Title of program:
Catalogue identifier:
Ref. in CPC:
Distribution format: uuencoded compressed tar file
Operating system: UNIX
Number of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc:
Programming language used: Fortran
Computer: HP
Nature of physical problem:
Leptoquark states emerge in several theoretical frameworks, including
the Pati-Salam model, the MSSM, and composite models of quarks and
leptons. Leptoquark states coupled to the first generation leptons and
quarks can be studied in e+e- colliders. The dominant mode, for
leptoquark masses close to the energy threshold, is the single
leptoquark production. Leptoquarks can be studied by selecting events
with leptons and jets and by investigating the invariant mass
distribution of the lepton plus jet system.
Method of solution
Based on the four-fermion event generator ERATO, we have included all
possible leptoquark contributions to the processes:
e-e+ -> l-l+qqbar
e-e+ -> l- nubarl qqbar'.
All tree-order Feynaman graphs as well as all necessary phase space
mappings have been calculated and incorporated in the present extension
ERATO-LQ. Moreover interference terms with the tree-order SM
contributions have been fully included. The decay of the leptoquarks
has been treated exactly. An additional code providing the total cross
section in the resolved photon approximation has also been included.