Title of program:
Catalogue identifier:
Ref. in CPC:
Distribution format: uuencoded compressed tar file
High speed store required:
16MK words
Number of bits in a word:
Number of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc:
Programming language used: Fortran
Computer: Alpha EV56
Nature of physical problem:
The reconstruction of the longitudinal phase space density of particles
in a synchrotron from one-dimensional bunch profile data.
Method of solution
A hybrid algorithm [1] which combines particle tracking with iterative
Algebraic Reconstruction Techniques (ART) [2].
Restrictions on the complexity of the problem
The particle tracking is very elementary and the only parameter
variations considered are constant first-order time derivatives of the
dipole magnetic field and rf voltages of the accelerator.
Typical running time
Execution time depends strongly on the resolution and number of images
required and on the accelerator parameters involved, but is typically
several minutes per image.
Unusual features of the program
Arbitrarily complex rf systems can be catered for by modifying a small
part of the code. Likewise the method may be extended to cover any
non-rigid body for which a model governing its deformation exists.
[1] S. Hancock, "A Simple Algorithm for Longitudinal Phase Space Tomography", CERN PS/RF/Note 97-06, 1997. [2] R. Gordon, "A Tutorial on ART", IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., NS-21, pp. 78-93, 1974.