
W H A T's N E W ?
JINR Seminars / Newspaper "DUBNA" / "JINR News" Bulletin / NOC News / JINR Announcement board
- 29.12.2011
New Year greeting by JINR Director: "Dear colleagues! We bid farewell to the old 2011 year acknowledging with confidence that the international staff of the Institute continues to implement the Seven-Year Plan for the Development of JINR." More ...
- 29.12.2011
XIV All-Russian Scientific Conferences RCDL'2012
"Digital Libraries: Advanced Methods And Technologies, Digital Collections"
Pereslavl, Russia, October 15 - 18, 2012
- 23.12.2011
"Большая наука и Большой адронный коллайдер" - Джан Франческо Джудиче
- 19.12. 2011
The Round Table Italy–Russia @ Dubna finished its work
The Round Table Italy–Russia @ Dubna organized by the Embassy of the Italian Republic in the Russian Federation in cooperation with the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research and the Russian Academy of Sciences finished its work on 17 December 2011
- 15.12. 2011
Dear Users of CICC!
Main services of CICC will be stopped from 12:00 26 December to 24:00 30 December 2011 due to maintenance and optimization of power switches and breakers in the main computer hall and upgrading of important software in AFS services and batch system.
- 13.12. 2011
ATLAS and CMS experiments present Higgs search status
13 December 2011. In a seminar held at CERN today, the ATLAS and CMS experiments presented the status of their searches for the Standard Model Higgs boson.
- 13.12. 2011
JINR Acting Director turned 70
JINR Acting Director Academician Victor Anatolievich turned 70 on 11 December 2011.
Employees of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research congratulate Victor Anatolievich on his jubilee and wish him and his spouse Rosalia Vladimirovna many happy returns, health and happiness!
- 12.12. 2011
Round Table Italy–Russia @ Dubna
On 11 December, 2011, the Round Table Italy–Russia @ Dubna was opened...
- 08.12. 2011
The International Workshop on "Resonance Laser Separation of Nuclear Reaction Products" was held on 6-7 December at Flerov Laboratory.
More ...
- 06.12. 2011
In the frame of Russian-German year of science Workshop on "ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS and Russian-German Perspectives" is being held at the JINR International Conference Hall on 8-9 December 2011.
- 05.12. 2011
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Hungary to RF Ishtvan Iyedyarto and Science and Technology Attaché of the Hungarian Embassy Dr. Árpád Erdéiy visited JINR on 30 November 2011. More ...
- 05.12. 2011
Joint scientific seminar "Physics on the Large Hadron Collider"
A regular meeting of the joint scientific seminar "Physics on the Large Hadron Collider" which is organized by the RDMS CMS collaboration will be held on 07 December 2011, at 15.00 pm (Moscow time) at the conference hall of the JINR University center (LIT, room 437).
- 02.12. 2011
Names Proposed for Elements of Atomic Number 114 and 116
At the Closing Ceremony of the International Year of Chemistry in Brussels on December 1st 2011 the President of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), Professor Nicole J. Moreau, announced the proposed names for the elements with atomic numbers 114 and 116.
- 29.11.2011
Joint scientific seminar "Physics on the Large Hadron Collider"
A regular meeting of the joint scientific seminar “Physics on the Large Hadron Collider” which is organized by the RDMS CMS collaboration will be held on 07 December 2011, at 15.00 pm (Moscow time) at the room 354-1-А019 of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (Geneva).
- 25.11.2011
A regular session of the Committee of Plenipotentiaries of JINR Member States
A regular session of the Committee of Plenipotentiaries of JINR Member States was opened today 25 November 2011 at the International Conference Hall.
- 23.11.2011
The10th Joint Coordination Committee on RSA-JINR cooperation
The 10th Joint Coordination Committee on cooperation between the Republic of South Africa and the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research was held on 21-22 November 2011 at the RSA cyclotron laboratory iThemba LABS.
- 22.11.2011
Regular Meeting of the JINR Finance Committee
A regular Meeting of the JINR Finance Committee is being held at the International Conference Hall on 22-23 November 2011.
- 21.11.2011
2011 is the year of Italian Culture in Russia and of Russian Culture in Italy. Within such framework the Embassy of Italy and JINR continue the established tradition and in the last month of this year of Culture they organize two Round Tables on very hot and challenging topics where the bilateral collaboration might take new important spin-offs:
- 16.11.2011
Pioneers of integration of science and education
A celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of establishing of the Dubna branch of the MSU Institute of Nuclear Physics was held on 10 November 2011 in the Blokhintsev Hall of the branch.
- 16.11.2011
There were 6 MeV at the Linac-800!
A group of specialists of the accelerator complex of the Veksler and Baldin Laboratory of High Energy Physics accomplished a startup of the initial accelerator section of the Linac-800 with the energy 6 MeV.
- 16.11.2011
The High Luminosity LHC study
Geneva, 16 November 2011. CERN today kicked off the High Luminosity LHC study with a workshop bringing together scientists and engineers from some 14 European institutions, supported through the European Commission’s seventh Framework programme (FP7), along with others from Japan and the USA
- 15.11.2011
A workshop in Pretoria
On 9-11 November 2011a JINR delegation participated in a workshop on nanotechnologies and materials organized by the International Centre for Scientific and Technical Information (ICSTI) and the Department of science and technology of the RSA Government in Pretoria.
- 15.11.2011
About Big Science and the Large Hadron Collider - the paper of Gian Francesco Giudice.
- 11.11.2011
Web site of the JINR Medico-Technical Complex
A link to a web site of the JINR Medico-Technical Complex Proton-beam therapy and radiosurgery was added to the page "Information" of the JINR web site.
- 08.11.2011
The Scientific School for Russian Teachers of Physics
On the 4th of November "The Scientific School for Russian Teachers of Physics in International Scientific Organizations (CERN)" held by the JINR University Centre in cooperation with the European Organization for Nuclear Research in Geneva from the 30th of October till the 5th of November 2011, successfully came to its end.
- 02.11.2011
Joint scientific seminar "Physics on the Large Hadron Collider"
A regular meeting of the joint scientific seminar "Physics on the Large Hadron Collider" which is organized by the RDMS CMS collaboration will be held on 09 November 2011, at 15.00 pm (Moscow time) at the conference hall of the JINR University center (LIT, room 437).
- 26.10.2011
JINR Science and Technology Library welcomes readers
An access to the electronic library system "ibooks" (site ibooks.ru) has been opened in a test mode until 1 December from JINR computers.
- 26.10.2011
Youth and Science. “Orchestrating” information streams
On 28 October 2011 the second joint JINR-CERN-MEPhI School “Grid and modern information systems” (with the participation of the "Skolkovo" Foundation) finishes its 5-day work.
- 25.10.2011
SEZ “Dubna” at the RUSNANOTECH 2011 Forum
Twenty one organizations – actual and potential residents of the special economic zone, as well as scientific research institutes that work in the sphere of nanotechnology are included into the exposition of SEZ "Dubna" at the exhibition held in the frames of the RUSNANOTECH 2011 Forum on 26-28 October.
- 25.10.2011
AYSS lectures for school students
The popular science lecture course organized by the Association of Young Scientists and Specialists of JINR continues its successful work.
- 14.10.2011
International scientific school for young scientists, postgraduates and students
"Modern neutronography: from perspective materials to nanotechnologies"
will be held at the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics, JINR on 31 October - 4 November 2011.
- 10.10.2011
Bogoliubov Readings
The second annual International Workshop "Bogoliubov Readings" which is dedicated to actual issues of theoretical physics will be held at JINR (BLTP) on 12-15 October 2011.
- 04.10.2011
Information about XXIII International Symposium on Nuclear Electronics and Computing NEC'2011
which was held on 12 - 19 September 2011 in Varna, Bulgaria.
- 29.09.2011
Information about 110th session of the JINR Scientific Council which was held in Dubna on 15-16 September 2011 ( Eng / Rus )
- 26.09.2011
Resolution of 110th Session of the JINR Scientific Council which was held on 15-16 September 2011 ( Eng / Rus ).
- 21.09.2011
На 110-й сессии Ученого совета ОИЯИ. В.А. Матвеев: «Мы можем быть примером для других»
15–16 сентября в Доме международных совещаний проходила 110-я сессия Ученого совета ОИЯИ. Ее открыл вице-директор ОИЯИ М. Г. Иткис, доложив о ходе выполнения рекомендаций предыдущих сессий Ученого совета и решений Комитета полномочных представителей правительств государств-членов ОИЯИ.
- 15.09.2011
The 110th Session of the JINR Scientific Council
The 110th session of the JINR Scientific Council will be held on 15-16 September 2011 at the International Conference Hall.
- 8.09.2011
XXIII International Symposium on Nuclear Electronics and Computing NEC'2011 will be held from 12 to 19 September 2011 in Varna, Bulgaria.
- 7.09.2011
The Helmholtz International School "Lattice QCD, Hadron Structure and Hadronic Matter" is being held on 5-17 September 2011 at the Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics.You can get acquainted with a programme of the School on a website.
- 2.09.2011
The 4th International Conference of the Chemistry and Physics of the Transactinide Elements TAN 2011 will be held from 5 to 11 2011 September 2011 in Sochi, Russia.
A scientific programme of the conference includes reports and reviews which deal with the recent achievements, both in theory and experiment, nuclear reactions and structure, chemistry and spectroscopy of the transactinide elements. Leaders of scientific centers and leading scientists from Europe, the USA, and Japan participate in the conference. S.N. Dmitriev and Yu.Ts. Oganessian are co-chairmen of the organization committee.
- 26.08.2011
GRID in Mongolia - the first achievements
A JINR delegation namely Director of the Laboratory for Information Technologies Professor V.V.Ivanov, LIT Deputy Director V.V.Korenkov and ICD Chief Engineer M.G. Loshchilov at the invitation of JINR Plenipotentiary of Mongolia Academician S.Enkhbat visited Ulaanbaatar on 22-25 August 2011.
- 17.08.2011
15th Lomonosov Conference on Elementary Particle Physics will be held from 18 to 24 August, 2011 at the Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.
( Rus )
- 12.08.2011
International Workshop ?Structural aspects of biocompatible ferrocolloids: stabilization, properties control and application? August 19-20, Dubna Moscow Reg., Russia
The Workshop aims at discussing the main problems and tasks of the modern structure analysis of ferrocolloidal systems (colloidal systems with magnetic nanoparticles) designed for biomedical applications (magnetic concentration of drugs, magnetic resonance tomography, magnetic hyperthermia, etc).
- 30.07.2011
A regular meeting of Russian Institutes ? participants of the ATLAS collaboration A regular meeting of Russian Institutes ? participants of the ATLAS collaboration was held on 28 July.
- 28.07.2011
CERN experiment weighs antimatter with unprecedented accuracy Geneva, 28 July 2011. In a paper published today in the journal Nature, the Japanese-European ASACUSA experiment at CERN reported a new measurement of the antiproton?s mass accurate to about one part in a billion
- 28.07.2011
SPIN2012 was invited to Dubna
The Nuclear Physics Commission C 12 of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) approved and supported the idea of holding an international symposium on spin physics, SPIN2012, in Dubna.
- 26.07.2011
LHC experiments present their latest results at Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics. More ...
- 19.07.2011
XV Summer School of Young Scientists and Specialists of JINR was held on 14 - 16 July 2011. More ...
- 15.07.2011
Klystron for IREN: the first but not the last A klystron made for the IREN project by specialists of the Japanese company ?Toshiba? has been finally delivered to Dubna and assembled on-site.
- 14.07.2011
Energy start-up of the modernized IBR-2 reactor
FLNR Chief Engineer A.V. Vinogradov reported that work on the programme of the energy start-up of the modernized IBR-2 reactor was launched on 5 July 2011, after a favorable decision of the State Acceptance Commission. Work on the start-up of the reactor was finished on 24 June according to the approved programme.
- 12.07.2011
Visits. Evidences of successful integration Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Karim Massimov visited the Joint Institute of Nuclear Research on 11 July 2011.
- 11.07.2011
JINR STC meeting: nominations, awards, questions
At a regular meeting of the JINR Scientific and Technical council, which was held on 11 July at the JINR House of Scientists and was headed by I.N. Meshkov, nomination of candidates for the title of the Full Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences was held.
- 08.07.2011
The second Session of the Joint Coordination Committee ARE-JINR The second Session of the Joint Coordination Committee (JCC) on cooperation between the ARE and JINR was held in videoconference mode on 7 July 2011.
- 08.07.2011
Visits. V.V.Putin: ?To ensure a leadership we should rely on advanced technologies? Prime Minister of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin visited the Veksler and Baldin Laboratory of High Energy Physics on 5 July 2011.
- 07.07.2011
A regular meeting of the JINR Scientific and Technical council will be held on Monday 11 July at the JINR House of Scientists. The beginning of the meeting is set on 2 p.m.
- 04.07.2011
IV Higher Courses of CIS for young scientists, post-graduate and graduate students on advanced methods of research in nanosystems and materials will be held in Dubna and Moscow on 10-23 July.
( SYN-nano-2011 )
- 29.06.2011
A meeting of Head of Science Department, Pro-rector of the newly established University of Georgia Professor I.R.Lomidze and Acting JINR Plenipotentiary of Georgia Doctor A.M.Khvedelidze and JINR Acting Director M.G.Itkis was held in the JINR Directorate on 27 June 2011.
- 15.06.2011
The meetings of the Programme Advisory Committees will start on 16 June 2011 in the JINR International Conference Hall. More...
- 10.06.2011
The State Prize of the Russian Federation of 2010 in the fields of science and technology goes to Mikhail Grigorievich Itkis and Yuri Tsolakovich Oganessian for the discovery of a new island of stability of superheavy elements. The Award Ceremony will be held on 12 June 2011, on the Russia Day, at the Grand Kremlin Palace.
- 08.06.2011
A Round table Italy-Russia with participation of an INFN delegation (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Italy) and Heads of JINR will be held in JINR House of scientists on 14 June 2011.
- 07.06.2011
The 9th Joint Coordination Committee on cooperation between the Republic of South Africa and the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research was held on 1 June 2011. More...
- 02.06.2011
Уважаемые пользователи mail.jinr.ru !
C 1го августа на сервере mail.jinr.ru будет включена обязательная проверка пароля при ОТПРАВКЕ сообщений (smtp авторизация). Имя и пароль для отправки сообщений (SMTP) совпадают с именем и паролем для получения почты (POP3/IMAP). Необходимо настроить свои почтовые программы соответстующим образом. На странице
есть ссылки на инструкции по настройке для различных почтовых программ.
Детальная информация
- 30.05.2011
A regular meeting of Higgs working group HSG5 of ATLAS collaboration was organized by JINR as a three-day workshop in Dubna 17-19 May 2011. More...
- 25.05.2011
ESFRI Chairman – Assistant of BMBF Director General Dr. Beatrix Vierkorn-Rudolf visited Joint Institute for Nuclear Research on 24 May 2011. More...
- 16.05.2011
On 9-13 May delegation from JINR, namely the Director of the Laboratory for Information Technologies Prof. V.V. Ivanov and Deputy Chief Scientific Secretary Dr. D.V. Kamanin, visited Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), Greece. More...
- 13.05.2011
On 25-26 April, the round table "Topical Issues of Radiation Safety of Long-Term Space Flights" timed to the 50th anniversary of the first manned space flight was held in Dubna. More...
- 27.04.2011
New announcements about Ph.D. / D.Sc. Thesis Defense ( Rus )
- 01.04.2011
A regular meeting of the JINR Scientific and Technical council will be held on Thursday 7 April 2011 at the International Conference Hall. The beginning of the meeting is set on 4 p.m.
- 31.03.2011
Information about Professor Victor Matveev ( Eng / Rus )
- 30.03.2011
Information about Session of the Committee of Plenipotentiaries of the Governments of the JINR Members States which was held in Dubna on 25-26 March 2011 ( Rus )
- 28.03.2011
At its session held on 25 March 2011, the Committee of Plenipotentiaries of the Governments of the JINR Members States elected Professor Victor Matveev as next Director of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research for a term of five years, taking office on 1 January 2012.
- 05.03.2011
A website GRID at JINR was launched today. You can visit it on: http://grid-eng.jinr.ru/
- 02.03.2011
Information about 109th session of the JINR Scientific Council which was held in Dubna on 17-18 February 2011 ( Eng )
- 24.02.2011
The Collaboration Agreement between the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), John Adams Institute for Accelerator Science (JAI) and Royal Holloway and Bedford New College was signed in Dubna on 21 February, 2011.
- 21.02.2011
On 17-18 February 2011 the 109-th session of the JINR Scientific Council summarized the results obtained in 2010 - a first year of the new seven-year plan of JINR.
- 19.02.2011
Resolution of 109th Session of the JINR Scientific Council which was held on Febuary 17-18, 2010 ( Eng ).
- 17.02.2011
The 109th session of the JINR Scientific Council was opened today at the International Conference Hall. You can get aquainted with the session programme here.
- 10.02.2011
460 young Russian scientists & Candidates and Masters of Science, will receive grants of the President of the Russian Federation. The grants amount to 600 thousand rubles and one million rubles, respectively. It was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, which defined winners. A list of winners of the competition and more detailed information is at the web-portal of the Ministry of Education and Science - http://mon.gov.ru/press/reliz/8248/ (in Russian) . Among scholarship holders is JINR staff member Timur Vasilievich Tropin; the topic of his paper is ?Research and description of the kinetics of cluster formation and growth in solutions of fullerene C60?.
- 09.02.2011
The Memorial seminar is devoted to the 85th anniversary of academician A.M. Baldin's birth will be held in the JINR International Conference Hall on February 28, 2011, at 11.00. More...
- 09.02.2011
A new website of the SPA & Resort Hotel "Dubna?" in Alushta (Crimea, Ukraine) was launched. You can visit it here. More...
- 02.02.2011
Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, JINR, organizes in Dubna from 30 January to 6 February, 2011, the IХ-th Winter School on Theoretical Physics in the framework of the program DIAS-TH
- 18.01.2011
JINR Seminar will be held in the Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics on 26 January 2011 at 15:00.
Speaker: A.Yu.Rosanov (Paleontological Institute RAS), "Life at the early Earth"
- 17.01.2011
The meetings of the Programme Advisory Committees will be started on 20 January 2011 in the JINR International Conference Hall:
- The meeting of the Programme Advisory Committee for Nuclear Physics is held on 20-21 January
- The meeting of the Programme Advisory Committee for Particle Physics is held on 25-26 January
- The meeting of the Programme Advisory Committee for Condensed Matter Physics is held on 27-28 January.
You can get aquainted with the meeting's programmes here
- 13.01.2011
New announcements about Ph.D. / D.Sc. Thesis Defense ( Rus )
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