A Fortran code for solving the Kadanoff-Baym equations for a homogeneous fermion system. H.S. Kohler, N.H. Kwong, H.A. Yousif.

Title of program: kb
Catalogue identifier: ADKQ
Ref. in CPC: 123(1999)123
Operating system: UNICOS, IRIX 6.4
High speed store required: 60MK words
Number of bits in a word: 64
Number of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc: 1432
Programming language used: Fortran
Computer: CRAY C90

Nature of physical problem:
The output of this program describes the thermalisation by internal collisions in a nonrelativistic infinite fermion system. It is most useful when applied to situations where the time scales of relaxation, individual collisions and quantum coherence are overlapping: some examples are nuclear heavy ion collisions and femtosecondscale carrier kinetics in excited semiconductors.

Method of solution
The equations are solved on a momentum grid, marching along both axes in the two-time plane. The bulk of the processing time is spent in the time-stepping and evaluating the collision integrals. The time-stepping is done by a two-pass iteration, while the collision integrals are computed by Fast Fourier Transform.

Typical running time
The running time depends mainly on the parameter ntimes. Table 1 shows the running times on the Cray C90 of the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center and on the SGI of the University of Arizona Center of Computing and Information Technology. The Cray C90 has 16 processors with a peak aggregate speed of 16 Gflops, and a main memory of 512 Mwords or 4 Gbytes. The calculations of Table 1 were made for the nuclear case and for the following parameters: ntl=61, nq=4620, nvec=48 and mod_store=3 (cylindrical symmetry). Serial processing on one processor was used.

Unusual features of the program
The program uses the three dimensional Fast Fourier Transform routine CFFT3D of the SGI library or the subroutine CCFFT3D of the Cray library.


 [1] SGI library.                                                        
 [2] Cray library.