Language: Fortran
PFUMILI, modification of well-known FUMILI program, is described [1-2].
This modification may be effectively exploited on modern large computational
clusters, containing of hundreds processor units. The program interface
remains intact comparatively to program for single processor. This offers
the possibility for parallelization of more large computational programs,
where PFUMILI is their separate stage.
- S.N.Sokolov,I.N.Silin: Determination of the coordinates of the minima of
functionals by the linearization method. D-810, JINR, Dubna, 1962.
- I.N.Silin: FUMILI, JINRLIB, D510.
I.N.Silin: FUMILI, CERN Program Library, D510, 1983.
Detailed description (in Russian, .doc) are submitted.
The investigation has been performed at the Laboratory of Information
Technologies, JINR.