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Announcement board
- 30.12.2022
New Year congratulations from JINR Director Grigory Trubnikov
Dear colleagues, friends!
The year 2022 will definitely go down in history books. Our life has become anxious, turbulent, but we have overcome all the challenges and adversities with dignity...
Dear friends, may you have this happiness!
And may the year bring us happy amazing discoveries!
Happy New Year 2023!
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- 30.12.2022
Results of work and further plans of JINR youth
On 29 December, youth of the Joint Institute discussed the results of the outgoing year and plans for the future at a reporting seminar of the Association of Young Scientists and Specialists of JINR.
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- 29.12.2022
City and regional awards for JINR employees!
Employees of the Joint Institute were presented with honorary awards of Dubna and the Moscow region. The award ceremony took place at the New Year’s reception of the Head of the Dubna City District.
Deputy Scientific Leader of the Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions Mikhail Itkis received the Badge of Honour “For Services to Dubna”.
Director of the Laboratory of Information Technologies Vladimir Korenkov and Deputy Director of the Laboratory of High Energy Physics Hamlet Khodzhibagiyan were awarded the titles “Honoured Scientist of the Moscow Region”.
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- 29.12.2022
JINR News bulletin #4 2022 issued
The JINR News bulletin is issued 4 times a year and provides information on new scientific results, obtained at JINR Laboratories, on progress in performance of large-scale experiments, on construction of new installations, about discoveries, inventions, etc. JINR social life is presented extensively.
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- 28.12.2022
Biomonitoring of air in Ulaanbaatar revealed types and sources of pollution
A scientific team of the Laboratory of Neutron Physics JINR in cooperation with employees of the Institute of Physics and Technology of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences (MAS) has conducted biomonitoring of air in Ulaanbaatar ( Mongolia), one of the dirtiest capitals of the world from an ecological point of view. Scientists used moss biomonitors and identified 16 chemical elements in their samples. Not only has the study allowed specialists to discover that the content of elements in mosses was different at different times of the year, but it has also identified the main sources of pollution.
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- 28.12.2022
New contacts in Egypt and region countries
On 17 – 18 December 2022, a JINR delegation led by a Special Representative of the Director of the Institute for cooperation with international and Russian scientific organizations Boris Sharkov, took part in the Forum for Foreign Graduates of Soviet and Russian Universities, Representatives of the Education System in the Middle East and Africa in Cairo, organized by the Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States, Compatriots Living Abroad, and for International Humanitarian Cooperation ( Rossotrudnichestvo).
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- 27.12.2022
Technology developed for NICA become breakthrough in applied field
Last week, scientists of Institute for Nuclear Problems of Belarusian State University (INP BSU) reported on the results of the first low-temperature tests of a niobium superconducting resonator. These tests allowed them to observe the phase transition to a superconducting state.The work was carried out by order of the Joint Institute within the framework of the NICA Megascience Project.
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- 27.12.2022
JINR supported city musical festival
On 23 December, a Christmas organ concert “Bach and the Music of Paris Cathedrals”, sponsored by the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, took place at the Choir School for Boys and Young Men. The concert showed that even in turbulent times, cultural life continues.
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- 27.12.2022
JINR Grants for Dubna teachers!
To encourage improvement of professional level and to stimulate creative activities of teachers who implement educational activities on subjects and techniques necessary for training personnel for JINR, as well as to encourage the best Dubna teachers, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research announces an annual city contest of school teachers and teachers of additional education for JINR grants.
The JINR Directorate invites teachers of Dubna schools to participate in the JINR grant competition 2023.The deadline for applications is set on 24 February 2023.
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- 27.12.2022
Registration for Wave 8 of INTEREST programme announced
The JINR University Centre announces the start of registration for Wave 8 of the INTEREST programme, which will be held from 13 February to 26 March 2023.Registration will be available from 16 to 30 January 2023.
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- 26.12.2022
At STC meeting: results of year and new plans
On 23 December, the last meeting of the JINR Science and Technology Council was held in the JINR International Conference Hall in a mixed format. Chairman of the Council Rostislav Jolos opened it. The subject matter of the meeting is general information about the JINR activity during 2022.
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- 26.12.2022
Alexey Rozanov won Demidov Prize 2022
Academician Alexey Rozanov, Head of the LRB JINR Astrobiology Sector, has won the Demidov Prize 2022, one of the most prestigious Russian awards for scientists. Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Demidov Scientific Foundation Gennady Mesyats announced the winner at the press-conference at the Ural TASS Information Center.Academician Rozanov was awarded the Demidov Prize in the category “Biology” for his significant contribution to the development of paleontology.
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- 26.12.2022
With Tomsk schoolchildren and students about JINR projects
On 12 – 14 December, a JINR delegation visited Tomsk Polytechnic University. The business programme of the visit started with the opening of the JINR Information Centre and working meeting with the TPU management. Both the possible activity directions of the infocentre and prospects of cooperation between JINR and TPU in the field of scientific research and personnel training were set.
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- 23.12.2022
Laureates of Youth JINR Prize Competition 2022
Results have been announced of the JINR Prize Competition for young scientists and specialists 2022 held on 7 December 2022.
Works selected by the programme committees of two conferences ( Alushta-2022 and AYSS-2022) took part in the competition.
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- 23.12.2022
Book about outstanding scientist Yulian Budagov
The JINR Publishing Department issued a book “Yulian Aramovich Budagov… promised to live to 100” by Director of the Laboratory of Nuclear Problems Vadim Bednyakov. The book was written in memory of a talented scientist, world-class experimental physicist, organizer of science, Professor Yulian Aramovich Budagov.
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- 22.12.2022
JINR Science and Technology Council
On 23 December (Friday) 2022, the meeting of the JINR Science and Technology Council will be held at the International Conference Centre and online on Zoom.
The beginning of the meeting is set at 3:00 PM.
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- 21.12.2022
JINR compact precision laser inclinometer installed in Kamchatka
In early December, JINR specialists installed a compact precision laser inclinometer in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. This will make it possible to register seismic activity and predict volcanic activity in the region. Scientists have already started monitoring seismic activity in the city and are receiving earthquake signals.
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- 21.12.2022
Sergo Gerasimov is 85!
On 20 December, Sergo Borisovich Gerasimov, chief researcher at the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics JINR, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, an outstanding Russian theoretical physicist, turned 85.
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- 21.12.2022
Laboratory of Theoretical Physics emdodied in faces
On 20 December, a photo gallery dedicated to the scientists who connected their professional path with the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics JINR opened in the lobby in front of the conference hall of BLTP.
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- 20.12.2022
“He was star of team”: at BLTP seminar on anniversary of birth of Vladimir Kadyshevsky
On 15 December, a seminar dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the birth of an outstanding theoretical physicist and organizer of science, Director of the Joint Institute (1992-2005), RAS Academician Vladimir Kadyshevsky was held in the Conference Hall of the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics JINR.
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- 19.12.2022
International experts discussed NICA Project
An international online seminar on methods of data analysis and processing in experiments at the NICA Accelerator Complex ( NICA-2022) was held on 13–15 December 2022 organized jointly by NRNU MEPhI and JINR.
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- 19.12.2022
Founding fathers: Václav Votruba
On 19 December, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research pays tribute to the memory of the outstanding Czechoslovak theoretical physicist Václav Votruba, one of the two first Vice-Directors of JINR (19.12.1909 – 11.09.1990).
He is considered the first Czechoslovak scientist engaged in quantum physics and systematics of elementary particles, as well as the founder of the theory of elementary particles in the country.
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- 16.12.2022
Yuri Oganessian became first laureate of Sber Scientific Prize
On 14 December, the first Sber Scientific Prize was presented at the Sberbank headquarters. The world-famous scientist, FLNR JINR Scientific Leader, RAS Academician Yuri Oganessian won the Prize for fundamental work on the synthesis of superheavy elements and contribution to the formation of the accelerator experimental basis that provide the prospect for revolutionary nuclear technologies.
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- 16.12.2022
Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan
On 16 December, the Republic of Kazakhstan, a JINR Member State, celebrates one of its main national holidays – the Independence Day.
The JINR-Kazakhstan cooperation has a long, very successful history. The Republic of Kazakhstan, as part of the USSR, joined the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research since its foundation in 1956. Since 1992, Kazakhstan has been cooperating with JINR as an independent state. The community of Kazakhstani young scientists and specialists is one of the biggest in JINR.
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- 16.12.2022
Founding Fathers: Albert Tavkhelidze
On 16 December, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research celebrates the birthday of world-famous theoretical physicist, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Academician of RAS Albert Nikiforovich Tavkhelidze (16.12.1930 – 27.02.2010).
Albert Tavkhelidze worked in Dubna from 1956 to 1970 and worked his way up from researcher to Deputy Director of the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics JINR.
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- 15.12.2022
Calculations for large-scale scientific projects discussed at MEPhI site
On 14 December, the second workshop of the cycle “Elementary Particle Physics and Space Physics” dedicated to the topical problem of modern science and technologies was held at the Institute of Cosmophysics of NRNU MEPhI. Director of the Laboratory of Information Technologies JINR Vladimir Korenkov presented a report “Integration of distributed and parallel computing for large-scale scientific projects”.
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- 15.12.2022
New species of extremophilic bacteria discovered in Elbrus Region
Scientists of the Joint Institute together with colleagues from the Institute for Nuclear Research of RAS (INR RAS) have extracted a new species of extremophilic bacteria from subsurface water in an unused cross-passage of the Baksan Neutrino Observatory of INR RAS. The species is able to withstand high concentrations of heavy metals and to grow using C1 compounds as a carbon source. In the long term, this bacterial species can be used to purify soils and wastewater from heavy metals and also to recover biomass using an inexpensive carbon source methanol.
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- 14.12.2022
Detector for Setting Up Beam Convergence and Determining Luminosity at the Interaction Point on the MPD NICA
We offer to your attention a preprint “Detector for Setting Up Beam Convergence and Determining Luminosity at the Interaction Point on the MPD NICA” P13-2022-40 published by the JINR Publishing Department. The authors are Sergey Avdeev et al.
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- 13.12.2022
Obtaining of nuclear level density and radiative strength functions when analysing (n, 2γ) reaction
We offer to your attention a preprint “Possibility of simultaneous obtaining of the nuclear level density and radiative strength functions when analysing (n, 2γ) reaction” E3-2022-43 published by the JINR Publishing Department. The authors are Anatoly Sukhovoj, Ludmila Mitsyna.
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- 12.12.2022
First JINR Information Centre opened in Siberia
On 12 December, an Information Centre of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research opened for Tomsk scientists, students, and schoolchildren at Tomsk Polytechnic University. The Centre will become an “information window” into the Institute’s work and achievements of Russian and world science. Scientific and educational, as well as popular science events in the field of modern physics will be held there.
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- 12.12.2022
JINR participated in discussion on problems of radiobiology
On 6 December, a joint meeting of Bureau of Preventive Medicine Section of RAS Department of Medical Science and Radiobiological society of RAS was held at the site of the Burnasyan State Medical Centre of FMBA of Russia chaired by RAS Academician Vitaly Zverev. Chairman of the RAS Scientific Council on Radiobiology, Scientific Leader of the Laboratory of Radiation Biology JINR, Corresponding member of RAS Evgeny Krasavin, who took part in the meeting, was awarded the Honorary Certificate of RAS during the event.
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- 12.12.2022
We kindly invite you to international seminar NICA-2022
On 13 – 15 December 2022, the international workshop on methods of data analysis and processing in experiments at the NICA Accelerator Complex ( NICA-2022) will take place organized jointly by NRNU MEPhI and JINR.
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- 11.12.2022
Birthday of Academician Victor Matveev
On 11 December, Victor Anatolievich Matveev, an outstanding theoretical physicist and a science organizer, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, JINR Scientific Leader, turns 81.
During the years under the leadership of Victor Anatolievich, the Joint Institute was developing as one of the leading international scientific centres.
The entire multinational team of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research cordially congratulates Victor Anatolievich on his birthday. We sincerely wish you great opportunities and achievements, personal prosperity, life energy, sincere happiness, and good health!
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- 10.12.2022
Founding Fathers: Henryk Niewodniczański
On 10 December, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research celebrates the birthday of one of its founding fathers – the renowned experimental physicist of the Polish AS Henryk Niewodniczański (1900–1968). He was member of the JINR Scientific Council in 1956 – 1968. At his suggestion, the Department of Nuclear Spectroscopy and Radiochemistry was established at the Laboratory of Nuclear Problems JINR.
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- 09.12.2022
Review journal Particles & Nuclei, #6 (Vol. 53) 2022
Founded in 1970, the review journal Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei, brief name Particles & Nuclei, is published by the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna. This is the most influential physical review journal in Russia.
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- 08.12.2022
A book of memoirs of one of IBR-2 Reactor creators published
On 7 December, a presentation of memoirs of a chief researcher at the Laboratory of Neutron Physics JINR Evgeny Pavlovich Shabalin was held at the JINR Museum of History of Science and Technology. Scientific results of one of the creators of the IBR-2 High-Flux Pulsed Research Reactor, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor Shabalin were awarded the USSR State Prize and the Russian Federation National Award in Science and Technology. In the book of memories published by the JINR Publishing Department and named “On the ship of your dream: notes of a reactor specialist”, the author presented his life in colours and also spoke in an understandable way about reactors on fast neutrons, which operated, are operating, and are planned to be constructed at JINR.
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- 08.12.2022
Successful START
In 2022, the JINR Student Programme began its work under the new name START (short for STudent Advanced Research Training). On 25 November, another Session of the Programme attended by 47 students from Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Egypt, India, Russia, Serbia, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan came to its end. 57 JINR specialists supervised students’ work on the projects.
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- 08.12.2022
Schoolchildren from Kamchatka at JINR
At the end of November, 12 schoolchildren from the Kamchatka region, winners of the Vitus Bering – 2022 Complex Regional Olympiad on natural sciences, visited the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. During the three days spent in Dubna, the students visited the JINR laboratories, got acquainted with the ongoing scientific projects, took part in a workshop on programming, and listened to a number of lectures by JINR specialists.
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- 07.12.2022
Mikhail Grigorievich Itkis turns 80
On 7 December 2022, Deputy Scientific Leader of the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions ( FLNR), JINR Director Advisor Mikhail Grigorievich Itkis turns 80.
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- 06.12.2022
At seminar in memory of Vladimir Kadyshevsky
On 30 November, a memorial seminar dedicated to memory of the outstanding scientist and science organizer Academician V. G. Kadyshevsky was held at the JINR Museum of History of Science and Technology. For the seminar, an exhibition presenting the biography of Vladimir Georgievich was opened in the museum for staff members of the Joint Institute and citizens.
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- 05.12.2022
Schoolchildren from YaNAO get acquainted with JINR
20 schoolchildren of grades 8-11 from the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (YaNAO) are doing an internship at JINR this week. The trip to the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research was their reward for winning at the Municipal stage of the All-Russian School Olympiad.
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- 05.12.2022
Annual sociological survey of JINR employees
A sociological survey of the JINR staff members is being carried out again in the Joint Institute. This survey is being conducted for the second time already. It is aimed to assess the level of social satisfaction of the JINR personnel.
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- 02.12.2022
JINR joins scientific tourism movement in Russia
On 2 December, as part of the 2nd Young Scientists Congress held in Sochi, a session “Development of Popular Science Tourism: First Results and Prospects” took place. The Joint Institute is among the scientific centres where you can get acquainted with activities of Russian researchers and scientific infrastructure. Providing access of the general public to science objects, as well as issues of excursion programmes and education of tour guides were among the topics of discussion. The launch of the Mendeleev Tour project in the field of scientific tourism was discussed. Acting Director of the JINR University Centre Alexander Verkheev took part in the discussion.
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- 02.12.2022
High state Russian awards for JINR scientists
Subsequent to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 17 November 2022 No. 830 “On presenting state awards of the Russian Federation”, the following JINR scientists were awarded the Medal of the Order “For Merit to the Fatherland”, 2nd class for their contribution to science development and longstanding hard work:
- BEDNYAKOV Vadim Alexandrovich, Director of the Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems JINR
- KAZAKOV Dmitri Igorevich, Director of the Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics JINR
- KORENKOV Vladimir Vasilevich, Director of the Meshcheryakov Laboratory of Information Technologies JINR
- KHODZHIBAGIYAN Hamlet Georgievich, Deputy Director of the Veksler and Baldin Laboratory of High Energy Physics JINR
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- 02.12.2022
JINR employees – participants of Congress of Young Scientists in Sochi
On 1 December, the second Congress of Young Scientists started at the Sirius Art and Science Park in Sochi. A JINR delegation is taking part in it. Young employees of JINR are involved in discussions on the most currently important topics. They are presenting the NICA Megascience Project, sharing JINR’s international experience with Congress participants.
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- 02.12.2022
More than hundred germanium detectors of LEGEND experiment were installed with JINR participation
101 germanium detectors were installed in the LEGEND experiment in the Gran Sasso Laboratory in Italy. The mass of the enriched isotope Ge-76 exceeded 100 kg for the first time ever. The collaboration achieved such results with the active participation of the Laboratory of Nuclear Problems JINR staff members. The participants carried out the preparatory work necessary for a full-scale launch of the experiment.
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- 02.12.2022
New holders of JINR academic degrees
On 30 November, a festive awarding ceremony of diplomas on conferring academic degrees took place in the big hall of the JINR Scientists’ Club. Chairman of the Qualification Committee of the Institute Victor Matveev, Deputy Chairman of the Qualification Committee Alexander Sorin, and Scientific Secretary Oleg Belov congratulated diploma recipients. By tradition, the event had a festive atmosphere. Guests and scientific secretaries of Dissertation Councils, in which defences were held, took part in the ceremony.
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- 01.12.2022
Eighth “NICA Bulletin” issued
We offer to your attention the eighth issue of the regular NICA Bulletin reviewing the progress of the implementation of the JINR flagship international project “NICA Complex”.
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- 01.12.2022
Great Union Day of Romania
1 December marks the Great Union Day of Romania. Romania was one of the founder states of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in March 1956. Since then Romania has been one of the active JINR Member States in terms of the volume of participation in JINR activities, joint research, as well as scientific and technological relations.
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- 30.11.2022
Students from Egypt visited Joint Institute
On 28 November, as part of the Summer Multidisciplinary University “Russia-Africa”, a group of students from Egypt that are doing an internship at the National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute” on the educational track “Current problems of the electric power industry” went on an excursion to the Joint Institute.
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- 30.11.2022
Numerical investigation of influence of finite sample thickness on laser ablation of materials
We offer to your attention a preprint “Numerical investigation of the influence of finite sample thickness on laser ablation of materials” P11-2022-32 published by the JINR Publishing Department. The authors are Ilkizar Amirkhanov, et al.
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- 29.11.2022
NICA – IBMP RAS cooperation: creation of target venue for joint works
Research in the field of life sciences will be carried out, radiation-resistant and protective materials will be tested, and elements of equipment for spacecraft will be developed at heavy charged particle beams of the NICA Complex. It will contribute to the creation of the Russian orbital station in future.Target laboratory site for conducting joint works at the NICA Accelerator complex is being created based on the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. It is being constructed by the leading organization in Russia in space biology and medicine, responsible for the realisation of the biomedical research programme and experiments on board of the Russian segment of ISS, The Institute of Biomedical Problems of RAS ( IBMP RAS).
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- 29.11.2022
JINR development won SEZ “Dubna” competition
A joint development by employees of the Laboratory of High Energy Physics and the Laboratory of Radiation Biology has won the youth competition organized by JINR and the Special Economic Zone “Dubna” in the nomination “Operating construction”.
JINR scientists have developed a measuring module and software to analyse the muscular atrophy of small laboratory animals. The new measuring complex is many times cheaper than its analogues. As for its software, it allows recording the values of the device in dynamics.
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- 28.11.2022
JINR and Saratov discuss projects in field of ecological work
Scientists of the Laboratory of Neutron Physics JINR and Saratov State University plan to conduct biomonitoring of the atmospheric pollution in the region. Investigations have already been planned to study the atmospheric aerosol, which fell in the Saratov Region this spring. In addition, the possibilities to prepare theses of the SSU students on ecological topic under the supervision of FLNP JINR scientists are being discussed.
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- 28.11.2022
Heavy ion beam was accelerated at NICA for the first time
During the current session at the NICA Accelerator complex an important result was achieved, the first circulation of xenon ions in the high-intensity Nuclotron in the history of the project. Participants of the project expect that the current commissioning cycle will be the key before the entire injection complex is put into operation as a completed element of the NICA Project.
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- 25.11.2022
JINR scientist became laureate of “For Loyalty to Science” Award
Sergei Merts, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, a senior researcher of the Laboratory of High Energy Physics has become the winner of the prestigious All-Russian Award “For Loyalty to Science”. The Press Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov presented the award in the nomination “Science is fashionable” to the scientist. The festive awarding ceremony took place on 24 November in Moscow at the Zaryadye Concert Hall.
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- 25.11.2022
Egypt – JINR Committee works on cooperation strategy
On 24 November, the 12th meeting of the Joint Coordination Committee on the cooperation between the Arab Republic of Egypt and the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research cooperation was held on the sidelines of the session of the Committee of Plenipotentiaries. It was the first in-person meeting of the Committee after Egypt became a full-fledged Member State at the CP JINR session in November 2021. Participants of the even summed up the results of the year.
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- 25.11.2022
CP JINR session took place in Africa for the first time
On 23 – 24 November, a session of the Committee of Plenipotentiaries (CP) of JINR was held in Egypt. Holding of the CP JINR session in Egypt commemorates a year since the status of this country in the Institute increased to a full-fledged JINR Member State. At the session, its participants discussed the scientific results of the Institute. In addition, the members of the CP JINR approved the draft of the Seven-Year Plan for the Development of JINR in 2024 – 2030.
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- 23.11.2022
Seven-Year Plan for the Development of JINR in 2024 – 2030 presented at CP JINR session
Today, on 23 November, at the session in Egypt, JINR Director Grigory Trubnikov for the first time presented to the Plenipotentiaries of the JINR Member States the draft of the Seven-Year Plan for the Development of JINR in 2024 – 2030. The Members of the Scientific Council approved the draft at the session in September. According to the new Plan, the basic scientific infrastructure projects of JINR harmoniously complement the global landscape of the megasience infrastructure.
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- 23.11.2022
Digital JINR Ecosystem presented at CP JINR
Digital JINR is a platform that provides access to an extensive network of a wide variety of JINR information services. This includes both scientific and administrative services: from resources for users of basic facilities to registration of business trips or tickets, ordering certificates and statements online. Director of the Laboratory of Information Technologies Vladimir Korenkov made a presentation of the Digital JINR Ecosystem on 23 November at the CP session in Egypt.
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- 22.11.2022
Meeting of JINR Finance Committee opened event programme of JINR governing bodies in Egypt
On 21 November, a regular meeting of the Finance Committee of the Joint Institute was held. Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation Andrey Omelchuk was elected as new Chairman of the Finance Committee. Participants considered the Institute’s budget for 2023 and the execution of the JINR budget in 2022. The results of the meeting of the Finance Committee will be presented at the upcoming meeting of the Committee of Plenipotentiary Representatives of the Governments of the JINR Member States on 23 – 24 November.
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- 22.11.2022
Simulation of thermal processes in materials under the action of laser pulses
We offer to your attention a preprint “Simulation of thermal processes appearing in materials under the action of laser pulses within the hyperbolic thermal peak model” P11-2022-31 published by the JINR Publishing Department. The authors are Ilkizar Amirkhanov, Ibrohim Sarkhadov, Zafar Tukhliev.
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- 18.11.2022
JINR will hold CP session in Egypt
On 23 – 24 November 2022, a meeting of the Committee of Plenipotentiaries (CP) of the Governments of the Member States of the international intergovernmental research organization the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) will be held in Hurghada (Egypt). Egypt has been chosen as the venue for the session of the JINR supreme governing body to commemorate the year since the status of the Arab Republic of Egypt in the Joint Institute raised up to a full-fledged JINR Member State.
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- 17.11.2022
Performance and memory capacity of Govorun supercomputer increased
On Monday, 14 November, the opening of the modernised Govorun supercomputer was held at the Meshcheryakov Laboratory of Information Technologies (MLIT) in the framework of the JINR Autumn School of Information Technologies. The performance of the supercomputer enhanced by 23,5% and reached 1,1 petaflops level, memory capacity increased.
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- 17.11.2022
Network of JINR Infocentres will expand
On 10 November 2022, the second workshop of directors of JINR Information Centres (IC) was held on the sidelines of the JEMS-21 internship at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. Heads of working ICs presented detailed information about their work and shared plans for future.
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- 17.11.2022
Cooperation between universities and JINR discussed at round table
On 9 November, participants of the JEMS-21 training programme held last week took part in a round table “Cooperation between JINR and universities. JINR information centres, educational programmes of JINR University Centre“. The meeting was aimed at discussing possible formats of interaction and cooperation with representatives of the Joint Institute.
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- 17.11.2022
Rector of NOSU visited JINR
On 14 – 15 November, Rector of North Ossetian State University ( NOSU) Alan Ogoev visited JINR. A number of working meetings was held with the leadership of the Institute and Directors of laboratories participating in joint scientific and educational projects. In addition, Alan Ogoev together with the delegation of employees and students of NOSU takes part in the operation of JINR Autumn School of IT, which takes place from 14 to 18 November at the Laboratory of Information Technologies JINR ( MLIT).
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- 15.11.2022
Founding fathers: Horia Hulubei
On 15 November, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research pays tribute to the prominent Romanian physicist Horia Hulubei (1896 – 1972). The Academician of the Romanian Academy of Sciences, Corresponding Member of the French Academy of Sciences and the Portuguese Academy of Sciences, he played an important role in the establishment of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research and the development of its international cooperation, being the Plenipotentiary Representative of the Government of Romania to JINR and a member of the JINR Scientific Council.
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- 14.11.2022
On 14 November, the first JINR Autumn School of Information Technologies started at the Laboratory of Information Technologies. 60 senior students of 13 universities, including those ones where JINR Information Centres operate, are participating in the event. Within the framework of the School, the updated Govorun supercomputer with increased computing power and ultra-fast memory has been presented.
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- 14.11.2022
NICA Collider received first elements for electron cooling system
First elements of electron cooling system (ECS) of the NICA Collider, which will provide its high luminosity in future, arrived at Dubna last week.A hometown of the method is Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics of SB RAS in Novosibirsk, where the precious cargo came from.
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- 10.11.2022
Congratulations from JINR Director on World Science Day for Peace and Development
Dear colleagues, on behalf of the international team of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, I’m sending you and your colleagues our best wishes for the World Science Day for Peace and Development!JINR as an international intergovernmental organization has become a home for researchers from dozens of countries. We are pleased to be among the co-organizers
of the International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development.
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- 09.11.2022
JINR scientists search for evidence of existence of new physics at Large Hadron Collider
JINR scientists conduct research on study of properties of a Higgs boson and search for new physics in the framework of ATLAS collaboration at the Large Hadron Collider ( LHC) at CERN. With the direct and critical participation of the JINR researchers international collaboration measured properties of the Higgs boson in one of its decay channels.
It also studied the possibility of existence of charged or neutral heavy boson, decaying into Wγ or Zγ channels and long-lived particles, decaying into quark-antiquark pair and neutralino. The data obtained are all consistent with the Standard Model of elementary particles expectations.
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- 09.11.2022
Nikolay Maximilianovich Plakida. Condolences
On 8 November, at the age of 85, Chief Researcher at the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics JINR, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor Nikolay M. Plakida passed away.
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- 09.11.2022
Status of MPD experiment being discussed at VBLHEP
On 8 – 10 November, the 10th Collaboration Meeting of the MPD Experiment at the NICA Facility is taking place at the Laboratory of High Energy Physics. The event has brought together more than 150 participants to discuss the project in a hybrid format.
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- 08.11.2022
Meetings, discussions, science: JEMS-21 started in JINR
On 7 November, a regular international training programme “JINR Expertise for Member States and Partner Countries” JEMS-21 started. This time the participants of the programme are representatives of Russian educational institutions and scientific organizations.
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- 07.11.2022
JINR Weekly Newspaper turns 65
On 7 November, the weekly newspaper of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Dubna: science, community, progress turned 65. Exactly that much time has passed since the publication of the first issue in very young Dubna.
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- 03.11.2022
Russian schoolchildren will conduct biomonitoring of regions with JINR
Joint Institute participates in the project Lessons of the present by the Educational Centre Sirius again. This time, pupils will carry out an analysis of environmental situation in their home regions. Researchers from the Laboratory of Neutron Physics JINR will help them to do this.
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- 03.11.2022
Gennadii Nikolaevich Timoshenko. Lines of condolence
On 3 November 2022, Assistant Director of the Laboratory of Radiation Biology, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Gennadii Nikolaevich Timoshenko suddenly passed away.
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- 02.11.2022
JINR-Vietnam: towards Strategy of Cooperation
On 28 October, a meeting with the Plenipotentiary Representative of the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in JINR completed a series of work visits of the JINR delegation to universities and scientific organizations of Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute (VINATOM) and the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST) in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. Participants of the meeting confirmed their great mutual interest in the further cooperation development in scientific and technological issues, staff training programmes and outlined a plan of actions.
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- 01.11.2022
JINR Youth Grant Competition 2023
The Association of Young Scientists and Specialists (AYSS) of JINR announces a Grant Competition for JINR Young Scientists and Specialists 2022.
Young scientists and specialists of JINR and skilled workers of JINR laboratories and departments under 35 years old are invited to take part in the Grant Competition.
Terms and conditions of participation in the Competition can be found in the grant regulations (in Russian).
The deadline for submission of the grant applications is set at 25 November 2022, 6:00 PM.
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- 31.10.2022
At anniversary of Laboratory of Neutron Physics JINR
On 28 October 2022, a jubilee seminar dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics was held in the JINR International Conference Centre.
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- 31.10.2022
Arsen Khvedelidze turns 65
On 31 October, Arsen Morisovich Khvedelidze, Head of the Group of Algebraic and Quantum Computations of the Laboratory of Information Technologies JINR, turns 65. Being a Plenipotentiary Representative of the Government of Georgia in JINR, as well as Chairman of the Finance Committee for a number of years, Arsen Khvedelidze makes a significant contribution to the development of our Institute and international cooperation.
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- 31.10.2022
DLNP Director Vadim Bednyakov turns 65!
On 31 October 2022, Director of the Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Vadim Alexandrovich Bednyakov turns 65.
JINR Directorate, colleagues, and friends warmly congratulate Vadim Alexandrovich on his jubilee and wish him health, happiness, and every success!
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- 31.10.2022
JINR at MIPT Career Day
The Joint Institute traditionally took part in the annual Career Day of MIPT, where one of the JINR-based Departments is located. About 3,000 students from different faculties and courses attended the event to learn about vacancies, internships, and professional development prospects from representatives of leading science-intensive, engineering, and IT companies.
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- 28.10.2022
Development of ion-selective track membranes for nanosensors and electrodialysis
Scientists from the Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions JINR carried out a cycle of research, which has led to the development of methods for obtaining practically important nanoporous objects – ion-selective asymmetric membranes for nanosensors and membranes for electrodialysis. In particular, this involves a new technique for directly observing the hidden tracks of heavy ions and a method for fabrication of asymmetric nanopores in the right way.Scientists have also gained an in-depth understanding of the properties of track membranes with nanometre pores.
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- 28.10.2022
JINR is co-organizer of prestigious MoNeTec-2022 conference
On 27 October, the 4th International Science and Technology Conference Modern Network Technologies MoNeTec-2022 was launched at the Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics (MTUCI, Moscow). The Joint Institute is a co-organizer of the event.
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- 28.10.2022
JINR shortlisted for Loyalty to Science Award
This year, two out of three applications submitted by the Joint Institute for the award have been shortlisted. The JINR candidates are a leading researcher of the Laboratory of High Energy Physics Sergei Merts in the Science is Fashionable nomination and a series of comics called “Science in comics: putting complicated things simple” by the Laboratory of Nuclear Problems in the Biogenetic Enlightenment nomination.
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- 28.10.2022
Ten academic degrees awarded at JINR
On 27 October, 10 applicants received diplomas on awarding academic degrees in the big hall of the JINR Scientists’ Club. Valery Lebedev, Anatoly Sumbaev, Dmitry Namiot, Alina Volokhova, Dmitry Gremyachkin, Yahor Dydyshka, Vitaly Yermolchyk, Maxim Zakharov, Mikhail Podoinitsyn, and Zhomart Tyulemisov were among them. The event was traditionally held in a festive atmosphere with the participation of guests invited by the scientists who received diplomas.
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- 28.10.2022
Independent Czechoslovak State Day
On 28 October, the Czech Republic, a Member State of the Joint Institute, celebrates the Independent Czechoslovak State Day of 1918. Czechoslovakia was one of the founder states of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. The Czech Republic continues its collaboration with JINR.
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- 27.10.2022
New JINR partners: National University Ho Chi Ming
On 26 October, jointly with colleagues from the Vietnam Academy of Sciences and Technology (VAST) and scientific institutes of the VINATOM system, a JINR delegation headed by Special Representative of the JINR Director Boris Sharkov visited the Vietnam National University Ho Chi Ming City to discuss cooperation prospects.
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- 26.10.2022
Arctic expedition launched new cooperation
The Laboratory of Neutron Physics JINR will cooperate with scientific and educational organizations of Saint Petersburg in the field of nuclear and physics method application in microbiological monitoring of the environment and complex epidemiological studies of diseases. Participants of scientific seminar recently held at North-Western State Medical University named after I. I. Mechnikov ( NWSMU) discussed prospects for the future cooperation.
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- 26.10.2022
Thematic exhibition in JINR Science and Technology Library
The JINR Science and Technology Library joins Dark Matter Day celebrated on 31 October all around the world by opening a thematic literature exhibition “The Universe. Cosmology. Dark matter”.
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- 25.10.2022
Celebrating jubilee of RAS Scientific Council on Radiobiology
Today, on 25 October, an anniversary conference “Current problems in radiation biology” started at the International Conference House. To celebrate the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the Scientific Council on Radiobiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, an anniversary Plenum of the Council was held on the first day of the event.
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- 25.10.2022
JINR in solving urgent issues of our time
On 20 October, JINR representatives took part in an international ñonference “Prevention of Nuclear War in the Context of an Arms Control Crisis” organized by Moscow State Institute of International Relations ( MGIMO).
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- 25.10.2022
Ho Chi Minh City getting closer: JINR delegation visit
These days, the JINR delegation is on a work visit to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (SRV). The purpose of the visit was to consider further steps to develop the JINR-Vietnam cooperation, in particular, as part of the agreement on the participation of the Institute in the creation of the first research reactor in the SRV.
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- 24.10.2022
At seminar dedicated to anniversary of Vladimir Kekelidze, “You become a symbol of VBLHEP”
On 21 October 2022, the international seminar “ Cognition of matter through kaons and baryons” dedicated to the 75th anniversary of JINR Vice-Director, Leader of the NICA Megascience Project Vladimir Dimitrievich Kekelidze was held in the Conference Hall of the Laboratory of High Energy Physics. On this day, his students and colleagues addressed many warm words to him. Presented reports provided a lot of information about experiments and projects led by Vladimir Kekelidze in different years on behalf of JINR.
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- 24.10.2022
Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists started at MLIT JINR
Today, the XXVI International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists (AYSS-2022) began at the Joint Institute. The event is being held at the Laboratory of Information Technologies JINR and online.
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- 24.10.2022
Conference to 60th anniversary of RAS Scientific Council on Radiobiology
On 25 – 27 October, an anniversary conference “Current problems in radiation biology. To the 60th anniversary of the RAS Scientific Council on Radiobiology” will take place at the JINR International Conference Centre in a hybrid format. The plenary session of the RAS Scientific Council on Radiobiology will open the programme dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Scientific Council establishment.
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- 23.10.2022
Remembering founders: Ilya Frank
23 October is a memorable date in the history of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. On this day, an outstanding scientist Academician Ilya Mikhailovich Frank (1908 – 1990), a laureate of the Nobel Prize, an organizer and longstanding Head of the Laboratory of Neutron Physics was born.
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- 21.10.2022
Development of science cities discussed at State Duma Committee meeting at JINR
On 20 October, an extended guest meeting of the State Duma Committee on Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation was held at the Joint Institute. The key topic of discussions was the potential of science cities and territories with high concentration of intelligence for accelerated scientific and technological development of Russia. The idea to hold the meeting of the relevant Ñommittee in Dubna was connected to the opportunity to actually consider work of one of the scientific and innovative sites uniting both fundamental science and high-tech enterprises.
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- 21.10.2022
Vladimir Dimitrievich Kekelidze turned 75
On 21 October, JINR Vice-Director, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Dimitrievich Kekelidze turned 75.
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- 20.10.2022
Plenipotentiary Representative of Egypt met with JINR leadership
On 19 October, an online work meeting took place of Plenipotentiary Representative of the Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt in JINR Mahmoud Sakr with Vice-Director Lazar Kostov and representatives of the Institute’s leadership. The discussion was about the upcoming November Committee of Plenipotentiaries and further steps to increase cooperation.
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- 19.10.2022
In memory of outstanding scientist
On 19 October, Academician Valery Anatolievich Rubakov passed away at the age of 68. He was an outstanding scientist, one of the world’s leading experts in the fields of quantum field theory, elementary particle physics, and cosmology.
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- 19.10.2022
Meeting of State Duma Committee on Science and Higher Education in Dubna
On 20 October, the State Duma Committee on Science and Higher Education together with the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research will hold an extended guest meeting in Dubna. The topic of the event will be “The potential of science cities and territories with high concentration of intelligence for the accelerated scientific and technological development of Russia: legislative context”.
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- 18.10.2022
EG-5 accelerator: from breeding drought-resistant rice to stellar nucleosynthesis
EG-5 is a long-liver of the Joint Institute’s facilities which remains at the forefront of science due to its unique characteristics. This facility is used to solve a whole range of fundamental and applied challenges in nuclear physics, solid state physics, and radiation technologies.
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- 17.10.2022
JINR team won hackathon
The JINR team took the 1st place in the hackathon on the application of machine learning methods in particle identification tasks. The hackathon was held from 10 to 14 October as part of the 2nd AI4EIC-exp Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for the Electron Ion Collider (BNL, USA).
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- 17.10.2022
Status of cooperation with China
On 13 October, the current state and prospects of scientific and technical cooperation with the People’s Republic of China was discussed at the Joint Institute. It was noted that the need to develop this cooperation had increased.
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- 17.10.2022
Problems of condensed matter physics to be discussed at BLTP JINR
The International Conference “Modern Problems of Condensed Matter Theory” started at the Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics JINR on 17 October 2022.
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- 17.10.2022
JINR international experience for MBIR
On 14 October, representatives of the IRC MBIR Consortium discussed the international component of the MBIR project, JINR experience in organizing scientific collaborations, and areas of mutual scientific interests at a meeting with the Directorate of the Joint Institute in Dubna.
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- 16.10.2022
Physics School in Kamchatka – result of year of cooperation
From 12 to 14 October, JINR representatives took part in the 2nd International Kamchatka School on Physic s located at Vitus Bering Kamchatka State University.
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- 14.10.2022
MPD experiment – another step forward
The last three plates of the magnetic circuit have recently been installed at the MPD facility of the NICA Accelerator Complex. Thus the steel cover made of 28 steel plates, each weighing 18 tonnes, is completely assembled. When carrying out this operation, it was important for the team to achieve the highest level of installation accuracy.
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- 14.10.2022
In memory of Alexei Sissakian
On 14 October, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research pays tribute to Academician Alexei Norairovich Sissakian (1944 – 2010), JINR Director in 2005 – 2010, a great scientist in the fields of elementary particle physics, theoretical and mathematical physics.
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- 13.10.2022
Primorsky Krai teachers at JINR School
On 3-7 October 2022, a Scientific School for Teachers from Primorsky Krai was held at JINR. Ten teachers of physics, mathematics, informatics, and astronomy from Vladivostok, Nakhodka, Ussuriysk, Bolshoy Kamen, and Sovetskaya Gavan took part in the event.
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- 13.10.2022
JINR participates in youth Forum in Vladivostok
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