Title of program:
Catalogue identifier:
Ref. in CPC:
Distribution format: uuencoded compressed tar file
Operating system: UNIX, MS-DOS
High speed store required:
203K words
Number of bits in a word:
Number of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc:
Programming language used: Fortran
Computer: Dec Alpha Server
Nature of physical problem:
As a kind of first order hyperbolic partial differential equations,
advection equation describes a wide spectrum of phenomena from physical
problems such as material transport, heat transfer and wave propagation.
The code has been developed to solve the advection equation in 1, 2 and
3 dimensions with a Eulerian computational grid.
Method of solution
A rational interpolation function is used to reconstruct the profile and
the dependent variable is updated based on a Semi-Lagrangian
Restrictions on the complexity of the program
The current code (subroutines) is designed for the first hyperbolic
equation cast in an advective (convective) form. It is not yet a
general scheme for solving also hyperbolic conservation law.
Typical running time
This depends on the size of the problem to be solved. A one step
execution of the 1D subroutine with a mesh of 10**6 on an Alpha server
4100/400MHZ is 1 second of wall-clock time. The same amount of time is
consumed by the one step execution of the 2D subroutine with a mesh of
500 x 500 or the 3D subroutine with a mesh of 50 x 50 x 50.
Unusual features of the program
The advection equation solver presented here is a new kind of
Semi-Lagrangian method. It predicts explicitly the first order
derivative(s) which is needed in constructing the interpolation
function. This makes the scheme highly compact. Using rational
interpolation function makes the scheme oscillation suppressing and the
slope limiters that are used in most high resolution schemes appear not
necessary here.