 000A CORRECTION 23/04/71 (Algol, Tape Issue 6). (See
footnote CPC vol 2 page 278). Computation of total,
differential and double-differential cross sections for
compound nuclear reactions of the type (a,b), (a,bgamma)
and (a,bgamma-gamma) (II) Generalized programs MANDY and
BARBARA for arbitrary angular momenta in Hauser-Feshbach-
Moldauer formalism. (C.P.C. 1(1969)35). E. Sheldon,
R.M. Strang.
1(1969)37 ABOB BARBARA (Algol, 1219 Lines, Tape Issue 1). Computation
of total, differential, and double-differential cross
sections for compound nuclear reactions of the type
(a,b), (a,bgamma) and (a,bgamma-gamma) (II) Generalized
programs MANDY and BARBARA for arbitrary angular momenta
in Hauser-Feshbach-Moldauer formalism. See erratum Comp.
Phys. Commun. 1(1970)224. E. Sheldon, R.M. Strang. Other
version: ABOK (Section 17.10).
2(1971)278 ABOB 000A CORRECTION 23/04/71 (Algol, Tape Issue 6). (See
footnote CPC vol 2 page 278.) Computation of total,
differential and double-differential cross sections for
compound nuclear reactions of the type (a,b), (a,bgamma)
and (a,bgamma-gamma) (II) Generalized programs mandy and
barbara for arbitrary angular momenta in hauser-feshbach-
moldauer foramlism. (C.P.C. 1(1969)35). E. Sheldon,
R.M. Strang.
1(1970)181 ABKA LIANA (Fortran, 571 Lines, Tape Issue 2). Hauser-
Feshbach nuclear scattering subroutine LIANA.
W.R. Smith. Subroutines required: ACQF (Section 17.9),
ACQF0002 (Section 17.9).
2(1971)272 ABOJ MANDYF (Fortran, 1302 Lines, Tape Issue 7). Computation
of total, differential and double-differential cross
sections for compound nuclear reactions of the type
(a,b), (a,bgamma) and (a,bgamma-gamma). (III) FORTRAN
translations of the ALGOL programs MANDY and BARBARA.
E. Sheldon, S. Mathur, D. Donati. Other versions: ABOA
(Section 17.10), ABMF (Section 17.10).
5(1973)304 ABOJ 000A CORRECTION 17/10/72 (Fortran, Tape Issue 13).
Computation of total, differential and double-
differential cross sections for compound nuclear
reactions of the type (a,b), (a,bgamma) and (a,bgamma-
gamma). (III) FORTRAN translations of the ALGOL programs
MANDY and BARBARA. (C.P.C. 2(1971)272). E. Sheldon,
S. Mathur, D. Donati.
2(1971)274 ABOK BARBYF (Fortran, 1382 Lines, Tape Issue 7). Computation
of total, differential and double-differential cross
sections for compound nuclear reactions of the type
(a,b), (a,bgamma) and (a,bgamma-gamma). (III) FORTRAN
translations of the ALGOL programs MANDY and BARBARA.
E. Sheldon, S. Mathur, D. Donati. Other version: ABOB
(Section 17.10).
5(1973)304 ABOK 000A CORRECTION 17/10/72 (Fortran, Tape Issue 13).
Computation of total, differential and double-
differential cross sections for compound nuclear
reactions of the type (a,b), (a,bgamma) and (a,bgamma-
gamma). (III) FORTRAN translations of the ALGOL programs
MANDY and BARBARA. (C.P.C. 2(1971)274). E. Sheldon,
S. Mathur, D. Donati.
--- ABMF 000A CORRECTION 4/01/74 (Fortran, Tape Issue 17).
Unpublished correction to computation of total and
differential cross sections for compound nuclear
reactions of the type (a,a), (a,a'), (a,b), (a,gamma),
(a,gamma-gamma), (a,bgamma) and (a,bgamma-gamma). (IV)
Fortran program CINDY. E. Sheldon, V.C. Rogers.
6(1973)99 ABMF CINDY (Fortran, 2367 Lines, Tape Issue 15). Computation
of total and differential cross sections for compound
nuclear reactions of the type (a,a), (a,a'), (a,b),
(a,gamma), (a,gamma-gamma), (a,bgamma) and (a,bgamma-
gamma). (IV) Fortran program CINDY. E. Sheldon,
V.C. Rogers. Other versions: ABOA (Section 17.10), ABOJ
(Section 17.10).
8(1974)199 ABMI MIA (Fortran, 1360 Lines, Tape Issue 22). MIA, a FORTRAN-
IV program for making spin and parity assignments to high-
lying single and coherent twin nuclear levels from
(alpha, nucleon) angular distributions in on-resonance,
compound-nuclear, channel-spin-1/2 reactions.
E. Sheldon, D.R. Donati, H.R. Hiddleston.
11(1976)113 ABIE REFERENCE REACTION MATRIX (Fortran, 1000 Lines, Tape Issue
26). Matrix elements of the reaction matrix in finite
nuclei. R.J.W. Hodgson. Subroutine required: ABIF
(Section 17.10).
11(1976)113 ABIF REACTION MATRIX (Fortran, 2053 Lines, Tape Issue 26).
Matrix elements of the reaction matrix in finite nuclei.
R.J.W. Hodgson. Subroutine required: ABIE (Section 17.10).
15(1978)283 ABGQ CARLA (Fortran, 1101 Lines, Tape Issue 34). CARLA: a
code to calculate the population of high spin states
through compound nucleus reactions. C. Savelli,
M. Morando.
77(1993)396 ACPJ SEEF (Fortran, 583 Lines, Tape Issue 89). Absolute cross
sections of compound nucleus reactions. O.A. Capurro.
17.11 Direct Reactions
2(1971)94 ABOH DWBA-VENUS (Fortran, 4034 Lines, Tape Issue 6).
Distorted wave Born approximation for nuclear reactions.
T. Tamura, W.R. Coker, F. Rybicki.
3(1972)275 ABOH 000A CORRECTION 01/03/72 (Fortran, Tape Issue 10).
Distorted wave Born approximation for nuclear reactions.
(C.P.C. 2(1971)94). T. Tamura, W.R. Coker, F. Rybicki.
7(1974)13 ABOW FINITE RANGE DWBA PHASE 1 (Fortran, 1539 Lines, Tape Issue
17). FORTRAN program to calculate finite-range no-recoil
DWBA transfer cross sections. G.L. Payne,
P.L. von Behren.
7(1974)13 ABOX FINITE RANGE DWBA PHASE 2 (Fortran, 1590 Lines, Tape Issue
17). FORTRAN program to calculate finite-range no-recoil
DWBA transfer cross sections. G.L. Payne,
P.L. von Behren. Subroutine required: ABOW (Section
8(1974)349 ABPA SATURN-1-FOR-EFR-DWBA (Fortran, 2509 Lines, Tape Issue 22).
Exact finite range DWBA calculations for heavy-ion
induced nuclear reactions. T. Tamura, K.S. Low.
Subroutine required: ABPB (Section 17.11).
18(1979)163 ABPA 0001 SATURN-2-FOR-EFR-DWBA (Fortran, 869 Lines, Tape Issue
39). Exact finite range DWBA form factor for heavy-ion
induced nuclear reactions. T. Tamura, T. Udagawa,
K.E. Wood, H. Amakawa.
44(1987)227 ABPA A00A CORRECTION TO 0001 19/02/87 (Fortran, Tape Issue 65).
Exact finite range DWBA form factor for heavy-ion induced
nuclear reactions. (C.P.C. 18(1979)163). T. Tamura,
T. Udagawa, K.E. Wood, H. Amakawa.
8(1974)349 ABPB MARS-1-FOR-EFR-DWBA (Fortran, 2175 Lines, Tape Issue 22).
Exact finite range DWBA calculations for heavy-ion
induced nuclear reactions. T. Tamura, K.S. Low.
Subroutine required: ABPA (Section 17.11).
9(1975)11 ABIC COCHASE (Fortran, 1358 Lines, Tape Issue 23). COCHASE, a
code for coupled channel Schrodinger equations.
S. Hirschi, E. Lomon, N. Spencer.
11(1976)249 ABMQ QUASI-BOUND STATE WAVEFUNCTIONS (Fortran, 628 Lines, Tape
Issue 27). Quasi-bound state wavefunctions.
R.M. DeVries.
12(1976)293 ABMU SATTNT-FOR-EFR-MICRO-DWBA (Fortran, 3158 Lines, Tape Issue
28). Exact-finite-range microscopic calculations for
heavy-ion induced two-nucleon transfer reactions.
D.H. Feng, B.T. Kim, T. Udagawa, T. Tamura, K.S. Low.
14(1978)133 ABMY DAISY (Fortran, 1973 Lines, Tape Issue 32). DWBA program
for heavy ion transfer reactions. P.J.A. Buttle.
15(1978)193 ABPI FRCCBAOUKID (Fortran, 3220 Lines, Tape Issue 34). A
finite range coupled channel Born approximation code.
P. Nagel, R.D. Koshel.
29(1983)391 ABNL ORION-TRISTAR-1 (Fortran, 3471 Lines, Tape Issue 55).
DWBA calculations of continuum spectra of nuclear
reactions. T. Tamura, T. Udagawa, M. Benhamou.
36(1985)79 ACDX SPECTO (Fortran, 2129 Lines, Tape Issue 60). A program
for calculating spectroscopic amplitudes for two-nucleon
transfer reactions by projecting angular momentum.
T. Takemasa.
50(1988)341 ABDB TORINO (Fortran, 2427 Lines, Tape Issue 69). TORINO: a
semiclassical coupled channel code for heavy ion
reactions. C.H. Dasso, G. Pollarolo.
54(1989)409 ABFM CCDEF (Fortran, 458 Lines, Tape Issue 74). CCDEF: a
simplified coupled channel code for fusion cross sections
including static nuclear deformations.
J. Fernandez-Niello, C.H. Dasso, S. Landowne.
55(1989)217 ABJE GARDEL (Fortran, 4057 Lines, Tape Issue 74).
Microscopic inelastic form-factors for heavy-ion
reactions. A. Etchegoyen, M.C. Etchegoyen.
85(1995)110 ACVZ KAPSIES (Fortran, 38786 Lines, Tape Issue 94). KAPSIES:
a program for the calculation of multi-step direct
reaction cross sections. A.J. Koning, J.M. Akkermans.
17.12 Pre-equilibrium Decay
9(1975)92 ABGO PREEQ (Fortran, 816 Lines, Tape Issue 23). Program for
spectra and cross-section calculations within the pre-
equilibrium model of nuclear reactions. E. Betak.
10(1975)71 ABGO 000ACORRECTION 16/5/75 (Fortran, Tape Issue 24).
Program for spectra and cross-section calculations within
the pre-equilibrium model of nuclear reactions. (C.P.C.
9(1975)92). E. Betak.
33(1984)373 ACCQ EMPIRE (Fortran, 3615 Lines, Tape Issue 58). A program
for calculation of spectra and cross sections within the
combined pre-equilibrium compound nucleus model of
nuclear reactions. M. Herman, A. Marcinkowski,
K. Stankiewicz.
70(1992)92 ACHA SOS (Fortran, 1016 Lines, Tape Issue 83). SOS:
sequential or simultaneous nuclear multifragmentation.
J.A. Lopez, J. Randrup.
17.13 Coulomb Excitation, Electron Scattering
2(1971)455 ABQC ITER (Fortran, 484 Lines, Tape Issue 6). Calculation of
electric quadrupole radial matrix elements for Coulomb
excitation. M. Samuel, U. Smilansky.
3(1972)118 ABQE DXS1 (Fortran, 1172 Lines, Tape Issue 8). Differential
cross sections for electric quadrupole Coulomb excitation
I. S.M. Lea, V. Joshi, A.B. Lopez-Cepero.
8(1974)35 ABOY AROSA-FOR-COULOMB-EXCITATION-I (Fortran, 1686 Lines, Tape
Issue 20). Quantum mechanical coupled channels code for
Coulomb excitation. F. Rosel, J.X. Saladin, K. Alder.
Subroutine required: ABOZ (Section 17.13).
8(1974)35 ABOZ AROSA-FOR-COULOMB-EXCITATION-II (Fortran, 751 Lines, Tape
Issue 20). Quantum mechanical coupled channels code for
Coulomb excitation. F. Rosel, J.X. Saladin, K. Alder.
Subroutine required: ABOY (Section 17.13).
28(1983)265 AAOQ VPSPEC (Fortran, 180 Lines, Tape Issue 54). Exact PWBA
virtual photon spectrum for A(gammaV,D)R. L. Tiator,
L.E. Wright.
32(1984)291 ABPN SOVPS (Fortran, 1424 Lines, Tape Issue 58). A program to
calculate virtual photon spectrum in second order Born
approximation. P. Durgapal, D.S. Onley.
48(1988)241 ABBR VPS (Fortran, 1825 Lines, Tape Issue 68). Calculation of
the virtual photon spectrum for a finite nucleus in
distorted wave method. F. Zamani-Noor, D.S. Onley.
55(1989)367 ABJV RADTAIL (Fortran, 2968 Lines, Tape Issue 75). The
radiation tail accompanying elastic electron scattering
from the atomic nucleus. I. Talwar, L.E. Wright.
59(1990)319 ABRP CEFEUSK (Fortran, 402 Lines, Tape Issue 78). K-matrix
calculation for general nonlocal potentials. J. Horacek,
J. Bok.
59(1990)521 ABRQ DPDE (Fortran, 7339 Lines, Tape Issue 78). PC-Fortran
programs for muon reactivation calculations in muon-
catalyzed fusion. H.E. Rafelski, B. Muller.
70(1992)77 ACHD LASPE (Fortran, 2144 Lines, Tape Issue 83). LASPE: a
subroutine for generating straggling distributions for
positrons and electrons. D.P. Heddle, L.C. Maximon.
17.14 Medium Energy Reactions
8(1974)130 ABCJ PIRK (Fortran, 795 Lines, Tape Issue 21). PIRK: a
computer program to calculate the elastic scattering of
pions from nuclei. R.A. Eisenstein, G.A. Miller. Other
version: AAWC (Section 17.14).
11(1976)95 ABIG DWPI (Fortran, 891 Lines, Tape Issue 26). DWPI: a
computer program to calculate the inelastic scattering of
pions from nuclei. R.A. Eisenstein, G.A. Miller.
Subroutine required: ABCJ (Section 17.14). Other version:
AAWD (Section 17.14).
12(1976)237 ABIH PIPIT (Fortran, 1684 Lines, Tape Issue 29). PIPIT: a
momentum space optical potential code for pions. See
erratum Comp. Phys. Commun. 13(1977)141.
R.A. Eisenstein, F. Tabakin.
16(1979)389 AAWC PIRK 2 (Fortran, 822 Lines, Tape Issue 37). A new
version of PIRK (elastic pion-nucleus scattering) to
handle differing proton and neutron radii.
H.O. Funsten. Other version: ABCJ (Section 17.14).
16(1979)395 AAWD DWPI 2 (Fortran, 1090 Lines, Tape Issue 37). A new
version of DWPI (inelastic pion-nucleus scattering) to
incorporate microscopic form factors and differing proton
and neutron radii. H.O. Funsten. Subroutine required:
AAWC (Section 17.14). Other version: ABIG (Section 17.14).
28(1982)109 AAVL LPOTT (Fortran, 6585 Lines, Tape Issue 54). LPOTT: pion
and kaon elastic scattering from spin 1/2 nuclei in
momentum space. R.H. Landau.
17.15 Spectroscopy - Level Scheme
11(1976)75 ABPG ANGCOR (Fortran, 1361 Lines, Tape Issue 26). A program
for calculating gamma-gamma directional correlation
coefficients and mixing ratios. E.S. Macias,
W.D. Ruhter, D.C. Camp, R.G. Lanier. Other version: ABMZ
(Section 17.15).
15(1978)107 ABMZ THDST (Fortran, 1805 Lines, Tape Issue 34). A program
for calculating gamma-gamma directional correlation
coefficients and angular distribution coefficients for
gamma rays of mixed multipolarities from partially
aligned nuclei. R.J. Rouse Jr., G.L. Struble,
R.G. Lanier, L.G. Mann, E.S. Macias. Other version: ABPG
(Section 17.15).
15(1978)283 ABGQ CARLA (Fortran, 1101 Lines, Tape Issue 34). CARLA: a
code to calculate the population of high spin states
through compound nucleus reactions. C. Savelli,
M. Morando.
55(1989)85 ABJM ACOEFF (Fortran, 1403 Lines, Tape Issue 74).
Perturbation functions: PAC probe nuclei, I=2, 5/2, and 3.
G.L. Catchen.
86(1995)129 ADAI DENCOM (Fortran, 2904 Lines, Tape Issue 95). DENCOM:
code for level density calculation of deformed nuclei
using a combined method. F. Garcia, O. Rodriguez,
V.A. Rubchenya, E. Garrote.
17.16 Theoretical Methods - General
2(1971)331 ABQB MIXING (Fortran, 646 Lines, Tape Issue 7).
Electromagnetic M1 reduced transition probabilities for
pure and mixed Nilsson states in odd-A nuclei.
E. Browne, F.R. Femenia.
3(1972)334 ACQZ SCHROD (Fortran, 138 Lines, Tape Issue 10). Numerical
solution of the radial Schrodinger equation.
F. Beleznay.
4(1972)262 ABMC AROVMI (Fortran, 493 Lines, Tape Issue 11). Energy level
calculations with Arovmi model. S.M. Abecasis,
F.R. Femenia.
5(1973)379 AAGN YUKAWA/RH**LP D JL 72 (Fortran, 433 Lines, Tape Issue 14).
Nearly exact calculation of the solution of the radial
Schrodinger equation. L. Marquez.
7(1974)145 ABMG EXTARO (Fortran, 639 Lines, Tape Issue 17). Energy-level
calculations with the extended Arovmi model.
S.M. Abecasis, F.R. Femenia. Subroutine required: ABOE
(Section 17.20).
8(1974)199 ABMI MIA (Fortran, 1360 Lines, Tape Issue 22). MIA, a FORTRAN-
IV program for making spin and parity assignments to high-
lying single and coherent twin nuclear levels from
(alpha, nucleon) angular distributions in on-resonance,
compound-nuclear, channel-spin-1/2 reactions.
E. Sheldon, D.R. Donati, H.R. Hiddleston.
8(1974)396 ABMJ OSCI (Fortran, 613 Lines, Tape Issue 22). Bound-states
of one nucleon in a Woods-Saxon well from a variational
method. J.M. Delbrouck-Habaru, D.M. Dubois.
19(1980)205 ABQH FYPEDIFC (Fortran, 1359 Lines, Tape Issue 42). Folded
Yukawa-plus-exponential model PES for nuclei with
different charge densities. D.N. Poenaru, M. Ivascu,
D. Mazilu.
21(1981)407 ABVV HFNX (Fortran, 1085 Lines, Tape Issue 46). Calculation
of (n, gamma) cross-sections and astrophysical reaction
rates by the nuclear statistical model. M.J. Harris.
23(1981)209 ACKS COMMUTE (Fortran, 5238 Lines, Tape Issue 47). Manual for
COMMUTE, a Fortran program for symbolic evaluation of
commutators and correlation functions. H. De Raedt,
J. Fivez, B. De Raedt.
25(1982)21 AARJ PCNUM (Fortran, 829 Lines, Tape Issue 50). A program for
the predictor-corrector Numerov method. W.E. Baylis,
S.J. Peel.
28(1983)271 AARX CASEIG (Fortran, 249 Lines, Tape Issue 54). Computation
of Casimir operator eigenvalues. A.K. Bose.
36(1985)313 AABN SU2DIMPH (Fortran, 1013 Lines, Tape Issue 61). Model
space dimensionalities for multiparticle fermion systems.
J.P. Draayer, H.T. Valdes.
39(1986)187 AADV SCHROD (Fortran, 438 Lines, Tape Issue 62). A program
for the calculation of energy eigenvalues and eigenstates
of a Schrodinger equation. V. Fack, G. Vanden Berghe.
39(1986)213 AAFC RWSYST (Fortran, 1868 Lines, Tape Issue 62). RWSYST: a
filing system for coefficients and eigenvectors.
S. Kossionides, L.D. Skouras.
47(1987)103 AAXS ICAR AND CONV (Fortran, 1883 Lines, Tape Issue 66).
Codes for the combinatorial calculation of few
quasiparticle state densities in spherical and deformed
nuclei. M. Herman, G. Reffo.
47(1987)311 ABBF GAMBLE AND GAMANA (Fortran, 4794 Lines, Tape Issue 67).
Simulation of nuclear quasicontinuum gamma-ray spectra.
G.A. Leander.
52(1988)85 ABFN PHISYM (Reduce, 261 Lines, Tape Issue 71). An algebraic
program for the states associated with the U(5) include
O(5) include O(3) chain of groups. C. Yannouleas,
J.M. Pacheco.
54(1989)125 ABHP DIAGEN (Fortran, 574 Lines, Tape Issue 72). DIAGEN:
generator of inelastic nucleus-nucleus interaction
diagrams. S.Yu. Shmakov, V.V. Uzhinskii,
A.M. Zadorozhny.
54(1989)315 ABJA PHIMANIP (Reduce, 665 Lines, Tape Issue 74). Algebraic
manipulation of the states associated with the U(5)
include O(5) include O(3) chain of groups:
orthonormalization and matrix elements. C. Yannouleas,
J.M. Pacheco. Subroutine required: ABFN (Section 17.16).
55(1989)227 ABJF TBINT (Fortran, 1478 Lines, Tape Issue 74). Evaluation
of Hamiltonian two-body matrix elements. A. Etchegoyen,
M.C. Etchegoyen, E.G. Vergini.
70(1992)426 ACHE CSPE_BOUND_RESONANT (Fortran, 1727 Lines, Tape Issue 83).
Calculating bound and resonant states in local and
nonlocal Coulomb-like potentials. Z. Papp.
70(1992)435 ACHF CSPSE_SCATTERING (Fortran, 1508 Lines, Tape Issue 83).
Calculating scattering states in local and nonlocal
Coulomb-like potentials. Z. Papp.
**88(1995)293 ADBI TDRMFT.C (C, 9737 Lines, Tape Issue 96). Computer
program for the time-evolution of a nuclear system in
relativistic mean-field theory. H. Berghammer,
D. Vretenar, P. Ring.
17.17 Oscillator Brackets
2(1971)231 ABGC BRODY-MOSHINSKY BRACKETS (Fortran, 579 Lines, Tape Issue
6). Computation of Brody-Moshinsky brackets.
A. Lejeune, J.P. Jeukenne. Subroutine required: ABMA
(Section 4.1).
3(1972)53 ABGH OSCILLATOR BRACKETS (Fortran, 412 Lines, Tape Issue 9).
Generalized transformation brackets for the harmonic
oscillator functions. M. Sotona, M. Gmitro.
--- ABGG 000ACORRECTION 16/12/86 (Fortran, Tape Issue 65).
Unpublished correction to a Fortran program for the
computation of the generalised Talmi coefficients. (C.P.C.
3(1972)61). O. Zohni.
3(1972)61 ABGG TALMI (Fortran, 964 Lines, Tape Issue 10). A Fortran
program for the computation of the generalized Talmi
coefficients. O. Zohni.
10(1975)87 ABPE OSCILLATOR BRACKET (Fortran, 954 Lines, Tape Issue 25).
Calculations of harmonic oscillator brackets.
D.H. Feng, T. Tamura.
16(1979)373 ABGR TAMOBR (Fortran, 609 Lines, Tape Issue 38).
Calculations of generalized harmonic oscillator brackets.
J. Dobes.
17.18 Coefficients of Fractional Parentage - SU(3)
1(1970)225 ABKB JJTCFP (Fortran, 714 Lines, Tape Issue 3). Coefficients
of fractional parentage in j-j coupling in the isospin
representation. L.B. Hubbard.
1(1970)453 ABKC JNTJN (Fortran, 204 Lines, Tape Issue 4). Allowed values
of coupled angular momentum and i-spin for nucleons in a
single shell in j-j coupling. L.B. Hubbard.
2(1971)420 ABOL 1PSHELL SU3 FRACTIONAL PARENTAGE (Fortran, 1468 Lines, Tape
Issue 8). SU3 fractional parentage in the 1p-shell.
J. Meyer, R.S. Nahabetian, J. Joseph, J. Lafoucriere.
5(1973)365 AAWA SU(3)VCC (Fortran, 817 Lines, Tape Issue 15). Analytic
formulation of SU(3) vector coupling coefficients for n
particles. J.M. Casilio, M.E. Noz.
5(1973)405 ACRM SU3 WIGNER & RACAH COEFFICENTS (Fortran, 2046 Lines, Tape
Issue 14). A user's guide to Fortran programs for
Wigner and Racah coefficients of SU3. Y. Akiyama,
J.P. Draayer.
14(1978)109 AAC* DATA FOR ABKG (Fortran, 7423 Lines, Tape Issue 31).
Reduced SU(3) CFP'S. D. Braunschweig.
14(1978)109 ABKG REDUCED SU(3) CFPS (Fortran, 3655 Lines, Tape Issue 31).
Reduced SU(3) CFP'S. D. Braunschweig. Subroutine
required: (for data) AAC* (Section 17.18).
15(1978)259 ABKH REDUCED SU(3) MATRIX ELEMENTS (Fortran, 907 Lines, Tape
Issue 34). II. Reduced SU(3) matrix elements.
D. Braunschweig. Subroutines required: ABKG (Section
17.18), AAC* (Section 17.18).
39(1986)197 AADX GFPC1 (Fortran, 1579 Lines, Tape Issue 62). Generalized
fractional parentage coefficients for shell-model
calculations. L.D. Skouras, S. Kossionides. Subroutine
required: AAFC (Section 17.18).
39(1986)197 AADY GFPCM (Fortran, 1156 Lines, Tape Issue 62). Generalized
fractional parentage coefficients for shell-model
calculations. L.D. Skouras, S. Kossionides. Subroutine
required: AAFC (Section 17.18).
39(1986)213 AAFC RWSYST (Fortran, 1868 Lines, Tape Issue 62). RWSYST: a
filing system for coefficients and eigenvectors.
S. Kossionides, L.D. Skouras.
52(1988)71 ABFO ROTXSU3 (Fortran, 1380 Lines, Tape Issue 71). Quantum
rotor and its SU(3) realization. O. Castanos,
J.P. Draayer, Y. Leschber.
56(1989)279 ABLJ UNTOU3 (Fortran, 1829 Lines, Tape Issue 75).
Representations of U(3) in U(N). J.P. Draayer,
Y. Leschber, S.C. Park, R. Lopez.
70(1992)154 ACGW CFPSIB (Fortran, 833 Lines, Tape Issue 83). A new
Fortran program for the CFP of the system with identical
bosons. Y.X. Liu, H.Z. Sun, E.G. Zhao. Other version:
ADAA (Section 17.18).
83(1994)59 ACVI SU3RME (Fortran, 13474 Lines, Tape Issue 93). SU(3)
reduced matrix element package. C. Bahri, J.P. Draayer.
85(1995)89 ADAA RCFPSIB (Fortran, 1055 Lines, Tape Issue 94). A new
version of CFPSIB: fractional parentage of identical
boson system. Y.-X. Liu, Q.-Z. Han, J.-J. Wang. Other
version: ACGW (Section 17.18).
85(1995)99 ADAB CFPSIF (Fortran, 1016 Lines, Tape Issue 94). A new
Fortran program for CFP's of an identical fermion system.
J.-J. Wang, Q.-Z. Han, Y.-X. Liu.
85(1995)463 ADAH CFPBF (Fortran, 2058 Lines, Tape Issue 95). A Fortran
program for the CFP's of boson system with F spin.
Q.Z. Han, S.T. Hsieh, H.C. Chiang, H.Z. Sun. Non-profit
use licence required.
17.19 Shell Model - One-body Problem, Spectra
1(1969)55 ACQA BOUND (Fortran, 372 Lines, Tape Issue 1). Nuclear bound
state wave function subroutine. W.R. Smith.
2(1971)353 ABGE DEUT (Fortran, 968 Lines, Tape Issue 7). Bound state
solution of the two-nucleon Schroedinger equation with
tensor forces. L. Lovitch, S. Rosati.
4(1972)140 ABGE 0001REMOVE NON-STANDARD FORTRAN (Fortran, 138 Lines, Tape
Issue 11). Bound state solution of the two-nucleon
Schroedinger equation with tensor forces. L. Lovitch,
S. Rosati.
6(1973)17 ABGL BSSW (Fortran, 300 Lines, Tape Issue 15). Computation of
S-state binding energy and wave functions in a Saxon-
Woods potential. J. Cugnon.
6(1973)30 ABOV NILSSON ORBITS (Fortran, 827 Lines, Tape Issue 15).
Nilsson orbits for a particle in a Woods-Saxon potential
with Y20 and Y40 deformations, and coupled to core
rotational states. B. Hird. Subroutine required: ABMA
(Section 4.1).
8(1974)101 ABGN WSMCC (Fortran, 5695 Lines, Tape Issue 21). Weizmann
shell model computational code. R. Gross, Y. Accad.
Subroutine required: (for data) ABKB (Section 17.18).
8(1974)396 ABMJ OSCI (Fortran, 613 Lines, Tape Issue 22). Bound-states
of one nucleon in a Woods-Saxon well from a variational
method. J.M. Delbrouck-Habaru, D.M. Dubois.
10(1975)182 ACWK NUCLEAR POTENTIAL (Fortran, 1357 Lines, Tape Issue 25).
Solution of bound state problems in nuclear shell model
with momentum dependent potentials. M.A.K. Lodhi,
B.T. Waak.
11(1976)249 ABMQ QUASI-BOUND STATE WAVEFUNCTIONS (Fortran, 628 Lines, Tape
Issue 27). Quasi-bound state wavefunctions.
R.M. DeVries.
36(1985)59 ACDZ PSEUDO (Fortran, 2033 Lines, Tape Issue 60). Resonant or
bound state solution of the Schrodinger equation in
deformed or spherical potential. A.T. Kruppa, Z. Papp.
38(1985)71 AADM BOPIT (Fortran). Coulomb plus strong interaction bound
states - momentum space numerical solutions.
D.P. Heddle, Yong Rae Kwon, F. Tabakin.
46(1987)193 AADM 0001 AUTOMATIC GRIDPOINT METHOD (Fortran, 2031 Lines, Tape
Issue 65). Adaptation of Coulomb plus strong interaction
bound states - momentum space solutions: automatic
gridpoint method. R.J. Luce, F. Tabakin.
38(1985)365 AADA RITSSCHIL (Fortran, 3400 Lines, Tape Issue 61).
RITSSCHIL: a new program for shell-model calculations.
D. Zwarts.
47(1987)103 AAXS ICAR AND CONV (Fortran, 1883 Lines, Tape Issue 66).
Codes for the combinatorial calculation of few
quasiparticle state densities in spherical and deformed
nuclei. M. Herman, G. Reffo.
52(1988)71 ABFO ROTXSU3 (Fortran, 1380 Lines, Tape Issue 71). Quantum
rotor and its SU(3) realization. O. Castanos,
J.P. Draayer, Y. Leschber.
17.20 Collective Model
2(1971)33 ABOE ENERGY LEVELS IN DAVYDOV MODEL (Fortran, 1326 Lines, Tape
Issue 4). Energy level calculations in Davydov model.
S.M. Abecasis, F.R. Femenia, E.S. Hernandez.
2(1971)331 ABQB MIXING (Fortran, 646 Lines, Tape Issue 7).
Electromagnetic M1 reduced transition probabilities for
pure and mixed Nilsson states in odd-A nuclei.
E. Browne, F.R. Femenia.
6(1973)30 ABOV NILSSON ORBITS (Fortran, 827 Lines, Tape Issue 15).
Nilsson orbits for a particle in a Woods-Saxon potential
with Y20 and Y40 deformations, and coupled to core
rotational states. B. Hird. Subroutine required: ABMA
(Section 4.1).
10(1975)293 ABPF DEFORMED QUASIPARTICLES (Fortran, 948 Lines, Tape Issue
26). Deformed quasiparticle states in a Woods-Saxon
potential and coupled to rotational states of the core.
B. Hird, K.H. Huang. Subroutine required: ABMA (Section
13(1977)63 ABQF CORIOL (Fortran, 390 Lines, Tape Issue 29). A computer
program for calculation of the Coriolis effect in odd-A
nuclei. R. Kaczarowski. Subroutine required: ACWH
(Section 4.9).
16(1978)85 ABQG LIQUID DROP DEFORMATION ENERGIES (Fortran, 462 Lines, Tape
Issue 35). Liquid drop model deformation energies of
nuclei with axial symmetry and reflection asymmetry.
D.N. Poenaru, M. Ivascu.
24(1981)161 AARA ODDODDCORI (Fortran, 1204 Lines, Tape Issue 49). A
program for calculation of the Coriolis effect in odd-odd
nuclei. Z. Hons, J. Kvasil. Subroutine required: ACWH
(Section 4.9).
24(1981)197 ABQN INVAP (Fortran, 767 Lines, Tape Issue 49). Initial
values of parameters for variable moment of inertia
models. G.S. Anagnostatos, K. Demakos, A. Vassiliou.
29(1983)375 ABQS NUDENS (Fortran, 15611 Lines, Tape Issue 56). NUDENS: a
Nilsson-Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer code at finite nuclear
temperature. G. Maino, M. Vaccari, A. Ventura. Other
version: AALW (Section 17.20).
30(1983)59 ABQT CORIOP (Fortran, 1980 Lines, Tape Issue 56). A program
for calculation of the E1, E2 and M1 transition
probabilities in odd-odd nuclei taking the Coriolis
mixing into account. Z. Hons, J. Kvasil. Subroutine
required: ACWH (Section 4.9).
36(1985)59 ACDZ PSEUDO (Fortran, 2033 Lines, Tape Issue 60). Resonant or
bound state solution of the Schrodinger equation in
deformed or spherical potential. A.T. Kruppa, Z. Papp.
43(1987)303 AALW NUCPAR (Fortran, 2008 Lines, Tape Issue 64). NUCPAR: a
parity-dependent NBCS formalism at finite nuclear
temperature. G. Maino, A. Ventura. Subroutine required:
(for data) ABQS (Section 17.20). Other version: ABQS
(Section 17.20).
46(1987)379 AAXX WSBETA (Fortran, 4617 Lines, Tape Issue 66). Single
particle energies, wave functions, quadrupole moments,
and g-factors in axially deformed Woods-Saxon potential
with applications in the two-centre-type nuclear problems.
S. Cwiok, J. Dudek, W. Nazarewicz, J. Skalski,
T.R. Werner.
58(1990)211 ABLP PARTICLE-VIBRATION COUPLING (Fortran, 1926 Lines, Tape
Issue 76). Particle-vibration coupling model for odd-A
nuclei. R.D. Purrington.
17.21 Cluster Model
2(1971)214 ABIA FOURBODY (Fortran, 467 Lines, Tape Issue 6). Rapid
evaluation of four-body cluster contributions.
G.P. Mueller.
25(1982)237 AARQ NUCORE (Fortran, 3546 Lines, Tape Issue 50). NUCORE: a
system for nuclear structure calculations with cluster-
core models. C.A. Heras, S.M. Abecasis. Subroutine
required: ACWH (Section 4.9). Other version: AAOY (Section
28(1982)153 AAOG DFIDTH (Fortran, 269 Lines, Tape Issue 53). Program
package for calculating matrix elements of two-cluster
structures in nuclei. R. Krivec, M.V. Mihailovic.
28(1982)153 AAOH STOKER (Fortran, 1000 Lines, Tape Issue 53). Program
package for calculating matrix elements of two-cluster
structures in nuclei. R. Krivec, M.V. Mihailovic.
28(1982)153 AAOI PRO2C (Fortran, 2246 Lines, Tape Issue 53). Program
package for calculating matrix elements of two-cluster
structures in nuclei. R. Krivec, M.V. Mihailovic.
Subroutines required: AAOG (Section 17.21), AAOH (Section
29(1983)73 AAOY NUCADA (Fortran, 2979 Lines, Tape Issue 55). NUCADA: two
adaptations of the system NUCORE for nuclear structure
calculations. C.A. Heras, S.M. Abecasis. Subroutine
required: ACWH (Section 4.9). Other version: AARQ (Section
17.22 Hartree-Fock Calculations
3(1972)22 ABGD HARFOCK (Fortran, 662 Lines, Tape Issue 9). Hartree-
Fock nuclear calculations with gaussian potentials.
J.F. Allard, A. Abzouzi, B. Houssais.
4(1972)239 ABGI PROJ (Fortran, 1098 Lines, Tape Issue 10). A nuclear
Hartree-Fock intrinsic wavefunction projection program.
J.F. Allard, N. Boumahrat, B. Houssais, M. Hadj Hassan,
M. Lambert.
18. Optics
6(1973)187 ACKD KRKRAN (Fortran, 583 Lines, Tape Issue 16). Kramers -
Kronig analysis of reflection data. R. Klucker,
U. Nielsen.
9(1975)305 ACWA COLOUR COORDINATE CALCULATIONS (Fortran, 383 Lines, Tape
Issue 24). Colour coordinate calculations.
D.L. Bradly, R. Perrin.
13(1977)203 ACMN KRONIG (Fortran, 101 Lines, Tape Issue 29). Numerical
solution of Kramers-Kronig transforms by a Fourier method.
S.J. Collocott.
17(1979)393 ACMN 0001 TRAPZAL (Fortran, 15 Lines, Tape Issue 38).
Adaptation: numerical solution of the Kramers-Kronig
transforms by trapezoidal summation as compared to a
Fourier method. S.J. Collocott, G.J. Troup.
13(1977)207 ACXK ELLIPS (Fortran, 1209 Lines, Tape Issue 29). ELLIPS: a
Fortran simulation of a polarization-modulation
ellipsometer. V.M. Bermudez.
--- ACUB 000ACORRECTION 27/11/78 (Fortran, Tape Issue 37).
Unpublished correction to FREINT: an integration routine
calculating Fresnel diffraction. W.J. Gruschel.
16(1979)175 ACUB FREINT (Fortran, 346 Lines, Tape Issue 35). FREINT: an
integration routine calculating Fresnel diffraction.
W.J. Gruschel.
48(1988)255 ABBT SLAM (Fortran, 1121 Lines, Tape Issue 68). SLAM:
vectorized calculation of refraction and reflection for a
Gaussian beam at a nonlinear interface in the presence of
a diffusive Kerr-like nonlinearity. D.R. Andersen,
R. Cuykendall, J.J. Regan.
69(1992)112 ACGD COLORJND (C, 4586 Lines, Tape Issue 82). (theta, delta)
uniform scale chromaticity diagram. C. Oleari,
G. Formaleoni.
69(1992)187 ACGA DYNHOLO (Fortran, 3818 Lines, Tape Issue 82). Dynamical
holographic storage in photorefractive crystals.
J. Otten, A. Bledowski, K.H. Ringhofer, R.A. Rupp.
69(1992)201 ACGG CENTIPEDE (C, 7230 Lines, Tape Issue 82). Analysis of
spectroscopic ellipsometric measurements.
M.H.W. Verbruggen, J.M.M. de Nijs. Non-profit use licence
19. Plasma Physics
19.1 Atomic and Molecular Processes
1(1969)31 ACQD HYDROGENIC RECOMBINATION COEFFS (Fortran, 306 Lines, Tape
Issue 1). A program to calculate radiative recombination
coefficients of hydrogenic ions. D.R. Flower,
M.J. Seaton.
12(1976)205 AAID COLLRAD (Fortran, 1347 Lines, Tape Issue 27). COLLRAD: a
code for calculating the quasi-steady state population
densities of excited states of hydrogen-like ions.
G.J. Tallents.
13(1977)25 ACXE AATWAB (Fortran, 2046 Lines, Tape Issue 28). A program
to calculate coronal emission line strengths.
P.L. Dufton.
16(1978)129 ABUV TRIP 1 (Fortran, 1412 Lines, Tape Issue 35). TRIP 1: a
time-dependent recombination ionisation package.
J. Magill. Subroutine required: ABUF (Section 4.14) or
ABUJ (Section 4.14) or ABUK (Section 4.14).
18(1979)353 ACZD REACS (Fortran, 923 Lines, Tape Issue 40). Numerical
modelling of a chemical plasma. I. REACS: a program to
generate all reactions which take place in a plasma of
given chemical content. S.A. Roberts. Subroutine
required: (for data) ACZF (Section 16.8).
18(1979)363 ACZE PLASKEM (Fortran, 1789 Lines, Tape Issue 40). Numerical
modelling of a chemical plasma. II. PLASKEM: a program
to predict the variation with time of the number
densities of chemical species within a plasma.
S.A. Roberts. Subroutines required: (for data) ACWX
(Section 15), ACZD (Section 19.1), ACZF (Section 16.8).
20(1980)353 ABVK MFP (Fortran, 1477 Lines, Tape Issue 44). MFP: a code
for calculating equation of state and optical data for
noble gases. R.R. Peterson, G.A. Moses.
44(1987)157 AATR COLRAD (Fortran, 5417 Lines, Tape Issue 65). COLRAD: a
program to calculate population densities of the excited
atomic levels of hydrogen-like ions in a plasma.
N.N. Ljepojevic, R.J. Hutcheon, J. Payne.
55(1989)409 ABJU POS (Fortran, 3141 Lines, Tape Issue 75). POS - A 1d
time-dependent H+ ion source code. A.H. Glasser,
K. Smith.
56(1989)259 ABJT IONMIX (Fortran, 5027 Lines, Tape Issue 75). IONMIX: a
code for computing the equation of state and radiative
properties of LTE and non-LTE plasmas.
J.J. MacFarlane.
**88(1995)83 ADBL ELRAT, PRORAT (Fortran, 1697 Lines, Tape Issue 96). Two
programs for calculations of collisional atomic data for
lithium beam plasma spectroscopy. J. Schweinzer,
F. Aumayr, P. Platzer, M. Schneider, D. Wutte,
Hp. Winter.
19.2 Beams
64(1991)167 ABTZ ITAP (Fortran, 6482 Lines, Manual 188 pages, Tape Issue
79). Ion trajectory analysis program (ITAP).
D.L. Youchison, M.D. Nahemow.
19.3 Collisionless Plasmas
2(1971)139 ABUB DELSQPHI (Fortran, 1630 Lines, Tape Issue 5). DELSQPHI,
a two-dimensional Poisson-solver program.
J.P. Christiansen, R.W. Hockney. Subroutine required:
ABUA (Section 4.6).
2(1971)157 ABUC DELSQRZ (Fortran, 1131 Lines, Tape Issue 5). Solution of
Poisson's equation in cylindrical coordinates.
M.H. Hughes. Subroutine required: ABUA (Section 4.6).
5(1973)437 ACSB AXISYMM-SCALAR-HELMHOLTZ-FINTEL4 (Fortran, 3638 Lines, Tape
Issue 14). A finite element program package for
axisymmetric scalar field problems. A. Konrad,
P. Silvester. Subroutine required: ACSD (Section 19.3).
Other version: ACSC (Section 19.3).
5(1973)438 ACSC AXISYMM-SCALAR-HELMHOLTZ-FINTEL6 (Fortran, 4188 Lines, Tape
Issue 14). A finite element program package for
axisymmetric scalar field problems. A. Konrad,
P. Silvester. Subroutine required: ACSD (Section 19.3).
Other version: ACSB (Section 19.3).
5(1973)438 ACSD GENERATE (Fortran, 760 Lines, Tape Issue 14). A finite
element program package for axisymmetric scalar field
problems. A. Konrad, P. Silvester. Other version: AABL
(Section 19.3).
8(1974)307 ACRU WATER BAG MODEL (Fortran, 1056 Lines, Tape Issue 22). A
numerical code for multiple water bag gravitational
systems. S. Cuperman, A. Harten.
9(1975)193 ACSE AXISYMM-VECTOR-HELMHOLTZ-FINTEL6 (Fortran, 4463 Lines, Tape
Issue 23). A finite element program package for
axisymmetric vector field problems. A. Konrad,
P. Silvester. Subroutines required: ACSC (Section 19.3),
ACSD (Section 19.3), ACSF (Section 19.3).
9(1975)194 ACSF VECTR-FINTEL6-BLK-DATA-GENERATOR (Fortran, 1629 Lines, Tape
Issue 23). A finite element program package for
axisymmetric vector field problems. A. Konrad,
P. Silvester.
19(1980)215 ABVA P3M3DP (Fortran, 7964 Lines, Tape Issue 42). P3M3DP: the
three dimensional periodic particle-particle/particle-
mesh program. J.W. Eastwood, R.W. Hockney,
D.N. Lawrence. Subroutines required: ABUF (Section 4.14)
or ABUJ (Section 4.14) or ABUK (Section 4.14), ABUA
(Section 4.6).
21(1981)397 ABVU PHASE SPACE BOUNDARY INTEGRATION (Fortran, 1454 Lines, Tape
Issue 45). A numerical code for the phase-space boundary
integration of water bag plasmas. S. Cuperman, M. Mond.
34(1985)295 ACCY SHRD (Fortran, 702 Lines, Tape Issue 59). Integration of
Vlasov equation by quantum mechanical formalism.
V.T. Nguyen, P. Bertrand, B. Izrar, E. Fijalkow,
M.R. Feix.
36(1985)223 AABL BLOCDAT (Fortran, 4600 Lines, Tape Issue 60). BLOCK DATA
subprograms for finite element program packages.
L. Flach, D.A. McNamara. Other version: ACSD (Section
51(1988)463 ABBW TAYLOR-CHIRIKOV MAP PACKAGE (Fortran, 1260 Lines, Tape
Issue 71). Taylor-Chirikov map package: a package of
programs for the calculation of ordered periodic orbits
of area preserving twist maps. Q. Chen, B.D. Mestel.
52(1989)375 ABHD VLFF (Fortran, 413 Lines, Tape Issue 72). Integration of
Vlasov equation by a fast Fourier Eulerian code.
B. Izrar, A. Ghizzo, P. Bertrand, E. Fijalkow,
M.R. Feix.
19.4 Data Interpretation
7(1974)200 AAAC ABEL (Fortran, 437 Lines, Tape Issue 18). Inversion of
Abel's integral equation - application to plasma
spectroscopy. C. Fleurier, J. Chapelle.
10(1975)98 ABSC ABEL (Fortran, 174 Lines, Tape Issue 25). Inversion of
Abel's integral equation by a direct method. L.S. Fan,
W. Squire.
12(1976)231 ACXA AFER (Fortran, 914 Lines, Tape Issue 28). Calculation of
the energy response of a spectrometer. J. Lotrian,
M. Leriche, J. Cariou.
27(1982)415 AAOK ABEL (Fortran, 1615 Lines, Tape Issue 53). ABEL: stable,
high accuracy program for the inversion of Abel's
integral equation. I. Beniaminy, M. Deutsch.
19.5 Discharges
3(1972)322 ABUD SPARK71 (Fortran, 1074 Lines, Tape Issue 10). The
computation of the growth of a gaseous discharge in space-
charge distorted fields. A.J. Davies, C.J. Evans. Other
version: ABUU (Section 19.5).
13(1977)363 ABUS DCANF (Fortran, 931 Lines, Tape Issue 30). The
computation of steady state arcs in nozzle flow.
M.T.C. Fang, S.K. Chan, R.D. Wright.
14(1978)287 ABUU SPARK2D (Fortran, 2253 Lines, Tape Issue 34).
Simulation of the growth of axially symmetric discharges
between plane parallel electrodes. A.J. Davies,
C.J. Evans, P.M. Woodison. Other version: ABUD (Section
16(1978)139 ABUW RADFL (Fortran, 1038 Lines, Tape Issue 35). Radial
radiative flux in cylindrically symmetric arcs.
P.J. Shayler, M.T.C. Fang.
28(1983)299 ACEC ARCABL (Fortran, 1000 Lines, Tape Issue 54). The
computation of steady state arcs with mild nozzle-wall
ablation. D.B. Newland, M.T.C. Fang.
42(1986)119 AALE SIGDCS (Fortran, 1044 Lines, Tape Issue 63). Scalar DC
electrical conductivity of partially ionized gases.
D.A. Erwin, J.A. Kunc.
47(1987)267 ABBI SSARC (Fortran, 2607 Lines, Tape Issue 67). The
computation of self-similar arcs. J.F. Zhang,
D.B. Newland, M.T.C. Fang.
51(1988)413 ABFC ALACANT (Fortran, 944 Lines, Tape Issue 70). Modeling of
glow discharge sputtering systems: computer program.
I. Abril.
75(1993)160 ACLP GLOMAC (Fortran, 2902 Lines, Tape Issue 87). GLOMAC: a
one dimensional numerical model for steady state low
pressure mercury-noble gas discharges. G.G. Lister,
S.E. Coe.
19.6 Equilibrium and Stability
2(1971)139 ABUB DELSQPHI (Fortran, 1630 Lines, Tape Issue 5). DELSQPHI,
a two-dimensional Poisson-solver program.
J.P. Christiansen, R.W. Hockney. Subroutine required:
ABUA (Section 4.6).
2(1971)157 ABUC DELSQRZ (Fortran, 1131 Lines, Tape Issue 5). Solution of
Poisson's equation in cylindrical coordinates.
M.H. Hughes. Subroutine required: ABUA (Section 4.6).
10(1975)11 ACWB THALIA (Fortran, 2636 Lines, Tape Issue 25). THALIA - a
one-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic stability program
using the method of finite elements. K. Appert,
D. Berger, R. Gruber, F. Troyon, K.V. Roberts. Subroutines
required: ABUF (Section 4.14) or ABUJ (Section 4.14) or
ABUK (Section 4.14), ACWC (Section 4.8).
13(1977)117 ABUQ 2LDV103 (PL/1, 1506 Lines, Tape Issue 28). Linear and
nonlinear ideal MHD codes - V103. H.R. Hicks,
J.W. Wooten.
13(1977)117 ABUR N3DV103 (PL/1, 1497 Lines, Tape Issue 28). Linear and
nonlinear ideal MHD codes - V103. H.R. Hicks,
J.W. Wooten.
14(1978)423 ABUT ATHENE 1 (Fortran, 6703 Lines, Tape Issue 32). ATHENE 1:
a one-dimensional equilibrium-diffusion code.
J.P. Christiansen, K.V. Roberts, J.W. Long. Subroutine
required: ABUF (Section 4.14) or ABUJ (Section 4.14) or
ABUK (Section 4.14). Other version: ABQI (Section 19.6).
21(1981)323 ABVS ERATO (Fortran, 7901 Lines, Tape Issue 45). ERATO
stability code. R. Gruber, F. Troyon, D. Berger,
L.C. Bernard, S. Rousset, R. Schreiber, W. Kerner,
W. Schneider, K.V. Roberts.
23(1981)63 ABQI ATHENE 1A (Fortran, 12570 Lines, Tape Issue 46). ATHENE
1A: a one-dimensional fusion code. J.P. Christiansen,
K.V. Roberts, V.A. Piotrowicz, J.W. Long, J.W. Johnston,
A.A. Newton. Subroutine required: ABUF (Section 4.14) or
ABUJ (Section 4.14) or ABUK (Section 4.14). Other version:
ABUT (Section 19.6).
23(1981)427 AAQW RECT (Fortran, 543 Lines, Tape Issue 49).
Orthogonalization of discrete coordinates. C.W. Davies.
27(1982)129 ABSH VMOMS (Fortran, 2840 Lines, Tape Issue 52). VMOMS: a
computer code for finding moment solutions to the Grad-
Shafranov equation. L.L. Lao, R.M. Wieland,
W.A. Houlberg, S.P. Hirshman.
30(1983)107 ABSH 000A CORRECTION 09/05/83 (Fortran, Tape Issue 55).
VMOMS: a computer code for finding moment solutions to
the Grad-Shafranov equation. (C.P.C. 27(1982)129).
L.L. Lao, R.M. Wieland, W.A. Houlberg, S.P. Hirshman.
33(1984)353 ACCO MAGCFA (Fortran, 2305 Lines, Tape Issue 58). Numerical
evaluation of magnetic coordinates for toroidal magnetic
confinement devices. G. Kuo-Petravic.
41(1986)85 AAFZ ODRIC (Fortran, 9719 Lines, Tape Issue 63). ODRIC: a one-
dimensional linear resistive MHD code in cylindrical
geometry. A.A. Mirin, R.J. Bonugli, N.J. 0'Neill,
J. Killeen.
44(1987)177 AATQ EIV (Fortran, 9469 Lines, Tape Issue 65). EIV:
axisymmetric plasma equilibrium code. D.E. Shumaker.
72(1992)76 ACJO ARES (Fortran, 44921 Lines, Tape Issue 84). A computer
model for resistive MHD analysis. M.H. Hughes,
M.W. Phillips, R.G. Storer. Subroutine required: ABUJ
(Section 4.14).
79(1994)341 ACPY MACH (Fortran, 428 Lines, Tape Issue 90). MACH: a
computer code for solution of the poloidal asymmetry
eigenvalue problem in tokamaks. S.E. Attenberger,
S.P. Hirshman, W.A. Houlberg.
**90(1995)169 ADBB ECMC (Fortran, 1586 Lines, Tape Issue 96). ECMC, a
portable two-dimensional code for plasma equilibrium
computation on coaxial-multiple-coil systems.
N.O. Fuentes, H.O. Gavarini.
19.7 Inertial Confinement
7(1974)271 ABUG MEDUSA (Fortran, 6316 Lines, Tape Issue 19). MEDUSA - a
one-dimensional laser fusion code. J.P. Christiansen,
D.E.T.F. Ashby, K.V. Roberts. Subroutine required: ABUF
(Section 4.14) or ABUJ (Section 4.14) or ABUK (Section
10(1975)251 ABUG 000A CORRECTION 15/8/75 (Fortran, Tape Issue 25). MEDUSA -
a one-dimensional laser fusion code. (C.P.C. 7(1974)271).
J.P. Christiansen, D.E.T.F. Ashby, K.V. Roberts.
10(1975)155 ABUL RAMSES (Fortran, 3798 Lines, Tape Issue 25). RAMSES: a
two-dimensional, PIC type laser pulse propagation code.
H.D. Dudder, D.B. Henderson. Subroutine required: ABUF
(Section 4.14) or ABUJ (Section 4.14) or ABUK (Section
17(1979)397 ABUY CASTOR 2 (Fortran, 13600 Lines, Tape Issue 38). CASTOR 2:
a two-dimensional laser target code. J.P. Christiansen,
N.K. Winsor. Subroutines required: ABUF (Section 4.14) or
ABUJ (Section 4.14) or ABUK (Section 4.14), ABUV (Section
23(1981)109 ABUY 000A CORRECTION 10/03/81 (Fortran, Tape Issue 46).
CASTOR 2: a two-dimensional laser target code. (C.P.C.
17(1979)397). J.P. Christiansen, N.K. Winsor.
23(1981)31 ABSG HEATER (Fortran, 602 Lines, Tape Issue 47). HEATER: a 2D
laser propagation subroutine for underdense plasmas.
J.N. McMullin, C.E. Capjack, C.R. James.
28(1983)367 AAHP FIRE (Fortran, 6071 Lines, Tape Issue 54). FIRE: a code
for computing the response of an inertial confinement
fusion cavity gas to a target explosion.
T.J. McCarville, R.R. Peterson, G.A. Moses. Subroutine
required: (for data) AAHO (Section 19.7).
28(1983)405 AAHO MIXERG (Fortran, 2509 Lines, Tape Issue 54). MIXERG: an
equation of state and opacity computer code.
R.R. Peterson, G.A. Moses.
36(1985)249 ACDV MF-FIRE (Fortran, 9545 Lines, Tape Issue 60). MF-FIRE: a
multifrequency radiative transfer hydrodynamics code.
G.A. Moses, R.R. Peterson, T.J. McCarville. Subroutine
required: AAHO (Section 19.7).
49(1988)475 ABBV MULTI (Fortran, 14231 Lines, Tape Issue 69). MULTI: a
computer code for one-dimensional multigroup radiation
hydrodynamics. R. Ramis, R. Schmalz,
J. Meyer-ter-Vehn.
19.8 Kinetic Models
13(1977)323 ABSD FIFPC (Fortran, 3936 Lines, Tape Issue 31). FIFPC: a
fast ion Fokker-Planck code. R.H. Fowler, J. Smith,
J.A. Rome.
24(1981)37 AAQU FPPAC (CRAY VERSION) (Fortran, 6954 Lines, Tape Issue 49).
FPPAC: a two-dimensional multispecies nonlinear Fokker-
Planck package. M.G. McCoy, A.A. Mirin, J. Killeen. Other
version: ABFI (Section 19.8).
24(1981)37 AAQV FPPAC (CDC VERSION) (Fortran, 6794 Lines, Tape Issue 49).
FPPAC: a two-dimensional multispecies nonlinear Fokker-
Planck package. M.G. McCoy, A.A. Mirin, J. Killeen. Other
version: ABFI (Section 19.8).
51(1988)369 ABFG SIGV5D (Fortran, 731 Lines, Tape Issue 70). SIGV5D, a
routine to compute the reaction rates of interacting
distribution functions. A.A. Mirin, M.G. McCoy.
51(1988)373 ABFI FPPAC88 (Fortran, 7268 Lines, Tape Issue 70). FPPAC88: a
two-dimensional multispecies nonlinear Fokker-Planck
package. A.A. Mirin, M.G. McCoy, G.P. Tomaschke,
J. Killeen. Other versions: AAQU (Section 19.8), AAQV
(Section 19.8), ACTM (Section 19.8).
58(1990)127 ABLX ELENDIF77 (Fortran, 3596 Lines, Tape Issue 76). ELENDIF:
a time-dependent Boltzmann solver for partially ionized
plasmas. W.L. Morgan, B.M. Penetrante.
71(1992)269 ACJA FPLEGEND (Fortran, 909 Lines, Tape Issue 84). Numerical
solution of the Fokker-Planck equation with dc electric
field. I.P. Shkarofsky, M.M. Shoucri, V. Fuchs.
78(1993)199 ACPK SOLV2DFP (Fortran, LaTeX, 459 Lines, Tape Issue 90). A
Fokker-Planck code for the numerical solution of the
plasma heating and the current drive problems with
synergetic effects (FW/EC - FW/LH - LH/EC). M. Shoucri,
I. Shkarofsky.
81(1994)403 ACTM FPPAC94 (Fortran, 4093 Lines, Tape Issue 92). FPPAC94: a
two-dimensional multispecies nonlinear Fokker-Planck
package for Unix systems. A.A. Mirin, M.G. McCoy,
G.P. Tomaschke, J. Killeen. Other version: ABFI (Section
82(1994)287 ACVL FASTFP (Fortran, Postscript, 3131 Lines, Tape Issue 93).
A fast 2-D Fokker-Planck solver with synergetic effects.
M. Shoucri, I. Shkarofsky.
19.9 Magnetic Confinement
12(1976)213 ABUP GLOWCODE (Fortran, 2489 Lines, Tape Issue 27). GLOWCODE:
a one-dimensional code for the simulation of plasma
afterglows. J.W. Long, A.A. Newton, M.C. Sexton.
Subroutine required: ABUF (Section 4.14) or ABUJ (Section
4.14) or ABUK (Section 4.14).
25(1982)181 AARP BWIRE (Fortran, 633 Lines, Tape Issue 50). Magnetic
field, vector potential and their derivatives due to
currents in closed polygons of wire. D.K. Lee.
34(1985)231 ACDG ZEROD (Fortran, 3460 Lines, Tape Issue 59). ZEROD: a
computer model for plasma-circuit coupling. J.W. Long,
J.W. Johnston, A.A. Newton. Subroutine required: ABUF
(Section 4.14) or ABUJ (Section 4.14) or ABUK (Section
36(1985)161 ACDY TOPIC (Fortran, 1217 Lines, Tape Issue 60). TOPIC: a
tokamak plasma impurities code. T.A. Beu, F. Spineanu,
M. Vlad, R.I. Campeanu, I.I. Popescu.
42(1986)217 AALK TANDEM (Fortran, 1088 Lines, Tape Issue 63). Magnetic
configurations for axisymmetric tandem mirror devices.
S. Cuperman, L. Ofman.
54(1989)183 ABHJ TUBE88 (Fortran, 14525 Lines, Tape Issue 72). TUBE88, a
code which computes magnetic field lines. A.A. Mirin,
D.R. Martin, N.J. O'Neill.
54(1989)329 ABHZ CFRX (Fortran, 2626 Lines, Tape Issue 74). CFRX, a one-
and-a-quarter-dimensional transport code for field-
reversed configuration studies. M.-Y. Hsiao,
K.A. Werley, K.M. Ling.
81(1994)261 ACTL ASPECT (Fortran, 7376 Lines, Tape Issue 91). ASPECT: an
advanced specified-profile evaluation code for tokamaks.
D.P. Stotler, W.T. Reiersen, G. Bateman.
19.10 Magnetohydrodynamics
16(1979)243 ABUX ALFVEN (Fortran, 2463 Lines, Tape Issue 36). ALFVEN: a
two-dimensional code based on SHASTA, solving the
radiative, diffusive MHD equations. W.J. Weber,
J.P. Boris, J.H. Gardner.
21(1981)437 ABUX 000A CORRECTION 26/09/80 (Fortran, Tape Issue 44).
ALFVEN: a two-dimensional code based on SHASTA, solving
the radiative, diffusive MHD equations. (C.P.C.
16(1979)243). W.J. Weber, J.P. Boris, J.H. Gardner.
20(1980)429 ABVE PLASMA (Fortran, 1072 Lines, Tape Issue 44). A program
to solve rotating plasma problems. M. Bakker,
M.S. van den Berg.
43(1987)297 AALX ILUBCG2 (Fortran, 824 Lines, Tape Issue 64). ILUBCG2: a
preconditioned biconjugate gradient routine for the
solution of linear asymmetric matrix equations arising
from 9-point discretizations. A.E. Koniges,
D.V. Anderson.
69(1992)439 ACGN R-MHD (Fortran, 8128 Lines, Tape Issue 82). R-MHD: an
adaptive-grid radiation-magnetohydrodynamics computer
code. O. Yasar, G.A. Moses. Subroutine required: (for
data) ABJT (Section 19.1).
19.11 Transport
3(1972)1 ABSA SOUND ABSORPTION (Fortran, 320 Lines, Tape Issue 8). A
program for the extraction of bulk viscosities from sound
absorption data. H. Moraal.
11(1976)369 ACWX BOLTZ (Fortran, 2857 Lines, Tape Issue 27). BOLTZ: a
code to solve the transport equation for electron
distributions and then calculate transport coefficients
and vibrational excitation rates in gases with applied
fields. R.M. Thomson, K. Smith, A.R. Davies.
29(1983)287 ABSI SEURAT (Fortran, 3630 Lines, Tape Issue 55). SEURAT: a
Monte Carlo algorithm for calculating neutral gas
transport in non-circular axisymmetric toroidal plasmas.
D.B. Heifetz, D.E. Post.
34(1984)87 ACDA HPLAS (Fortran, 9383 Lines, Tape Issue 59). HPLAS:
multigroup cross section and reaction rate processor for
coupled H, H2 and H2+ transport applications in plasmas.
B.R. Wienke, J.E. Morel, T.E. Cayton, R.B. Howell.
39(1986)181 AADU FD, FDG, FDH (Fortran, 2119 Lines, Tape Issue 62).
Generalized Fermi-Dirac integrals - FD, FDG, FDH.
L.W. Fullerton, G.A. Rinker.
41(1986)155 AAFS STRIMP (Fortran, 1218 Lines, Tape Issue 63). STRIMP:
program for studying the impurity evolution in tokamak
plasma. F. Spineanu, M. Vlad, I.I. Popescu.
42(1986)119 AALE SIGDCS (Fortran, 1044 Lines, Tape Issue 63). Scalar DC
electrical conductivity of partially ionized gases.
D.A. Erwin, J.A. Kunc.
49(1988)399 ABBS BALDUR (Fortran, 45271 Lines, Tape Issue 68). BALDUR: a
one-dimensional plasma transport code. C.E. Singer,
D.E. Post, D.R. Mikkelsen, M.H. Redi, A. McKenney,
A. Silverman, F.G.P. Seidl, P.H. Rutherford,
R.J. Hawryluk, W.D. Langer, L. Foote, D.B. Heifetz,
W.A. Houlberg, M.H. Hughes, R.V. Jensen, G. Lister,
J. Ogden.
55(1989)409 ABJU POS (Fortran, 3141 Lines, Tape Issue 75). POS - A 1d
time-dependent H+ ion source code. A.H. Glasser,
K. Smith.
56(1989)259 ABJT IONMIX (Fortran, 5027 Lines, Tape Issue 75). IONMIX: a
code for computing the equation of state and radiative
properties of LTE and non-LTE plasmas.
J.J. MacFarlane.
58(1990)127 ABLX ELENDIF77 (Fortran, 3596 Lines, Tape Issue 76). ELENDIF:
a time-dependent Boltzmann solver for partially ionized
plasmas. W.L. Morgan, B.M. Penetrante.
70(1992)183 ACGT ECRCYL (Fortran, 2663 Lines, Tape Issue 83). ECRCYL: a
code for electron cyclotron radiation transport.
S. Chaturvedi, R.G. Mills.
19.12 Space and Astrophysical Plasmas
No programs classified under this heading yet.
19.13 Wave-Plasma Interactions
18(1979)297 ABUZ DRFT (Fortran, 543 Lines, Tape Issue 40). Radiation
potential of a point antenna immersed in drifting cold or
hot (hydrodynamical) plasma. E. Fijalkow, G. Mourgues.
23(1981)169 AAQP POTENT (Fortran, 433 Lines, Tape Issue 48). The
potential created by an alternating point charge in a
Maxwellian magneto-plasma. J. Thiel, P. Dorio,
C. Soubry.
19.14 General Plasma Physics
No programs classified under this heading yet.
20. Programming and Publication Practice
7(1974)245 ABUF OLYMPUS (Fortran, 2425 Lines, Tape Issue 19). OLYMPUS -
a standard control and utility package for initial-value
Fortran programs. J.P. Christiansen, K.V. Roberts. Other
versions: ABUJ (Section 20), ABUK (Section 20).
9(1975)51 ABUJ OLYMPUS FOR IBM 370/165 (Fortran, 2412 Lines, Tape Issue
23). OLYMPUS and preprocessor package for an IBM 370/165.
M.H. Hughes, K.V. Roberts, P.D. Roberts. Other versions:
ABUF (Section 20), ABUK (Section 20).
10(1975)167 ABUK OLYMPUS FOR CDC 6500 (Fortran, Compass, 2170 Lines, Tape
Issue 25). OLYMPUS control and utility package for the
CDC 6500. M.H. Hughes, K.V. Roberts, G.G. Lister. Other
versions: ABUF (Section 20), ABUJ (Section 20).
29(1983)45 ACEA COMPOS (Fortran, 5496 Lines, Tape Issue 54). The OLYMPUS
Fortran compositor. M.H. Hughes, K.V. Roberts. Subroutine
required: ABUF (Section 20) or ABUJ (Section 20) or ABUK
(Section 20).
29(1983)59 ACEB GENSIS (Fortran, 7759 Lines, Tape Issue 54). The OLYMPUS
Fortran generator. M.H. Hughes, K.V. Roberts. Subroutine
required: ABUF (Section 20) or ABUJ (Section 20) or ABUK
(Section 20).
21. Radiation
21.1 Radiation Physics
1(1970)440 ACQR SYNCHROTRON RADIATION (Fortran, 321 Lines, Tape Issue 4).
Spectral intensity, angular distribution and polarisation
of synchrotron radiation from a monoenergetic electron.
J. Lang.
2(1971)449 ACMG DOSEI (Fortran, 351 Lines, Tape Issue 8). Gamma-
radiation dosimetry for arbitrary source and target
geometry. L.B. Hubbard.
5(1973)395 ACMG 000A CORRECTION 05/03/73 (Fortran, Tape Issue 13).
Gamma-radiation dosimetry for arbitrary source and target
geometry. (C.P.C. 2(1971)449). L.B. Hubbard.
6(1973)240 ACMG 0001 DOSEI IMPROVEMENTS (Fortran, 187 Lines, Tape Issue
17). First collision gamma-ray dose. L.B. Hubbard.
15(1978)125 ACYJ BREMSSTRAHLUNG INTENSITY (NR) (Fortran, 301 Lines, Tape
Issue 34). A program for calculating the angular
distribution of nonrelativistic bremsstrahlung intensity.
A. Banuelos, F. Rodriguez-Trelles.
17(1979)305 ACYJ 0001 BREMSSTRAHLUNG INTENSITY 2 (Fortran, 245 Lines, Tape
Issue 37). Extension to high frequencies of a program
for calculating the angular distribution of
nonrelativistic bremsstrahlung. A. Banuelos,
F. Rodriguez-Trelles, L. Bilbao.
15(1978)291 AAMA MUONIC ATOM CASCADE (Fortran, 2760 Lines, Tape Issue 34).
Muonic atom cascade program. V.R. Akylas, P. Vogel.
16(1978)139 ABUW RADFL (Fortran, 1038 Lines, Tape Issue 35). Radial
radiative flux in cylindrically symmetric arcs.
P.J. Shayler, M.T.C. Fang.
38(1985)397 AADK SNEX (Fortran, 434 Lines, Tape Issue 61). SNEX:
semianalytic solution of the one-dimensional discrete
ordinates transport equation with diamond differenced
angular fluxes. B.R. Wienke.
39(1986)259 AAFD ESECT/EMAP (Fortran, 801 Lines, Tape Issue 62).
ESECT/EMAP: mapping algorithm for computing intersection
volumes of overlaid meshes in cylindrical geometry.
B.R. Wienke.
54(1989)307 ABJB SYNCHR88 (Fortran, 777 Lines, Tape Issue 74).
Synchrotron radiation flux at experimental stations.
J.S. Reid.
59(1990)499 ABRV BREMPNT (Fortran, 323 Lines, Tape Issue 78).
Bremsstrahlung cross section for a point, spinless target.
A. Minter, D.A. Jenkins.
72(1992)96 ACJN COSMO (Fortran, 2279 Lines, Tape Issue 84). COSMO: a
program to estimate spallation radioactivity produced in
a pure substance by exposure to cosmic radiation on the
earth. C.J. Martoff, P.D. Lewin.
21.2 Radiative Transfer
5(1973)294 ABUE ABELA (Fortran, 413 Lines, Tape Issue 14). Calculation
of the radial distribution of emitters in a cylindrical
source. R. Piessens.
6(1973)38 AAAB TRANSPHERE (Fortran, 1808 Lines, Tape Issue 15).
Numerical evaluation of the formal solution of radiative
transfer problems in spherical geometries. D.G. Hummer,
C.V. Kunasz, P.B. Kunasz.
10(1975)304 AAAH SLAB3 (Fortran, 3203 Lines, Tape Issue 25). Transfer of
line radiation in optically thick media allowing for
transport of excitation energy: the resonant doublet.
C.V. Kunasz, P.B. Kunasz.
12(1976)231 ACXA AFER (Fortran, 914 Lines, Tape Issue 28). Calculation of
the energy response of a spectrometer. J. Lotrian,
M. Leriche, J. Cariou.
20(1980)353 ABVK MFP (Fortran, 1477 Lines, Tape Issue 44). MFP: a code
for calculating equation of state and optical data for
noble gases. R.R. Peterson, G.A. Moses.
--- AARK 000ACORRECTION 09/01/91 (Fortran, Tape Issue 79).
Unpublished correction to PROFILE: a code for evaluating
line profile shapes for optically thick expanding plasmas.
G.J. Tallents.
25(1982)141 AARK PROFILE (Fortran, 1149 Lines, Tape Issue 50). PROFILE: a
code for evaluating line profile shapes for optically
thick expanding plasmas. G.J. Tallents.
28(1983)337 AAEJ DUSTCD (Fortran, 2834 Lines, Tape Issue 54). DUSTCD: a
radiative transport code for spherically symmetric dust
clouds. G.F. Spagna Jr., C.M. Leung. Other version: ABBQ
(Section 21.2).
34(1984)223 AAEJ 000A CORRECTION 31/7/84 (Fortran, Tape Issue 58).
DUSTCD: a radiative transport code for spherically
symmetric dust clouds. (C.P.C. 28(1983)337).
G.F. Spagna Jr, C.M. Leung.
32(1984)309 ACCF MAXWEL (Fortran, 914 Lines, Tape Issue 58). MAXWEL:
exact photon cross section processor for relativistic
Maxwellian electrons. B.L. Lathrop, B.R. Wienke.
38(1985)397 AADK SNEX (Fortran, 434 Lines, Tape Issue 61). SNEX:
semianalytic solution of the one-dimensional discrete
ordinates transport equation with diamond differenced
angular fluxes. B.R. Wienke.
48(1988)271 ABBQ CSDUST3 (Fortran, 3943 Lines, Tape Issue 68). CSDUST3: a
radiation transport code for a dusty medium with 1-D
planar, spherical or cylindrical geometry. M.P. Egan,
C.M. Leung, G.F. Spagna Jr. Other version: AAEJ (Section
66(1991)129 ABZS RADZ1 (Fortran, 670 Lines, Tape Issue 80). Fast computer
evaluation of radiative properties of hydrogenic systems.
P.J. Storey, D.G. Hummer.
74(1993)81 ACLB RAD-TRAP (Fortran, 3992 Lines, Tape Issue 86). RAD-TRAP,
a program for the computation of the eigenvalues and
eigenfunctions of the Holstein radiation-trapping
equation. A.F. Molisch, B.P. Oehry, W. Schupita,
G. Magerl. Other version: ACNX (Section 21.2).
74(1993)91 ACJP LOCFES (Fortran, 2385 Lines, Tape Issue 93). LOCFES: a
program for automatic determination of the order of
spatial approximations in one-dimensional particle
transport. P. Nelson, D.S. Ek. Other version: ACVD
(Section 21.2).
77(1993)255 ACNX RAD-TRAP 2 (Fortran, 7605 Lines, Tape Issue 89). RAD-
TRAP 2, a program for the solution of the Holstein
equation of radiation trapping. A.F. Molisch,
B.P. Oehry, W. Schupita, G. Magerl. Other version: ACLB
(Section 21.2).
82(1994)265 ACVD LOCFES-B (Fortran, 4217 Lines, Tape Issue 93). LOCFES-B:
a program for solving the one-dimensional particle
transport equation with user selected CLOF methods (new
version). R.D. Jarvis, P. Nelson. Other version: ACJP
(Section 21.2).
22. Reactor Systems
39(1986)105 AADB RETRANS (Fortran, 2316 Lines, Tape Issue 61). RETRANS: a
program for calculating reactivity transients.
G. Kamelander.
39(1986)233 AAFA DENTS (Fortran, 3534 Lines, Tape Issue 64). DENTS: a
Fortran program for analysing continuous neutron spectra.
C.A. Ciarcia, W.A. Schier, G.P. Couchell, D.J. Pullen,
R.S. Tanczyn, M.H. Haghighi, Q. Sharfuddin.
42(1986)197 AALJ GRENADE (Fortran, 2865 Lines, Tape Issue 65). GRENADE: a
coarse-mesh reactor physics program to solve the static
diffusion equation for neutrons. T.A. Beu,
D.I. Simionovici, V.N. Anghel.
74(1993)91 ACJP LOCFES (Fortran, 2385 Lines, Tape Issue 93). LOCFES: a
program for automatic determination of the order of
spatial approximations in one-dimensional particle
transport. P. Nelson, D.S. Ek. Other version: ACVD
(Section 22).
82(1994)1 ACTS HEXAB-3D (Fortran, 3813 Lines, Tape Issue 92). An
effective solution scheme of three-dimensional reactor
core model in hexagonal geometry. K.N. Ivanov,
M.A. Manolova, T.G. Apostolov. Non-profit use licence
82(1994)265 ACVD LOCFES-B (Fortran, 4217 Lines, Tape Issue 93). LOCFES-B:
a program for solving the one-dimensional particle
transport equation with user selected CLOF methods (new
version). R.D. Jarvis, P. Nelson. Other version: ACJP
(Section 22).
23. Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics
33(1984)361 ACCP ISING (Fortran, Compass, 776 Lines, Tape Issue 58). A
fast algorithm for investigations on the three-
dimensional Ising model. See erratum Comp. Phys. Commun.
55(1989)251. M. Creutz, P. Mitra, K.J.M. Moriarty.
39(1986)173 AADW MICROIS (Fortran, 442 Lines, Tape Issue 62). Fortran
code for the three-dimensional Ising model. M. Creutz,
K.J.M. Moriarty. Other version: AALU (Section 23).
42(1986)191 AALU ISING (Fortran, 349 Lines, Tape Issue 64).
Vectorization of the three-dimensional Ising model
program on the CDC CYBER 205. M. Creutz,
K.J.M. Moriarty, M. O'Brien. Other version: AADW (Section
44(1987)143 AATS KAPPA,KP (Fortran, 1159 Lines, Tape Issue 65). High
temperature expansion via Schwinger-Dyson equations: the
planar rotator model on a triangular lattice. P. Butera,
R. Cabassi, M. Comi, G. Marchesini.
49(1988)465 ABDA GLASS (Fortran, 959 Lines, Tape Issue 69). A fast
vectorized program for the CDC CYBER 205 to simulate the
Ising spin glass in three dimensions. G. Bhanot,
R. Salvador, D. Duke, K.J.M. Moriarty.
52(1989)249 ABFY BCC64 (Fortran, 487 Lines, Tape Issue 71). Fortran code
for the three-dimensional Ising model on body-centered
cubic and face-centered cubic lattices. J.-M. Drouffe,
K.J.M. Moriarty.
52(1989)249 ABFZ FCC64 (Fortran, 466 Lines, Tape Issue 71). Fortran code
for the three-dimensional Ising model on body-centered
cubic and face-centered cubic lattices. J.-M. Drouffe,
K.J.M. Moriarty.
54(1989)103 ABHR MICRO (Fortran, 763 Lines, Tape Issue 72). A fast
vectorized program for the Cyber 205 to calculate the
partition function of the 3-D Ising model. P.A. Carter.
58(1990)387 ABRG ISINGSIMULATOR (Fortran, 1009 Lines, Tape Issue 77). A
fast vectorized Fortran 77 program for the Monte Carlo
simulation of the three dimensional Ising system.
H.-O. Heuer.
62(1991)90 ABTJ HUBCOM (Fortran, 3651 Lines, Tape Issue 79). HUBCOM: a
program for Monte Carlo simulations on generalized
Hubbard models. S.J. Sciutto.
69(1992)420 ACGL HNCR (Fortran, 2217 Lines, Tape Issue 82). HNCR: a
program to calculate the structure and thermodynamics of
binary mixtures of charged hard spheres. E. Lomba,
J.S. Hoye.
70(1992)510 ACHS LOOPS (Fortran, 475 Lines, Tape Issue 83). Swendsen-
Wang dynamics for Potts model on a dynamically
triangulated random surface. Z. Burda, J. Jurkiewicz,
L. Karkkainen.