A program for computing weak and intermediate field Zeeman splittings
from MCHF wave functions. P. Jonsson, S. Gustafsson. Distribution
format: gzip file. 144(2002)188
GFACTOR2001: a program for relativistic atomic g-factor calculations.
T. Kondo. Subroutine required: ADCU, 94(1996)249. Distribution format:
tar gzip file. 146(2002)261
GTOBAS: fitting continuum functions with Gaussian-type orbitals.
A. Faure, J.D. Gorfinkiel, L.A. Morgan, J. Tennyson. Distribution format:
tar gzip file. 144(2002)224
Calculation of the matrix elements of the Coulomb interaction involving
relativistic hydrogenic wave functions. L. Lugosi, L. Sarkadi.
Distribution format: gzip file. 141(2001)73
ADPE QDHartreeFock.nb v 1.0 (Mathematica, 3043
Electronic structure calculation for N-electron quantum dots.
S.A. McCarthy, J.B. Wang, P.C. Abbott. Distribution format: tar gzip
file. 141(2001)175
Radial integrals in the Coulomb-Born approximation: multipole transitions.
A. Ohsaki, A. Igarashi, T. Kai, S. Nakazaki. Distribution format: gzip
file. 147(2002)826
PERSYS - a program for the solution near the origin of coupled channel
Schrodinger equation with singular potential. M. Rizea. Distribution
format: gzip file. 143(2002)83
An extension of the Prelle-Singer method and a Maple implementation.
L.G.S. Duarte, S.E.S. Duarte, L.A.C.P. da Mota, J.E.F. Skea. Distribution
format: tar gzip file. 144(2002)46
FGH, a code for the calculation of Coulomb radial wave functions from
series expansions. M.J. Seaton. Other version: AAJJ, 25(1982)87.
Distribution format: gzip file. 146(2002)250
Numerical evaluation of harmonic polylogarithms. T. Gehrmann,
E. Remiddi. Distribution format: gzip file. 141(2001)296
ADPU tdhpl version 1.0, release 1 (Fortran,
34971 lines).
Numerical evaluation of two-dimensional harmonic polylogarithms.
T. Gehrmann, E. Remiddi. Subroutine required: ADPG, 141(2001)296.
Distribution format: tar gzip file. 144(2002)200
Matrix distributed processing: a set of C++ tools for implementing
generic lattice computations on parallel systems. M. Di Pierro.
Non-profit use licence required.
Distribution format: tar gzip file.
7. Condensed Matter and Surface Science
7.7 Other Condensed Matter, inc Simulation of Liquids and Solids
Recognition and analysis of local structure in polycrystalline
configurations. I. Stankovic, M. Kroger, S. Hess. Distribution format:
tar gzip file. 145(2002)371
A library for computing the filtered and non-filtered 3D Green's tensor
associated with infinite homogeneous space and surfaces.
P. Gay-Balmaz, O.J.F. Martin. Distribution format: tar gzip file.
The Monte Carlo event generator YFSWW3 version 1.16 for W-pair production
and decay at LEP2/LC energies. S. Jadach, W. Placzek, M. Skrzypek,
B.F.L. Ward, Z. Was. Distribution format: tar gzip file. 140(2001)432
ADOZ KoralW, version 1.51 (Fortran, 606760 lines
The Monte Carlo program KoralW version 1.51 and the concurrent Monte
Carlo KoralW&YFSWW3 with all background graphs and first-order
corrections to W-pair production. S. Jadach, W. Placzek, M. Skrzypek,
B.F.L. Ward, Z. Was. Other versions: ADCT, 94(1996)215, ADKJ,
119(1999)272. Distribution format: tar gzip file. 140(2001)475
LQGENEP: a leptoquark generator for ep scattering. L. Bellagamba.
Subroutines required: ACLI, 75(1993)396, ADNN, 135(2001)238. Distribution
format: tar gzip file. 141(2001)83
The CCFM Monte Carlo generator CASCADE. H. Jung. Subroutines required:
ADNN, 135(2001)238, ADBJ, 88(1995)309. Distribution format: tar gzip
file. 143(2002)100
GaGaRes: a Monte Carlo generator for resonance production in two-photon
physics. F.A. Berends, R. van Gulik. Distribution format: gzip file.
POMWIG: HERWIG for diffractive interactions. B. Cox, J. Forshaw.
Subroutine required: ACBY, 67(1992)465. Distribution format: tar gzip
file. 144(2002)104
11.6 Phenomenological and Empirical Models and Theories
Evolution program for parton densities with perturbative heavy flavor
boundary conditions. A. Chuvakin, J. Smith. Distribution format: tar
gzip file. 143(2002)257
Relativistic three-quark bound states in separable two-quark
approximation. M. Oettel, L. van Smekal, R. Alkofer. Distribution
format: gzip file. 144(2002)63
Code for calculating the vertical distribution of radon isotopes and
their progeny in the atmosphere. A. Lupu, V. Cuculeanu. Distribution
format: tar gzip file. 141(2001)149
Global fit of ab initio potential energy surfaces: II.2. Tetratomic
systems A2B2 and ABC2. C. Tablero, A. Aguado, M. Paniagua. Distribution
format: tar gzip file. 140(2001)412
Extraction of analytical potential function parameters from ab initio
potential energy surfaces and analytical forces. J.M. Hayes,
J.C. Greer. Distribution format: tar gzip file. 147(2002)803
16.8 Rearrangement Collisions, Charge Transfer and Chemical Reactions
ADPJ POTLIB 2001 - version 1.0 (Fortran,
116514 lines).
POTLIB 2001: a potential energy surface library for chemical systems.
R.J. Duchovic, Y.L. Volobuev, G.C. Lynch, D.G. Truhlar, T.C. Allison,
A.F. Wagner, B.C. Garrett, J.C. Corchado. Distribution format: tar gzip
file. 144(2002)169
A computer program for statistical multifragmentation of nuclei.
R. Donangelo, K. Sneppen, S.R. Souza. Distribution format: tar gzip file.
The MCEF code for nuclear evaporation and fission calculations.
A. Deppman, O.A.P. Tavares, S.B. Duarte, E.C. de Oliveira,
J.D.T. Arruda-Neto, S.R. de Pina, V.P. Likhachev, O. Rodriguez, J. Mesa,
M. Goncalves. Distribution format: tar gzip file. 145(2002)385
A computer program for statistical multifragmentation of nuclei.
R. Donangelo, K. Sneppen, S.R. Souza. Distribution format: tar gzip file.