SLIPM - a MAPLE Package for Numerical Solution of Sturm-Liouville Partial Problems
Based on the Continuous Analog of Newton's Method

Authors: I.V.Puzynin, T.P.Puzynina, V.T.Thach
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Environment: MAPLE/Windows

SLIPM (Sturm - LIouville Problem in MAPLE) is a software complex written in the language of the computer algebra system MAPLE, consisting of the main program and of some procedures. It is intended for a numerical solution with the help of the continuous analog of Newton's method (CANM) [1,2] of Sturm-Liouville partial problems, i.e., for calculating some eigenvalue of linear second-order differential operator and a corresponding eigenfunction satisfying homogeneous boundary conditions of general type.

SLIPM is the development of the written in the Fortran language software complexes SLIP1 [3] and SLIPH4 [4]: it is added by two new ways of calculating the initial value of iterative parameter tau, by a procedure for calculating a higher precision solution (eigenvalue and corresponding eigenfunction) with the help of Richardson's extrapolation method, by graphical visualization procedures of intermediate and final results of the iterative process and by saving of the results on a disk file.

In the works [5,6] the description of a mathematical formulation of this problem, of a method CANM for its solution are given. The used newtonian schemes and algorithms for the calculating the iterative parameter tau_k are described. The examples of using the package SLIPM for the calculating the solutions of Schredinger equation with the Morse potential for mesomolecule pp_mu, of Legendre and Whittaker equations are described.

In the work [7] descriptions of the procedures of the software complex and their parameters are given. The question concerning the calculating precision of power h_2 for realized discrete schemes is researched. The process of increasing the precision of results to power h_4 by using procedure RICHARD, which realizes the extrapolation Richardson's method on the set of three twice condensed nets, is described.

The source of package, input data files RICHARDSON1.txt, RICHARDSON2.txt, RICHARDSON4.txt and output files SLIPM.txt, SLIPMOH4.txt with results are presented in archive. In applied test the example for calculating a nodeless solution of Schredinger equation with the Morse potential for mesomolecule dd_mu is presented. The two sets of the user procedures:

for calculating the solutions to the Legendre and Whittaker equations, correspondingly, are presented too.


  1. I.V. Puzynin, et al. General Continue Analog of the Newton's Method for Numerical Research of some Quantum-Field Models. Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei, 1999, V.30, No.1, P.87-110.
  2. I.V. Puzynin, et al. Methods of Computational Physics for Investigation of Models of Complex Physical Systems. Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei, 2007, V.38, No.1, P.70-116.
  3. I.V. Puzynin, T.P. Puzynina. SLIP1 - Program for the numerical solution of the Sturm-Liouville problem basing on the continuous analog of the Newton method. Collection of scientific papers in collaboration of JINR, Dubna, USSR and Central Research Institute for Physics, Budapest, Hungary, KFKI-74-34, 1974, pp.93-112.
  4. I.V. Puzynin, T.P. Puzynina, T.A. Strizh. SLIPH4 - Program for numerical solution of the Sturm-Liouville problem. JINR Report, P11-87-332, Dubna, 1987.
  5. И.В.Пузынин, Т.П. Пузынина, Во Чонг Тхак. SLIPM - программа на языке MAPLE для численного решения частичной проблемы Штурма-Лиувилля на основе непрерывного аналога метода Ньютона. Вестник РУДН, серия "Математика. Информатика. Физика" No.2 вып.2,2010,С.89-97.
  6. SLIPM - программа на языке MAPLE для численного решения частичной проблемы Штурма-Лиувилля на основе непрерывного аналога метода Ньютона. I. Алгоритм. Препринт ОИЯИ Р11-2010-2, Дубна, 2010, С.9.
  7. SLIPM - программа на языке MAPLE для численного решения частичной проблемы Штурма-Лиувилля на основе непрерывного аналога метода Ньютона. II. Программная реализация. Препринт ОИЯИ Р11-2010-95, Дубна, 2010, С.8.

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