Title of program:
Catalogue identifier:
Ref. in CPC:
Distribution format: tar gzip file
Operating system: UNIX, Linux
Number of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc:
General purpose, Function, Toroidal harmonics, Legendre functions,
Laplace's equation, Toroidal coordinates.
Programming language used: Fortran
HP Model 715/100 ,
SUN Enterprise 3000 ,
PC Pentium MMX 200MHz .
Nature of physical problem:
We include three codes to evaluate toroidal harmonics:
Method of solution
The codes are based on the application of recurrence relations both over
m and n. The recurrence over n is applied forward for the Ps and
backward for the Qs while, over m, the situation is the contrary: the Ps
are evaluated backwards and the Qs forward.
The forward and backward recursions (over n or over m) are linked
through continued fractions for the ratio of minimal solutions and
Wronskian relations.
The recurrences are fed with the two starting values Q0(1/2) and
Q1(-1/2), which are evaluated using Carlson's duplication formula for
elliptic integrals.
Restrictions on the complexity of the problem
The maximum degree (order) that can be reached with our method, for a
given order (degree) m (n) and for a fixed real positive value of x, is
provided by the maximum real number defined in our machine. The user
can choose two different relative accuracies (10**-8 or 10**-12) in the
interval 1.001 < x < 1000 for all available values of the orders and
degrees. For more details see text: LONG WRITE-UP, section 3.
Typical running time
Depends on the values of the argument x, the orders (m) and the degrees
(n). As an example, to evaluate the set {Pm(n-1/2)(1.1),
Qm(n-1/2)(1.1), m = 0,...,10, n = 0,...,50,} the code DTORH3 spends
2.6 ms in a HP 715/100.
For more details see text: LONG WRITE-UP, section 5.