SPECTRUM, a computer code for prompt fission neutron spectrum and prompt neutron multiplicity calculation. G. Vladuca, A. Tudora.

Title of program: SPECTRUM
Catalogue identifier: ADLH
Ref. in CPC: 125(2000)221
Distribution format: gzip file
Operating system: MS-DOS/Windows95
High speed store required: 500K words
Number of bits in a word: 32
Number of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc: 6794
Keywords: Nuclear physics, Fission process, Prompt fission neutron, Spectrum, Average prompt neutron, Multiplicity, Neutron emission in fission, Post-scission, Number of prompt, Neutrons per fission, Energy distribution of secondary neutrons.
Programming language used: Fortran, Quickbasic
Computer: PC-Pentium 200MHz .

Nature of physical problem:
Prompt fission neutron spectrum and average prompt neutron multiplicity are calculated.

Method of solution
Prompt fission neutron spectrum and average prompt neutron multiplicity are calculated in the frame of Los Alamos model with multiple fission chances. Energy dependence of the compound nucleus cross sections of inverse process and incident neutron energy dependence of model parameters are considered.

Restrictions on the complexity of the problem
Only the neutrons evaporated prior to scission are considered, the pre-equilibrium effects are neglected. The maximum number of compound nuclei undergoing fission (or fission chances) is four.

Typical running time
Five minutes in the option of the energy dependence of the compound nucleus cross sections of the inverse process and less than 1 minute in the option of constant compound nucleus cross sections.

Unusual features of the code
Dependence on the incident neutron energy of model parameters, graphics and possibility to compare the results with data of external input files.


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 [2] Madland, D.G., LaBauve, R.J., Nix, J.R. "Physics of Neutron Emission
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     emission in fission, Mito, Japan (1988), IAEA INDC(NDS)-220 (1989), 
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