P R O G R A M I N D E X V4
Volumes 108 - 111, 1998
4 Computational Methods
4.1 Angular Momentum Coupling Coefficients
111(1998)167 ADHW Racah (Maple, 9985 Lines). Maple procedures for the
coupling of angular momenta. II. Sum rule evaluation.
S. Fritzsche, S. Varga, D. Geschke, B. Fricke. Other
version: ADFV 103(1997)51.
4.3 Differential Equations
109(1998)55 ADHO FP2DLHEC (Fortran, 1269 Lines). An approximate
factorization procedure for solving nine-point elliptic
difference equations. Application for a fast 2-D
relativistic Fokker-Planck solver. Y. Peysson,
M. Shoucri.
4.4 Feynman Diagrams
111(1998)217 ADHX xfey (C, C++, 32426 Lines). Xfey, a Feynman diagram
editor. A. Laina. Distribution format: uuencoded
compressed tar file
4.7 Other Functions
108(1998)267 ADHD DPROH, DOBLH (Fortran, 1244 Lines). A code to evaluate
prolate and oblate spheroidal harmonics. A. Gil,
J. Segura. Distribution format: uuencoded compressed tar
4.8 Linear Equations and Matrices
108(1998)218 ADHI adum.f (Fortran, 779 Lines). Angle decomposition of
matrices. W.S. Verwoerd, V. Nolting.
4.9 Minimization and Fitting (see also Interpolation, Sec 4.10)
109(1998)227 ADHQ MERLIN-3.0 (Fortran, 101874 Lines). MERLIN-3.0, A
multidimensional optimization environment.
D.G. Papageorgiou, I.N. Demetropoulos, I.E. Lagaris.
Distribution format: uuencoded compressed tar file
109(1998)250 ADHR MCL-3.0 (Fortran, 15907 Lines). The MERLIN control
language for strategic optimization. D.G. Papageorgiou,
I.N. Demetropoulos, I.E. Lagaris. Subroutine required:
ADHQ 109(1998)227. Distribution format: uuencoded
compressed tar file
4.10 Interpolation
108(1998)218 ADHI adum.f (Fortran, 779 Lines). Angle decomposition of
matrices. W.S. Verwoerd, V. Nolting.
5 Computer Algebra
108(1998)90 ADHH ODEtools (Maple, 8039 Lines). Computer algebra solving
of second order ODEs using symmetry methods.
E.S. Cheb-Terrab, L.G.S. Duarte, L.A.C.P. da Mota. Other
version: ADFP 101(1997)254. Distribution format: uuencoded
compressed tar file
111(1998)167 ADHW Racah (Maple, 9985 Lines). Maple procedures for the
coupling of angular momenta. II. Sum rule evaluation.
S. Fritzsche, S. Varga, D. Geschke, B. Fricke. Other
version: ADFV 103(1997)51.
111(1998)265 ADIF TARCER V 1.0 (Mathematica, 17547 Lines). TARCER - a
Mathematica program for the reduction of two-loop
propagator integrals. R. Mertig, R. Scharf.
7 Condensed Matter and Surface Science
7.3 Electronic Structure
109(1998)81 ADHN ELECTRONIC GREEN SCATTERING (Fortran, 1481 Lines).
Electronic Green scattering with n-fold symmetry axis
from block circulant matrices. A. Mayer, A. Castiaux,
J.-P. Vigneron.
8 Crystallography
111(1998)243 ADHT ABSFAC (Fortran, 3308 Lines). ABSFAC: a program for the
calculation of the absorption during scattering in
multifaceted crystals and similar samples. R.C. Clark,
J.S. Reid.
11 Elementary Particle Physics
11.1 General, High Energy Physics and Computing
109(1998)207 ADHM MCMIN (Fortran, C, 1277 Lines). Monte Carlo optimization
applied to symmetry breaking. J.S. Kim, J.C. Toledano,
P. Toledano.
11.2 Phase Space and Event Simulation
108(1998)279 ADHE GALUGA (Fortran, 3173 Lines). Two-photon physics with
GALUGA 2.0. G.A. Schuler. Distribution format: uuencoded
compressed tar file
109(1998)193 ADHS ZPC 1.0.1 (Fortran, 11263 Lines). ZPC 1.0.1: A parton
cascade for ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions. See
erratum Comp. Phys. Commun. 111(1998)276. B. Zhang.
Distribution format: uuencoded compressed tar file
11.5 Quantum Chromodynamics, Lattice Gauge Theory
108(1998)38 ADHF BFP1 (Fortran, 2330 Lines). Numerical solution of Q**2
evolution equations for polarized structure functions.
M. Hirai, S. Kumano, M. Miyama. Distribution format:
uuencoded compressed tar file
108(1998)56 ADHB HDECAY (Fortran, 5969 Lines). HDECAY: a program for
Higgs boson decays in the standard model and its
supersymmetric extension. A. Djouadi, J. Kalinowski,
M. Spira.
111(1998)150 ADHY H1EVOL (Fortran, 1336 Lines). Numerical solution of Q**2
evolution equation for the transversity distribution
Delta_Tq. M. Hirai, S. Kumano, M. Miyama. Distribution
format: uuencoded compressed tar file
111(1998)185 ADHU SUSY23 (Fortran, 284164 Lines). SUSY23 v2.0: An event
generator for supersymmetric processes at e+e- colliders.
J. Fujimoto, K. Hikasa, T. Ishikawa, M. Jimbo, T. Kaneko,
K. Kato, S. Kawabata, T. Kon, M. Kuroda, Y. Kurihara,
T. Munehisa, D. Perret-Gallix, Y. Shimizu, H. Tanaka.
Distribution format: uuencoded compressed tar file
11.6 Phenomenological and Empirical Models and Theories
108(1998)75 ADHA PiN (Fortran, 40161 Lines). PiN: Computation of pion-
nucleon scattering and bound states with the color
dielectric quark model. D. Lu, G. He, R.H. Landau.
Distribution format: uuencoded compressed tar file
16 Molecular Physics and Physical Chemistry
16.1 Structure and Properties
108(1998)259 ADHK GFIT3C (Fortran, 2364 Lines). Global fit of ab initio
potential energy surfaces: I. Triatomic systems.
A. Aguado, C. Tablero, M. Paniagua.
109(1998)34 ADHJ MOEXVA (Fortran, 46396 Lines). Determination of momentum
expectation values for polyatomic molecules.
J.M. Garcia de la Vega, B. Miguel. Distribution format:
uuencoded compressed tar file
16.2 Spectra
108(1998)240 ADHG POMULT (Fortran, tcl, tk, 49052 Lines). POMULT: a
program for computing periodic orbits in Hamiltonian
systems based on multiple shooting algorithms.
S.C. Farantos. Distribution format: uuencoded compressed
tar file
16.7 Elastic Scattering and Energy Transfer
109(1998)184 ADHV LMD (Fortran, 2201 Lines). LMD: calculation of
longitudinal momentum distributions in the single
ionization of helium by ion impact. S.F.C. O'Rourke,
D.S.F. Crothers. Other version: ACJT 72(1992)288.
16.12 Chemical Kinetics
109(1998)47 ADHL ABCRATE version 10.0 (Fortran, 326284 Lines). ABCRATE: a
program for the calculation of atom-diatom reaction rates.
B.C. Garrett, G.C. Lynch, T.C. Allison, D.G. Truhlar.
Non-profit use licence required. Distribution format:
uuencoded compressed tar file
17 Nuclear Physics
17.5 Experimental Analysis - Particle Detection
111(1998)258 ADIE CHEREN (Fortran, 695 Lines). CHEREN, the Cherenkov
counting efficiency. A. Grau Carles, A. Grau Malonda.
19 Plasma Physics
19.8 Kinetic Models
109(1998)55 ADHO FP2DLHEC (Fortran, 1269 Lines). An approximate
factorization procedure for solving nine-point elliptic
difference equations. Application for a fast 2-D
relativistic Fokker-Planck solver. Y. Peysson,
M. Shoucri.