H-Utils package

Author: E.I.Alexandrov
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The development of their own software for carrying out massive computations that require various computational accelerators such as GPU, Xeon Phi and others is becoming more and more popular among staff of JINR and of JINR Member-States. Therefore, there is a need to develop specialized tools to make it easier for the users to develop parallel applications.

An example of such a useful tools is H-Utils package that is being developed in LIT for the HybriLIT users. This package includes a number of libraries and is aimed at help in solving general difficulties that the developers are often faced while creating program complexes for solution of problems in the field of physics, chemistry, biology, etc. on high performance computational platforms.

H-Utils package allows realization of the following possibilities:

- to dynamically change output parameters that include the possibility to transfer data arrays of various types;

- to interaction with the launched task;

- to provide utilities to save data about events and errors in files (log file) with automatic indication of the current time and dynamic setting of the output level.

The package was developed for the work on the heterogeneous cluster HybriLIT, however it can be used for work on other clusters that have total drive space.

Package is available from GitLab. Use following url:

All documentation is produce by Doxygen and can be find in "doc" folder of project.

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